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  4. artifactregistry
  5. getRepository
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Get information about a Google Artifact Registry Repository. For more information see the official documentation and API.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const my-repo = gcp.artifactregistry.getRepository({
        location: "us-central1",
        repositoryId: "my-repository",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    my_repo = gcp.artifactregistry.get_repository(location="us-central1",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := artifactregistry.LookupRepository(ctx, &artifactregistry.LookupRepositoryArgs{
    			Location:     "us-central1",
    			RepositoryId: "my-repository",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var my_repo = Gcp.ArtifactRegistry.GetRepository.Invoke(new()
            Location = "us-central1",
            RepositoryId = "my-repository",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.artifactregistry.ArtifactregistryFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.artifactregistry.inputs.GetRepositoryArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var my-repo = ArtifactregistryFunctions.getRepository(GetRepositoryArgs.builder()
          Function: gcp:artifactregistry:getRepository
            location: us-central1
            repositoryId: my-repository

    Using getRepository

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getRepository(args: GetRepositoryArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetRepositoryResult>
    function getRepositoryOutput(args: GetRepositoryOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetRepositoryResult>
    def get_repository(location: Optional[str] = None,
                       project: Optional[str] = None,
                       repository_id: Optional[str] = None,
                       opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetRepositoryResult
    def get_repository_output(location: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                       project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                       repository_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                       opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetRepositoryResult]
    func LookupRepository(ctx *Context, args *LookupRepositoryArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupRepositoryResult, error)
    func LookupRepositoryOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupRepositoryOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupRepositoryResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupRepository in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetRepository 
        public static Task<GetRepositoryResult> InvokeAsync(GetRepositoryArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetRepositoryResult> Invoke(GetRepositoryInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetRepositoryResult> getRepository(GetRepositoryArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: gcp:artifactregistry/getRepository:getRepository
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Location string
    The location of the artifact registry repository. eg us-central1

    RepositoryId string
    The last part of the repository name.
    Project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Location string
    The location of the artifact registry repository. eg us-central1

    RepositoryId string
    The last part of the repository name.
    Project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    location String
    The location of the artifact registry repository. eg us-central1

    repositoryId String
    The last part of the repository name.
    project String
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    location string
    The location of the artifact registry repository. eg us-central1

    repositoryId string
    The last part of the repository name.
    project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    location str
    The location of the artifact registry repository. eg us-central1

    repository_id str
    The last part of the repository name.
    project str
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    location String
    The location of the artifact registry repository. eg us-central1

    repositoryId String
    The last part of the repository name.
    project String
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.

    getRepository Result

    The following output properties are available:

    Supporting Types


    Action string
    Policy action. Possible values: ["DELETE", "KEEP"]
    Conditions List<GetRepositoryCleanupPolicyCondition>
    Policy condition for matching versions.
    Id string
    MostRecentVersions List<GetRepositoryCleanupPolicyMostRecentVersion>
    Policy condition for retaining a minimum number of versions. May only be specified with a Keep action.
    Action string
    Policy action. Possible values: ["DELETE", "KEEP"]
    Conditions []GetRepositoryCleanupPolicyCondition
    Policy condition for matching versions.
    Id string
    MostRecentVersions []GetRepositoryCleanupPolicyMostRecentVersion
    Policy condition for retaining a minimum number of versions. May only be specified with a Keep action.
    action String
    Policy action. Possible values: ["DELETE", "KEEP"]
    conditions List<GetRepositoryCleanupPolicyCondition>
    Policy condition for matching versions.
    id String
    mostRecentVersions List<GetRepositoryCleanupPolicyMostRecentVersion>
    Policy condition for retaining a minimum number of versions. May only be specified with a Keep action.
    action string
    Policy action. Possible values: ["DELETE", "KEEP"]
    conditions GetRepositoryCleanupPolicyCondition[]
    Policy condition for matching versions.
    id string
    mostRecentVersions GetRepositoryCleanupPolicyMostRecentVersion[]
    Policy condition for retaining a minimum number of versions. May only be specified with a Keep action.
    action str
    Policy action. Possible values: ["DELETE", "KEEP"]
    conditions Sequence[GetRepositoryCleanupPolicyCondition]
    Policy condition for matching versions.
    id str
    most_recent_versions Sequence[GetRepositoryCleanupPolicyMostRecentVersion]
    Policy condition for retaining a minimum number of versions. May only be specified with a Keep action.
    action String
    Policy action. Possible values: ["DELETE", "KEEP"]
    conditions List<Property Map>
    Policy condition for matching versions.
    id String
    mostRecentVersions List<Property Map>
    Policy condition for retaining a minimum number of versions. May only be specified with a Keep action.


    NewerThan string
    Match versions newer than a duration.
    OlderThan string
    Match versions older than a duration.
    PackageNamePrefixes List<string>
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    TagPrefixes List<string>
    Match versions by tag prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    TagState string
    Match versions by tag status. Default value: "ANY" Possible values: ["TAGGED", "UNTAGGED", "ANY"]
    VersionNamePrefixes List<string>
    Match versions by version name prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    NewerThan string
    Match versions newer than a duration.
    OlderThan string
    Match versions older than a duration.
    PackageNamePrefixes []string
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    TagPrefixes []string
    Match versions by tag prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    TagState string
    Match versions by tag status. Default value: "ANY" Possible values: ["TAGGED", "UNTAGGED", "ANY"]
    VersionNamePrefixes []string
    Match versions by version name prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    newerThan String
    Match versions newer than a duration.
    olderThan String
    Match versions older than a duration.
    packageNamePrefixes List<String>
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    tagPrefixes List<String>
    Match versions by tag prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    tagState String
    Match versions by tag status. Default value: "ANY" Possible values: ["TAGGED", "UNTAGGED", "ANY"]
    versionNamePrefixes List<String>
    Match versions by version name prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    newerThan string
    Match versions newer than a duration.
    olderThan string
    Match versions older than a duration.
    packageNamePrefixes string[]
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    tagPrefixes string[]
    Match versions by tag prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    tagState string
    Match versions by tag status. Default value: "ANY" Possible values: ["TAGGED", "UNTAGGED", "ANY"]
    versionNamePrefixes string[]
    Match versions by version name prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    newer_than str
    Match versions newer than a duration.
    older_than str
    Match versions older than a duration.
    package_name_prefixes Sequence[str]
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    tag_prefixes Sequence[str]
    Match versions by tag prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    tag_state str
    Match versions by tag status. Default value: "ANY" Possible values: ["TAGGED", "UNTAGGED", "ANY"]
    version_name_prefixes Sequence[str]
    Match versions by version name prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    newerThan String
    Match versions newer than a duration.
    olderThan String
    Match versions older than a duration.
    packageNamePrefixes List<String>
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    tagPrefixes List<String>
    Match versions by tag prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    tagState String
    Match versions by tag status. Default value: "ANY" Possible values: ["TAGGED", "UNTAGGED", "ANY"]
    versionNamePrefixes List<String>
    Match versions by version name prefix. Applied on any prefix match.


    KeepCount int
    Minimum number of versions to keep.
    PackageNamePrefixes List<string>
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    KeepCount int
    Minimum number of versions to keep.
    PackageNamePrefixes []string
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    keepCount Integer
    Minimum number of versions to keep.
    packageNamePrefixes List<String>
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    keepCount number
    Minimum number of versions to keep.
    packageNamePrefixes string[]
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    keep_count int
    Minimum number of versions to keep.
    package_name_prefixes Sequence[str]
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.
    keepCount Number
    Minimum number of versions to keep.
    packageNamePrefixes List<String>
    Match versions by package prefix. Applied on any prefix match.


    ImmutableTags bool
    The repository which enabled this flag prevents all tags from being modified, moved or deleted. This does not prevent tags from being created.
    ImmutableTags bool
    The repository which enabled this flag prevents all tags from being modified, moved or deleted. This does not prevent tags from being created.
    immutableTags Boolean
    The repository which enabled this flag prevents all tags from being modified, moved or deleted. This does not prevent tags from being created.
    immutableTags boolean
    The repository which enabled this flag prevents all tags from being modified, moved or deleted. This does not prevent tags from being created.
    immutable_tags bool
    The repository which enabled this flag prevents all tags from being modified, moved or deleted. This does not prevent tags from being created.
    immutableTags Boolean
    The repository which enabled this flag prevents all tags from being modified, moved or deleted. This does not prevent tags from being created.


    AllowSnapshotOverwrites bool
    The repository with this flag will allow publishing the same snapshot versions.
    VersionPolicy string
    Version policy defines the versions that the registry will accept. Default value: "VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED" Possible values: ["VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED", "RELEASE", "SNAPSHOT"]
    AllowSnapshotOverwrites bool
    The repository with this flag will allow publishing the same snapshot versions.
    VersionPolicy string
    Version policy defines the versions that the registry will accept. Default value: "VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED" Possible values: ["VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED", "RELEASE", "SNAPSHOT"]
    allowSnapshotOverwrites Boolean
    The repository with this flag will allow publishing the same snapshot versions.
    versionPolicy String
    Version policy defines the versions that the registry will accept. Default value: "VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED" Possible values: ["VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED", "RELEASE", "SNAPSHOT"]
    allowSnapshotOverwrites boolean
    The repository with this flag will allow publishing the same snapshot versions.
    versionPolicy string
    Version policy defines the versions that the registry will accept. Default value: "VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED" Possible values: ["VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED", "RELEASE", "SNAPSHOT"]
    allow_snapshot_overwrites bool
    The repository with this flag will allow publishing the same snapshot versions.
    version_policy str
    Version policy defines the versions that the registry will accept. Default value: "VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED" Possible values: ["VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED", "RELEASE", "SNAPSHOT"]
    allowSnapshotOverwrites Boolean
    The repository with this flag will allow publishing the same snapshot versions.
    versionPolicy String
    Version policy defines the versions that the registry will accept. Default value: "VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED" Possible values: ["VERSION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED", "RELEASE", "SNAPSHOT"]


    AptRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigAptRepository>
    Specific settings for an Apt remote repository.
    Description string
    The description of the remote source.
    DisableUpstreamValidation bool
    If true, the remote repository upstream and upstream credentials will not be validated.
    DockerRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigDockerRepository>
    Specific settings for a Docker remote repository.
    MavenRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigMavenRepository>
    Specific settings for a Maven remote repository.
    NpmRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigNpmRepository>
    Specific settings for an Npm remote repository.
    PythonRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigPythonRepository>
    Specific settings for a Python remote repository.
    UpstreamCredentials List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigUpstreamCredential>
    The credentials used to access the remote repository.
    YumRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigYumRepository>
    Specific settings for an Yum remote repository.
    AptRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigAptRepository
    Specific settings for an Apt remote repository.
    Description string
    The description of the remote source.
    DisableUpstreamValidation bool
    If true, the remote repository upstream and upstream credentials will not be validated.
    DockerRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigDockerRepository
    Specific settings for a Docker remote repository.
    MavenRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigMavenRepository
    Specific settings for a Maven remote repository.
    NpmRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigNpmRepository
    Specific settings for an Npm remote repository.
    PythonRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigPythonRepository
    Specific settings for a Python remote repository.
    UpstreamCredentials []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigUpstreamCredential
    The credentials used to access the remote repository.
    YumRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigYumRepository
    Specific settings for an Yum remote repository.
    aptRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigAptRepository>
    Specific settings for an Apt remote repository.
    description String
    The description of the remote source.
    disableUpstreamValidation Boolean
    If true, the remote repository upstream and upstream credentials will not be validated.
    dockerRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigDockerRepository>
    Specific settings for a Docker remote repository.
    mavenRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigMavenRepository>
    Specific settings for a Maven remote repository.
    npmRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigNpmRepository>
    Specific settings for an Npm remote repository.
    pythonRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigPythonRepository>
    Specific settings for a Python remote repository.
    upstreamCredentials List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigUpstreamCredential>
    The credentials used to access the remote repository.
    yumRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigYumRepository>
    Specific settings for an Yum remote repository.
    aptRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigAptRepository[]
    Specific settings for an Apt remote repository.
    description string
    The description of the remote source.
    disableUpstreamValidation boolean
    If true, the remote repository upstream and upstream credentials will not be validated.
    dockerRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigDockerRepository[]
    Specific settings for a Docker remote repository.
    mavenRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigMavenRepository[]
    Specific settings for a Maven remote repository.
    npmRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigNpmRepository[]
    Specific settings for an Npm remote repository.
    pythonRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigPythonRepository[]
    Specific settings for a Python remote repository.
    upstreamCredentials GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigUpstreamCredential[]
    The credentials used to access the remote repository.
    yumRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigYumRepository[]
    Specific settings for an Yum remote repository.
    apt_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigAptRepository]
    Specific settings for an Apt remote repository.
    description str
    The description of the remote source.
    disable_upstream_validation bool
    If true, the remote repository upstream and upstream credentials will not be validated.
    docker_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigDockerRepository]
    Specific settings for a Docker remote repository.
    maven_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigMavenRepository]
    Specific settings for a Maven remote repository.
    npm_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigNpmRepository]
    Specific settings for an Npm remote repository.
    python_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigPythonRepository]
    Specific settings for a Python remote repository.
    upstream_credentials Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigUpstreamCredential]
    The credentials used to access the remote repository.
    yum_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigYumRepository]
    Specific settings for an Yum remote repository.
    aptRepositories List<Property Map>
    Specific settings for an Apt remote repository.
    description String
    The description of the remote source.
    disableUpstreamValidation Boolean
    If true, the remote repository upstream and upstream credentials will not be validated.
    dockerRepositories List<Property Map>
    Specific settings for a Docker remote repository.
    mavenRepositories List<Property Map>
    Specific settings for a Maven remote repository.
    npmRepositories List<Property Map>
    Specific settings for an Npm remote repository.
    pythonRepositories List<Property Map>
    Specific settings for a Python remote repository.
    upstreamCredentials List<Property Map>
    The credentials used to access the remote repository.
    yumRepositories List<Property Map>
    Specific settings for an Yum remote repository.


    PublicRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigAptRepositoryPublicRepository>
    One of the publicly available Apt repositories supported by Artifact Registry.
    PublicRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigAptRepositoryPublicRepository
    One of the publicly available Apt repositories supported by Artifact Registry.
    publicRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigAptRepositoryPublicRepository>
    One of the publicly available Apt repositories supported by Artifact Registry.
    publicRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigAptRepositoryPublicRepository[]
    One of the publicly available Apt repositories supported by Artifact Registry.
    public_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigAptRepositoryPublicRepository]
    One of the publicly available Apt repositories supported by Artifact Registry.
    publicRepositories List<Property Map>
    One of the publicly available Apt repositories supported by Artifact Registry.


    RepositoryBase string
    A common public repository base for Apt, e.g. '"debian/dists/buster"' Possible values: ["DEBIAN", "UBUNTU"]
    RepositoryPath string
    Specific repository from the base.
    RepositoryBase string
    A common public repository base for Apt, e.g. '"debian/dists/buster"' Possible values: ["DEBIAN", "UBUNTU"]
    RepositoryPath string
    Specific repository from the base.
    repositoryBase String
    A common public repository base for Apt, e.g. '"debian/dists/buster"' Possible values: ["DEBIAN", "UBUNTU"]
    repositoryPath String
    Specific repository from the base.
    repositoryBase string
    A common public repository base for Apt, e.g. '"debian/dists/buster"' Possible values: ["DEBIAN", "UBUNTU"]
    repositoryPath string
    Specific repository from the base.
    repository_base str
    A common public repository base for Apt, e.g. '"debian/dists/buster"' Possible values: ["DEBIAN", "UBUNTU"]
    repository_path str
    Specific repository from the base.
    repositoryBase String
    A common public repository base for Apt, e.g. '"debian/dists/buster"' Possible values: ["DEBIAN", "UBUNTU"]
    repositoryPath String
    Specific repository from the base.


    CustomRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigDockerRepositoryCustomRepository>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    PublicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "DOCKER_HUB" Possible values: ["DOCKER_HUB"]
    CustomRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigDockerRepositoryCustomRepository
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    PublicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "DOCKER_HUB" Possible values: ["DOCKER_HUB"]
    customRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigDockerRepositoryCustomRepository>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository String
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "DOCKER_HUB" Possible values: ["DOCKER_HUB"]
    customRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigDockerRepositoryCustomRepository[]
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "DOCKER_HUB" Possible values: ["DOCKER_HUB"]
    custom_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigDockerRepositoryCustomRepository]
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    public_repository str
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "DOCKER_HUB" Possible values: ["DOCKER_HUB"]
    customRepositories List<Property Map>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository String
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "DOCKER_HUB" Possible values: ["DOCKER_HUB"]


    Uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry-1.docker.io"'
    Uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry-1.docker.io"'
    uri String
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry-1.docker.io"'
    uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry-1.docker.io"'
    uri str
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry-1.docker.io"'
    uri String
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry-1.docker.io"'


    CustomRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigMavenRepositoryCustomRepository>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    PublicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "MAVEN_CENTRAL" Possible values: ["MAVEN_CENTRAL"]
    CustomRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigMavenRepositoryCustomRepository
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    PublicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "MAVEN_CENTRAL" Possible values: ["MAVEN_CENTRAL"]
    customRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigMavenRepositoryCustomRepository>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository String
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "MAVEN_CENTRAL" Possible values: ["MAVEN_CENTRAL"]
    customRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigMavenRepositoryCustomRepository[]
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "MAVEN_CENTRAL" Possible values: ["MAVEN_CENTRAL"]
    custom_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigMavenRepositoryCustomRepository]
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    public_repository str
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "MAVEN_CENTRAL" Possible values: ["MAVEN_CENTRAL"]
    customRepositories List<Property Map>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository String
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "MAVEN_CENTRAL" Possible values: ["MAVEN_CENTRAL"]


    Uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2"'
    Uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2"'
    uri String
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2"'
    uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2"'
    uri str
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2"'
    uri String
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2"'


    CustomRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigNpmRepositoryCustomRepository>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    PublicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "NPMJS" Possible values: ["NPMJS"]
    CustomRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigNpmRepositoryCustomRepository
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    PublicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "NPMJS" Possible values: ["NPMJS"]
    customRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigNpmRepositoryCustomRepository>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository String
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "NPMJS" Possible values: ["NPMJS"]
    customRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigNpmRepositoryCustomRepository[]
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "NPMJS" Possible values: ["NPMJS"]
    custom_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigNpmRepositoryCustomRepository]
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    public_repository str
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "NPMJS" Possible values: ["NPMJS"]
    customRepositories List<Property Map>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository String
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "NPMJS" Possible values: ["NPMJS"]


    Uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry.npmjs.org"'
    Uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry.npmjs.org"'
    uri String
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry.npmjs.org"'
    uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry.npmjs.org"'
    uri str
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry.npmjs.org"'
    uri String
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://registry.npmjs.org"'


    CustomRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigPythonRepositoryCustomRepository>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    PublicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "PYPI" Possible values: ["PYPI"]
    CustomRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigPythonRepositoryCustomRepository
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    PublicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "PYPI" Possible values: ["PYPI"]
    customRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigPythonRepositoryCustomRepository>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository String
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "PYPI" Possible values: ["PYPI"]
    customRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigPythonRepositoryCustomRepository[]
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository string
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "PYPI" Possible values: ["PYPI"]
    custom_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigPythonRepositoryCustomRepository]
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    public_repository str
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "PYPI" Possible values: ["PYPI"]
    customRepositories List<Property Map>
    Settings for a remote repository with a custom uri.
    publicRepository String
    Address of the remote repository. Default value: "PYPI" Possible values: ["PYPI"]


    Uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://pypi.io"'
    Uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://pypi.io"'
    uri String
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://pypi.io"'
    uri string
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://pypi.io"'
    uri str
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://pypi.io"'
    uri String
    Specific uri to the registry, e.g. '"https://pypi.io"'


    usernamePasswordCredentials List<Property Map>
    Use username and password to access the remote repository.


    PasswordSecretVersion string
    The Secret Manager key version that holds the password to access the remote repository. Must be in the format of 'projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}/versions/{version}'.
    Username string
    The username to access the remote repository.
    PasswordSecretVersion string
    The Secret Manager key version that holds the password to access the remote repository. Must be in the format of 'projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}/versions/{version}'.
    Username string
    The username to access the remote repository.
    passwordSecretVersion String
    The Secret Manager key version that holds the password to access the remote repository. Must be in the format of 'projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}/versions/{version}'.
    username String
    The username to access the remote repository.
    passwordSecretVersion string
    The Secret Manager key version that holds the password to access the remote repository. Must be in the format of 'projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}/versions/{version}'.
    username string
    The username to access the remote repository.
    password_secret_version str
    The Secret Manager key version that holds the password to access the remote repository. Must be in the format of 'projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}/versions/{version}'.
    username str
    The username to access the remote repository.
    passwordSecretVersion String
    The Secret Manager key version that holds the password to access the remote repository. Must be in the format of 'projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}/versions/{version}'.
    username String
    The username to access the remote repository.


    PublicRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigYumRepositoryPublicRepository>
    One of the publicly available Yum repositories supported by Artifact Registry.
    PublicRepositories []GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigYumRepositoryPublicRepository
    One of the publicly available Yum repositories supported by Artifact Registry.
    publicRepositories List<GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigYumRepositoryPublicRepository>
    One of the publicly available Yum repositories supported by Artifact Registry.
    publicRepositories GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigYumRepositoryPublicRepository[]
    One of the publicly available Yum repositories supported by Artifact Registry.
    public_repositories Sequence[GetRepositoryRemoteRepositoryConfigYumRepositoryPublicRepository]
    One of the publicly available Yum repositories supported by Artifact Registry.
    publicRepositories List<Property Map>
    One of the publicly available Yum repositories supported by Artifact Registry.


    RepositoryBase string
    A common public repository base for Yum. Possible values: ["CENTOS", "CENTOS_DEBUG", "CENTOS_VAULT", "CENTOS_STREAM", "ROCKY", "EPEL"]
    RepositoryPath string
    Specific repository from the base, e.g. '"pub/rocky/9/BaseOS/x86_64/os"'
    RepositoryBase string
    A common public repository base for Yum. Possible values: ["CENTOS", "CENTOS_DEBUG", "CENTOS_VAULT", "CENTOS_STREAM", "ROCKY", "EPEL"]
    RepositoryPath string
    Specific repository from the base, e.g. '"pub/rocky/9/BaseOS/x86_64/os"'
    repositoryBase String
    A common public repository base for Yum. Possible values: ["CENTOS", "CENTOS_DEBUG", "CENTOS_VAULT", "CENTOS_STREAM", "ROCKY", "EPEL"]
    repositoryPath String
    Specific repository from the base, e.g. '"pub/rocky/9/BaseOS/x86_64/os"'
    repositoryBase string
    A common public repository base for Yum. Possible values: ["CENTOS", "CENTOS_DEBUG", "CENTOS_VAULT", "CENTOS_STREAM", "ROCKY", "EPEL"]
    repositoryPath string
    Specific repository from the base, e.g. '"pub/rocky/9/BaseOS/x86_64/os"'
    repository_base str
    A common public repository base for Yum. Possible values: ["CENTOS", "CENTOS_DEBUG", "CENTOS_VAULT", "CENTOS_STREAM", "ROCKY", "EPEL"]
    repository_path str
    Specific repository from the base, e.g. '"pub/rocky/9/BaseOS/x86_64/os"'
    repositoryBase String
    A common public repository base for Yum. Possible values: ["CENTOS", "CENTOS_DEBUG", "CENTOS_VAULT", "CENTOS_STREAM", "ROCKY", "EPEL"]
    repositoryPath String
    Specific repository from the base, e.g. '"pub/rocky/9/BaseOS/x86_64/os"'


    UpstreamPolicies List<GetRepositoryVirtualRepositoryConfigUpstreamPolicy>
    Policies that configure the upstream artifacts distributed by the Virtual Repository. Upstream policies cannot be set on a standard repository.
    UpstreamPolicies []GetRepositoryVirtualRepositoryConfigUpstreamPolicy
    Policies that configure the upstream artifacts distributed by the Virtual Repository. Upstream policies cannot be set on a standard repository.
    upstreamPolicies List<GetRepositoryVirtualRepositoryConfigUpstreamPolicy>
    Policies that configure the upstream artifacts distributed by the Virtual Repository. Upstream policies cannot be set on a standard repository.
    upstreamPolicies GetRepositoryVirtualRepositoryConfigUpstreamPolicy[]
    Policies that configure the upstream artifacts distributed by the Virtual Repository. Upstream policies cannot be set on a standard repository.
    upstream_policies Sequence[GetRepositoryVirtualRepositoryConfigUpstreamPolicy]
    Policies that configure the upstream artifacts distributed by the Virtual Repository. Upstream policies cannot be set on a standard repository.
    upstreamPolicies List<Property Map>
    Policies that configure the upstream artifacts distributed by the Virtual Repository. Upstream policies cannot be set on a standard repository.


    Id string
    The user-provided ID of the upstream policy.
    Priority int
    Entries with a greater priority value take precedence in the pull order.
    Repository string
    A reference to the repository resource, for example: "projects/p1/locations/us-central1/repository/repo1".
    Id string
    The user-provided ID of the upstream policy.
    Priority int
    Entries with a greater priority value take precedence in the pull order.
    Repository string
    A reference to the repository resource, for example: "projects/p1/locations/us-central1/repository/repo1".
    id String
    The user-provided ID of the upstream policy.
    priority Integer
    Entries with a greater priority value take precedence in the pull order.
    repository String
    A reference to the repository resource, for example: "projects/p1/locations/us-central1/repository/repo1".
    id string
    The user-provided ID of the upstream policy.
    priority number
    Entries with a greater priority value take precedence in the pull order.
    repository string
    A reference to the repository resource, for example: "projects/p1/locations/us-central1/repository/repo1".
    id str
    The user-provided ID of the upstream policy.
    priority int
    Entries with a greater priority value take precedence in the pull order.
    repository str
    A reference to the repository resource, for example: "projects/p1/locations/us-central1/repository/repo1".
    id String
    The user-provided ID of the upstream policy.
    priority Number
    Entries with a greater priority value take precedence in the pull order.
    repository String
    A reference to the repository resource, for example: "projects/p1/locations/us-central1/repository/repo1".

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi