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  4. Recipient
Databricks v1.46.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Databricks v1.46.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Note This resource could be only used with workspace-level provider!

    In Delta Sharing, a recipient is an entity that receives shares from a provider. In Unity Catalog, a share is a securable object that represents an organization and associates it with a credential or secure sharing identifier that allows that organization to access one or more shares.

    As a data provider (sharer), you can define multiple recipients for any given Unity Catalog metastore, but if you want to share data from multiple metastores with a particular user or group of users, you must define the recipient separately for each metastore. A recipient can have access to multiple shares.

    A databricks.Recipient is contained within databricks.Metastore and can have permissions to SELECT from a list of shares.

    Example Usage

    Databricks Sharing with non databricks recipient

    Setting authentication_type type to TOKEN creates a temporary url to download a credentials file. This is used to authenticate to the sharing server to access data. This is for when the recipient is not using Databricks.

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as databricks from "@pulumi/databricks";
    import * as random from "@pulumi/random";
    const db2opensharecode = new random.index.Password("db2opensharecode", {
        length: 16,
        special: true,
    const current = databricks.getCurrentUser({});
    const db2open = new databricks.Recipient("db2open", {
        name: current.then(current => `${current.alphanumeric}-recipient`),
        comment: "Made by Pulumi",
        authenticationType: "TOKEN",
        sharingCode: db2opensharecode.result,
        ipAccessList: {
            allowedIpAddresses: [],
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_databricks as databricks
    import pulumi_random as random
    db2opensharecode = random.index.Password("db2opensharecode",
    current = databricks.get_current_user()
    db2open = databricks.Recipient("db2open",
        comment="Made by Pulumi",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		db2opensharecode, err := random.NewPassword(ctx, "db2opensharecode", &random.PasswordArgs{
    			Length:  16,
    			Special: true,
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		current, err := databricks.GetCurrentUser(ctx, nil, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = databricks.NewRecipient(ctx, "db2open", &databricks.RecipientArgs{
    			Name:               pulumi.String(fmt.Sprintf("%v-recipient", current.Alphanumeric)),
    			Comment:            pulumi.String("Made by Pulumi"),
    			AuthenticationType: pulumi.String("TOKEN"),
    			SharingCode:        db2opensharecode.Result,
    			IpAccessList: &databricks.RecipientIpAccessListArgs{
    				AllowedIpAddresses: pulumi.StringArray{},
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Databricks = Pulumi.Databricks;
    using Random = Pulumi.Random;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var db2opensharecode = new Random.Index.Password("db2opensharecode", new()
            Length = 16,
            Special = true,
        var current = Databricks.GetCurrentUser.Invoke();
        var db2open = new Databricks.Recipient("db2open", new()
            Name = $"{current.Apply(getCurrentUserResult => getCurrentUserResult.Alphanumeric)}-recipient",
            Comment = "Made by Pulumi",
            AuthenticationType = "TOKEN",
            SharingCode = db2opensharecode.Result,
            IpAccessList = new Databricks.Inputs.RecipientIpAccessListArgs
                AllowedIpAddresses = new() { },
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.random.password;
    import com.pulumi.random.PasswordArgs;
    import com.pulumi.databricks.DatabricksFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.databricks.Recipient;
    import com.pulumi.databricks.RecipientArgs;
    import com.pulumi.databricks.inputs.RecipientIpAccessListArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var db2opensharecode = new Password("db2opensharecode", PasswordArgs.builder()
            final var current = DatabricksFunctions.getCurrentUser();
            var db2open = new Recipient("db2open", RecipientArgs.builder()
                .name(String.format("%s-recipient", current.applyValue(getCurrentUserResult -> getCurrentUserResult.alphanumeric())))
                .comment("Made by Pulumi")
        type: random:password
          length: 16
          special: true
        type: databricks:Recipient
          name: ${current.alphanumeric}-recipient
          comment: Made by Pulumi
          authenticationType: TOKEN
          sharingCode: ${db2opensharecode.result}
            allowedIpAddresses: []
          Function: databricks:getCurrentUser
          Arguments: {}

    Create Recipient Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new Recipient(name: string, args: RecipientArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def Recipient(resource_name: str,
                  args: RecipientArgs,
                  opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def Recipient(resource_name: str,
                  opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                  authentication_type: Optional[str] = None,
                  comment: Optional[str] = None,
                  data_recipient_global_metastore_id: Optional[str] = None,
                  ip_access_list: Optional[RecipientIpAccessListArgs] = None,
                  name: Optional[str] = None,
                  owner: Optional[str] = None,
                  properties_kvpairs: Optional[RecipientPropertiesKvpairsArgs] = None,
                  sharing_code: Optional[str] = None,
                  tokens: Optional[Sequence[RecipientTokenArgs]] = None)
    func NewRecipient(ctx *Context, name string, args RecipientArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Recipient, error)
    public Recipient(string name, RecipientArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public Recipient(String name, RecipientArgs args)
    public Recipient(String name, RecipientArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: databricks:Recipient
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args RecipientArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args RecipientArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args RecipientArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args RecipientArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args RecipientArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var recipientResource = new Databricks.Recipient("recipientResource", new()
        AuthenticationType = "string",
        Comment = "string",
        DataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId = "string",
        IpAccessList = new Databricks.Inputs.RecipientIpAccessListArgs
            AllowedIpAddresses = new[]
        Name = "string",
        Owner = "string",
        PropertiesKvpairs = new Databricks.Inputs.RecipientPropertiesKvpairsArgs
            Properties = 
                { "string", "any" },
        SharingCode = "string",
        Tokens = new[]
            new Databricks.Inputs.RecipientTokenArgs
                ActivationUrl = "string",
                CreatedAt = 0,
                CreatedBy = "string",
                ExpirationTime = 0,
                Id = "string",
                UpdatedAt = 0,
                UpdatedBy = "string",
    example, err := databricks.NewRecipient(ctx, "recipientResource", &databricks.RecipientArgs{
    	AuthenticationType:             pulumi.String("string"),
    	Comment:                        pulumi.String("string"),
    	DataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId: pulumi.String("string"),
    	IpAccessList: &databricks.RecipientIpAccessListArgs{
    		AllowedIpAddresses: pulumi.StringArray{
    	Name:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	Owner: pulumi.String("string"),
    	PropertiesKvpairs: &databricks.RecipientPropertiesKvpairsArgs{
    		Properties: pulumi.Map{
    			"string": pulumi.Any("any"),
    	SharingCode: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Tokens: databricks.RecipientTokenArray{
    			ActivationUrl:  pulumi.String("string"),
    			CreatedAt:      pulumi.Int(0),
    			CreatedBy:      pulumi.String("string"),
    			ExpirationTime: pulumi.Int(0),
    			Id:             pulumi.String("string"),
    			UpdatedAt:      pulumi.Int(0),
    			UpdatedBy:      pulumi.String("string"),
    var recipientResource = new Recipient("recipientResource", RecipientArgs.builder()
            .properties(Map.of("string", "any"))
    recipient_resource = databricks.Recipient("recipientResource",
                "string": "any",
    const recipientResource = new databricks.Recipient("recipientResource", {
        authenticationType: "string",
        comment: "string",
        dataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId: "string",
        ipAccessList: {
            allowedIpAddresses: ["string"],
        name: "string",
        owner: "string",
        propertiesKvpairs: {
            properties: {
                string: "any",
        sharingCode: "string",
        tokens: [{
            activationUrl: "string",
            createdAt: 0,
            createdBy: "string",
            expirationTime: 0,
            id: "string",
            updatedAt: 0,
            updatedBy: "string",
    type: databricks:Recipient
        authenticationType: string
        comment: string
        dataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId: string
                - string
        name: string
        owner: string
                string: any
        sharingCode: string
            - activationUrl: string
              createdAt: 0
              createdBy: string
              expirationTime: 0
              id: string
              updatedAt: 0
              updatedBy: string

    Recipient Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The Recipient resource accepts the following input properties:

    AuthenticationType string
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    Comment string
    Description about the recipient.
    DataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId string
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    IpAccessList RecipientIpAccessList
    Recipient IP access list.
    Name string
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    Owner string
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    PropertiesKvpairs RecipientPropertiesKvpairs
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    SharingCode string
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    Tokens List<RecipientToken>
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    AuthenticationType string
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    Comment string
    Description about the recipient.
    DataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId string
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    IpAccessList RecipientIpAccessListArgs
    Recipient IP access list.
    Name string
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    Owner string
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    PropertiesKvpairs RecipientPropertiesKvpairsArgs
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    SharingCode string
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    Tokens []RecipientTokenArgs
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    authenticationType String
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    comment String
    Description about the recipient.
    dataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId String
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    ipAccessList RecipientIpAccessList
    Recipient IP access list.
    name String
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    owner String
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    propertiesKvpairs RecipientPropertiesKvpairs
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    sharingCode String
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    tokens List<RecipientToken>
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    authenticationType string
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    comment string
    Description about the recipient.
    dataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId string
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    ipAccessList RecipientIpAccessList
    Recipient IP access list.
    name string
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    owner string
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    propertiesKvpairs RecipientPropertiesKvpairs
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    sharingCode string
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    tokens RecipientToken[]
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    authentication_type str
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    comment str
    Description about the recipient.
    data_recipient_global_metastore_id str
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    ip_access_list RecipientIpAccessListArgs
    Recipient IP access list.
    name str
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    owner str
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    properties_kvpairs RecipientPropertiesKvpairsArgs
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    sharing_code str
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    tokens Sequence[RecipientTokenArgs]
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    authenticationType String
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    comment String
    Description about the recipient.
    dataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId String
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    ipAccessList Property Map
    Recipient IP access list.
    name String
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    owner String
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    propertiesKvpairs Property Map
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    sharingCode String
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    tokens List<Property Map>
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the Recipient resource produces the following output properties:

    Activated bool
    ActivationUrl string
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    Cloud string
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    CreatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    CreatedBy string
    Username of recipient creator.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    MetastoreId string
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    Region string
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    UpdatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    UpdatedBy string
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    Activated bool
    ActivationUrl string
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    Cloud string
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    CreatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    CreatedBy string
    Username of recipient creator.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    MetastoreId string
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    Region string
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    UpdatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    UpdatedBy string
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activated Boolean
    activationUrl String
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    cloud String
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    createdAt Integer
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    createdBy String
    Username of recipient creator.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    metastoreId String
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    region String
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    updatedAt Integer
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updatedBy String
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activated boolean
    activationUrl string
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    cloud string
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    createdAt number
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    createdBy string
    Username of recipient creator.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    metastoreId string
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    region string
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    updatedAt number
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updatedBy string
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activated bool
    activation_url str
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    cloud str
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    created_at int
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    created_by str
    Username of recipient creator.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    metastore_id str
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    region str
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    updated_at int
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updated_by str
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activated Boolean
    activationUrl String
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    cloud String
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    createdAt Number
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    createdBy String
    Username of recipient creator.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    metastoreId String
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    region String
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    updatedAt Number
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updatedBy String
    Username of recipient Token updater.

    Look up Existing Recipient Resource

    Get an existing Recipient resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: RecipientState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): Recipient
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            activated: Optional[bool] = None,
            activation_url: Optional[str] = None,
            authentication_type: Optional[str] = None,
            cloud: Optional[str] = None,
            comment: Optional[str] = None,
            created_at: Optional[int] = None,
            created_by: Optional[str] = None,
            data_recipient_global_metastore_id: Optional[str] = None,
            ip_access_list: Optional[RecipientIpAccessListArgs] = None,
            metastore_id: Optional[str] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            owner: Optional[str] = None,
            properties_kvpairs: Optional[RecipientPropertiesKvpairsArgs] = None,
            region: Optional[str] = None,
            sharing_code: Optional[str] = None,
            tokens: Optional[Sequence[RecipientTokenArgs]] = None,
            updated_at: Optional[int] = None,
            updated_by: Optional[str] = None) -> Recipient
    func GetRecipient(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *RecipientState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Recipient, error)
    public static Recipient Get(string name, Input<string> id, RecipientState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static Recipient get(String name, Output<String> id, RecipientState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    Activated bool
    ActivationUrl string
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    AuthenticationType string
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    Cloud string
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    Comment string
    Description about the recipient.
    CreatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    CreatedBy string
    Username of recipient creator.
    DataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId string
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    IpAccessList RecipientIpAccessList
    Recipient IP access list.
    MetastoreId string
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    Name string
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    Owner string
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    PropertiesKvpairs RecipientPropertiesKvpairs
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    Region string
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    SharingCode string
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    Tokens List<RecipientToken>
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    UpdatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    UpdatedBy string
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    Activated bool
    ActivationUrl string
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    AuthenticationType string
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    Cloud string
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    Comment string
    Description about the recipient.
    CreatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    CreatedBy string
    Username of recipient creator.
    DataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId string
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    IpAccessList RecipientIpAccessListArgs
    Recipient IP access list.
    MetastoreId string
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    Name string
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    Owner string
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    PropertiesKvpairs RecipientPropertiesKvpairsArgs
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    Region string
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    SharingCode string
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    Tokens []RecipientTokenArgs
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    UpdatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    UpdatedBy string
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activated Boolean
    activationUrl String
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    authenticationType String
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    cloud String
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    comment String
    Description about the recipient.
    createdAt Integer
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    createdBy String
    Username of recipient creator.
    dataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId String
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    ipAccessList RecipientIpAccessList
    Recipient IP access list.
    metastoreId String
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    name String
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    owner String
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    propertiesKvpairs RecipientPropertiesKvpairs
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    region String
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    sharingCode String
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    tokens List<RecipientToken>
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    updatedAt Integer
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updatedBy String
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activated boolean
    activationUrl string
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    authenticationType string
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    cloud string
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    comment string
    Description about the recipient.
    createdAt number
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    createdBy string
    Username of recipient creator.
    dataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId string
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    ipAccessList RecipientIpAccessList
    Recipient IP access list.
    metastoreId string
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    name string
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    owner string
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    propertiesKvpairs RecipientPropertiesKvpairs
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    region string
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    sharingCode string
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    tokens RecipientToken[]
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    updatedAt number
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updatedBy string
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activated bool
    activation_url str
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    authentication_type str
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    cloud str
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    comment str
    Description about the recipient.
    created_at int
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    created_by str
    Username of recipient creator.
    data_recipient_global_metastore_id str
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    ip_access_list RecipientIpAccessListArgs
    Recipient IP access list.
    metastore_id str
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    name str
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    owner str
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    properties_kvpairs RecipientPropertiesKvpairsArgs
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    region str
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    sharing_code str
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    tokens Sequence[RecipientTokenArgs]
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    updated_at int
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updated_by str
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activated Boolean
    activationUrl String
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    authenticationType String
    The delta sharing authentication type. Valid values are TOKEN and DATABRICKS.
    cloud String
    Cloud vendor of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    comment String
    Description about the recipient.
    createdAt Number
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    createdBy String
    Username of recipient creator.
    dataRecipientGlobalMetastoreId String
    Required when authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    ipAccessList Property Map
    Recipient IP access list.
    metastoreId String
    Unique identifier of recipient's Unity Catalog metastore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    name String
    Name of recipient. Change forces creation of a new resource.
    owner String
    Username/groupname/sp application_id of the recipient owner.
    propertiesKvpairs Property Map
    Recipient properties - object consisting of following fields:
    region String
    Cloud region of the recipient's Unity Catalog Metstore. This field is only present when the authentication_type is DATABRICKS.
    sharingCode String
    The one-time sharing code provided by the data recipient.
    tokens List<Property Map>
    List of Recipient Tokens. This field is only present when the authentication_type is TOKEN. Each list element is an object with following attributes:
    updatedAt Number
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updatedBy String
    Username of recipient Token updater.

    Supporting Types

    RecipientIpAccessList, RecipientIpAccessListArgs

    AllowedIpAddresses List<string>
    allowedIpAddresses List<String>
    allowed_ip_addresses Sequence[str]
    allowedIpAddresses List<String>

    RecipientPropertiesKvpairs, RecipientPropertiesKvpairsArgs

    Properties Dictionary<string, object>
    a map of string key-value pairs with recipient's properties. Properties with name starting with databricks. are reserved.
    Properties map[string]interface{}
    a map of string key-value pairs with recipient's properties. Properties with name starting with databricks. are reserved.
    properties Map<String,Object>
    a map of string key-value pairs with recipient's properties. Properties with name starting with databricks. are reserved.
    properties {[key: string]: any}
    a map of string key-value pairs with recipient's properties. Properties with name starting with databricks. are reserved.
    properties Mapping[str, Any]
    a map of string key-value pairs with recipient's properties. Properties with name starting with databricks. are reserved.
    properties Map<Any>
    a map of string key-value pairs with recipient's properties. Properties with name starting with databricks. are reserved.

    RecipientToken, RecipientTokenArgs

    ActivationUrl string
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    CreatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    CreatedBy string
    Username of recipient creator.
    ExpirationTime int
    Expiration timestamp of the token in epoch milliseconds.
    Id string
    Unique ID of the recipient token.
    UpdatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    UpdatedBy string
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    ActivationUrl string
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    CreatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    CreatedBy string
    Username of recipient creator.
    ExpirationTime int
    Expiration timestamp of the token in epoch milliseconds.
    Id string
    Unique ID of the recipient token.
    UpdatedAt int
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    UpdatedBy string
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activationUrl String
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    createdAt Integer
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    createdBy String
    Username of recipient creator.
    expirationTime Integer
    Expiration timestamp of the token in epoch milliseconds.
    id String
    Unique ID of the recipient token.
    updatedAt Integer
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updatedBy String
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activationUrl string
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    createdAt number
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    createdBy string
    Username of recipient creator.
    expirationTime number
    Expiration timestamp of the token in epoch milliseconds.
    id string
    Unique ID of the recipient token.
    updatedAt number
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updatedBy string
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activation_url str
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    created_at int
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    created_by str
    Username of recipient creator.
    expiration_time int
    Expiration timestamp of the token in epoch milliseconds.
    id str
    Unique ID of the recipient token.
    updated_at int
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updated_by str
    Username of recipient Token updater.
    activationUrl String
    Full activation URL to retrieve the access token. It will be empty if the token is already retrieved.
    createdAt Number
    Time at which this recipient was created, in epoch milliseconds.
    createdBy String
    Username of recipient creator.
    expirationTime Number
    Expiration timestamp of the token in epoch milliseconds.
    id String
    Unique ID of the recipient token.
    updatedAt Number
    Time at which this recipient was updated, in epoch milliseconds.
    updatedBy String
    Username of recipient Token updater.

    Package Details

    databricks pulumi/pulumi-databricks
    This Pulumi package is based on the databricks Terraform Provider.
    databricks logo
    Databricks v1.46.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi