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  5. DataTransferConfig
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Represents a data transfer configuration. A transfer configuration contains all metadata needed to perform a data transfer.

    To get more information about Config, see:

    Example Usage

    Bigquerydatatransfer Config Scheduled Query

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const project = gcp.organizations.getProject({});
    const permissions = new gcp.projects.IAMMember("permissions", {
        project: project.then(project => project.projectId),
        role: "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator",
        member: project.then(project => `serviceAccount:service-${project.number}@gcp-sa-bigquerydatatransfer.iam.gserviceaccount.com`),
    const myDataset = new gcp.bigquery.Dataset("my_dataset", {
        datasetId: "my_dataset",
        friendlyName: "foo",
        description: "bar",
        location: "asia-northeast1",
    }, {
        dependsOn: [permissions],
    const queryConfig = new gcp.bigquery.DataTransferConfig("query_config", {
        displayName: "my-query",
        location: "asia-northeast1",
        dataSourceId: "scheduled_query",
        schedule: "first sunday of quarter 00:00",
        destinationDatasetId: myDataset.datasetId,
        params: {
            destination_table_name_template: "my_table",
            write_disposition: "WRITE_APPEND",
            query: "SELECT name FROM tabl WHERE x = 'y'",
    }, {
        dependsOn: [permissions],
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    project = gcp.organizations.get_project()
    permissions = gcp.projects.IAMMember("permissions",
    my_dataset = gcp.bigquery.Dataset("my_dataset",
        opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(depends_on=[permissions]))
    query_config = gcp.bigquery.DataTransferConfig("query_config",
        schedule="first sunday of quarter 00:00",
            "destination_table_name_template": "my_table",
            "write_disposition": "WRITE_APPEND",
            "query": "SELECT name FROM tabl WHERE x = 'y'",
        opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(depends_on=[permissions]))
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		project, err := organizations.LookupProject(ctx, nil, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		permissions, err := projects.NewIAMMember(ctx, "permissions", &projects.IAMMemberArgs{
    			Project: pulumi.String(project.ProjectId),
    			Role:    pulumi.String("roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator"),
    			Member:  pulumi.String(fmt.Sprintf("serviceAccount:service-%v@gcp-sa-bigquerydatatransfer.iam.gserviceaccount.com", project.Number)),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		myDataset, err := bigquery.NewDataset(ctx, "my_dataset", &bigquery.DatasetArgs{
    			DatasetId:    pulumi.String("my_dataset"),
    			FriendlyName: pulumi.String("foo"),
    			Description:  pulumi.String("bar"),
    			Location:     pulumi.String("asia-northeast1"),
    		}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = bigquery.NewDataTransferConfig(ctx, "query_config", &bigquery.DataTransferConfigArgs{
    			DisplayName:          pulumi.String("my-query"),
    			Location:             pulumi.String("asia-northeast1"),
    			DataSourceId:         pulumi.String("scheduled_query"),
    			Schedule:             pulumi.String("first sunday of quarter 00:00"),
    			DestinationDatasetId: myDataset.DatasetId,
    			Params: pulumi.StringMap{
    				"destination_table_name_template": pulumi.String("my_table"),
    				"write_disposition":               pulumi.String("WRITE_APPEND"),
    				"query":                           pulumi.String("SELECT name FROM tabl WHERE x = 'y'"),
    		}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var project = Gcp.Organizations.GetProject.Invoke();
        var permissions = new Gcp.Projects.IAMMember("permissions", new()
            Project = project.Apply(getProjectResult => getProjectResult.ProjectId),
            Role = "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator",
            Member = $"serviceAccount:service-{project.Apply(getProjectResult => getProjectResult.Number)}@gcp-sa-bigquerydatatransfer.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
        var myDataset = new Gcp.BigQuery.Dataset("my_dataset", new()
            DatasetId = "my_dataset",
            FriendlyName = "foo",
            Description = "bar",
            Location = "asia-northeast1",
        }, new CustomResourceOptions
            DependsOn =
        var queryConfig = new Gcp.BigQuery.DataTransferConfig("query_config", new()
            DisplayName = "my-query",
            Location = "asia-northeast1",
            DataSourceId = "scheduled_query",
            Schedule = "first sunday of quarter 00:00",
            DestinationDatasetId = myDataset.DatasetId,
            Params = 
                { "destination_table_name_template", "my_table" },
                { "write_disposition", "WRITE_APPEND" },
                { "query", "SELECT name FROM tabl WHERE x = 'y'" },
        }, new CustomResourceOptions
            DependsOn =
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.organizations.OrganizationsFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.organizations.inputs.GetProjectArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.projects.IAMMember;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.projects.IAMMemberArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.bigquery.Dataset;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.bigquery.DatasetArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.bigquery.DataTransferConfig;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.bigquery.DataTransferConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var project = OrganizationsFunctions.getProject();
            var permissions = new IAMMember("permissions", IAMMemberArgs.builder()
                .project(project.applyValue(getProjectResult -> getProjectResult.projectId()))
                .member(String.format("serviceAccount:service-%s@gcp-sa-bigquerydatatransfer.iam.gserviceaccount.com", project.applyValue(getProjectResult -> getProjectResult.number())))
            var myDataset = new Dataset("myDataset", DatasetArgs.builder()
                .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
            var queryConfig = new DataTransferConfig("queryConfig", DataTransferConfigArgs.builder()
                .schedule("first sunday of quarter 00:00")
                    Map.entry("destination_table_name_template", "my_table"),
                    Map.entry("write_disposition", "WRITE_APPEND"),
                    Map.entry("query", "SELECT name FROM tabl WHERE x = 'y'")
                .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
        type: gcp:projects:IAMMember
          project: ${project.projectId}
          role: roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator
          member: serviceAccount:service-${project.number}@gcp-sa-bigquerydatatransfer.iam.gserviceaccount.com
        type: gcp:bigquery:DataTransferConfig
        name: query_config
          displayName: my-query
          location: asia-northeast1
          dataSourceId: scheduled_query
          schedule: first sunday of quarter 00:00
          destinationDatasetId: ${myDataset.datasetId}
            destination_table_name_template: my_table
            write_disposition: WRITE_APPEND
            query: SELECT name FROM tabl WHERE x = 'y'
            - ${permissions}
        type: gcp:bigquery:Dataset
        name: my_dataset
          datasetId: my_dataset
          friendlyName: foo
          description: bar
          location: asia-northeast1
            - ${permissions}
          Function: gcp:organizations:getProject
          Arguments: {}

    Create DataTransferConfig Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new DataTransferConfig(name: string, args: DataTransferConfigArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def DataTransferConfig(resource_name: str,
                           args: DataTransferConfigArgs,
                           opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def DataTransferConfig(resource_name: str,
                           opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                           display_name: Optional[str] = None,
                           data_source_id: Optional[str] = None,
                           params: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                           location: Optional[str] = None,
                           disabled: Optional[bool] = None,
                           email_preferences: Optional[DataTransferConfigEmailPreferencesArgs] = None,
                           data_refresh_window_days: Optional[int] = None,
                           notification_pubsub_topic: Optional[str] = None,
                           destination_dataset_id: Optional[str] = None,
                           project: Optional[str] = None,
                           schedule: Optional[str] = None,
                           schedule_options: Optional[DataTransferConfigScheduleOptionsArgs] = None,
                           sensitive_params: Optional[DataTransferConfigSensitiveParamsArgs] = None,
                           service_account_name: Optional[str] = None)
    func NewDataTransferConfig(ctx *Context, name string, args DataTransferConfigArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*DataTransferConfig, error)
    public DataTransferConfig(string name, DataTransferConfigArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public DataTransferConfig(String name, DataTransferConfigArgs args)
    public DataTransferConfig(String name, DataTransferConfigArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: gcp:bigquery:DataTransferConfig
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args DataTransferConfigArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args DataTransferConfigArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args DataTransferConfigArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args DataTransferConfigArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args DataTransferConfigArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var dataTransferConfigResource = new Gcp.BigQuery.DataTransferConfig("dataTransferConfigResource", new()
        DisplayName = "string",
        DataSourceId = "string",
        Params = 
            { "string", "string" },
        Location = "string",
        Disabled = false,
        EmailPreferences = new Gcp.BigQuery.Inputs.DataTransferConfigEmailPreferencesArgs
            EnableFailureEmail = false,
        DataRefreshWindowDays = 0,
        NotificationPubsubTopic = "string",
        DestinationDatasetId = "string",
        Project = "string",
        Schedule = "string",
        ScheduleOptions = new Gcp.BigQuery.Inputs.DataTransferConfigScheduleOptionsArgs
            DisableAutoScheduling = false,
            EndTime = "string",
            StartTime = "string",
        SensitiveParams = new Gcp.BigQuery.Inputs.DataTransferConfigSensitiveParamsArgs
            SecretAccessKey = "string",
        ServiceAccountName = "string",
    example, err := bigquery.NewDataTransferConfig(ctx, "dataTransferConfigResource", &bigquery.DataTransferConfigArgs{
    	DisplayName:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	DataSourceId: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Params: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	Location: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Disabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	EmailPreferences: &bigquery.DataTransferConfigEmailPreferencesArgs{
    		EnableFailureEmail: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	DataRefreshWindowDays:   pulumi.Int(0),
    	NotificationPubsubTopic: pulumi.String("string"),
    	DestinationDatasetId:    pulumi.String("string"),
    	Project:                 pulumi.String("string"),
    	Schedule:                pulumi.String("string"),
    	ScheduleOptions: &bigquery.DataTransferConfigScheduleOptionsArgs{
    		DisableAutoScheduling: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		EndTime:               pulumi.String("string"),
    		StartTime:             pulumi.String("string"),
    	SensitiveParams: &bigquery.DataTransferConfigSensitiveParamsArgs{
    		SecretAccessKey: pulumi.String("string"),
    	ServiceAccountName: pulumi.String("string"),
    var dataTransferConfigResource = new DataTransferConfig("dataTransferConfigResource", DataTransferConfigArgs.builder()
        .params(Map.of("string", "string"))
    data_transfer_config_resource = gcp.bigquery.DataTransferConfig("dataTransferConfigResource",
            "string": "string",
    const dataTransferConfigResource = new gcp.bigquery.DataTransferConfig("dataTransferConfigResource", {
        displayName: "string",
        dataSourceId: "string",
        params: {
            string: "string",
        location: "string",
        disabled: false,
        emailPreferences: {
            enableFailureEmail: false,
        dataRefreshWindowDays: 0,
        notificationPubsubTopic: "string",
        destinationDatasetId: "string",
        project: "string",
        schedule: "string",
        scheduleOptions: {
            disableAutoScheduling: false,
            endTime: "string",
            startTime: "string",
        sensitiveParams: {
            secretAccessKey: "string",
        serviceAccountName: "string",
    type: gcp:bigquery:DataTransferConfig
        dataRefreshWindowDays: 0
        dataSourceId: string
        destinationDatasetId: string
        disabled: false
        displayName: string
            enableFailureEmail: false
        location: string
        notificationPubsubTopic: string
            string: string
        project: string
        schedule: string
            disableAutoScheduling: false
            endTime: string
            startTime: string
            secretAccessKey: string
        serviceAccountName: string

    DataTransferConfig Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The DataTransferConfig resource accepts the following input properties:

    DataSourceId string
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    DisplayName string
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    Params Dictionary<string, string>
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    DataRefreshWindowDays int
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    DestinationDatasetId string
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    Disabled bool
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    EmailPreferences DataTransferConfigEmailPreferences
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    Location string
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    NotificationPubsubTopic string
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Schedule string
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    ScheduleOptions DataTransferConfigScheduleOptions
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    SensitiveParams DataTransferConfigSensitiveParams
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    ServiceAccountName string
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.
    DataSourceId string
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    DisplayName string
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    Params map[string]string
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    DataRefreshWindowDays int
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    DestinationDatasetId string
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    Disabled bool
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    EmailPreferences DataTransferConfigEmailPreferencesArgs
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    Location string
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    NotificationPubsubTopic string
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Schedule string
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    ScheduleOptions DataTransferConfigScheduleOptionsArgs
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    SensitiveParams DataTransferConfigSensitiveParamsArgs
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    ServiceAccountName string
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.
    dataSourceId String
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    displayName String
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    params Map<String,String>
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    dataRefreshWindowDays Integer
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    destinationDatasetId String
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    disabled Boolean
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    emailPreferences DataTransferConfigEmailPreferences
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    location String
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    notificationPubsubTopic String
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    schedule String
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    scheduleOptions DataTransferConfigScheduleOptions
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    sensitiveParams DataTransferConfigSensitiveParams
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    serviceAccountName String
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.
    dataSourceId string
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    displayName string
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    params {[key: string]: string}
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    dataRefreshWindowDays number
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    destinationDatasetId string
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    disabled boolean
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    emailPreferences DataTransferConfigEmailPreferences
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    location string
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    notificationPubsubTopic string
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    schedule string
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    scheduleOptions DataTransferConfigScheduleOptions
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    sensitiveParams DataTransferConfigSensitiveParams
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    serviceAccountName string
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.
    data_source_id str
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    display_name str
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    params Mapping[str, str]
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    data_refresh_window_days int
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    destination_dataset_id str
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    disabled bool
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    email_preferences DataTransferConfigEmailPreferencesArgs
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    location str
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    notification_pubsub_topic str
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    project str
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    schedule str
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    schedule_options DataTransferConfigScheduleOptionsArgs
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    sensitive_params DataTransferConfigSensitiveParamsArgs
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    service_account_name str
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.
    dataSourceId String
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    displayName String
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    params Map<String>
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    dataRefreshWindowDays Number
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    destinationDatasetId String
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    disabled Boolean
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    emailPreferences Property Map
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    location String
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    notificationPubsubTopic String
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    schedule String
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    scheduleOptions Property Map
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    sensitiveParams Property Map
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    serviceAccountName String
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the DataTransferConfig resource produces the following output properties:

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name string
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name str
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.

    Look up Existing DataTransferConfig Resource

    Get an existing DataTransferConfig resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: DataTransferConfigState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): DataTransferConfig
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            data_refresh_window_days: Optional[int] = None,
            data_source_id: Optional[str] = None,
            destination_dataset_id: Optional[str] = None,
            disabled: Optional[bool] = None,
            display_name: Optional[str] = None,
            email_preferences: Optional[DataTransferConfigEmailPreferencesArgs] = None,
            location: Optional[str] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            notification_pubsub_topic: Optional[str] = None,
            params: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            project: Optional[str] = None,
            schedule: Optional[str] = None,
            schedule_options: Optional[DataTransferConfigScheduleOptionsArgs] = None,
            sensitive_params: Optional[DataTransferConfigSensitiveParamsArgs] = None,
            service_account_name: Optional[str] = None) -> DataTransferConfig
    func GetDataTransferConfig(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *DataTransferConfigState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*DataTransferConfig, error)
    public static DataTransferConfig Get(string name, Input<string> id, DataTransferConfigState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static DataTransferConfig get(String name, Output<String> id, DataTransferConfigState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    DataRefreshWindowDays int
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    DataSourceId string
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    DestinationDatasetId string
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    Disabled bool
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    DisplayName string
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    EmailPreferences DataTransferConfigEmailPreferences
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    Location string
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    Name string
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    NotificationPubsubTopic string
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    Params Dictionary<string, string>
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Schedule string
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    ScheduleOptions DataTransferConfigScheduleOptions
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    SensitiveParams DataTransferConfigSensitiveParams
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    ServiceAccountName string
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.
    DataRefreshWindowDays int
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    DataSourceId string
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    DestinationDatasetId string
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    Disabled bool
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    DisplayName string
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    EmailPreferences DataTransferConfigEmailPreferencesArgs
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    Location string
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    Name string
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    NotificationPubsubTopic string
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    Params map[string]string
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Schedule string
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    ScheduleOptions DataTransferConfigScheduleOptionsArgs
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    SensitiveParams DataTransferConfigSensitiveParamsArgs
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    ServiceAccountName string
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.
    dataRefreshWindowDays Integer
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    dataSourceId String
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    destinationDatasetId String
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    disabled Boolean
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    displayName String
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    emailPreferences DataTransferConfigEmailPreferences
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    location String
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    name String
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    notificationPubsubTopic String
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    params Map<String,String>
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    schedule String
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    scheduleOptions DataTransferConfigScheduleOptions
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    sensitiveParams DataTransferConfigSensitiveParams
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    serviceAccountName String
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.
    dataRefreshWindowDays number
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    dataSourceId string
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    destinationDatasetId string
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    disabled boolean
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    displayName string
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    emailPreferences DataTransferConfigEmailPreferences
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    location string
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    name string
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    notificationPubsubTopic string
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    params {[key: string]: string}
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    schedule string
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    scheduleOptions DataTransferConfigScheduleOptions
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    sensitiveParams DataTransferConfigSensitiveParams
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    serviceAccountName string
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.
    data_refresh_window_days int
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    data_source_id str
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    destination_dataset_id str
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    disabled bool
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    display_name str
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    email_preferences DataTransferConfigEmailPreferencesArgs
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    location str
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    name str
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    notification_pubsub_topic str
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    params Mapping[str, str]
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    project str
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    schedule str
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    schedule_options DataTransferConfigScheduleOptionsArgs
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    sensitive_params DataTransferConfigSensitiveParamsArgs
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    service_account_name str
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.
    dataRefreshWindowDays Number
    The number of days to look back to automatically refresh the data. For example, if dataRefreshWindowDays = 10, then every day BigQuery reingests data for [today-10, today-1], rather than ingesting data for just [today-1]. Only valid if the data source supports the feature. Set the value to 0 to use the default value.
    dataSourceId String
    The data source id. Cannot be changed once the transfer config is created.
    destinationDatasetId String
    The BigQuery target dataset id.
    disabled Boolean
    When set to true, no runs are scheduled for a given transfer.
    displayName String
    The user specified display name for the transfer config.
    emailPreferences Property Map
    Email notifications will be sent according to these preferences to the email address of the user who owns this transfer config. Structure is documented below.
    location String
    The geographic location where the transfer config should reside. Examples: US, EU, asia-northeast1. The default value is US.
    name String
    The resource name of the transfer config. Transfer config names have the form projects/{projectId}/locations/{location}/transferConfigs/{configId} or projects/{projectId}/transferConfigs/{configId}, where configId is usually a uuid, but this is not required. The name is ignored when creating a transfer config.
    notificationPubsubTopic String
    Pub/Sub topic where notifications will be sent after transfer runs associated with this transfer config finish.
    params Map<String>
    Parameters specific to each data source. For more information see the bq tab in the 'Setting up a data transfer' section for each data source. For example the parameters for Cloud Storage transfers are listed here: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery-transfer/docs/cloud-storage-transfer#bq NOTE : If you are attempting to update a parameter that cannot be updated (due to api limitations) please force recreation of the resource.

    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    schedule String
    Data transfer schedule. If the data source does not support a custom schedule, this should be empty. If it is empty, the default value for the data source will be used. The specified times are in UTC. Examples of valid format: 1st,3rd monday of month 15:30, every wed,fri of jan, jun 13:15, and first sunday of quarter 00:00. See more explanation about the format here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/scheduling-jobs-with-cron-yaml#the_schedule_format NOTE: The minimum interval time between recurring transfers depends on the data source; refer to the documentation for your data source.
    scheduleOptions Property Map
    Options customizing the data transfer schedule. Structure is documented below.
    sensitiveParams Property Map
    Different parameters are configured primarily using the the params field on this resource. This block contains the parameters which contain secrets or passwords so that they can be marked sensitive and hidden from plan output. The name of the field, eg: secret_access_key, will be the key in the params map in the api request. Credentials may not be specified in both locations and will cause an error. Changing from one location to a different credential configuration in the config will require an apply to update state. Structure is documented below.
    serviceAccountName String
    Service account email. If this field is set, transfer config will be created with this service account credentials. It requires that requesting user calling this API has permissions to act as this service account.

    Supporting Types

    DataTransferConfigEmailPreferences, DataTransferConfigEmailPreferencesArgs

    EnableFailureEmail bool
    If true, email notifications will be sent on transfer run failures.
    EnableFailureEmail bool
    If true, email notifications will be sent on transfer run failures.
    enableFailureEmail Boolean
    If true, email notifications will be sent on transfer run failures.
    enableFailureEmail boolean
    If true, email notifications will be sent on transfer run failures.
    enable_failure_email bool
    If true, email notifications will be sent on transfer run failures.
    enableFailureEmail Boolean
    If true, email notifications will be sent on transfer run failures.

    DataTransferConfigScheduleOptions, DataTransferConfigScheduleOptionsArgs

    DisableAutoScheduling bool
    If true, automatic scheduling of data transfer runs for this configuration will be disabled. The runs can be started on ad-hoc basis using transferConfigs.startManualRuns API. When automatic scheduling is disabled, the TransferConfig.schedule field will be ignored.
    EndTime string
    Defines time to stop scheduling transfer runs. A transfer run cannot be scheduled at or after the end time. The end time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    StartTime string
    Specifies time to start scheduling transfer runs. The first run will be scheduled at or after the start time according to a recurrence pattern defined in the schedule string. The start time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    DisableAutoScheduling bool
    If true, automatic scheduling of data transfer runs for this configuration will be disabled. The runs can be started on ad-hoc basis using transferConfigs.startManualRuns API. When automatic scheduling is disabled, the TransferConfig.schedule field will be ignored.
    EndTime string
    Defines time to stop scheduling transfer runs. A transfer run cannot be scheduled at or after the end time. The end time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    StartTime string
    Specifies time to start scheduling transfer runs. The first run will be scheduled at or after the start time according to a recurrence pattern defined in the schedule string. The start time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    disableAutoScheduling Boolean
    If true, automatic scheduling of data transfer runs for this configuration will be disabled. The runs can be started on ad-hoc basis using transferConfigs.startManualRuns API. When automatic scheduling is disabled, the TransferConfig.schedule field will be ignored.
    endTime String
    Defines time to stop scheduling transfer runs. A transfer run cannot be scheduled at or after the end time. The end time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    startTime String
    Specifies time to start scheduling transfer runs. The first run will be scheduled at or after the start time according to a recurrence pattern defined in the schedule string. The start time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    disableAutoScheduling boolean
    If true, automatic scheduling of data transfer runs for this configuration will be disabled. The runs can be started on ad-hoc basis using transferConfigs.startManualRuns API. When automatic scheduling is disabled, the TransferConfig.schedule field will be ignored.
    endTime string
    Defines time to stop scheduling transfer runs. A transfer run cannot be scheduled at or after the end time. The end time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    startTime string
    Specifies time to start scheduling transfer runs. The first run will be scheduled at or after the start time according to a recurrence pattern defined in the schedule string. The start time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    disable_auto_scheduling bool
    If true, automatic scheduling of data transfer runs for this configuration will be disabled. The runs can be started on ad-hoc basis using transferConfigs.startManualRuns API. When automatic scheduling is disabled, the TransferConfig.schedule field will be ignored.
    end_time str
    Defines time to stop scheduling transfer runs. A transfer run cannot be scheduled at or after the end time. The end time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    start_time str
    Specifies time to start scheduling transfer runs. The first run will be scheduled at or after the start time according to a recurrence pattern defined in the schedule string. The start time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    disableAutoScheduling Boolean
    If true, automatic scheduling of data transfer runs for this configuration will be disabled. The runs can be started on ad-hoc basis using transferConfigs.startManualRuns API. When automatic scheduling is disabled, the TransferConfig.schedule field will be ignored.
    endTime String
    Defines time to stop scheduling transfer runs. A transfer run cannot be scheduled at or after the end time. The end time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.
    startTime String
    Specifies time to start scheduling transfer runs. The first run will be scheduled at or after the start time according to a recurrence pattern defined in the schedule string. The start time can be changed at any moment. The time when a data transfer can be triggered manually is not limited by this option.

    DataTransferConfigSensitiveParams, DataTransferConfigSensitiveParamsArgs

    SecretAccessKey string
    The Secret Access Key of the AWS account transferring data from. Note: This property is sensitive and will not be displayed in the plan.
    SecretAccessKey string
    The Secret Access Key of the AWS account transferring data from. Note: This property is sensitive and will not be displayed in the plan.
    secretAccessKey String
    The Secret Access Key of the AWS account transferring data from. Note: This property is sensitive and will not be displayed in the plan.
    secretAccessKey string
    The Secret Access Key of the AWS account transferring data from. Note: This property is sensitive and will not be displayed in the plan.
    secret_access_key str
    The Secret Access Key of the AWS account transferring data from. Note: This property is sensitive and will not be displayed in the plan.
    secretAccessKey String
    The Secret Access Key of the AWS account transferring data from. Note: This property is sensitive and will not be displayed in the plan.


    Config can be imported using any of these accepted formats:

    • {{name}}

    When using the pulumi import command, Config can be imported using one of the formats above. For example:

    $ pulumi import gcp:bigquery/dataTransferConfig:DataTransferConfig default {{name}}

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi