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  4. getCluster
Databricks v1.46.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Databricks v1.46.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Note If you have a fully automated setup with workspaces created by databricks_mws_workspaces, please make sure to add depends_on attribute in order to prevent default auth: cannot configure default credentials errors.

    Retrieves information about a databricks.Cluster using its id. This could be retrieved programmatically using databricks.getClusters data source.

    Example Usage

    Retrieve attributes of each SQL warehouses in a workspace

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as databricks from "@pulumi/databricks";
    const all = databricks.getClusters({});
    const allGetCluster = .reduce((__obj, [, ]) => ({ ...__obj, [__key]: databricks.getCluster({
        clusterId: __value,
    }) }));
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_databricks as databricks
    all = databricks.get_clusters()
    all_get_cluster = {__key: databricks.get_cluster(cluster_id=__value) for __key, __value in ids}
    Coming soon!
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Databricks = Pulumi.Databricks;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var all = Databricks.GetClusters.Invoke();
        var allGetCluster = .ToDictionary(item => {
            var __key = item.Key;
            return __key;
        }, item => {
            var __value = item.Value;
            return Databricks.GetCluster.Invoke(new()
                ClusterId = __value,
    Coming soon!
    Coming soon!

    The following resources are often used in the same context:

    • End to end workspace management guide.
    • databricks.Cluster to create Databricks Clusters.
    • databricks.ClusterPolicy to create a databricks.Cluster policy, which limits the ability to create clusters based on a set of rules.
    • databricks.InstancePool to manage instance pools to reduce cluster start and auto-scaling times by maintaining a set of idle, ready-to-use instances.
    • databricks.Job to manage Databricks Jobs to run non-interactive code in a databricks_cluster.
    • databricks.Library to install a library on databricks_cluster.
    • databricks.Pipeline to deploy Delta Live Tables.

    Using getCluster

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getCluster(args: GetClusterArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetClusterResult>
    function getClusterOutput(args: GetClusterOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetClusterResult>
    def get_cluster(cluster_id: Optional[str] = None,
                    cluster_info: Optional[GetClusterClusterInfo] = None,
                    cluster_name: Optional[str] = None,
                    id: Optional[str] = None,
                    opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetClusterResult
    def get_cluster_output(cluster_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                    cluster_info: Optional[pulumi.Input[GetClusterClusterInfoArgs]] = None,
                    cluster_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                    id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                    opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetClusterResult]
    func LookupCluster(ctx *Context, args *LookupClusterArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupClusterResult, error)
    func LookupClusterOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupClusterOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupClusterResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupCluster in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetCluster 
        public static Task<GetClusterResult> InvokeAsync(GetClusterArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetClusterResult> Invoke(GetClusterInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetClusterResult> getCluster(GetClusterArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: databricks:index/getCluster:getCluster
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    ClusterId string
    The id of the cluster
    ClusterInfo GetClusterClusterInfo
    block, consisting of following fields:
    ClusterName string
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    Id string
    cluster ID
    ClusterId string
    The id of the cluster
    ClusterInfo GetClusterClusterInfo
    block, consisting of following fields:
    ClusterName string
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    Id string
    cluster ID
    clusterId String
    The id of the cluster
    clusterInfo GetClusterClusterInfo
    block, consisting of following fields:
    clusterName String
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    id String
    cluster ID
    clusterId string
    The id of the cluster
    clusterInfo GetClusterClusterInfo
    block, consisting of following fields:
    clusterName string
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    id string
    cluster ID
    cluster_id str
    The id of the cluster
    cluster_info GetClusterClusterInfo
    block, consisting of following fields:
    cluster_name str
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    id str
    cluster ID
    clusterId String
    The id of the cluster
    clusterInfo Property Map
    block, consisting of following fields:
    clusterName String
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    id String
    cluster ID

    getCluster Result

    The following output properties are available:

    ClusterId string
    ClusterInfo GetClusterClusterInfo
    block, consisting of following fields:
    ClusterName string
    Cluster name, which doesn’t have to be unique.
    Id string
    cluster ID
    ClusterId string
    ClusterInfo GetClusterClusterInfo
    block, consisting of following fields:
    ClusterName string
    Cluster name, which doesn’t have to be unique.
    Id string
    cluster ID
    clusterId String
    clusterInfo GetClusterClusterInfo
    block, consisting of following fields:
    clusterName String
    Cluster name, which doesn’t have to be unique.
    id String
    cluster ID
    clusterId string
    clusterInfo GetClusterClusterInfo
    block, consisting of following fields:
    clusterName string
    Cluster name, which doesn’t have to be unique.
    id string
    cluster ID
    cluster_id str
    cluster_info GetClusterClusterInfo
    block, consisting of following fields:
    cluster_name str
    Cluster name, which doesn’t have to be unique.
    id str
    cluster ID
    clusterId String
    clusterInfo Property Map
    block, consisting of following fields:
    clusterName String
    Cluster name, which doesn’t have to be unique.
    id String
    cluster ID

    Supporting Types


    ClusterSource string
    DefaultTags Dictionary<string, object>
    DriverInstancePoolId string
    similar to instance_pool_id, but for driver node.
    SparkVersion string
    Runtime version of the cluster.
    State string
    Autoscale GetClusterClusterInfoAutoscale
    AutoterminationMinutes int
    Automatically terminate the cluster after being inactive for this time in minutes. If specified, the threshold must be between 10 and 10000 minutes. You can also set this value to 0 to explicitly disable automatic termination.
    AwsAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoAwsAttributes
    AzureAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoAzureAttributes
    ClusterCores double
    ClusterId string
    The id of the cluster
    ClusterLogConf GetClusterClusterInfoClusterLogConf
    ClusterLogStatus GetClusterClusterInfoClusterLogStatus
    ClusterMemoryMb int
    ClusterName string
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    CreatorUserName string
    CustomTags Dictionary<string, object>
    Additional tags for cluster resources.
    DataSecurityMode string
    Security features of the cluster. Unity Catalog requires SINGLE_USER or USER_ISOLATION mode. LEGACY_PASSTHROUGH for passthrough cluster and LEGACY_TABLE_ACL for Table ACL cluster. Default to NONE, i.e. no security feature enabled.
    DockerImage GetClusterClusterInfoDockerImage
    Driver GetClusterClusterInfoDriver
    DriverNodeTypeId string
    The node type of the Spark driver.
    EnableElasticDisk bool
    Use autoscaling local storage.
    EnableLocalDiskEncryption bool
    Enable local disk encryption.
    Executors List<GetClusterClusterInfoExecutor>
    GcpAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoGcpAttributes
    InitScripts List<GetClusterClusterInfoInitScript>
    InstancePoolId string
    The pool of idle instances the cluster is attached to.
    JdbcPort int
    LastActivityTime int
    LastStateLossTime int
    NodeTypeId string
    Any supported databricks.getNodeType id.
    NumWorkers int
    PolicyId string
    Identifier of Cluster Policy to validate cluster and preset certain defaults.
    RuntimeEngine string
    The type of runtime of the cluster
    SingleUserName string
    The optional user name of the user to assign to an interactive cluster. This field is required when using standard AAD Passthrough for Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) with a single-user cluster (i.e., not high-concurrency clusters).
    SparkConf Dictionary<string, object>
    Map with key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters.
    SparkContextId int
    SparkEnvVars Dictionary<string, object>
    Map with environment variable key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters. Key-value pairs of the form (X,Y) are exported (i.e., X='Y') while launching the driver and workers.
    SshPublicKeys List<string>
    SSH public key contents that will be added to each Spark node in this cluster.
    StartTime int
    StateMessage string
    TerminateTime int
    TerminationReason GetClusterClusterInfoTerminationReason
    ClusterSource string
    DefaultTags map[string]interface{}
    DriverInstancePoolId string
    similar to instance_pool_id, but for driver node.
    SparkVersion string
    Runtime version of the cluster.
    State string
    Autoscale GetClusterClusterInfoAutoscale
    AutoterminationMinutes int
    Automatically terminate the cluster after being inactive for this time in minutes. If specified, the threshold must be between 10 and 10000 minutes. You can also set this value to 0 to explicitly disable automatic termination.
    AwsAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoAwsAttributes
    AzureAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoAzureAttributes
    ClusterCores float64
    ClusterId string
    The id of the cluster
    ClusterLogConf GetClusterClusterInfoClusterLogConf
    ClusterLogStatus GetClusterClusterInfoClusterLogStatus
    ClusterMemoryMb int
    ClusterName string
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    CreatorUserName string
    CustomTags map[string]interface{}
    Additional tags for cluster resources.
    DataSecurityMode string
    Security features of the cluster. Unity Catalog requires SINGLE_USER or USER_ISOLATION mode. LEGACY_PASSTHROUGH for passthrough cluster and LEGACY_TABLE_ACL for Table ACL cluster. Default to NONE, i.e. no security feature enabled.
    DockerImage GetClusterClusterInfoDockerImage
    Driver GetClusterClusterInfoDriver
    DriverNodeTypeId string
    The node type of the Spark driver.
    EnableElasticDisk bool
    Use autoscaling local storage.
    EnableLocalDiskEncryption bool
    Enable local disk encryption.
    Executors []GetClusterClusterInfoExecutor
    GcpAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoGcpAttributes
    InitScripts []GetClusterClusterInfoInitScript
    InstancePoolId string
    The pool of idle instances the cluster is attached to.
    JdbcPort int
    LastActivityTime int
    LastStateLossTime int
    NodeTypeId string
    Any supported databricks.getNodeType id.
    NumWorkers int
    PolicyId string
    Identifier of Cluster Policy to validate cluster and preset certain defaults.
    RuntimeEngine string
    The type of runtime of the cluster
    SingleUserName string
    The optional user name of the user to assign to an interactive cluster. This field is required when using standard AAD Passthrough for Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) with a single-user cluster (i.e., not high-concurrency clusters).
    SparkConf map[string]interface{}
    Map with key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters.
    SparkContextId int
    SparkEnvVars map[string]interface{}
    Map with environment variable key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters. Key-value pairs of the form (X,Y) are exported (i.e., X='Y') while launching the driver and workers.
    SshPublicKeys []string
    SSH public key contents that will be added to each Spark node in this cluster.
    StartTime int
    StateMessage string
    TerminateTime int
    TerminationReason GetClusterClusterInfoTerminationReason
    clusterSource String
    defaultTags Map<String,Object>
    driverInstancePoolId String
    similar to instance_pool_id, but for driver node.
    sparkVersion String
    Runtime version of the cluster.
    state String
    autoscale GetClusterClusterInfoAutoscale
    autoterminationMinutes Integer
    Automatically terminate the cluster after being inactive for this time in minutes. If specified, the threshold must be between 10 and 10000 minutes. You can also set this value to 0 to explicitly disable automatic termination.
    awsAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoAwsAttributes
    azureAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoAzureAttributes
    clusterCores Double
    clusterId String
    The id of the cluster
    clusterLogConf GetClusterClusterInfoClusterLogConf
    clusterLogStatus GetClusterClusterInfoClusterLogStatus
    clusterMemoryMb Integer
    clusterName String
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    creatorUserName String
    customTags Map<String,Object>
    Additional tags for cluster resources.
    dataSecurityMode String
    Security features of the cluster. Unity Catalog requires SINGLE_USER or USER_ISOLATION mode. LEGACY_PASSTHROUGH for passthrough cluster and LEGACY_TABLE_ACL for Table ACL cluster. Default to NONE, i.e. no security feature enabled.
    dockerImage GetClusterClusterInfoDockerImage
    driver GetClusterClusterInfoDriver
    driverNodeTypeId String
    The node type of the Spark driver.
    enableElasticDisk Boolean
    Use autoscaling local storage.
    enableLocalDiskEncryption Boolean
    Enable local disk encryption.
    executors List<GetClusterClusterInfoExecutor>
    gcpAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoGcpAttributes
    initScripts List<GetClusterClusterInfoInitScript>
    instancePoolId String
    The pool of idle instances the cluster is attached to.
    jdbcPort Integer
    lastActivityTime Integer
    lastStateLossTime Integer
    nodeTypeId String
    Any supported databricks.getNodeType id.
    numWorkers Integer
    policyId String
    Identifier of Cluster Policy to validate cluster and preset certain defaults.
    runtimeEngine String
    The type of runtime of the cluster
    singleUserName String
    The optional user name of the user to assign to an interactive cluster. This field is required when using standard AAD Passthrough for Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) with a single-user cluster (i.e., not high-concurrency clusters).
    sparkConf Map<String,Object>
    Map with key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters.
    sparkContextId Integer
    sparkEnvVars Map<String,Object>
    Map with environment variable key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters. Key-value pairs of the form (X,Y) are exported (i.e., X='Y') while launching the driver and workers.
    sshPublicKeys List<String>
    SSH public key contents that will be added to each Spark node in this cluster.
    startTime Integer
    stateMessage String
    terminateTime Integer
    terminationReason GetClusterClusterInfoTerminationReason
    clusterSource string
    defaultTags {[key: string]: any}
    driverInstancePoolId string
    similar to instance_pool_id, but for driver node.
    sparkVersion string
    Runtime version of the cluster.
    state string
    autoscale GetClusterClusterInfoAutoscale
    autoterminationMinutes number
    Automatically terminate the cluster after being inactive for this time in minutes. If specified, the threshold must be between 10 and 10000 minutes. You can also set this value to 0 to explicitly disable automatic termination.
    awsAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoAwsAttributes
    azureAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoAzureAttributes
    clusterCores number
    clusterId string
    The id of the cluster
    clusterLogConf GetClusterClusterInfoClusterLogConf
    clusterLogStatus GetClusterClusterInfoClusterLogStatus
    clusterMemoryMb number
    clusterName string
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    creatorUserName string
    customTags {[key: string]: any}
    Additional tags for cluster resources.
    dataSecurityMode string
    Security features of the cluster. Unity Catalog requires SINGLE_USER or USER_ISOLATION mode. LEGACY_PASSTHROUGH for passthrough cluster and LEGACY_TABLE_ACL for Table ACL cluster. Default to NONE, i.e. no security feature enabled.
    dockerImage GetClusterClusterInfoDockerImage
    driver GetClusterClusterInfoDriver
    driverNodeTypeId string
    The node type of the Spark driver.
    enableElasticDisk boolean
    Use autoscaling local storage.
    enableLocalDiskEncryption boolean
    Enable local disk encryption.
    executors GetClusterClusterInfoExecutor[]
    gcpAttributes GetClusterClusterInfoGcpAttributes
    initScripts GetClusterClusterInfoInitScript[]
    instancePoolId string
    The pool of idle instances the cluster is attached to.
    jdbcPort number
    lastActivityTime number
    lastStateLossTime number
    nodeTypeId string
    Any supported databricks.getNodeType id.
    numWorkers number
    policyId string
    Identifier of Cluster Policy to validate cluster and preset certain defaults.
    runtimeEngine string
    The type of runtime of the cluster
    singleUserName string
    The optional user name of the user to assign to an interactive cluster. This field is required when using standard AAD Passthrough for Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) with a single-user cluster (i.e., not high-concurrency clusters).
    sparkConf {[key: string]: any}
    Map with key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters.
    sparkContextId number
    sparkEnvVars {[key: string]: any}
    Map with environment variable key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters. Key-value pairs of the form (X,Y) are exported (i.e., X='Y') while launching the driver and workers.
    sshPublicKeys string[]
    SSH public key contents that will be added to each Spark node in this cluster.
    startTime number
    stateMessage string
    terminateTime number
    terminationReason GetClusterClusterInfoTerminationReason
    cluster_source str
    default_tags Mapping[str, Any]
    driver_instance_pool_id str
    similar to instance_pool_id, but for driver node.
    spark_version str
    Runtime version of the cluster.
    state str
    autoscale GetClusterClusterInfoAutoscale
    autotermination_minutes int
    Automatically terminate the cluster after being inactive for this time in minutes. If specified, the threshold must be between 10 and 10000 minutes. You can also set this value to 0 to explicitly disable automatic termination.
    aws_attributes GetClusterClusterInfoAwsAttributes
    azure_attributes GetClusterClusterInfoAzureAttributes
    cluster_cores float
    cluster_id str
    The id of the cluster
    cluster_log_conf GetClusterClusterInfoClusterLogConf
    cluster_log_status GetClusterClusterInfoClusterLogStatus
    cluster_memory_mb int
    cluster_name str
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    creator_user_name str
    custom_tags Mapping[str, Any]
    Additional tags for cluster resources.
    data_security_mode str
    Security features of the cluster. Unity Catalog requires SINGLE_USER or USER_ISOLATION mode. LEGACY_PASSTHROUGH for passthrough cluster and LEGACY_TABLE_ACL for Table ACL cluster. Default to NONE, i.e. no security feature enabled.
    docker_image GetClusterClusterInfoDockerImage
    driver GetClusterClusterInfoDriver
    driver_node_type_id str
    The node type of the Spark driver.
    enable_elastic_disk bool
    Use autoscaling local storage.
    enable_local_disk_encryption bool
    Enable local disk encryption.
    executors Sequence[GetClusterClusterInfoExecutor]
    gcp_attributes GetClusterClusterInfoGcpAttributes
    init_scripts Sequence[GetClusterClusterInfoInitScript]
    instance_pool_id str
    The pool of idle instances the cluster is attached to.
    jdbc_port int
    last_activity_time int
    last_state_loss_time int
    node_type_id str
    Any supported databricks.getNodeType id.
    num_workers int
    policy_id str
    Identifier of Cluster Policy to validate cluster and preset certain defaults.
    runtime_engine str
    The type of runtime of the cluster
    single_user_name str
    The optional user name of the user to assign to an interactive cluster. This field is required when using standard AAD Passthrough for Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) with a single-user cluster (i.e., not high-concurrency clusters).
    spark_conf Mapping[str, Any]
    Map with key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters.
    spark_context_id int
    spark_env_vars Mapping[str, Any]
    Map with environment variable key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters. Key-value pairs of the form (X,Y) are exported (i.e., X='Y') while launching the driver and workers.
    ssh_public_keys Sequence[str]
    SSH public key contents that will be added to each Spark node in this cluster.
    start_time int
    state_message str
    terminate_time int
    termination_reason GetClusterClusterInfoTerminationReason
    clusterSource String
    defaultTags Map<Any>
    driverInstancePoolId String
    similar to instance_pool_id, but for driver node.
    sparkVersion String
    Runtime version of the cluster.
    state String
    autoscale Property Map
    autoterminationMinutes Number
    Automatically terminate the cluster after being inactive for this time in minutes. If specified, the threshold must be between 10 and 10000 minutes. You can also set this value to 0 to explicitly disable automatic termination.
    awsAttributes Property Map
    azureAttributes Property Map
    clusterCores Number
    clusterId String
    The id of the cluster
    clusterLogConf Property Map
    clusterLogStatus Property Map
    clusterMemoryMb Number
    clusterName String
    The exact name of the cluster to search
    creatorUserName String
    customTags Map<Any>
    Additional tags for cluster resources.
    dataSecurityMode String
    Security features of the cluster. Unity Catalog requires SINGLE_USER or USER_ISOLATION mode. LEGACY_PASSTHROUGH for passthrough cluster and LEGACY_TABLE_ACL for Table ACL cluster. Default to NONE, i.e. no security feature enabled.
    dockerImage Property Map
    driver Property Map
    driverNodeTypeId String
    The node type of the Spark driver.
    enableElasticDisk Boolean
    Use autoscaling local storage.
    enableLocalDiskEncryption Boolean
    Enable local disk encryption.
    executors List<Property Map>
    gcpAttributes Property Map
    initScripts List<Property Map>
    instancePoolId String
    The pool of idle instances the cluster is attached to.
    jdbcPort Number
    lastActivityTime Number
    lastStateLossTime Number
    nodeTypeId String
    Any supported databricks.getNodeType id.
    numWorkers Number
    policyId String
    Identifier of Cluster Policy to validate cluster and preset certain defaults.
    runtimeEngine String
    The type of runtime of the cluster
    singleUserName String
    The optional user name of the user to assign to an interactive cluster. This field is required when using standard AAD Passthrough for Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) with a single-user cluster (i.e., not high-concurrency clusters).
    sparkConf Map<Any>
    Map with key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters.
    sparkContextId Number
    sparkEnvVars Map<Any>
    Map with environment variable key-value pairs to fine-tune Spark clusters. Key-value pairs of the form (X,Y) are exported (i.e., X='Y') while launching the driver and workers.
    sshPublicKeys List<String>
    SSH public key contents that will be added to each Spark node in this cluster.
    startTime Number
    stateMessage String
    terminateTime Number
    terminationReason Property Map


    maxWorkers Integer
    minWorkers Integer
    maxWorkers number
    minWorkers number
    maxWorkers Number
    minWorkers Number






    Destination string
    CannedAcl string
    EnableEncryption bool
    EncryptionType string
    Endpoint string
    KmsKey string
    Region string
    Destination string
    CannedAcl string
    EnableEncryption bool
    EncryptionType string
    Endpoint string
    KmsKey string
    Region string
    destination String
    cannedAcl String
    enableEncryption Boolean
    encryptionType String
    endpoint String
    kmsKey String
    region String
    destination string
    cannedAcl string
    enableEncryption boolean
    encryptionType string
    endpoint string
    kmsKey string
    region string
    destination String
    cannedAcl String
    enableEncryption Boolean
    encryptionType String
    endpoint String
    kmsKey String
    region String




    Password string
    Username string
    Password string
    Username string
    password String
    username String
    password string
    username string
    password String
    username String



    IsSpot bool
    IsSpot bool
    isSpot Boolean
    isSpot boolean
    is_spot bool
    isSpot Boolean



    IsSpot bool
    IsSpot bool
    isSpot Boolean
    isSpot boolean
    is_spot bool
    isSpot Boolean








    Destination string
    CannedAcl string
    EnableEncryption bool
    EncryptionType string
    Endpoint string
    KmsKey string
    Region string
    Destination string
    CannedAcl string
    EnableEncryption bool
    EncryptionType string
    Endpoint string
    KmsKey string
    Region string
    destination String
    cannedAcl String
    enableEncryption Boolean
    encryptionType String
    endpoint String
    kmsKey String
    region String
    destination string
    cannedAcl string
    enableEncryption boolean
    encryptionType string
    endpoint string
    kmsKey string
    region string
    destination String
    cannedAcl String
    enableEncryption Boolean
    encryptionType String
    endpoint String
    kmsKey String
    region String




    Code string
    Parameters Dictionary<string, object>
    Type string
    Code string
    Parameters map[string]interface{}
    Type string
    code String
    parameters Map<String,Object>
    type String
    code string
    parameters {[key: string]: any}
    type string
    code str
    parameters Mapping[str, Any]
    type str
    code String
    parameters Map<Any>
    type String

    Package Details

    databricks pulumi/pulumi-databricks
    This Pulumi package is based on the databricks Terraform Provider.
    databricks logo
    Databricks v1.46.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi