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  5. getSecurityPolicy
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    To get more information about Google Compute Security Policy, see:

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const sp1 = gcp.compute.getSecurityPolicy({
        name: "my-policy",
        project: "my-project",
    const sp2 = gcp.compute.getSecurityPolicy({
        selfLink: "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/global/securityPolicies/my-policy",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    sp1 = gcp.compute.get_security_policy(name="my-policy",
    sp2 = gcp.compute.get_security_policy(self_link="https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/global/securityPolicies/my-policy")
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := compute.LookupSecurityPolicy(ctx, &compute.LookupSecurityPolicyArgs{
    			Name:    pulumi.StringRef("my-policy"),
    			Project: pulumi.StringRef("my-project"),
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = compute.LookupSecurityPolicy(ctx, &compute.LookupSecurityPolicyArgs{
    			SelfLink: pulumi.StringRef("https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/global/securityPolicies/my-policy"),
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var sp1 = Gcp.Compute.GetSecurityPolicy.Invoke(new()
            Name = "my-policy",
            Project = "my-project",
        var sp2 = Gcp.Compute.GetSecurityPolicy.Invoke(new()
            SelfLink = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/global/securityPolicies/my-policy",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.ComputeFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.inputs.GetSecurityPolicyArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var sp1 = ComputeFunctions.getSecurityPolicy(GetSecurityPolicyArgs.builder()
            final var sp2 = ComputeFunctions.getSecurityPolicy(GetSecurityPolicyArgs.builder()
          Function: gcp:compute:getSecurityPolicy
            name: my-policy
            project: my-project
          Function: gcp:compute:getSecurityPolicy
            selfLink: https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/global/securityPolicies/my-policy

    Using getSecurityPolicy

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getSecurityPolicy(args: GetSecurityPolicyArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetSecurityPolicyResult>
    function getSecurityPolicyOutput(args: GetSecurityPolicyOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetSecurityPolicyResult>
    def get_security_policy(name: Optional[str] = None,
                            project: Optional[str] = None,
                            self_link: Optional[str] = None,
                            opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetSecurityPolicyResult
    def get_security_policy_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                            project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                            self_link: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                            opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetSecurityPolicyResult]
    func LookupSecurityPolicy(ctx *Context, args *LookupSecurityPolicyArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupSecurityPolicyResult, error)
    func LookupSecurityPolicyOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupSecurityPolicyOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupSecurityPolicyResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupSecurityPolicy in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetSecurityPolicy 
        public static Task<GetSecurityPolicyResult> InvokeAsync(GetSecurityPolicyArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetSecurityPolicyResult> Invoke(GetSecurityPolicyInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetSecurityPolicyResult> getSecurityPolicy(GetSecurityPolicyArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: gcp:compute/getSecurityPolicy:getSecurityPolicy
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Name string
    The name of the security policy. Provide either this or a self_link.
    Project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    SelfLink string
    The self_link of the security policy. Provide either this or a name
    Name string
    The name of the security policy. Provide either this or a self_link.
    Project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    SelfLink string
    The self_link of the security policy. Provide either this or a name
    name String
    The name of the security policy. Provide either this or a self_link.
    project String
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    selfLink String
    The self_link of the security policy. Provide either this or a name
    name string
    The name of the security policy. Provide either this or a self_link.
    project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    selfLink string
    The self_link of the security policy. Provide either this or a name
    name str
    The name of the security policy. Provide either this or a self_link.
    project str
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    self_link str
    The self_link of the security policy. Provide either this or a name
    name String
    The name of the security policy. Provide either this or a self_link.
    project String
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    selfLink String
    The self_link of the security policy. Provide either this or a name

    getSecurityPolicy Result

    The following output properties are available:

    Supporting Types


    autoDeployConfigs List<Property Map>
    Auto Deploy Config of this security policy
    layer7DdosDefenseConfigs List<Property Map>
    Layer 7 DDoS Defense Config of this security policy


    ConfidenceThreshold double
    Rules are only automatically deployed for alerts on potential attacks with confidence scores greater than this threshold.
    ExpirationSec int
    Google Cloud Armor stops applying the action in the automatically deployed rule to an identified attacker after this duration. The rule continues to operate against new requests.
    ImpactedBaselineThreshold double
    Rules are only automatically deployed when the estimated impact to baseline traffic from the suggested mitigation is below this threshold.
    LoadThreshold double
    Identifies new attackers only when the load to the backend service that is under attack exceeds this threshold.
    ConfidenceThreshold float64
    Rules are only automatically deployed for alerts on potential attacks with confidence scores greater than this threshold.
    ExpirationSec int
    Google Cloud Armor stops applying the action in the automatically deployed rule to an identified attacker after this duration. The rule continues to operate against new requests.
    ImpactedBaselineThreshold float64
    Rules are only automatically deployed when the estimated impact to baseline traffic from the suggested mitigation is below this threshold.
    LoadThreshold float64
    Identifies new attackers only when the load to the backend service that is under attack exceeds this threshold.
    confidenceThreshold Double
    Rules are only automatically deployed for alerts on potential attacks with confidence scores greater than this threshold.
    expirationSec Integer
    Google Cloud Armor stops applying the action in the automatically deployed rule to an identified attacker after this duration. The rule continues to operate against new requests.
    impactedBaselineThreshold Double
    Rules are only automatically deployed when the estimated impact to baseline traffic from the suggested mitigation is below this threshold.
    loadThreshold Double
    Identifies new attackers only when the load to the backend service that is under attack exceeds this threshold.
    confidenceThreshold number
    Rules are only automatically deployed for alerts on potential attacks with confidence scores greater than this threshold.
    expirationSec number
    Google Cloud Armor stops applying the action in the automatically deployed rule to an identified attacker after this duration. The rule continues to operate against new requests.
    impactedBaselineThreshold number
    Rules are only automatically deployed when the estimated impact to baseline traffic from the suggested mitigation is below this threshold.
    loadThreshold number
    Identifies new attackers only when the load to the backend service that is under attack exceeds this threshold.
    confidence_threshold float
    Rules are only automatically deployed for alerts on potential attacks with confidence scores greater than this threshold.
    expiration_sec int
    Google Cloud Armor stops applying the action in the automatically deployed rule to an identified attacker after this duration. The rule continues to operate against new requests.
    impacted_baseline_threshold float
    Rules are only automatically deployed when the estimated impact to baseline traffic from the suggested mitigation is below this threshold.
    load_threshold float
    Identifies new attackers only when the load to the backend service that is under attack exceeds this threshold.
    confidenceThreshold Number
    Rules are only automatically deployed for alerts on potential attacks with confidence scores greater than this threshold.
    expirationSec Number
    Google Cloud Armor stops applying the action in the automatically deployed rule to an identified attacker after this duration. The rule continues to operate against new requests.
    impactedBaselineThreshold Number
    Rules are only automatically deployed when the estimated impact to baseline traffic from the suggested mitigation is below this threshold.
    loadThreshold Number
    Identifies new attackers only when the load to the backend service that is under attack exceeds this threshold.


    Enable bool
    If set to true, enables CAAP for L7 DDoS detection.
    RuleVisibility string
    Rule visibility. Supported values include: "STANDARD", "PREMIUM".
    Enable bool
    If set to true, enables CAAP for L7 DDoS detection.
    RuleVisibility string
    Rule visibility. Supported values include: "STANDARD", "PREMIUM".
    enable Boolean
    If set to true, enables CAAP for L7 DDoS detection.
    ruleVisibility String
    Rule visibility. Supported values include: "STANDARD", "PREMIUM".
    enable boolean
    If set to true, enables CAAP for L7 DDoS detection.
    ruleVisibility string
    Rule visibility. Supported values include: "STANDARD", "PREMIUM".
    enable bool
    If set to true, enables CAAP for L7 DDoS detection.
    rule_visibility str
    Rule visibility. Supported values include: "STANDARD", "PREMIUM".
    enable Boolean
    If set to true, enables CAAP for L7 DDoS detection.
    ruleVisibility String
    Rule visibility. Supported values include: "STANDARD", "PREMIUM".


    JsonCustomConfigs List<GetSecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfigJsonCustomConfig>
    Custom configuration to apply the JSON parsing. Only applicable when JSON parsing is set to STANDARD.
    JsonParsing string
    JSON body parsing. Supported values include: "DISABLED", "STANDARD".
    LogLevel string
    Logging level. Supported values include: "NORMAL", "VERBOSE".
    UserIpRequestHeaders List<string>
    An optional list of case-insensitive request header names to use for resolving the callers client IP address.
    JsonCustomConfigs []GetSecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfigJsonCustomConfig
    Custom configuration to apply the JSON parsing. Only applicable when JSON parsing is set to STANDARD.
    JsonParsing string
    JSON body parsing. Supported values include: "DISABLED", "STANDARD".
    LogLevel string
    Logging level. Supported values include: "NORMAL", "VERBOSE".
    UserIpRequestHeaders []string
    An optional list of case-insensitive request header names to use for resolving the callers client IP address.
    jsonCustomConfigs List<GetSecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfigJsonCustomConfig>
    Custom configuration to apply the JSON parsing. Only applicable when JSON parsing is set to STANDARD.
    jsonParsing String
    JSON body parsing. Supported values include: "DISABLED", "STANDARD".
    logLevel String
    Logging level. Supported values include: "NORMAL", "VERBOSE".
    userIpRequestHeaders List<String>
    An optional list of case-insensitive request header names to use for resolving the callers client IP address.
    jsonCustomConfigs GetSecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfigJsonCustomConfig[]
    Custom configuration to apply the JSON parsing. Only applicable when JSON parsing is set to STANDARD.
    jsonParsing string
    JSON body parsing. Supported values include: "DISABLED", "STANDARD".
    logLevel string
    Logging level. Supported values include: "NORMAL", "VERBOSE".
    userIpRequestHeaders string[]
    An optional list of case-insensitive request header names to use for resolving the callers client IP address.
    json_custom_configs Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfigJsonCustomConfig]
    Custom configuration to apply the JSON parsing. Only applicable when JSON parsing is set to STANDARD.
    json_parsing str
    JSON body parsing. Supported values include: "DISABLED", "STANDARD".
    log_level str
    Logging level. Supported values include: "NORMAL", "VERBOSE".
    user_ip_request_headers Sequence[str]
    An optional list of case-insensitive request header names to use for resolving the callers client IP address.
    jsonCustomConfigs List<Property Map>
    Custom configuration to apply the JSON parsing. Only applicable when JSON parsing is set to STANDARD.
    jsonParsing String
    JSON body parsing. Supported values include: "DISABLED", "STANDARD".
    logLevel String
    Logging level. Supported values include: "NORMAL", "VERBOSE".
    userIpRequestHeaders List<String>
    An optional list of case-insensitive request header names to use for resolving the callers client IP address.


    ContentTypes List<string>
    A list of custom Content-Type header values to apply the JSON parsing.
    ContentTypes []string
    A list of custom Content-Type header values to apply the JSON parsing.
    contentTypes List<String>
    A list of custom Content-Type header values to apply the JSON parsing.
    contentTypes string[]
    A list of custom Content-Type header values to apply the JSON parsing.
    content_types Sequence[str]
    A list of custom Content-Type header values to apply the JSON parsing.
    contentTypes List<String>
    A list of custom Content-Type header values to apply the JSON parsing.


    RedirectSiteKey string
    A field to supply a reCAPTCHA site key to be used for all the rules using the redirect action with the type of GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA under the security policy. The specified site key needs to be created from the reCAPTCHA API. The user is responsible for the validity of the specified site key. If not specified, a Google-managed site key is used.
    RedirectSiteKey string
    A field to supply a reCAPTCHA site key to be used for all the rules using the redirect action with the type of GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA under the security policy. The specified site key needs to be created from the reCAPTCHA API. The user is responsible for the validity of the specified site key. If not specified, a Google-managed site key is used.
    redirectSiteKey String
    A field to supply a reCAPTCHA site key to be used for all the rules using the redirect action with the type of GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA under the security policy. The specified site key needs to be created from the reCAPTCHA API. The user is responsible for the validity of the specified site key. If not specified, a Google-managed site key is used.
    redirectSiteKey string
    A field to supply a reCAPTCHA site key to be used for all the rules using the redirect action with the type of GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA under the security policy. The specified site key needs to be created from the reCAPTCHA API. The user is responsible for the validity of the specified site key. If not specified, a Google-managed site key is used.
    redirect_site_key str
    A field to supply a reCAPTCHA site key to be used for all the rules using the redirect action with the type of GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA under the security policy. The specified site key needs to be created from the reCAPTCHA API. The user is responsible for the validity of the specified site key. If not specified, a Google-managed site key is used.
    redirectSiteKey String
    A field to supply a reCAPTCHA site key to be used for all the rules using the redirect action with the type of GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA under the security policy. The specified site key needs to be created from the reCAPTCHA API. The user is responsible for the validity of the specified site key. If not specified, a Google-managed site key is used.


    Action string
    Action to take when match matches the request.
    Description string
    An optional description of this rule. Max size is 64.
    HeaderActions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleHeaderAction>
    Additional actions that are performed on headers.
    Matches List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatch>
    A match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. If it evaluates to true, the corresponding action is enforced.
    PreconfiguredWafConfigs List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfig>
    Preconfigured WAF configuration to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate preconfigured WAF rules, i.e., if evaluatePreconfiguredWaf() is not used, this field will have no effect.
    Preview bool
    When set to true, the action specified above is not enforced. Stackdriver logs for requests that trigger a preview action are annotated as such.
    Priority int
    An unique positive integer indicating the priority of evaluation for a rule. Rules are evaluated from highest priority (lowest numerically) to lowest priority (highest numerically) in order.
    RateLimitOptions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOption>
    Rate limit threshold for this security policy. Must be specified if the action is "rate_based_ban" or "throttle". Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    RedirectOptions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOption>
    Parameters defining the redirect action. Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    Action string
    Action to take when match matches the request.
    Description string
    An optional description of this rule. Max size is 64.
    HeaderActions []GetSecurityPolicyRuleHeaderAction
    Additional actions that are performed on headers.
    Matches []GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatch
    A match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. If it evaluates to true, the corresponding action is enforced.
    PreconfiguredWafConfigs []GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfig
    Preconfigured WAF configuration to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate preconfigured WAF rules, i.e., if evaluatePreconfiguredWaf() is not used, this field will have no effect.
    Preview bool
    When set to true, the action specified above is not enforced. Stackdriver logs for requests that trigger a preview action are annotated as such.
    Priority int
    An unique positive integer indicating the priority of evaluation for a rule. Rules are evaluated from highest priority (lowest numerically) to lowest priority (highest numerically) in order.
    RateLimitOptions []GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOption
    Rate limit threshold for this security policy. Must be specified if the action is "rate_based_ban" or "throttle". Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    RedirectOptions []GetSecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOption
    Parameters defining the redirect action. Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    action String
    Action to take when match matches the request.
    description String
    An optional description of this rule. Max size is 64.
    headerActions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleHeaderAction>
    Additional actions that are performed on headers.
    matches List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatch>
    A match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. If it evaluates to true, the corresponding action is enforced.
    preconfiguredWafConfigs List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfig>
    Preconfigured WAF configuration to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate preconfigured WAF rules, i.e., if evaluatePreconfiguredWaf() is not used, this field will have no effect.
    preview Boolean
    When set to true, the action specified above is not enforced. Stackdriver logs for requests that trigger a preview action are annotated as such.
    priority Integer
    An unique positive integer indicating the priority of evaluation for a rule. Rules are evaluated from highest priority (lowest numerically) to lowest priority (highest numerically) in order.
    rateLimitOptions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOption>
    Rate limit threshold for this security policy. Must be specified if the action is "rate_based_ban" or "throttle". Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    redirectOptions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOption>
    Parameters defining the redirect action. Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    action string
    Action to take when match matches the request.
    description string
    An optional description of this rule. Max size is 64.
    headerActions GetSecurityPolicyRuleHeaderAction[]
    Additional actions that are performed on headers.
    matches GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatch[]
    A match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. If it evaluates to true, the corresponding action is enforced.
    preconfiguredWafConfigs GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfig[]
    Preconfigured WAF configuration to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate preconfigured WAF rules, i.e., if evaluatePreconfiguredWaf() is not used, this field will have no effect.
    preview boolean
    When set to true, the action specified above is not enforced. Stackdriver logs for requests that trigger a preview action are annotated as such.
    priority number
    An unique positive integer indicating the priority of evaluation for a rule. Rules are evaluated from highest priority (lowest numerically) to lowest priority (highest numerically) in order.
    rateLimitOptions GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOption[]
    Rate limit threshold for this security policy. Must be specified if the action is "rate_based_ban" or "throttle". Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    redirectOptions GetSecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOption[]
    Parameters defining the redirect action. Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    action str
    Action to take when match matches the request.
    description str
    An optional description of this rule. Max size is 64.
    header_actions Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleHeaderAction]
    Additional actions that are performed on headers.
    matches Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatch]
    A match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. If it evaluates to true, the corresponding action is enforced.
    preconfigured_waf_configs Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfig]
    Preconfigured WAF configuration to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate preconfigured WAF rules, i.e., if evaluatePreconfiguredWaf() is not used, this field will have no effect.
    preview bool
    When set to true, the action specified above is not enforced. Stackdriver logs for requests that trigger a preview action are annotated as such.
    priority int
    An unique positive integer indicating the priority of evaluation for a rule. Rules are evaluated from highest priority (lowest numerically) to lowest priority (highest numerically) in order.
    rate_limit_options Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOption]
    Rate limit threshold for this security policy. Must be specified if the action is "rate_based_ban" or "throttle". Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    redirect_options Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOption]
    Parameters defining the redirect action. Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    action String
    Action to take when match matches the request.
    description String
    An optional description of this rule. Max size is 64.
    headerActions List<Property Map>
    Additional actions that are performed on headers.
    matches List<Property Map>
    A match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against. If it evaluates to true, the corresponding action is enforced.
    preconfiguredWafConfigs List<Property Map>
    Preconfigured WAF configuration to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate preconfigured WAF rules, i.e., if evaluatePreconfiguredWaf() is not used, this field will have no effect.
    preview Boolean
    When set to true, the action specified above is not enforced. Stackdriver logs for requests that trigger a preview action are annotated as such.
    priority Number
    An unique positive integer indicating the priority of evaluation for a rule. Rules are evaluated from highest priority (lowest numerically) to lowest priority (highest numerically) in order.
    rateLimitOptions List<Property Map>
    Rate limit threshold for this security policy. Must be specified if the action is "rate_based_ban" or "throttle". Cannot be specified for any other actions.
    redirectOptions List<Property Map>
    Parameters defining the redirect action. Cannot be specified for any other actions.


    RequestHeadersToAdds List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleHeaderActionRequestHeadersToAdd>
    The list of request headers to add or overwrite if they're already present.
    RequestHeadersToAdds []GetSecurityPolicyRuleHeaderActionRequestHeadersToAdd
    The list of request headers to add or overwrite if they're already present.
    requestHeadersToAdds List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleHeaderActionRequestHeadersToAdd>
    The list of request headers to add or overwrite if they're already present.
    requestHeadersToAdds GetSecurityPolicyRuleHeaderActionRequestHeadersToAdd[]
    The list of request headers to add or overwrite if they're already present.
    request_headers_to_adds Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleHeaderActionRequestHeadersToAdd]
    The list of request headers to add or overwrite if they're already present.
    requestHeadersToAdds List<Property Map>
    The list of request headers to add or overwrite if they're already present.


    HeaderName string
    The name of the header to set.
    HeaderValue string
    The value to set the named header to.
    HeaderName string
    The name of the header to set.
    HeaderValue string
    The value to set the named header to.
    headerName String
    The name of the header to set.
    headerValue String
    The value to set the named header to.
    headerName string
    The name of the header to set.
    headerValue string
    The value to set the named header to.
    header_name str
    The name of the header to set.
    header_value str
    The value to set the named header to.
    headerName String
    The name of the header to set.
    headerValue String
    The value to set the named header to.


    Configs List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchConfig>
    The configuration options available when specifying versioned_expr. This field must be specified if versioned_expr is specified and cannot be specified if versioned_expr is not specified.
    ExprOptions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExprOption>
    The configuration options available when specifying a user defined CEVAL expression (i.e., 'expr').
    Exprs List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExpr>
    User defined CEVAL expression. A CEVAL expression is used to specify match criteria such as origin.ip, source.region_code and contents in the request header.
    VersionedExpr string
    Predefined rule expression. If this field is specified, config must also be specified. Available options: SRC_IPS_V1: Must specify the corresponding src_ip_ranges field in config.
    Configs []GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchConfig
    The configuration options available when specifying versioned_expr. This field must be specified if versioned_expr is specified and cannot be specified if versioned_expr is not specified.
    ExprOptions []GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExprOption
    The configuration options available when specifying a user defined CEVAL expression (i.e., 'expr').
    Exprs []GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExpr
    User defined CEVAL expression. A CEVAL expression is used to specify match criteria such as origin.ip, source.region_code and contents in the request header.
    VersionedExpr string
    Predefined rule expression. If this field is specified, config must also be specified. Available options: SRC_IPS_V1: Must specify the corresponding src_ip_ranges field in config.
    configs List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchConfig>
    The configuration options available when specifying versioned_expr. This field must be specified if versioned_expr is specified and cannot be specified if versioned_expr is not specified.
    exprOptions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExprOption>
    The configuration options available when specifying a user defined CEVAL expression (i.e., 'expr').
    exprs List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExpr>
    User defined CEVAL expression. A CEVAL expression is used to specify match criteria such as origin.ip, source.region_code and contents in the request header.
    versionedExpr String
    Predefined rule expression. If this field is specified, config must also be specified. Available options: SRC_IPS_V1: Must specify the corresponding src_ip_ranges field in config.
    configs GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchConfig[]
    The configuration options available when specifying versioned_expr. This field must be specified if versioned_expr is specified and cannot be specified if versioned_expr is not specified.
    exprOptions GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExprOption[]
    The configuration options available when specifying a user defined CEVAL expression (i.e., 'expr').
    exprs GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExpr[]
    User defined CEVAL expression. A CEVAL expression is used to specify match criteria such as origin.ip, source.region_code and contents in the request header.
    versionedExpr string
    Predefined rule expression. If this field is specified, config must also be specified. Available options: SRC_IPS_V1: Must specify the corresponding src_ip_ranges field in config.
    configs Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchConfig]
    The configuration options available when specifying versioned_expr. This field must be specified if versioned_expr is specified and cannot be specified if versioned_expr is not specified.
    expr_options Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExprOption]
    The configuration options available when specifying a user defined CEVAL expression (i.e., 'expr').
    exprs Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExpr]
    User defined CEVAL expression. A CEVAL expression is used to specify match criteria such as origin.ip, source.region_code and contents in the request header.
    versioned_expr str
    Predefined rule expression. If this field is specified, config must also be specified. Available options: SRC_IPS_V1: Must specify the corresponding src_ip_ranges field in config.
    configs List<Property Map>
    The configuration options available when specifying versioned_expr. This field must be specified if versioned_expr is specified and cannot be specified if versioned_expr is not specified.
    exprOptions List<Property Map>
    The configuration options available when specifying a user defined CEVAL expression (i.e., 'expr').
    exprs List<Property Map>
    User defined CEVAL expression. A CEVAL expression is used to specify match criteria such as origin.ip, source.region_code and contents in the request header.
    versionedExpr String
    Predefined rule expression. If this field is specified, config must also be specified. Available options: SRC_IPS_V1: Must specify the corresponding src_ip_ranges field in config.


    SrcIpRanges List<string>
    Set of IP addresses or ranges (IPV4 or IPV6) in CIDR notation to match against inbound traffic. There is a limit of 10 IP ranges per rule. A value of '*' matches all IPs (can be used to override the default behavior).
    SrcIpRanges []string
    Set of IP addresses or ranges (IPV4 or IPV6) in CIDR notation to match against inbound traffic. There is a limit of 10 IP ranges per rule. A value of '*' matches all IPs (can be used to override the default behavior).
    srcIpRanges List<String>
    Set of IP addresses or ranges (IPV4 or IPV6) in CIDR notation to match against inbound traffic. There is a limit of 10 IP ranges per rule. A value of '*' matches all IPs (can be used to override the default behavior).
    srcIpRanges string[]
    Set of IP addresses or ranges (IPV4 or IPV6) in CIDR notation to match against inbound traffic. There is a limit of 10 IP ranges per rule. A value of '*' matches all IPs (can be used to override the default behavior).
    src_ip_ranges Sequence[str]
    Set of IP addresses or ranges (IPV4 or IPV6) in CIDR notation to match against inbound traffic. There is a limit of 10 IP ranges per rule. A value of '*' matches all IPs (can be used to override the default behavior).
    srcIpRanges List<String>
    Set of IP addresses or ranges (IPV4 or IPV6) in CIDR notation to match against inbound traffic. There is a limit of 10 IP ranges per rule. A value of '*' matches all IPs (can be used to override the default behavior).


    Expression string
    Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax. The application context of the containing message determines which well-known feature set of CEL is supported.
    Expression string
    Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax. The application context of the containing message determines which well-known feature set of CEL is supported.
    expression String
    Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax. The application context of the containing message determines which well-known feature set of CEL is supported.
    expression string
    Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax. The application context of the containing message determines which well-known feature set of CEL is supported.
    expression str
    Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax. The application context of the containing message determines which well-known feature set of CEL is supported.
    expression String
    Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax. The application context of the containing message determines which well-known feature set of CEL is supported.


    RecaptchaOptions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExprOptionRecaptchaOption>
    reCAPTCHA configuration options to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate reCAPTCHA tokens, this field has no effect.
    RecaptchaOptions []GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExprOptionRecaptchaOption
    reCAPTCHA configuration options to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate reCAPTCHA tokens, this field has no effect.
    recaptchaOptions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExprOptionRecaptchaOption>
    reCAPTCHA configuration options to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate reCAPTCHA tokens, this field has no effect.
    recaptchaOptions GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExprOptionRecaptchaOption[]
    reCAPTCHA configuration options to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate reCAPTCHA tokens, this field has no effect.
    recaptcha_options Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleMatchExprOptionRecaptchaOption]
    reCAPTCHA configuration options to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate reCAPTCHA tokens, this field has no effect.
    recaptchaOptions List<Property Map>
    reCAPTCHA configuration options to be applied for the rule. If the rule does not evaluate reCAPTCHA tokens, this field has no effect.


    ActionTokenSiteKeys List<string>
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA action-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created
    SessionTokenSiteKeys List<string>
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA session-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created.
    ActionTokenSiteKeys []string
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA action-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created
    SessionTokenSiteKeys []string
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA session-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created.
    actionTokenSiteKeys List<String>
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA action-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created
    sessionTokenSiteKeys List<String>
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA session-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created.
    actionTokenSiteKeys string[]
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA action-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created
    sessionTokenSiteKeys string[]
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA session-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created.
    action_token_site_keys Sequence[str]
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA action-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created
    session_token_site_keys Sequence[str]
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA session-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created.
    actionTokenSiteKeys List<String>
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA action-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created
    sessionTokenSiteKeys List<String>
    A list of site keys to be used during the validation of reCAPTCHA session-tokens. The provided site keys need to be created from reCAPTCHA API under the same project where the security policy is created.


    Exclusions List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusion>
    An exclusion to apply during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    Exclusions []GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusion
    An exclusion to apply during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    exclusions List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusion>
    An exclusion to apply during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    exclusions GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusion[]
    An exclusion to apply during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    exclusions Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusion]
    An exclusion to apply during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    exclusions List<Property Map>
    An exclusion to apply during preconfigured WAF evaluation.


    RequestCookies List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestCooky>
    Request cookie whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    RequestHeaders List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestHeader>
    Request header whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    RequestQueryParams List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestQueryParam>
    Request query parameter whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. Note that the parameter can be in the query string or in the POST body.
    RequestUris List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestUri>
    Request URI from the request line to be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. When specifying this field, the query or fragment part should be excluded.
    TargetRuleIds List<string>
    A list of target rule IDs under the WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion. If omitted, it refers to all the rule IDs under the WAF rule set.
    TargetRuleSet string
    Target WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion.
    RequestCookies []GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestCooky
    Request cookie whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    RequestHeaders []GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestHeader
    Request header whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    RequestQueryParams []GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestQueryParam
    Request query parameter whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. Note that the parameter can be in the query string or in the POST body.
    RequestUris []GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestUri
    Request URI from the request line to be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. When specifying this field, the query or fragment part should be excluded.
    TargetRuleIds []string
    A list of target rule IDs under the WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion. If omitted, it refers to all the rule IDs under the WAF rule set.
    TargetRuleSet string
    Target WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion.
    requestCookies List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestCooky>
    Request cookie whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    requestHeaders List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestHeader>
    Request header whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    requestQueryParams List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestQueryParam>
    Request query parameter whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. Note that the parameter can be in the query string or in the POST body.
    requestUris List<GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestUri>
    Request URI from the request line to be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. When specifying this field, the query or fragment part should be excluded.
    targetRuleIds List<String>
    A list of target rule IDs under the WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion. If omitted, it refers to all the rule IDs under the WAF rule set.
    targetRuleSet String
    Target WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion.
    requestCookies GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestCooky[]
    Request cookie whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    requestHeaders GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestHeader[]
    Request header whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    requestQueryParams GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestQueryParam[]
    Request query parameter whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. Note that the parameter can be in the query string or in the POST body.
    requestUris GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestUri[]
    Request URI from the request line to be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. When specifying this field, the query or fragment part should be excluded.
    targetRuleIds string[]
    A list of target rule IDs under the WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion. If omitted, it refers to all the rule IDs under the WAF rule set.
    targetRuleSet string
    Target WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion.
    request_cookies Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestCooky]
    Request cookie whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    request_headers Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestHeader]
    Request header whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    request_query_params Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestQueryParam]
    Request query parameter whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. Note that the parameter can be in the query string or in the POST body.
    request_uris Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionRequestUri]
    Request URI from the request line to be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. When specifying this field, the query or fragment part should be excluded.
    target_rule_ids Sequence[str]
    A list of target rule IDs under the WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion. If omitted, it refers to all the rule IDs under the WAF rule set.
    target_rule_set str
    Target WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion.
    requestCookies List<Property Map>
    Request cookie whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    requestHeaders List<Property Map>
    Request header whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
    requestQueryParams List<Property Map>
    Request query parameter whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. Note that the parameter can be in the query string or in the POST body.
    requestUris List<Property Map>
    Request URI from the request line to be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. When specifying this field, the query or fragment part should be excluded.
    targetRuleIds List<String>
    A list of target rule IDs under the WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion. If omitted, it refers to all the rule IDs under the WAF rule set.
    targetRuleSet String
    Target WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion.


    Operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    Value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    Operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    Value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator String
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value String
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator str
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value str
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator String
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value String
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.


    Operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    Value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    Operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    Value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator String
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value String
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator str
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value str
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator String
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value String
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.


    Operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    Value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    Operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    Value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator String
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value String
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator str
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value str
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator String
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value String
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.


    Operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    Value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    Operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    Value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator String
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value String
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator string
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value string
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator str
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value str
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.
    operator String
    You can specify an exact match or a partial match by using a field operator and a field value. Available options: EQUALS: The operator matches if the field value equals the specified value. STARTS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value starts with the specified value. ENDS_WITH: The operator matches if the field value ends with the specified value. CONTAINS: The operator matches if the field value contains the specified value. EQUALS_ANY: The operator matches if the field value is any value.
    value String
    A request field matching the specified value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. The field value must be given if the field operator is not EQUALS_ANY, and cannot be given if the field operator is EQUALS_ANY.


    BanDurationSec int
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, determines the time (in seconds) the traffic will continue to be banned by the rate limit after the rate falls below the threshold.
    BanThresholds List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionBanThreshold>
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, the key will be banned for the configured 'banDurationSec' when the number of requests that exceed the 'rateLimitThreshold' also exceed this 'banThreshold'.
    ConformAction string
    Action to take for requests that are under the configured rate limit threshold. Valid option is "allow" only.
    EnforceOnKey string
    Determines the key to enforce the rateLimitThreshold on
    EnforceOnKeyConfigs List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionEnforceOnKeyConfig>
    Enforce On Key Config of this security policy
    EnforceOnKeyName string
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    ExceedAction string
    Action to take for requests that are above the configured rate limit threshold, to either deny with a specified HTTP response code, or redirect to a different endpoint. Valid options are "deny()" where valid values for status are 403, 404, 429, and 502, and "redirect" where the redirect parameters come from exceedRedirectOptions below.
    ExceedRedirectOptions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionExceedRedirectOption>
    Parameters defining the redirect action that is used as the exceed action. Cannot be specified if the exceed action is not redirect.
    RateLimitThresholds List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionRateLimitThreshold>
    Threshold at which to begin ratelimiting.
    BanDurationSec int
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, determines the time (in seconds) the traffic will continue to be banned by the rate limit after the rate falls below the threshold.
    BanThresholds []GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionBanThreshold
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, the key will be banned for the configured 'banDurationSec' when the number of requests that exceed the 'rateLimitThreshold' also exceed this 'banThreshold'.
    ConformAction string
    Action to take for requests that are under the configured rate limit threshold. Valid option is "allow" only.
    EnforceOnKey string
    Determines the key to enforce the rateLimitThreshold on
    EnforceOnKeyConfigs []GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionEnforceOnKeyConfig
    Enforce On Key Config of this security policy
    EnforceOnKeyName string
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    ExceedAction string
    Action to take for requests that are above the configured rate limit threshold, to either deny with a specified HTTP response code, or redirect to a different endpoint. Valid options are "deny()" where valid values for status are 403, 404, 429, and 502, and "redirect" where the redirect parameters come from exceedRedirectOptions below.
    ExceedRedirectOptions []GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionExceedRedirectOption
    Parameters defining the redirect action that is used as the exceed action. Cannot be specified if the exceed action is not redirect.
    RateLimitThresholds []GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionRateLimitThreshold
    Threshold at which to begin ratelimiting.
    banDurationSec Integer
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, determines the time (in seconds) the traffic will continue to be banned by the rate limit after the rate falls below the threshold.
    banThresholds List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionBanThreshold>
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, the key will be banned for the configured 'banDurationSec' when the number of requests that exceed the 'rateLimitThreshold' also exceed this 'banThreshold'.
    conformAction String
    Action to take for requests that are under the configured rate limit threshold. Valid option is "allow" only.
    enforceOnKey String
    Determines the key to enforce the rateLimitThreshold on
    enforceOnKeyConfigs List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionEnforceOnKeyConfig>
    Enforce On Key Config of this security policy
    enforceOnKeyName String
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    exceedAction String
    Action to take for requests that are above the configured rate limit threshold, to either deny with a specified HTTP response code, or redirect to a different endpoint. Valid options are "deny()" where valid values for status are 403, 404, 429, and 502, and "redirect" where the redirect parameters come from exceedRedirectOptions below.
    exceedRedirectOptions List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionExceedRedirectOption>
    Parameters defining the redirect action that is used as the exceed action. Cannot be specified if the exceed action is not redirect.
    rateLimitThresholds List<GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionRateLimitThreshold>
    Threshold at which to begin ratelimiting.
    banDurationSec number
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, determines the time (in seconds) the traffic will continue to be banned by the rate limit after the rate falls below the threshold.
    banThresholds GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionBanThreshold[]
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, the key will be banned for the configured 'banDurationSec' when the number of requests that exceed the 'rateLimitThreshold' also exceed this 'banThreshold'.
    conformAction string
    Action to take for requests that are under the configured rate limit threshold. Valid option is "allow" only.
    enforceOnKey string
    Determines the key to enforce the rateLimitThreshold on
    enforceOnKeyConfigs GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionEnforceOnKeyConfig[]
    Enforce On Key Config of this security policy
    enforceOnKeyName string
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    exceedAction string
    Action to take for requests that are above the configured rate limit threshold, to either deny with a specified HTTP response code, or redirect to a different endpoint. Valid options are "deny()" where valid values for status are 403, 404, 429, and 502, and "redirect" where the redirect parameters come from exceedRedirectOptions below.
    exceedRedirectOptions GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionExceedRedirectOption[]
    Parameters defining the redirect action that is used as the exceed action. Cannot be specified if the exceed action is not redirect.
    rateLimitThresholds GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionRateLimitThreshold[]
    Threshold at which to begin ratelimiting.
    ban_duration_sec int
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, determines the time (in seconds) the traffic will continue to be banned by the rate limit after the rate falls below the threshold.
    ban_thresholds Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionBanThreshold]
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, the key will be banned for the configured 'banDurationSec' when the number of requests that exceed the 'rateLimitThreshold' also exceed this 'banThreshold'.
    conform_action str
    Action to take for requests that are under the configured rate limit threshold. Valid option is "allow" only.
    enforce_on_key str
    Determines the key to enforce the rateLimitThreshold on
    enforce_on_key_configs Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionEnforceOnKeyConfig]
    Enforce On Key Config of this security policy
    enforce_on_key_name str
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    exceed_action str
    Action to take for requests that are above the configured rate limit threshold, to either deny with a specified HTTP response code, or redirect to a different endpoint. Valid options are "deny()" where valid values for status are 403, 404, 429, and 502, and "redirect" where the redirect parameters come from exceedRedirectOptions below.
    exceed_redirect_options Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionExceedRedirectOption]
    Parameters defining the redirect action that is used as the exceed action. Cannot be specified if the exceed action is not redirect.
    rate_limit_thresholds Sequence[GetSecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionRateLimitThreshold]
    Threshold at which to begin ratelimiting.
    banDurationSec Number
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, determines the time (in seconds) the traffic will continue to be banned by the rate limit after the rate falls below the threshold.
    banThresholds List<Property Map>
    Can only be specified if the action for the rule is "rate_based_ban". If specified, the key will be banned for the configured 'banDurationSec' when the number of requests that exceed the 'rateLimitThreshold' also exceed this 'banThreshold'.
    conformAction String
    Action to take for requests that are under the configured rate limit threshold. Valid option is "allow" only.
    enforceOnKey String
    Determines the key to enforce the rateLimitThreshold on
    enforceOnKeyConfigs List<Property Map>
    Enforce On Key Config of this security policy
    enforceOnKeyName String
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    exceedAction String
    Action to take for requests that are above the configured rate limit threshold, to either deny with a specified HTTP response code, or redirect to a different endpoint. Valid options are "deny()" where valid values for status are 403, 404, 429, and 502, and "redirect" where the redirect parameters come from exceedRedirectOptions below.
    exceedRedirectOptions List<Property Map>
    Parameters defining the redirect action that is used as the exceed action. Cannot be specified if the exceed action is not redirect.
    rateLimitThresholds List<Property Map>
    Threshold at which to begin ratelimiting.


    Count int
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    IntervalSec int
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.
    Count int
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    IntervalSec int
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.
    count Integer
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    intervalSec Integer
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.
    count number
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    intervalSec number
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.
    count int
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    interval_sec int
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.
    count Number
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    intervalSec Number
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.


    EnforceOnKeyName string
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    EnforceOnKeyType string
    Determines the key to enforce the rate_limit_threshold on
    EnforceOnKeyName string
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    EnforceOnKeyType string
    Determines the key to enforce the rate_limit_threshold on
    enforceOnKeyName String
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    enforceOnKeyType String
    Determines the key to enforce the rate_limit_threshold on
    enforceOnKeyName string
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    enforceOnKeyType string
    Determines the key to enforce the rate_limit_threshold on
    enforce_on_key_name str
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    enforce_on_key_type str
    Determines the key to enforce the rate_limit_threshold on
    enforceOnKeyName String
    Rate limit key name applicable only for the following key types: HTTP_HEADER -- Name of the HTTP header whose value is taken as the key value. HTTP_COOKIE -- Name of the HTTP cookie whose value is taken as the key value.
    enforceOnKeyType String
    Determines the key to enforce the rate_limit_threshold on


    Target string
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    Type string
    Type of the redirect action.
    Target string
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    Type string
    Type of the redirect action.
    target String
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    type String
    Type of the redirect action.
    target string
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    type string
    Type of the redirect action.
    target str
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    type str
    Type of the redirect action.
    target String
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    type String
    Type of the redirect action.


    Count int
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    IntervalSec int
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.
    Count int
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    IntervalSec int
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.
    count Integer
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    intervalSec Integer
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.
    count number
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    intervalSec number
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.
    count int
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    interval_sec int
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.
    count Number
    Number of HTTP(S) requests for calculating the threshold.
    intervalSec Number
    Interval over which the threshold is computed.


    Target string
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    Type string
    Type of the redirect action. Available options: EXTERNAL_302: Must specify the corresponding target field in config. GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA: Cannot specify target field in config.
    Target string
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    Type string
    Type of the redirect action. Available options: EXTERNAL_302: Must specify the corresponding target field in config. GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA: Cannot specify target field in config.
    target String
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    type String
    Type of the redirect action. Available options: EXTERNAL_302: Must specify the corresponding target field in config. GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA: Cannot specify target field in config.
    target string
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    type string
    Type of the redirect action. Available options: EXTERNAL_302: Must specify the corresponding target field in config. GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA: Cannot specify target field in config.
    target str
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    type str
    Type of the redirect action. Available options: EXTERNAL_302: Must specify the corresponding target field in config. GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA: Cannot specify target field in config.
    target String
    Target for the redirect action. This is required if the type is EXTERNAL_302 and cannot be specified for GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA.
    type String
    Type of the redirect action. Available options: EXTERNAL_302: Must specify the corresponding target field in config. GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA: Cannot specify target field in config.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi