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  5. getSQuotaInfos
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Provides information about all quotas for a given project, folder or organization.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const myQuotaInfos = gcp.cloudquota.getSQuotaInfos({
        parent: "projects/my-project",
        service: "compute.googleapis.com",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    my_quota_infos = gcp.cloudquota.get_s_quota_infos(parent="projects/my-project",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := cloudquota.GetSQuotaInfos(ctx, &cloudquota.GetSQuotaInfosArgs{
    			Parent:  "projects/my-project",
    			Service: "compute.googleapis.com",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var myQuotaInfos = Gcp.CloudQuota.GetSQuotaInfos.Invoke(new()
            Parent = "projects/my-project",
            Service = "compute.googleapis.com",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.cloudquota.CloudquotaFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.cloudquota.inputs.GetSQuotaInfosArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var myQuotaInfos = CloudquotaFunctions.getSQuotaInfos(GetSQuotaInfosArgs.builder()
          Function: gcp:cloudquota:getSQuotaInfos
            parent: projects/my-project
            service: compute.googleapis.com

    Using getSQuotaInfos

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getSQuotaInfos(args: GetSQuotaInfosArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetSQuotaInfosResult>
    function getSQuotaInfosOutput(args: GetSQuotaInfosOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetSQuotaInfosResult>
    def get_s_quota_infos(parent: Optional[str] = None,
                          service: Optional[str] = None,
                          opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetSQuotaInfosResult
    def get_s_quota_infos_output(parent: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                          service: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                          opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetSQuotaInfosResult]
    func GetSQuotaInfos(ctx *Context, args *GetSQuotaInfosArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*GetSQuotaInfosResult, error)
    func GetSQuotaInfosOutput(ctx *Context, args *GetSQuotaInfosOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) GetSQuotaInfosResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named GetSQuotaInfos in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetSQuotaInfos 
        public static Task<GetSQuotaInfosResult> InvokeAsync(GetSQuotaInfosArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetSQuotaInfosResult> Invoke(GetSQuotaInfosInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetSQuotaInfosResult> getSQuotaInfos(GetSQuotaInfosArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: gcp:cloudquota/getSQuotaInfos:getSQuotaInfos
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Parent string
    Parent value of QuotaInfo resources. Listing across different resource containers (such as 'projects/-') is not allowed. Allowed parents are "projects/[project-id / number]" or "folders/[folder-id / number]" or "organizations/[org-id / number].
    Service string
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    Parent string
    Parent value of QuotaInfo resources. Listing across different resource containers (such as 'projects/-') is not allowed. Allowed parents are "projects/[project-id / number]" or "folders/[folder-id / number]" or "organizations/[org-id / number].
    Service string
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    parent String
    Parent value of QuotaInfo resources. Listing across different resource containers (such as 'projects/-') is not allowed. Allowed parents are "projects/[project-id / number]" or "folders/[folder-id / number]" or "organizations/[org-id / number].
    service String
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    parent string
    Parent value of QuotaInfo resources. Listing across different resource containers (such as 'projects/-') is not allowed. Allowed parents are "projects/[project-id / number]" or "folders/[folder-id / number]" or "organizations/[org-id / number].
    service string
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    parent str
    Parent value of QuotaInfo resources. Listing across different resource containers (such as 'projects/-') is not allowed. Allowed parents are "projects/[project-id / number]" or "folders/[folder-id / number]" or "organizations/[org-id / number].
    service str
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    parent String
    Parent value of QuotaInfo resources. Listing across different resource containers (such as 'projects/-') is not allowed. Allowed parents are "projects/[project-id / number]" or "folders/[folder-id / number]" or "organizations/[org-id / number].
    service String
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.

    getSQuotaInfos Result

    The following output properties are available:

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Parent string
    QuotaInfos List<GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfo>
    (Output) The list of QuotaInfo.
    Service string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Parent string
    QuotaInfos []GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfo
    (Output) The list of QuotaInfo.
    Service string
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    parent String
    quotaInfos List<GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfo>
    (Output) The list of QuotaInfo.
    service String
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    parent string
    quotaInfos GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfo[]
    (Output) The list of QuotaInfo.
    service string
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    parent str
    quota_infos Sequence[GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfo]
    (Output) The list of QuotaInfo.
    service str
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    parent String
    quotaInfos List<Property Map>
    (Output) The list of QuotaInfo.
    service String

    Supporting Types


    ContainerType string
    (Output) The container type of the QuotaInfo.
    Dimensions List<string>
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    DimensionsInfos List<GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoDimensionsInfo>
    (Output) The collection of dimensions info ordered by their dimensions from more specific ones to less specific ones.
    IsConcurrent bool
    (Output) Whether the quota is a concurrent quota. Concurrent quotas are enforced on the total number of concurrent operations in flight at any given time.
    IsFixed bool
    (Output) Whether the quota value is fixed or adjustable.
    IsPrecise bool
    (Output) Whether this is a precise quota. A precise quota is tracked with absolute precision. In contrast, an imprecise quota is not tracked with precision.
    Metric string
    (Output) The metric of the quota. It specifies the resources consumption the quota is defined for, for example: compute.googleapis.com/cpus.
    MetricDisplayName string
    (Output) The display name of the quota metric.
    MetricUnit string
    (Output) The unit in which the metric value is reported, e.g., MByte.
    Name string
    (Output) Resource name of this QuotaInfo, for example: projects/123/locations/global/services/compute.googleapis.com/quotaInfos/CpusPerProjectPerRegion.
    QuotaDisplayName string
    (Output) The display name of the quota.
    QuotaId string
    QuotaIncreaseEligibilities List<GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoQuotaIncreaseEligibility>
    (Output) Whether it is eligible to request a higher quota value for this quota.
    RefreshInterval string
    (Output) The reset time interval for the quota. Refresh interval applies to rate quota only. Example: "minute" for per minute, "day" for per day, or "10 seconds" for every 10 seconds.
    Service string
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    ServiceRequestQuotaUri string
    (Output) URI to the page where users can request more quota for the cloud service, for example: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/quotas.
    ContainerType string
    (Output) The container type of the QuotaInfo.
    Dimensions []string
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    DimensionsInfos []GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoDimensionsInfo
    (Output) The collection of dimensions info ordered by their dimensions from more specific ones to less specific ones.
    IsConcurrent bool
    (Output) Whether the quota is a concurrent quota. Concurrent quotas are enforced on the total number of concurrent operations in flight at any given time.
    IsFixed bool
    (Output) Whether the quota value is fixed or adjustable.
    IsPrecise bool
    (Output) Whether this is a precise quota. A precise quota is tracked with absolute precision. In contrast, an imprecise quota is not tracked with precision.
    Metric string
    (Output) The metric of the quota. It specifies the resources consumption the quota is defined for, for example: compute.googleapis.com/cpus.
    MetricDisplayName string
    (Output) The display name of the quota metric.
    MetricUnit string
    (Output) The unit in which the metric value is reported, e.g., MByte.
    Name string
    (Output) Resource name of this QuotaInfo, for example: projects/123/locations/global/services/compute.googleapis.com/quotaInfos/CpusPerProjectPerRegion.
    QuotaDisplayName string
    (Output) The display name of the quota.
    QuotaId string
    QuotaIncreaseEligibilities []GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoQuotaIncreaseEligibility
    (Output) Whether it is eligible to request a higher quota value for this quota.
    RefreshInterval string
    (Output) The reset time interval for the quota. Refresh interval applies to rate quota only. Example: "minute" for per minute, "day" for per day, or "10 seconds" for every 10 seconds.
    Service string
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    ServiceRequestQuotaUri string
    (Output) URI to the page where users can request more quota for the cloud service, for example: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/quotas.
    containerType String
    (Output) The container type of the QuotaInfo.
    dimensions List<String>
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    dimensionsInfos List<GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoDimensionsInfo>
    (Output) The collection of dimensions info ordered by their dimensions from more specific ones to less specific ones.
    isConcurrent Boolean
    (Output) Whether the quota is a concurrent quota. Concurrent quotas are enforced on the total number of concurrent operations in flight at any given time.
    isFixed Boolean
    (Output) Whether the quota value is fixed or adjustable.
    isPrecise Boolean
    (Output) Whether this is a precise quota. A precise quota is tracked with absolute precision. In contrast, an imprecise quota is not tracked with precision.
    metric String
    (Output) The metric of the quota. It specifies the resources consumption the quota is defined for, for example: compute.googleapis.com/cpus.
    metricDisplayName String
    (Output) The display name of the quota metric.
    metricUnit String
    (Output) The unit in which the metric value is reported, e.g., MByte.
    name String
    (Output) Resource name of this QuotaInfo, for example: projects/123/locations/global/services/compute.googleapis.com/quotaInfos/CpusPerProjectPerRegion.
    quotaDisplayName String
    (Output) The display name of the quota.
    quotaId String
    quotaIncreaseEligibilities List<GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoQuotaIncreaseEligibility>
    (Output) Whether it is eligible to request a higher quota value for this quota.
    refreshInterval String
    (Output) The reset time interval for the quota. Refresh interval applies to rate quota only. Example: "minute" for per minute, "day" for per day, or "10 seconds" for every 10 seconds.
    service String
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    serviceRequestQuotaUri String
    (Output) URI to the page where users can request more quota for the cloud service, for example: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/quotas.
    containerType string
    (Output) The container type of the QuotaInfo.
    dimensions string[]
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    dimensionsInfos GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoDimensionsInfo[]
    (Output) The collection of dimensions info ordered by their dimensions from more specific ones to less specific ones.
    isConcurrent boolean
    (Output) Whether the quota is a concurrent quota. Concurrent quotas are enforced on the total number of concurrent operations in flight at any given time.
    isFixed boolean
    (Output) Whether the quota value is fixed or adjustable.
    isPrecise boolean
    (Output) Whether this is a precise quota. A precise quota is tracked with absolute precision. In contrast, an imprecise quota is not tracked with precision.
    metric string
    (Output) The metric of the quota. It specifies the resources consumption the quota is defined for, for example: compute.googleapis.com/cpus.
    metricDisplayName string
    (Output) The display name of the quota metric.
    metricUnit string
    (Output) The unit in which the metric value is reported, e.g., MByte.
    name string
    (Output) Resource name of this QuotaInfo, for example: projects/123/locations/global/services/compute.googleapis.com/quotaInfos/CpusPerProjectPerRegion.
    quotaDisplayName string
    (Output) The display name of the quota.
    quotaId string
    quotaIncreaseEligibilities GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoQuotaIncreaseEligibility[]
    (Output) Whether it is eligible to request a higher quota value for this quota.
    refreshInterval string
    (Output) The reset time interval for the quota. Refresh interval applies to rate quota only. Example: "minute" for per minute, "day" for per day, or "10 seconds" for every 10 seconds.
    service string
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    serviceRequestQuotaUri string
    (Output) URI to the page where users can request more quota for the cloud service, for example: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/quotas.
    container_type str
    (Output) The container type of the QuotaInfo.
    dimensions Sequence[str]
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    dimensions_infos Sequence[GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoDimensionsInfo]
    (Output) The collection of dimensions info ordered by their dimensions from more specific ones to less specific ones.
    is_concurrent bool
    (Output) Whether the quota is a concurrent quota. Concurrent quotas are enforced on the total number of concurrent operations in flight at any given time.
    is_fixed bool
    (Output) Whether the quota value is fixed or adjustable.
    is_precise bool
    (Output) Whether this is a precise quota. A precise quota is tracked with absolute precision. In contrast, an imprecise quota is not tracked with precision.
    metric str
    (Output) The metric of the quota. It specifies the resources consumption the quota is defined for, for example: compute.googleapis.com/cpus.
    metric_display_name str
    (Output) The display name of the quota metric.
    metric_unit str
    (Output) The unit in which the metric value is reported, e.g., MByte.
    name str
    (Output) Resource name of this QuotaInfo, for example: projects/123/locations/global/services/compute.googleapis.com/quotaInfos/CpusPerProjectPerRegion.
    quota_display_name str
    (Output) The display name of the quota.
    quota_id str
    quota_increase_eligibilities Sequence[GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoQuotaIncreaseEligibility]
    (Output) Whether it is eligible to request a higher quota value for this quota.
    refresh_interval str
    (Output) The reset time interval for the quota. Refresh interval applies to rate quota only. Example: "minute" for per minute, "day" for per day, or "10 seconds" for every 10 seconds.
    service str
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    service_request_quota_uri str
    (Output) URI to the page where users can request more quota for the cloud service, for example: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/quotas.
    containerType String
    (Output) The container type of the QuotaInfo.
    dimensions List<String>
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    dimensionsInfos List<Property Map>
    (Output) The collection of dimensions info ordered by their dimensions from more specific ones to less specific ones.
    isConcurrent Boolean
    (Output) Whether the quota is a concurrent quota. Concurrent quotas are enforced on the total number of concurrent operations in flight at any given time.
    isFixed Boolean
    (Output) Whether the quota value is fixed or adjustable.
    isPrecise Boolean
    (Output) Whether this is a precise quota. A precise quota is tracked with absolute precision. In contrast, an imprecise quota is not tracked with precision.
    metric String
    (Output) The metric of the quota. It specifies the resources consumption the quota is defined for, for example: compute.googleapis.com/cpus.
    metricDisplayName String
    (Output) The display name of the quota metric.
    metricUnit String
    (Output) The unit in which the metric value is reported, e.g., MByte.
    name String
    (Output) Resource name of this QuotaInfo, for example: projects/123/locations/global/services/compute.googleapis.com/quotaInfos/CpusPerProjectPerRegion.
    quotaDisplayName String
    (Output) The display name of the quota.
    quotaId String
    quotaIncreaseEligibilities List<Property Map>
    (Output) Whether it is eligible to request a higher quota value for this quota.
    refreshInterval String
    (Output) The reset time interval for the quota. Refresh interval applies to rate quota only. Example: "minute" for per minute, "day" for per day, or "10 seconds" for every 10 seconds.
    service String
    The name of the service in which the quotas are defined.
    serviceRequestQuotaUri String
    (Output) URI to the page where users can request more quota for the cloud service, for example: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/quotas.


    ApplicableLocations List<string>
    The applicable regions or zones of this dimensions info. The field will be set to ['global'] for quotas that are not per region or per zone. Otherwise, it will be set to the list of locations this dimension info is applicable to.
    Details List<GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoDimensionsInfoDetail>
    The quota details for a map of dimensions.
    Dimensions Dictionary<string, object>
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    ApplicableLocations []string
    The applicable regions or zones of this dimensions info. The field will be set to ['global'] for quotas that are not per region or per zone. Otherwise, it will be set to the list of locations this dimension info is applicable to.
    Details []GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoDimensionsInfoDetail
    The quota details for a map of dimensions.
    Dimensions map[string]interface{}
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    applicableLocations List<String>
    The applicable regions or zones of this dimensions info. The field will be set to ['global'] for quotas that are not per region or per zone. Otherwise, it will be set to the list of locations this dimension info is applicable to.
    details List<GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoDimensionsInfoDetail>
    The quota details for a map of dimensions.
    dimensions Map<String,Object>
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    applicableLocations string[]
    The applicable regions or zones of this dimensions info. The field will be set to ['global'] for quotas that are not per region or per zone. Otherwise, it will be set to the list of locations this dimension info is applicable to.
    details GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoDimensionsInfoDetail[]
    The quota details for a map of dimensions.
    dimensions {[key: string]: any}
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    applicable_locations Sequence[str]
    The applicable regions or zones of this dimensions info. The field will be set to ['global'] for quotas that are not per region or per zone. Otherwise, it will be set to the list of locations this dimension info is applicable to.
    details Sequence[GetSQuotaInfosQuotaInfoDimensionsInfoDetail]
    The quota details for a map of dimensions.
    dimensions Mapping[str, Any]
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.
    applicableLocations List<String>
    The applicable regions or zones of this dimensions info. The field will be set to ['global'] for quotas that are not per region or per zone. Otherwise, it will be set to the list of locations this dimension info is applicable to.
    details List<Property Map>
    The quota details for a map of dimensions.
    dimensions Map<Any>
    The map of dimensions for this dimensions info. The key of a map entry is "region", "zone" or the name of a service specific dimension, and the value of a map entry is the value of the dimension. If a dimension does not appear in the map of dimensions, the dimensions info applies to all the dimension values except for those that have another DimenisonInfo instance configured for the specific value. Example: {"provider" : "Foo Inc"} where "provider" is a service specific dimension of a quota.


    Value string
    The value currently in effect and being enforced.
    Value string
    The value currently in effect and being enforced.
    value String
    The value currently in effect and being enforced.
    value string
    The value currently in effect and being enforced.
    value str
    The value currently in effect and being enforced.
    value String
    The value currently in effect and being enforced.


    IneligibilityReason string
    The enumeration of reasons when it is ineligible to request increase adjustment.
    IsEligible bool
    Whether a higher quota value can be requested for the quota.
    IneligibilityReason string
    The enumeration of reasons when it is ineligible to request increase adjustment.
    IsEligible bool
    Whether a higher quota value can be requested for the quota.
    ineligibilityReason String
    The enumeration of reasons when it is ineligible to request increase adjustment.
    isEligible Boolean
    Whether a higher quota value can be requested for the quota.
    ineligibilityReason string
    The enumeration of reasons when it is ineligible to request increase adjustment.
    isEligible boolean
    Whether a higher quota value can be requested for the quota.
    ineligibility_reason str
    The enumeration of reasons when it is ineligible to request increase adjustment.
    is_eligible bool
    Whether a higher quota value can be requested for the quota.
    ineligibilityReason String
    The enumeration of reasons when it is ineligible to request increase adjustment.
    isEligible Boolean
    Whether a higher quota value can be requested for the quota.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi