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  4. getGroup
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) v5.53.0 published on Friday, Jun 28, 2024 by Pulumi


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Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) v5.53.0 published on Friday, Jun 28, 2024 by Pulumi

    Gets information about an Azure Active Directory group.

    API Permissions

    The following API permissions are required in order to use this data source.

    When authenticated with a service principal, this data source requires one of the following application roles: Group.Read.All or Directory.Read.All

    When authenticated with a user principal, this data source does not require any additional roles.

    Example Usage

    By Group Display Name)

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as azuread from "@pulumi/azuread";
    const example = azuread.getGroup({
        displayName: "MyGroupName",
        securityEnabled: true,
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_azuread as azuread
    example = azuread.get_group(display_name="MyGroupName",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := azuread.LookupGroup(ctx, &azuread.LookupGroupArgs{
    			DisplayName:     pulumi.StringRef("MyGroupName"),
    			SecurityEnabled: pulumi.BoolRef(true),
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using AzureAD = Pulumi.AzureAD;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = AzureAD.GetGroup.Invoke(new()
            DisplayName = "MyGroupName",
            SecurityEnabled = true,
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.azuread.AzureadFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.azuread.inputs.GetGroupArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var example = AzureadFunctions.getGroup(GetGroupArgs.builder()
          Function: azuread:getGroup
            displayName: MyGroupName
            securityEnabled: true

    Using getGroup

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getGroup(args: GetGroupArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetGroupResult>
    function getGroupOutput(args: GetGroupOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetGroupResult>
    def get_group(display_name: Optional[str] = None,
                  include_transitive_members: Optional[bool] = None,
                  mail_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
                  mail_nickname: Optional[str] = None,
                  object_id: Optional[str] = None,
                  security_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
                  opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetGroupResult
    def get_group_output(display_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                  include_transitive_members: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                  mail_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                  mail_nickname: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                  object_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                  security_enabled: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                  opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetGroupResult]
    func LookupGroup(ctx *Context, args *LookupGroupArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupGroupResult, error)
    func LookupGroupOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupGroupOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupGroupResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupGroup in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetGroup 
        public static Task<GetGroupResult> InvokeAsync(GetGroupArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetGroupResult> Invoke(GetGroupInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetGroupResult> getGroup(GetGroupArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: azuread:index/getGroup:getGroup
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    DisplayName string
    The display name for the group.
    IncludeTransitiveMembers bool
    Whether to include transitive members (a flat list of all nested members). Defaults to false.
    MailEnabled bool
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    MailNickname string
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    ObjectId string
    Specifies the object ID of the group.
    SecurityEnabled bool

    Whether the group is a security group.

    One of display_name, object_id or mail_nickname must be specified.

    DisplayName string
    The display name for the group.
    IncludeTransitiveMembers bool
    Whether to include transitive members (a flat list of all nested members). Defaults to false.
    MailEnabled bool
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    MailNickname string
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    ObjectId string
    Specifies the object ID of the group.
    SecurityEnabled bool

    Whether the group is a security group.

    One of display_name, object_id or mail_nickname must be specified.

    displayName String
    The display name for the group.
    includeTransitiveMembers Boolean
    Whether to include transitive members (a flat list of all nested members). Defaults to false.
    mailEnabled Boolean
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    mailNickname String
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    objectId String
    Specifies the object ID of the group.
    securityEnabled Boolean

    Whether the group is a security group.

    One of display_name, object_id or mail_nickname must be specified.

    displayName string
    The display name for the group.
    includeTransitiveMembers boolean
    Whether to include transitive members (a flat list of all nested members). Defaults to false.
    mailEnabled boolean
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    mailNickname string
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    objectId string
    Specifies the object ID of the group.
    securityEnabled boolean

    Whether the group is a security group.

    One of display_name, object_id or mail_nickname must be specified.

    display_name str
    The display name for the group.
    include_transitive_members bool
    Whether to include transitive members (a flat list of all nested members). Defaults to false.
    mail_enabled bool
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    mail_nickname str
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    object_id str
    Specifies the object ID of the group.
    security_enabled bool

    Whether the group is a security group.

    One of display_name, object_id or mail_nickname must be specified.

    displayName String
    The display name for the group.
    includeTransitiveMembers Boolean
    Whether to include transitive members (a flat list of all nested members). Defaults to false.
    mailEnabled Boolean
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    mailNickname String
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    objectId String
    Specifies the object ID of the group.
    securityEnabled Boolean

    Whether the group is a security group.

    One of display_name, object_id or mail_nickname must be specified.

    getGroup Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AssignableToRole bool
    Indicates whether this group can be assigned to an Azure Active Directory role.
    AutoSubscribeNewMembers bool
    Indicates whether new members added to the group will be auto-subscribed to receive email notifications. Only set for Unified groups.
    Behaviors List<string>
    A list of behaviors for a Microsoft 365 group, such as AllowOnlyMembersToPost, HideGroupInOutlook, SubscribeNewGroupMembers and WelcomeEmailDisabled. See official documentation for more details.
    Description string
    The optional description of the group.
    DisplayName string
    The display name for the group.
    DynamicMemberships List<Pulumi.AzureAD.Outputs.GetGroupDynamicMembership>
    A dynamic_membership block as documented below.
    ExternalSendersAllowed bool
    Indicates whether people external to the organization can send messages to the group. Only set for Unified groups.
    HideFromAddressLists bool
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in certain parts of the Outlook user interface: in the Address Book, in address lists for selecting message recipients, and in the Browse Groups dialog for searching groups. Only set for Unified groups.
    HideFromOutlookClients bool
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in Outlook clients, such as Outlook for Windows and Outlook on the web. Only set for Unified groups.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Mail string
    The SMTP address for the group.
    MailEnabled bool
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    MailNickname string
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    Members List<string>
    List of object IDs of the group members. When include_transitive_members is true, contains a list of object IDs of all transitive group members.
    ObjectId string
    The object ID of the group.
    OnpremisesDomainName string
    The on-premises FQDN, also called dnsDomainName, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    OnpremisesGroupType string
    The on-premises group type that the AAD group will be written as, when writeback is enabled. Possible values are UniversalDistributionGroup, UniversalMailEnabledSecurityGroup, or UniversalSecurityGroup.
    OnpremisesNetbiosName string
    The on-premises NetBIOS name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    OnpremisesSamAccountName string
    The on-premises SAM account name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    OnpremisesSecurityIdentifier string
    The on-premises security identifier (SID), synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    OnpremisesSyncEnabled bool
    Whether this group is synchronised from an on-premises directory (true), no longer synchronised (false), or has never been synchronised (null).
    Owners List<string>
    List of object IDs of the group owners.
    PreferredLanguage string
    The preferred language for a Microsoft 365 group, in ISO 639-1 notation.
    ProvisioningOptions List<string>
    A list of provisioning options for a Microsoft 365 group, such as Team. See official documentation for details.
    ProxyAddresses List<string>
    List of email addresses for the group that direct to the same group mailbox.
    SecurityEnabled bool
    Whether the group is a security group.
    Theme string
    The colour theme for a Microsoft 365 group. Possible values are Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red or Teal. When no theme is set, the value is null.
    Types List<string>
    A list of group types configured for the group. Supported values are DynamicMembership, which denotes a group with dynamic membership, and Unified, which specifies a Microsoft 365 group.
    Visibility string
    The group join policy and group content visibility. Possible values are Private, Public, or Hiddenmembership. Only Microsoft 365 groups can have Hiddenmembership visibility.
    WritebackEnabled bool
    Whether the group will be written back to the configured on-premises Active Directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    IncludeTransitiveMembers bool
    AssignableToRole bool
    Indicates whether this group can be assigned to an Azure Active Directory role.
    AutoSubscribeNewMembers bool
    Indicates whether new members added to the group will be auto-subscribed to receive email notifications. Only set for Unified groups.
    Behaviors []string
    A list of behaviors for a Microsoft 365 group, such as AllowOnlyMembersToPost, HideGroupInOutlook, SubscribeNewGroupMembers and WelcomeEmailDisabled. See official documentation for more details.
    Description string
    The optional description of the group.
    DisplayName string
    The display name for the group.
    DynamicMemberships []GetGroupDynamicMembership
    A dynamic_membership block as documented below.
    ExternalSendersAllowed bool
    Indicates whether people external to the organization can send messages to the group. Only set for Unified groups.
    HideFromAddressLists bool
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in certain parts of the Outlook user interface: in the Address Book, in address lists for selecting message recipients, and in the Browse Groups dialog for searching groups. Only set for Unified groups.
    HideFromOutlookClients bool
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in Outlook clients, such as Outlook for Windows and Outlook on the web. Only set for Unified groups.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Mail string
    The SMTP address for the group.
    MailEnabled bool
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    MailNickname string
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    Members []string
    List of object IDs of the group members. When include_transitive_members is true, contains a list of object IDs of all transitive group members.
    ObjectId string
    The object ID of the group.
    OnpremisesDomainName string
    The on-premises FQDN, also called dnsDomainName, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    OnpremisesGroupType string
    The on-premises group type that the AAD group will be written as, when writeback is enabled. Possible values are UniversalDistributionGroup, UniversalMailEnabledSecurityGroup, or UniversalSecurityGroup.
    OnpremisesNetbiosName string
    The on-premises NetBIOS name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    OnpremisesSamAccountName string
    The on-premises SAM account name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    OnpremisesSecurityIdentifier string
    The on-premises security identifier (SID), synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    OnpremisesSyncEnabled bool
    Whether this group is synchronised from an on-premises directory (true), no longer synchronised (false), or has never been synchronised (null).
    Owners []string
    List of object IDs of the group owners.
    PreferredLanguage string
    The preferred language for a Microsoft 365 group, in ISO 639-1 notation.
    ProvisioningOptions []string
    A list of provisioning options for a Microsoft 365 group, such as Team. See official documentation for details.
    ProxyAddresses []string
    List of email addresses for the group that direct to the same group mailbox.
    SecurityEnabled bool
    Whether the group is a security group.
    Theme string
    The colour theme for a Microsoft 365 group. Possible values are Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red or Teal. When no theme is set, the value is null.
    Types []string
    A list of group types configured for the group. Supported values are DynamicMembership, which denotes a group with dynamic membership, and Unified, which specifies a Microsoft 365 group.
    Visibility string
    The group join policy and group content visibility. Possible values are Private, Public, or Hiddenmembership. Only Microsoft 365 groups can have Hiddenmembership visibility.
    WritebackEnabled bool
    Whether the group will be written back to the configured on-premises Active Directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    IncludeTransitiveMembers bool
    assignableToRole Boolean
    Indicates whether this group can be assigned to an Azure Active Directory role.
    autoSubscribeNewMembers Boolean
    Indicates whether new members added to the group will be auto-subscribed to receive email notifications. Only set for Unified groups.
    behaviors List<String>
    A list of behaviors for a Microsoft 365 group, such as AllowOnlyMembersToPost, HideGroupInOutlook, SubscribeNewGroupMembers and WelcomeEmailDisabled. See official documentation for more details.
    description String
    The optional description of the group.
    displayName String
    The display name for the group.
    dynamicMemberships List<GetGroupDynamicMembership>
    A dynamic_membership block as documented below.
    externalSendersAllowed Boolean
    Indicates whether people external to the organization can send messages to the group. Only set for Unified groups.
    hideFromAddressLists Boolean
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in certain parts of the Outlook user interface: in the Address Book, in address lists for selecting message recipients, and in the Browse Groups dialog for searching groups. Only set for Unified groups.
    hideFromOutlookClients Boolean
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in Outlook clients, such as Outlook for Windows and Outlook on the web. Only set for Unified groups.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    mail String
    The SMTP address for the group.
    mailEnabled Boolean
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    mailNickname String
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    members List<String>
    List of object IDs of the group members. When include_transitive_members is true, contains a list of object IDs of all transitive group members.
    objectId String
    The object ID of the group.
    onpremisesDomainName String
    The on-premises FQDN, also called dnsDomainName, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesGroupType String
    The on-premises group type that the AAD group will be written as, when writeback is enabled. Possible values are UniversalDistributionGroup, UniversalMailEnabledSecurityGroup, or UniversalSecurityGroup.
    onpremisesNetbiosName String
    The on-premises NetBIOS name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesSamAccountName String
    The on-premises SAM account name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesSecurityIdentifier String
    The on-premises security identifier (SID), synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesSyncEnabled Boolean
    Whether this group is synchronised from an on-premises directory (true), no longer synchronised (false), or has never been synchronised (null).
    owners List<String>
    List of object IDs of the group owners.
    preferredLanguage String
    The preferred language for a Microsoft 365 group, in ISO 639-1 notation.
    provisioningOptions List<String>
    A list of provisioning options for a Microsoft 365 group, such as Team. See official documentation for details.
    proxyAddresses List<String>
    List of email addresses for the group that direct to the same group mailbox.
    securityEnabled Boolean
    Whether the group is a security group.
    theme String
    The colour theme for a Microsoft 365 group. Possible values are Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red or Teal. When no theme is set, the value is null.
    types List<String>
    A list of group types configured for the group. Supported values are DynamicMembership, which denotes a group with dynamic membership, and Unified, which specifies a Microsoft 365 group.
    visibility String
    The group join policy and group content visibility. Possible values are Private, Public, or Hiddenmembership. Only Microsoft 365 groups can have Hiddenmembership visibility.
    writebackEnabled Boolean
    Whether the group will be written back to the configured on-premises Active Directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    includeTransitiveMembers Boolean
    assignableToRole boolean
    Indicates whether this group can be assigned to an Azure Active Directory role.
    autoSubscribeNewMembers boolean
    Indicates whether new members added to the group will be auto-subscribed to receive email notifications. Only set for Unified groups.
    behaviors string[]
    A list of behaviors for a Microsoft 365 group, such as AllowOnlyMembersToPost, HideGroupInOutlook, SubscribeNewGroupMembers and WelcomeEmailDisabled. See official documentation for more details.
    description string
    The optional description of the group.
    displayName string
    The display name for the group.
    dynamicMemberships GetGroupDynamicMembership[]
    A dynamic_membership block as documented below.
    externalSendersAllowed boolean
    Indicates whether people external to the organization can send messages to the group. Only set for Unified groups.
    hideFromAddressLists boolean
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in certain parts of the Outlook user interface: in the Address Book, in address lists for selecting message recipients, and in the Browse Groups dialog for searching groups. Only set for Unified groups.
    hideFromOutlookClients boolean
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in Outlook clients, such as Outlook for Windows and Outlook on the web. Only set for Unified groups.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    mail string
    The SMTP address for the group.
    mailEnabled boolean
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    mailNickname string
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    members string[]
    List of object IDs of the group members. When include_transitive_members is true, contains a list of object IDs of all transitive group members.
    objectId string
    The object ID of the group.
    onpremisesDomainName string
    The on-premises FQDN, also called dnsDomainName, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesGroupType string
    The on-premises group type that the AAD group will be written as, when writeback is enabled. Possible values are UniversalDistributionGroup, UniversalMailEnabledSecurityGroup, or UniversalSecurityGroup.
    onpremisesNetbiosName string
    The on-premises NetBIOS name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesSamAccountName string
    The on-premises SAM account name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesSecurityIdentifier string
    The on-premises security identifier (SID), synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesSyncEnabled boolean
    Whether this group is synchronised from an on-premises directory (true), no longer synchronised (false), or has never been synchronised (null).
    owners string[]
    List of object IDs of the group owners.
    preferredLanguage string
    The preferred language for a Microsoft 365 group, in ISO 639-1 notation.
    provisioningOptions string[]
    A list of provisioning options for a Microsoft 365 group, such as Team. See official documentation for details.
    proxyAddresses string[]
    List of email addresses for the group that direct to the same group mailbox.
    securityEnabled boolean
    Whether the group is a security group.
    theme string
    The colour theme for a Microsoft 365 group. Possible values are Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red or Teal. When no theme is set, the value is null.
    types string[]
    A list of group types configured for the group. Supported values are DynamicMembership, which denotes a group with dynamic membership, and Unified, which specifies a Microsoft 365 group.
    visibility string
    The group join policy and group content visibility. Possible values are Private, Public, or Hiddenmembership. Only Microsoft 365 groups can have Hiddenmembership visibility.
    writebackEnabled boolean
    Whether the group will be written back to the configured on-premises Active Directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    includeTransitiveMembers boolean
    assignable_to_role bool
    Indicates whether this group can be assigned to an Azure Active Directory role.
    auto_subscribe_new_members bool
    Indicates whether new members added to the group will be auto-subscribed to receive email notifications. Only set for Unified groups.
    behaviors Sequence[str]
    A list of behaviors for a Microsoft 365 group, such as AllowOnlyMembersToPost, HideGroupInOutlook, SubscribeNewGroupMembers and WelcomeEmailDisabled. See official documentation for more details.
    description str
    The optional description of the group.
    display_name str
    The display name for the group.
    dynamic_memberships Sequence[GetGroupDynamicMembership]
    A dynamic_membership block as documented below.
    external_senders_allowed bool
    Indicates whether people external to the organization can send messages to the group. Only set for Unified groups.
    hide_from_address_lists bool
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in certain parts of the Outlook user interface: in the Address Book, in address lists for selecting message recipients, and in the Browse Groups dialog for searching groups. Only set for Unified groups.
    hide_from_outlook_clients bool
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in Outlook clients, such as Outlook for Windows and Outlook on the web. Only set for Unified groups.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    mail str
    The SMTP address for the group.
    mail_enabled bool
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    mail_nickname str
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    members Sequence[str]
    List of object IDs of the group members. When include_transitive_members is true, contains a list of object IDs of all transitive group members.
    object_id str
    The object ID of the group.
    onpremises_domain_name str
    The on-premises FQDN, also called dnsDomainName, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremises_group_type str
    The on-premises group type that the AAD group will be written as, when writeback is enabled. Possible values are UniversalDistributionGroup, UniversalMailEnabledSecurityGroup, or UniversalSecurityGroup.
    onpremises_netbios_name str
    The on-premises NetBIOS name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremises_sam_account_name str
    The on-premises SAM account name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremises_security_identifier str
    The on-premises security identifier (SID), synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremises_sync_enabled bool
    Whether this group is synchronised from an on-premises directory (true), no longer synchronised (false), or has never been synchronised (null).
    owners Sequence[str]
    List of object IDs of the group owners.
    preferred_language str
    The preferred language for a Microsoft 365 group, in ISO 639-1 notation.
    provisioning_options Sequence[str]
    A list of provisioning options for a Microsoft 365 group, such as Team. See official documentation for details.
    proxy_addresses Sequence[str]
    List of email addresses for the group that direct to the same group mailbox.
    security_enabled bool
    Whether the group is a security group.
    theme str
    The colour theme for a Microsoft 365 group. Possible values are Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red or Teal. When no theme is set, the value is null.
    types Sequence[str]
    A list of group types configured for the group. Supported values are DynamicMembership, which denotes a group with dynamic membership, and Unified, which specifies a Microsoft 365 group.
    visibility str
    The group join policy and group content visibility. Possible values are Private, Public, or Hiddenmembership. Only Microsoft 365 groups can have Hiddenmembership visibility.
    writeback_enabled bool
    Whether the group will be written back to the configured on-premises Active Directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    include_transitive_members bool
    assignableToRole Boolean
    Indicates whether this group can be assigned to an Azure Active Directory role.
    autoSubscribeNewMembers Boolean
    Indicates whether new members added to the group will be auto-subscribed to receive email notifications. Only set for Unified groups.
    behaviors List<String>
    A list of behaviors for a Microsoft 365 group, such as AllowOnlyMembersToPost, HideGroupInOutlook, SubscribeNewGroupMembers and WelcomeEmailDisabled. See official documentation for more details.
    description String
    The optional description of the group.
    displayName String
    The display name for the group.
    dynamicMemberships List<Property Map>
    A dynamic_membership block as documented below.
    externalSendersAllowed Boolean
    Indicates whether people external to the organization can send messages to the group. Only set for Unified groups.
    hideFromAddressLists Boolean
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in certain parts of the Outlook user interface: in the Address Book, in address lists for selecting message recipients, and in the Browse Groups dialog for searching groups. Only set for Unified groups.
    hideFromOutlookClients Boolean
    Indicates whether the group is displayed in Outlook clients, such as Outlook for Windows and Outlook on the web. Only set for Unified groups.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    mail String
    The SMTP address for the group.
    mailEnabled Boolean
    Whether the group is mail-enabled.
    mailNickname String
    The mail alias for the group, unique in the organisation.
    members List<String>
    List of object IDs of the group members. When include_transitive_members is true, contains a list of object IDs of all transitive group members.
    objectId String
    The object ID of the group.
    onpremisesDomainName String
    The on-premises FQDN, also called dnsDomainName, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesGroupType String
    The on-premises group type that the AAD group will be written as, when writeback is enabled. Possible values are UniversalDistributionGroup, UniversalMailEnabledSecurityGroup, or UniversalSecurityGroup.
    onpremisesNetbiosName String
    The on-premises NetBIOS name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesSamAccountName String
    The on-premises SAM account name, synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesSecurityIdentifier String
    The on-premises security identifier (SID), synchronised from the on-premises directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    onpremisesSyncEnabled Boolean
    Whether this group is synchronised from an on-premises directory (true), no longer synchronised (false), or has never been synchronised (null).
    owners List<String>
    List of object IDs of the group owners.
    preferredLanguage String
    The preferred language for a Microsoft 365 group, in ISO 639-1 notation.
    provisioningOptions List<String>
    A list of provisioning options for a Microsoft 365 group, such as Team. See official documentation for details.
    proxyAddresses List<String>
    List of email addresses for the group that direct to the same group mailbox.
    securityEnabled Boolean
    Whether the group is a security group.
    theme String
    The colour theme for a Microsoft 365 group. Possible values are Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red or Teal. When no theme is set, the value is null.
    types List<String>
    A list of group types configured for the group. Supported values are DynamicMembership, which denotes a group with dynamic membership, and Unified, which specifies a Microsoft 365 group.
    visibility String
    The group join policy and group content visibility. Possible values are Private, Public, or Hiddenmembership. Only Microsoft 365 groups can have Hiddenmembership visibility.
    writebackEnabled Boolean
    Whether the group will be written back to the configured on-premises Active Directory when Azure AD Connect is used.
    includeTransitiveMembers Boolean

    Supporting Types


    Enabled bool
    Whether rule processing is "On" (true) or "Paused" (false).
    Rule string
    The rule that determines membership of this group.
    Enabled bool
    Whether rule processing is "On" (true) or "Paused" (false).
    Rule string
    The rule that determines membership of this group.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether rule processing is "On" (true) or "Paused" (false).
    rule String
    The rule that determines membership of this group.
    enabled boolean
    Whether rule processing is "On" (true) or "Paused" (false).
    rule string
    The rule that determines membership of this group.
    enabled bool
    Whether rule processing is "On" (true) or "Paused" (false).
    rule str
    The rule that determines membership of this group.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether rule processing is "On" (true) or "Paused" (false).
    rule String
    The rule that determines membership of this group.

    Package Details

    Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) pulumi/pulumi-azuread
    This Pulumi package is based on the azuread Terraform Provider.
    azuread logo
    Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) v5.53.0 published on Friday, Jun 28, 2024 by Pulumi