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  5. getCluster
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Get info about a GKE cluster from its name and location.

    Example Usage

    data "google_container_cluster" "my_cluster" {
      name     = "my-cluster"
      location = "us-east1-a"
    output "endpoint" {
      value = data.google_container_cluster.my_cluster.endpoint
    output "instance_group_urls" {
      value = data.google_container_cluster.my_cluster.node_pool[0].instance_group_urls
    output "node_config" {
      value = data.google_container_cluster.my_cluster.node_config
    output "node_pools" {
      value = data.google_container_cluster.my_cluster.node_pool

    Using getCluster

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getCluster(args: GetClusterArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetClusterResult>
    function getClusterOutput(args: GetClusterOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetClusterResult>
    def get_cluster(location: Optional[str] = None,
                    name: Optional[str] = None,
                    project: Optional[str] = None,
                    opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetClusterResult
    def get_cluster_output(location: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                    name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                    project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                    opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetClusterResult]
    func LookupCluster(ctx *Context, args *LookupClusterArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupClusterResult, error)
    func LookupClusterOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupClusterOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupClusterResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupCluster in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetCluster 
        public static Task<GetClusterResult> InvokeAsync(GetClusterArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetClusterResult> Invoke(GetClusterInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetClusterResult> getCluster(GetClusterArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: gcp:container/getCluster:getCluster
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Name string
    The name of the cluster.
    Location string
    The location (zone or region) this cluster has been created in. One of location, region, zone, or a provider-level zone must be specified.
    Project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Name string
    The name of the cluster.
    Location string
    The location (zone or region) this cluster has been created in. One of location, region, zone, or a provider-level zone must be specified.
    Project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    name String
    The name of the cluster.
    location String
    The location (zone or region) this cluster has been created in. One of location, region, zone, or a provider-level zone must be specified.
    project String
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    name string
    The name of the cluster.
    location string
    The location (zone or region) this cluster has been created in. One of location, region, zone, or a provider-level zone must be specified.
    project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    name str
    The name of the cluster.
    location str
    The location (zone or region) this cluster has been created in. One of location, region, zone, or a provider-level zone must be specified.
    project str
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    name String
    The name of the cluster.
    location String
    The location (zone or region) this cluster has been created in. One of location, region, zone, or a provider-level zone must be specified.
    project String
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.

    getCluster Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AddonsConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfig>
    AllowNetAdmin bool
    AuthenticatorGroupsConfigs List<GetClusterAuthenticatorGroupsConfig>
    BinaryAuthorizations List<GetClusterBinaryAuthorization>
    ClusterAutoscalings List<GetClusterClusterAutoscaling>
    ClusterIpv4Cidr string
    ClusterTelemetries List<GetClusterClusterTelemetry>
    ConfidentialNodes List<GetClusterConfidentialNode>
    CostManagementConfigs List<GetClusterCostManagementConfig>
    DatabaseEncryptions List<GetClusterDatabaseEncryption>
    DatapathProvider string
    DefaultMaxPodsPerNode int
    DefaultSnatStatuses List<GetClusterDefaultSnatStatus>
    DeletionProtection bool
    Description string
    DnsConfigs List<GetClusterDnsConfig>
    EnableAutopilot bool
    EnableCiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy bool
    EnableFqdnNetworkPolicy bool
    EnableIntranodeVisibility bool
    EnableK8sBetaApis List<GetClusterEnableK8sBetaApi>
    EnableKubernetesAlpha bool
    EnableL4IlbSubsetting bool
    EnableLegacyAbac bool
    EnableMultiNetworking bool
    EnableShieldedNodes bool
    EnableTpu bool
    Endpoint string
    Fleets List<GetClusterFleet>
    GatewayApiConfigs List<GetClusterGatewayApiConfig>
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    IdentityServiceConfigs List<GetClusterIdentityServiceConfig>
    InitialNodeCount int
    IpAllocationPolicies List<GetClusterIpAllocationPolicy>
    LabelFingerprint string
    LoggingConfigs List<GetClusterLoggingConfig>
    LoggingService string
    MaintenancePolicies List<GetClusterMaintenancePolicy>
    MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfigs List<GetClusterMasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig>
    MasterAuths List<GetClusterMasterAuth>
    MasterVersion string
    MeshCertificates List<GetClusterMeshCertificate>
    MinMasterVersion string
    MonitoringConfigs List<GetClusterMonitoringConfig>
    MonitoringService string
    Name string
    Network string
    NetworkPolicies List<GetClusterNetworkPolicy>
    NetworkingMode string
    NodeConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfig>
    NodeLocations List<string>
    NodePoolAutoConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolAutoConfig>
    NodePoolDefaults List<GetClusterNodePoolDefault>
    NodePools List<GetClusterNodePool>
    NodeVersion string
    NotificationConfigs List<GetClusterNotificationConfig>
    Operation string
    PodSecurityPolicyConfigs List<GetClusterPodSecurityPolicyConfig>
    PrivateClusterConfigs List<GetClusterPrivateClusterConfig>
    PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess string
    ProtectConfigs List<GetClusterProtectConfig>
    ReleaseChannels List<GetClusterReleaseChannel>
    RemoveDefaultNodePool bool
    ResourceLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    ResourceUsageExportConfigs List<GetClusterResourceUsageExportConfig>
    SecretManagerConfigs List<GetClusterSecretManagerConfig>
    SecurityPostureConfigs List<GetClusterSecurityPostureConfig>
    SelfLink string
    ServiceExternalIpsConfigs List<GetClusterServiceExternalIpsConfig>
    ServicesIpv4Cidr string
    Subnetwork string
    TpuConfigs List<GetClusterTpuConfig>
    TpuIpv4CidrBlock string
    VerticalPodAutoscalings List<GetClusterVerticalPodAutoscaling>
    WorkloadAltsConfigs List<GetClusterWorkloadAltsConfig>
    WorkloadIdentityConfigs List<GetClusterWorkloadIdentityConfig>
    Location string
    Project string
    AddonsConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfig
    AllowNetAdmin bool
    AuthenticatorGroupsConfigs []GetClusterAuthenticatorGroupsConfig
    BinaryAuthorizations []GetClusterBinaryAuthorization
    ClusterAutoscalings []GetClusterClusterAutoscaling
    ClusterIpv4Cidr string
    ClusterTelemetries []GetClusterClusterTelemetry
    ConfidentialNodes []GetClusterConfidentialNode
    CostManagementConfigs []GetClusterCostManagementConfig
    DatabaseEncryptions []GetClusterDatabaseEncryption
    DatapathProvider string
    DefaultMaxPodsPerNode int
    DefaultSnatStatuses []GetClusterDefaultSnatStatus
    DeletionProtection bool
    Description string
    DnsConfigs []GetClusterDnsConfig
    EnableAutopilot bool
    EnableCiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy bool
    EnableFqdnNetworkPolicy bool
    EnableIntranodeVisibility bool
    EnableK8sBetaApis []GetClusterEnableK8sBetaApi
    EnableKubernetesAlpha bool
    EnableL4IlbSubsetting bool
    EnableLegacyAbac bool
    EnableMultiNetworking bool
    EnableShieldedNodes bool
    EnableTpu bool
    Endpoint string
    Fleets []GetClusterFleet
    GatewayApiConfigs []GetClusterGatewayApiConfig
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    IdentityServiceConfigs []GetClusterIdentityServiceConfig
    InitialNodeCount int
    IpAllocationPolicies []GetClusterIpAllocationPolicy
    LabelFingerprint string
    LoggingConfigs []GetClusterLoggingConfig
    LoggingService string
    MaintenancePolicies []GetClusterMaintenancePolicy
    MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfigs []GetClusterMasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig
    MasterAuths []GetClusterMasterAuth
    MasterVersion string
    MeshCertificates []GetClusterMeshCertificate
    MinMasterVersion string
    MonitoringConfigs []GetClusterMonitoringConfig
    MonitoringService string
    Name string
    Network string
    NetworkPolicies []GetClusterNetworkPolicy
    NetworkingMode string
    NodeConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfig
    NodeLocations []string
    NodePoolAutoConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolAutoConfig
    NodePoolDefaults []GetClusterNodePoolDefault
    NodePools []GetClusterNodePool
    NodeVersion string
    NotificationConfigs []GetClusterNotificationConfig
    Operation string
    PodSecurityPolicyConfigs []GetClusterPodSecurityPolicyConfig
    PrivateClusterConfigs []GetClusterPrivateClusterConfig
    PrivateIpv6GoogleAccess string
    ProtectConfigs []GetClusterProtectConfig
    ReleaseChannels []GetClusterReleaseChannel
    RemoveDefaultNodePool bool
    ResourceLabels map[string]string
    ResourceUsageExportConfigs []GetClusterResourceUsageExportConfig
    SecretManagerConfigs []GetClusterSecretManagerConfig
    SecurityPostureConfigs []GetClusterSecurityPostureConfig
    SelfLink string
    ServiceExternalIpsConfigs []GetClusterServiceExternalIpsConfig
    ServicesIpv4Cidr string
    Subnetwork string
    TpuConfigs []GetClusterTpuConfig
    TpuIpv4CidrBlock string
    VerticalPodAutoscalings []GetClusterVerticalPodAutoscaling
    WorkloadAltsConfigs []GetClusterWorkloadAltsConfig
    WorkloadIdentityConfigs []GetClusterWorkloadIdentityConfig
    Location string
    Project string
    addonsConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfig>
    allowNetAdmin Boolean
    authenticatorGroupsConfigs List<GetClusterAuthenticatorGroupsConfig>
    binaryAuthorizations List<GetClusterBinaryAuthorization>
    clusterAutoscalings List<GetClusterClusterAutoscaling>
    clusterIpv4Cidr String
    clusterTelemetries List<GetClusterClusterTelemetry>
    confidentialNodes List<GetClusterConfidentialNode>
    costManagementConfigs List<GetClusterCostManagementConfig>
    databaseEncryptions List<GetClusterDatabaseEncryption>
    datapathProvider String
    defaultMaxPodsPerNode Integer
    defaultSnatStatuses List<GetClusterDefaultSnatStatus>
    deletionProtection Boolean
    description String
    dnsConfigs List<GetClusterDnsConfig>
    enableAutopilot Boolean
    enableCiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy Boolean
    enableFqdnNetworkPolicy Boolean
    enableIntranodeVisibility Boolean
    enableK8sBetaApis List<GetClusterEnableK8sBetaApi>
    enableKubernetesAlpha Boolean
    enableL4IlbSubsetting Boolean
    enableLegacyAbac Boolean
    enableMultiNetworking Boolean
    enableShieldedNodes Boolean
    enableTpu Boolean
    endpoint String
    fleets List<GetClusterFleet>
    gatewayApiConfigs List<GetClusterGatewayApiConfig>
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    identityServiceConfigs List<GetClusterIdentityServiceConfig>
    initialNodeCount Integer
    ipAllocationPolicies List<GetClusterIpAllocationPolicy>
    labelFingerprint String
    loggingConfigs List<GetClusterLoggingConfig>
    loggingService String
    maintenancePolicies List<GetClusterMaintenancePolicy>
    masterAuthorizedNetworksConfigs List<GetClusterMasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig>
    masterAuths List<GetClusterMasterAuth>
    masterVersion String
    meshCertificates List<GetClusterMeshCertificate>
    minMasterVersion String
    monitoringConfigs List<GetClusterMonitoringConfig>
    monitoringService String
    name String
    network String
    networkPolicies List<GetClusterNetworkPolicy>
    networkingMode String
    nodeConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfig>
    nodeLocations List<String>
    nodePoolAutoConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolAutoConfig>
    nodePoolDefaults List<GetClusterNodePoolDefault>
    nodePools List<GetClusterNodePool>
    nodeVersion String
    notificationConfigs List<GetClusterNotificationConfig>
    operation String
    podSecurityPolicyConfigs List<GetClusterPodSecurityPolicyConfig>
    privateClusterConfigs List<GetClusterPrivateClusterConfig>
    privateIpv6GoogleAccess String
    protectConfigs List<GetClusterProtectConfig>
    releaseChannels List<GetClusterReleaseChannel>
    removeDefaultNodePool Boolean
    resourceLabels Map<String,String>
    resourceUsageExportConfigs List<GetClusterResourceUsageExportConfig>
    secretManagerConfigs List<GetClusterSecretManagerConfig>
    securityPostureConfigs List<GetClusterSecurityPostureConfig>
    selfLink String
    serviceExternalIpsConfigs List<GetClusterServiceExternalIpsConfig>
    servicesIpv4Cidr String
    subnetwork String
    tpuConfigs List<GetClusterTpuConfig>
    tpuIpv4CidrBlock String
    verticalPodAutoscalings List<GetClusterVerticalPodAutoscaling>
    workloadAltsConfigs List<GetClusterWorkloadAltsConfig>
    workloadIdentityConfigs List<GetClusterWorkloadIdentityConfig>
    location String
    project String
    addonsConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfig[]
    allowNetAdmin boolean
    authenticatorGroupsConfigs GetClusterAuthenticatorGroupsConfig[]
    binaryAuthorizations GetClusterBinaryAuthorization[]
    clusterAutoscalings GetClusterClusterAutoscaling[]
    clusterIpv4Cidr string
    clusterTelemetries GetClusterClusterTelemetry[]
    confidentialNodes GetClusterConfidentialNode[]
    costManagementConfigs GetClusterCostManagementConfig[]
    databaseEncryptions GetClusterDatabaseEncryption[]
    datapathProvider string
    defaultMaxPodsPerNode number
    defaultSnatStatuses GetClusterDefaultSnatStatus[]
    deletionProtection boolean
    description string
    dnsConfigs GetClusterDnsConfig[]
    enableAutopilot boolean
    enableCiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy boolean
    enableFqdnNetworkPolicy boolean
    enableIntranodeVisibility boolean
    enableK8sBetaApis GetClusterEnableK8sBetaApi[]
    enableKubernetesAlpha boolean
    enableL4IlbSubsetting boolean
    enableLegacyAbac boolean
    enableMultiNetworking boolean
    enableShieldedNodes boolean
    enableTpu boolean
    endpoint string
    fleets GetClusterFleet[]
    gatewayApiConfigs GetClusterGatewayApiConfig[]
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    identityServiceConfigs GetClusterIdentityServiceConfig[]
    initialNodeCount number
    ipAllocationPolicies GetClusterIpAllocationPolicy[]
    labelFingerprint string
    loggingConfigs GetClusterLoggingConfig[]
    loggingService string
    maintenancePolicies GetClusterMaintenancePolicy[]
    masterAuthorizedNetworksConfigs GetClusterMasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig[]
    masterAuths GetClusterMasterAuth[]
    masterVersion string
    meshCertificates GetClusterMeshCertificate[]
    minMasterVersion string
    monitoringConfigs GetClusterMonitoringConfig[]
    monitoringService string
    name string
    network string
    networkPolicies GetClusterNetworkPolicy[]
    networkingMode string
    nodeConfigs GetClusterNodeConfig[]
    nodeLocations string[]
    nodePoolAutoConfigs GetClusterNodePoolAutoConfig[]
    nodePoolDefaults GetClusterNodePoolDefault[]
    nodePools GetClusterNodePool[]
    nodeVersion string
    notificationConfigs GetClusterNotificationConfig[]
    operation string
    podSecurityPolicyConfigs GetClusterPodSecurityPolicyConfig[]
    privateClusterConfigs GetClusterPrivateClusterConfig[]
    privateIpv6GoogleAccess string
    protectConfigs GetClusterProtectConfig[]
    releaseChannels GetClusterReleaseChannel[]
    removeDefaultNodePool boolean
    resourceLabels {[key: string]: string}
    resourceUsageExportConfigs GetClusterResourceUsageExportConfig[]
    secretManagerConfigs GetClusterSecretManagerConfig[]
    securityPostureConfigs GetClusterSecurityPostureConfig[]
    selfLink string
    serviceExternalIpsConfigs GetClusterServiceExternalIpsConfig[]
    servicesIpv4Cidr string
    subnetwork string
    tpuConfigs GetClusterTpuConfig[]
    tpuIpv4CidrBlock string
    verticalPodAutoscalings GetClusterVerticalPodAutoscaling[]
    workloadAltsConfigs GetClusterWorkloadAltsConfig[]
    workloadIdentityConfigs GetClusterWorkloadIdentityConfig[]
    location string
    project string
    addons_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfig]
    allow_net_admin bool
    authenticator_groups_configs Sequence[GetClusterAuthenticatorGroupsConfig]
    binary_authorizations Sequence[GetClusterBinaryAuthorization]
    cluster_autoscalings Sequence[GetClusterClusterAutoscaling]
    cluster_ipv4_cidr str
    cluster_telemetries Sequence[GetClusterClusterTelemetry]
    confidential_nodes Sequence[GetClusterConfidentialNode]
    cost_management_configs Sequence[GetClusterCostManagementConfig]
    database_encryptions Sequence[GetClusterDatabaseEncryption]
    datapath_provider str
    default_max_pods_per_node int
    default_snat_statuses Sequence[GetClusterDefaultSnatStatus]
    deletion_protection bool
    description str
    dns_configs Sequence[GetClusterDnsConfig]
    enable_autopilot bool
    enable_cilium_clusterwide_network_policy bool
    enable_fqdn_network_policy bool
    enable_intranode_visibility bool
    enable_k8s_beta_apis Sequence[GetClusterEnableK8sBetaApi]
    enable_kubernetes_alpha bool
    enable_l4_ilb_subsetting bool
    enable_legacy_abac bool
    enable_multi_networking bool
    enable_shielded_nodes bool
    enable_tpu bool
    endpoint str
    fleets Sequence[GetClusterFleet]
    gateway_api_configs Sequence[GetClusterGatewayApiConfig]
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    identity_service_configs Sequence[GetClusterIdentityServiceConfig]
    initial_node_count int
    ip_allocation_policies Sequence[GetClusterIpAllocationPolicy]
    label_fingerprint str
    logging_configs Sequence[GetClusterLoggingConfig]
    logging_service str
    maintenance_policies Sequence[GetClusterMaintenancePolicy]
    master_authorized_networks_configs Sequence[GetClusterMasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig]
    master_auths Sequence[GetClusterMasterAuth]
    master_version str
    mesh_certificates Sequence[GetClusterMeshCertificate]
    min_master_version str
    monitoring_configs Sequence[GetClusterMonitoringConfig]
    monitoring_service str
    name str
    network str
    network_policies Sequence[GetClusterNetworkPolicy]
    networking_mode str
    node_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfig]
    node_locations Sequence[str]
    node_pool_auto_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolAutoConfig]
    node_pool_defaults Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolDefault]
    node_pools Sequence[GetClusterNodePool]
    node_version str
    notification_configs Sequence[GetClusterNotificationConfig]
    operation str
    pod_security_policy_configs Sequence[GetClusterPodSecurityPolicyConfig]
    private_cluster_configs Sequence[GetClusterPrivateClusterConfig]
    private_ipv6_google_access str
    protect_configs Sequence[GetClusterProtectConfig]
    release_channels Sequence[GetClusterReleaseChannel]
    remove_default_node_pool bool
    resource_labels Mapping[str, str]
    resource_usage_export_configs Sequence[GetClusterResourceUsageExportConfig]
    secret_manager_configs Sequence[GetClusterSecretManagerConfig]
    security_posture_configs Sequence[GetClusterSecurityPostureConfig]
    self_link str
    service_external_ips_configs Sequence[GetClusterServiceExternalIpsConfig]
    services_ipv4_cidr str
    subnetwork str
    tpu_configs Sequence[GetClusterTpuConfig]
    tpu_ipv4_cidr_block str
    vertical_pod_autoscalings Sequence[GetClusterVerticalPodAutoscaling]
    workload_alts_configs Sequence[GetClusterWorkloadAltsConfig]
    workload_identity_configs Sequence[GetClusterWorkloadIdentityConfig]
    location str
    project str
    addonsConfigs List<Property Map>
    allowNetAdmin Boolean
    authenticatorGroupsConfigs List<Property Map>
    binaryAuthorizations List<Property Map>
    clusterAutoscalings List<Property Map>
    clusterIpv4Cidr String
    clusterTelemetries List<Property Map>
    confidentialNodes List<Property Map>
    costManagementConfigs List<Property Map>
    databaseEncryptions List<Property Map>
    datapathProvider String
    defaultMaxPodsPerNode Number
    defaultSnatStatuses List<Property Map>
    deletionProtection Boolean
    description String
    dnsConfigs List<Property Map>
    enableAutopilot Boolean
    enableCiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy Boolean
    enableFqdnNetworkPolicy Boolean
    enableIntranodeVisibility Boolean
    enableK8sBetaApis List<Property Map>
    enableKubernetesAlpha Boolean
    enableL4IlbSubsetting Boolean
    enableLegacyAbac Boolean
    enableMultiNetworking Boolean
    enableShieldedNodes Boolean
    enableTpu Boolean
    endpoint String
    fleets List<Property Map>
    gatewayApiConfigs List<Property Map>
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    identityServiceConfigs List<Property Map>
    initialNodeCount Number
    ipAllocationPolicies List<Property Map>
    labelFingerprint String
    loggingConfigs List<Property Map>
    loggingService String
    maintenancePolicies List<Property Map>
    masterAuthorizedNetworksConfigs List<Property Map>
    masterAuths List<Property Map>
    masterVersion String
    meshCertificates List<Property Map>
    minMasterVersion String
    monitoringConfigs List<Property Map>
    monitoringService String
    name String
    network String
    networkPolicies List<Property Map>
    networkingMode String
    nodeConfigs List<Property Map>
    nodeLocations List<String>
    nodePoolAutoConfigs List<Property Map>
    nodePoolDefaults List<Property Map>
    nodePools List<Property Map>
    nodeVersion String
    notificationConfigs List<Property Map>
    operation String
    podSecurityPolicyConfigs List<Property Map>
    privateClusterConfigs List<Property Map>
    privateIpv6GoogleAccess String
    protectConfigs List<Property Map>
    releaseChannels List<Property Map>
    removeDefaultNodePool Boolean
    resourceLabels Map<String>
    resourceUsageExportConfigs List<Property Map>
    secretManagerConfigs List<Property Map>
    securityPostureConfigs List<Property Map>
    selfLink String
    serviceExternalIpsConfigs List<Property Map>
    servicesIpv4Cidr String
    subnetwork String
    tpuConfigs List<Property Map>
    tpuIpv4CidrBlock String
    verticalPodAutoscalings List<Property Map>
    workloadAltsConfigs List<Property Map>
    workloadIdentityConfigs List<Property Map>
    location String
    project String

    Supporting Types


    CloudrunConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigCloudrunConfig>
    The status of the CloudRun addon. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    ConfigConnectorConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigConfigConnectorConfig>
    The of the Config Connector addon.
    DnsCacheConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigDnsCacheConfig>
    The status of the NodeLocal DNSCache addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigGcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig>
    Whether this cluster should enable the Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver. Set enabled = true to enable. The Compute Engine persistent disk CSI Driver is enabled by default on newly created clusters for the following versions: Linux clusters: GKE version 1.18.10-gke.2100 or later, or 1.19.3-gke.2100 or later.
    GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigGcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig>
    The status of the Filestore CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of filestore instance as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    GcsFuseCsiDriverConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigGcsFuseCsiDriverConfig>
    The status of the GCS Fuse CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of gcs bucket as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    GkeBackupAgentConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigGkeBackupAgentConfig>
    The status of the Backup for GKE Agent addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    HorizontalPodAutoscalings List<GetClusterAddonsConfigHorizontalPodAutoscaling>
    The status of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling addon, which increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has based on the resource usage of the existing pods. It ensures that a Heapster pod is running in the cluster, which is also used by the Cloud Monitoring service. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    HttpLoadBalancings List<GetClusterAddonsConfigHttpLoadBalancing>
    The status of the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    IstioConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigIstioConfig>
    The status of the Istio addon.
    KalmConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigKalmConfig>
    Configuration for the KALM addon, which manages the lifecycle of k8s. It is disabled by default; Set enabled = true to enable.
    NetworkPolicyConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigNetworkPolicyConfig>
    Whether we should enable the network policy addon for the master. This must be enabled in order to enable network policy for the nodes. To enable this, you must also define a network_policy block, otherwise nothing will happen. It can only be disabled if the nodes already do not have network policies enabled. Defaults to disabled; set disabled = false to enable.
    StatefulHaConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigStatefulHaConfig>
    The status of the Stateful HA addon, which provides automatic configurable failover for stateful applications. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    CloudrunConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigCloudrunConfig
    The status of the CloudRun addon. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    ConfigConnectorConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigConfigConnectorConfig
    The of the Config Connector addon.
    DnsCacheConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigDnsCacheConfig
    The status of the NodeLocal DNSCache addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigGcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig
    Whether this cluster should enable the Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver. Set enabled = true to enable. The Compute Engine persistent disk CSI Driver is enabled by default on newly created clusters for the following versions: Linux clusters: GKE version 1.18.10-gke.2100 or later, or 1.19.3-gke.2100 or later.
    GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigGcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig
    The status of the Filestore CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of filestore instance as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    GcsFuseCsiDriverConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigGcsFuseCsiDriverConfig
    The status of the GCS Fuse CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of gcs bucket as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    GkeBackupAgentConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigGkeBackupAgentConfig
    The status of the Backup for GKE Agent addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    HorizontalPodAutoscalings []GetClusterAddonsConfigHorizontalPodAutoscaling
    The status of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling addon, which increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has based on the resource usage of the existing pods. It ensures that a Heapster pod is running in the cluster, which is also used by the Cloud Monitoring service. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    HttpLoadBalancings []GetClusterAddonsConfigHttpLoadBalancing
    The status of the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    IstioConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigIstioConfig
    The status of the Istio addon.
    KalmConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigKalmConfig
    Configuration for the KALM addon, which manages the lifecycle of k8s. It is disabled by default; Set enabled = true to enable.
    NetworkPolicyConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigNetworkPolicyConfig
    Whether we should enable the network policy addon for the master. This must be enabled in order to enable network policy for the nodes. To enable this, you must also define a network_policy block, otherwise nothing will happen. It can only be disabled if the nodes already do not have network policies enabled. Defaults to disabled; set disabled = false to enable.
    StatefulHaConfigs []GetClusterAddonsConfigStatefulHaConfig
    The status of the Stateful HA addon, which provides automatic configurable failover for stateful applications. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    cloudrunConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigCloudrunConfig>
    The status of the CloudRun addon. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    configConnectorConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigConfigConnectorConfig>
    The of the Config Connector addon.
    dnsCacheConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigDnsCacheConfig>
    The status of the NodeLocal DNSCache addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigGcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig>
    Whether this cluster should enable the Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver. Set enabled = true to enable. The Compute Engine persistent disk CSI Driver is enabled by default on newly created clusters for the following versions: Linux clusters: GKE version 1.18.10-gke.2100 or later, or 1.19.3-gke.2100 or later.
    gcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigGcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig>
    The status of the Filestore CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of filestore instance as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    gcsFuseCsiDriverConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigGcsFuseCsiDriverConfig>
    The status of the GCS Fuse CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of gcs bucket as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    gkeBackupAgentConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigGkeBackupAgentConfig>
    The status of the Backup for GKE Agent addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    horizontalPodAutoscalings List<GetClusterAddonsConfigHorizontalPodAutoscaling>
    The status of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling addon, which increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has based on the resource usage of the existing pods. It ensures that a Heapster pod is running in the cluster, which is also used by the Cloud Monitoring service. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    httpLoadBalancings List<GetClusterAddonsConfigHttpLoadBalancing>
    The status of the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    istioConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigIstioConfig>
    The status of the Istio addon.
    kalmConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigKalmConfig>
    Configuration for the KALM addon, which manages the lifecycle of k8s. It is disabled by default; Set enabled = true to enable.
    networkPolicyConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigNetworkPolicyConfig>
    Whether we should enable the network policy addon for the master. This must be enabled in order to enable network policy for the nodes. To enable this, you must also define a network_policy block, otherwise nothing will happen. It can only be disabled if the nodes already do not have network policies enabled. Defaults to disabled; set disabled = false to enable.
    statefulHaConfigs List<GetClusterAddonsConfigStatefulHaConfig>
    The status of the Stateful HA addon, which provides automatic configurable failover for stateful applications. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    cloudrunConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigCloudrunConfig[]
    The status of the CloudRun addon. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    configConnectorConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigConfigConnectorConfig[]
    The of the Config Connector addon.
    dnsCacheConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigDnsCacheConfig[]
    The status of the NodeLocal DNSCache addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigGcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig[]
    Whether this cluster should enable the Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver. Set enabled = true to enable. The Compute Engine persistent disk CSI Driver is enabled by default on newly created clusters for the following versions: Linux clusters: GKE version 1.18.10-gke.2100 or later, or 1.19.3-gke.2100 or later.
    gcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigGcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig[]
    The status of the Filestore CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of filestore instance as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    gcsFuseCsiDriverConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigGcsFuseCsiDriverConfig[]
    The status of the GCS Fuse CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of gcs bucket as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    gkeBackupAgentConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigGkeBackupAgentConfig[]
    The status of the Backup for GKE Agent addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    horizontalPodAutoscalings GetClusterAddonsConfigHorizontalPodAutoscaling[]
    The status of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling addon, which increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has based on the resource usage of the existing pods. It ensures that a Heapster pod is running in the cluster, which is also used by the Cloud Monitoring service. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    httpLoadBalancings GetClusterAddonsConfigHttpLoadBalancing[]
    The status of the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    istioConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigIstioConfig[]
    The status of the Istio addon.
    kalmConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigKalmConfig[]
    Configuration for the KALM addon, which manages the lifecycle of k8s. It is disabled by default; Set enabled = true to enable.
    networkPolicyConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigNetworkPolicyConfig[]
    Whether we should enable the network policy addon for the master. This must be enabled in order to enable network policy for the nodes. To enable this, you must also define a network_policy block, otherwise nothing will happen. It can only be disabled if the nodes already do not have network policies enabled. Defaults to disabled; set disabled = false to enable.
    statefulHaConfigs GetClusterAddonsConfigStatefulHaConfig[]
    The status of the Stateful HA addon, which provides automatic configurable failover for stateful applications. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    cloudrun_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigCloudrunConfig]
    The status of the CloudRun addon. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    config_connector_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigConfigConnectorConfig]
    The of the Config Connector addon.
    dns_cache_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigDnsCacheConfig]
    The status of the NodeLocal DNSCache addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    gce_persistent_disk_csi_driver_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigGcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig]
    Whether this cluster should enable the Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver. Set enabled = true to enable. The Compute Engine persistent disk CSI Driver is enabled by default on newly created clusters for the following versions: Linux clusters: GKE version 1.18.10-gke.2100 or later, or 1.19.3-gke.2100 or later.
    gcp_filestore_csi_driver_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigGcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig]
    The status of the Filestore CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of filestore instance as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    gcs_fuse_csi_driver_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigGcsFuseCsiDriverConfig]
    The status of the GCS Fuse CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of gcs bucket as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    gke_backup_agent_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigGkeBackupAgentConfig]
    The status of the Backup for GKE Agent addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    horizontal_pod_autoscalings Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigHorizontalPodAutoscaling]
    The status of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling addon, which increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has based on the resource usage of the existing pods. It ensures that a Heapster pod is running in the cluster, which is also used by the Cloud Monitoring service. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    http_load_balancings Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigHttpLoadBalancing]
    The status of the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    istio_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigIstioConfig]
    The status of the Istio addon.
    kalm_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigKalmConfig]
    Configuration for the KALM addon, which manages the lifecycle of k8s. It is disabled by default; Set enabled = true to enable.
    network_policy_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigNetworkPolicyConfig]
    Whether we should enable the network policy addon for the master. This must be enabled in order to enable network policy for the nodes. To enable this, you must also define a network_policy block, otherwise nothing will happen. It can only be disabled if the nodes already do not have network policies enabled. Defaults to disabled; set disabled = false to enable.
    stateful_ha_configs Sequence[GetClusterAddonsConfigStatefulHaConfig]
    The status of the Stateful HA addon, which provides automatic configurable failover for stateful applications. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    cloudrunConfigs List<Property Map>
    The status of the CloudRun addon. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    configConnectorConfigs List<Property Map>
    The of the Config Connector addon.
    dnsCacheConfigs List<Property Map>
    The status of the NodeLocal DNSCache addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfigs List<Property Map>
    Whether this cluster should enable the Google Compute Engine Persistent Disk Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver. Set enabled = true to enable. The Compute Engine persistent disk CSI Driver is enabled by default on newly created clusters for the following versions: Linux clusters: GKE version 1.18.10-gke.2100 or later, or 1.19.3-gke.2100 or later.
    gcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfigs List<Property Map>
    The status of the Filestore CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of filestore instance as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    gcsFuseCsiDriverConfigs List<Property Map>
    The status of the GCS Fuse CSI driver addon, which allows the usage of gcs bucket as volumes. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.
    gkeBackupAgentConfigs List<Property Map>
    The status of the Backup for GKE Agent addon. It is disabled by default. Set enabled = true to enable.
    horizontalPodAutoscalings List<Property Map>
    The status of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling addon, which increases or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has based on the resource usage of the existing pods. It ensures that a Heapster pod is running in the cluster, which is also used by the Cloud Monitoring service. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    httpLoadBalancings List<Property Map>
    The status of the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster. It is enabled by default; set disabled = true to disable.
    istioConfigs List<Property Map>
    The status of the Istio addon.
    kalmConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration for the KALM addon, which manages the lifecycle of k8s. It is disabled by default; Set enabled = true to enable.
    networkPolicyConfigs List<Property Map>
    Whether we should enable the network policy addon for the master. This must be enabled in order to enable network policy for the nodes. To enable this, you must also define a network_policy block, otherwise nothing will happen. It can only be disabled if the nodes already do not have network policies enabled. Defaults to disabled; set disabled = false to enable.
    statefulHaConfigs List<Property Map>
    The status of the Stateful HA addon, which provides automatic configurable failover for stateful applications. Defaults to disabled; set enabled = true to enable.



    Enabled bool
    Enabled bool
    enabled Boolean
    enabled boolean
    enabled bool
    enabled Boolean


    Enabled bool
    Enabled bool
    enabled Boolean
    enabled boolean
    enabled bool
    enabled Boolean


    Enabled bool
    Enabled bool
    enabled Boolean
    enabled boolean
    enabled bool
    enabled Boolean


    Enabled bool
    Enabled bool
    enabled Boolean
    enabled boolean
    enabled bool
    enabled Boolean


    Enabled bool
    Enabled bool
    enabled Boolean
    enabled boolean
    enabled bool
    enabled Boolean


    Enabled bool
    Enabled bool
    enabled Boolean
    enabled boolean
    enabled bool
    enabled Boolean


    disabled Boolean
    disabled boolean
    disabled Boolean


    disabled Boolean
    disabled boolean
    disabled Boolean


    Auth string
    The authentication type between services in Istio. Available options include AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS.
    Disabled bool
    The status of the Istio addon, which makes it easy to set up Istio for services in a cluster. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    Auth string
    The authentication type between services in Istio. Available options include AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS.
    Disabled bool
    The status of the Istio addon, which makes it easy to set up Istio for services in a cluster. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    auth String
    The authentication type between services in Istio. Available options include AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS.
    disabled Boolean
    The status of the Istio addon, which makes it easy to set up Istio for services in a cluster. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    auth string
    The authentication type between services in Istio. Available options include AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS.
    disabled boolean
    The status of the Istio addon, which makes it easy to set up Istio for services in a cluster. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    auth str
    The authentication type between services in Istio. Available options include AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS.
    disabled bool
    The status of the Istio addon, which makes it easy to set up Istio for services in a cluster. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.
    auth String
    The authentication type between services in Istio. Available options include AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS.
    disabled Boolean
    The status of the Istio addon, which makes it easy to set up Istio for services in a cluster. It is disabled by default. Set disabled = false to enable.


    Enabled bool
    Enabled bool
    enabled Boolean
    enabled boolean
    enabled bool
    enabled Boolean


    disabled Boolean
    disabled boolean
    disabled Boolean


    Enabled bool
    Enabled bool
    enabled Boolean
    enabled boolean
    enabled bool
    enabled Boolean


    SecurityGroup string
    The name of the RBAC security group for use with Google security groups in Kubernetes RBAC. Group name must be in format gke-security-groups@yourdomain.com.
    SecurityGroup string
    The name of the RBAC security group for use with Google security groups in Kubernetes RBAC. Group name must be in format gke-security-groups@yourdomain.com.
    securityGroup String
    The name of the RBAC security group for use with Google security groups in Kubernetes RBAC. Group name must be in format gke-security-groups@yourdomain.com.
    securityGroup string
    The name of the RBAC security group for use with Google security groups in Kubernetes RBAC. Group name must be in format gke-security-groups@yourdomain.com.
    security_group str
    The name of the RBAC security group for use with Google security groups in Kubernetes RBAC. Group name must be in format gke-security-groups@yourdomain.com.
    securityGroup String
    The name of the RBAC security group for use with Google security groups in Kubernetes RBAC. Group name must be in format gke-security-groups@yourdomain.com.


    Enabled bool
    Enable Binary Authorization for this cluster.
    EvaluationMode string
    Mode of operation for Binary Authorization policy evaluation.
    Enabled bool
    Enable Binary Authorization for this cluster.
    EvaluationMode string
    Mode of operation for Binary Authorization policy evaluation.
    enabled Boolean
    Enable Binary Authorization for this cluster.
    evaluationMode String
    Mode of operation for Binary Authorization policy evaluation.
    enabled boolean
    Enable Binary Authorization for this cluster.
    evaluationMode string
    Mode of operation for Binary Authorization policy evaluation.
    enabled bool
    Enable Binary Authorization for this cluster.
    evaluation_mode str
    Mode of operation for Binary Authorization policy evaluation.
    enabled Boolean
    Enable Binary Authorization for this cluster.
    evaluationMode String
    Mode of operation for Binary Authorization policy evaluation.


    AutoProvisioningDefaults List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefault>
    Contains defaults for a node pool created by NAP.
    AutoscalingProfile string
    Configuration options for the Autoscaling profile feature, which lets you choose whether the cluster autoscaler should optimize for resource utilization or resource availability when deciding to remove nodes from a cluster. Can be BALANCED or OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION. Defaults to BALANCED.
    Enabled bool
    Whether node auto-provisioning is enabled. Resource limits for cpu and memory must be defined to enable node auto-provisioning.
    ResourceLimits List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingResourceLimit>
    Global constraints for machine resources in the cluster. Configuring the cpu and memory types is required if node auto-provisioning is enabled. These limits will apply to node pool autoscaling in addition to node auto-provisioning.
    AutoProvisioningDefaults []GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefault
    Contains defaults for a node pool created by NAP.
    AutoscalingProfile string
    Configuration options for the Autoscaling profile feature, which lets you choose whether the cluster autoscaler should optimize for resource utilization or resource availability when deciding to remove nodes from a cluster. Can be BALANCED or OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION. Defaults to BALANCED.
    Enabled bool
    Whether node auto-provisioning is enabled. Resource limits for cpu and memory must be defined to enable node auto-provisioning.
    ResourceLimits []GetClusterClusterAutoscalingResourceLimit
    Global constraints for machine resources in the cluster. Configuring the cpu and memory types is required if node auto-provisioning is enabled. These limits will apply to node pool autoscaling in addition to node auto-provisioning.
    autoProvisioningDefaults List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefault>
    Contains defaults for a node pool created by NAP.
    autoscalingProfile String
    Configuration options for the Autoscaling profile feature, which lets you choose whether the cluster autoscaler should optimize for resource utilization or resource availability when deciding to remove nodes from a cluster. Can be BALANCED or OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION. Defaults to BALANCED.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether node auto-provisioning is enabled. Resource limits for cpu and memory must be defined to enable node auto-provisioning.
    resourceLimits List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingResourceLimit>
    Global constraints for machine resources in the cluster. Configuring the cpu and memory types is required if node auto-provisioning is enabled. These limits will apply to node pool autoscaling in addition to node auto-provisioning.
    autoProvisioningDefaults GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefault[]
    Contains defaults for a node pool created by NAP.
    autoscalingProfile string
    Configuration options for the Autoscaling profile feature, which lets you choose whether the cluster autoscaler should optimize for resource utilization or resource availability when deciding to remove nodes from a cluster. Can be BALANCED or OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION. Defaults to BALANCED.
    enabled boolean
    Whether node auto-provisioning is enabled. Resource limits for cpu and memory must be defined to enable node auto-provisioning.
    resourceLimits GetClusterClusterAutoscalingResourceLimit[]
    Global constraints for machine resources in the cluster. Configuring the cpu and memory types is required if node auto-provisioning is enabled. These limits will apply to node pool autoscaling in addition to node auto-provisioning.
    auto_provisioning_defaults Sequence[GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefault]
    Contains defaults for a node pool created by NAP.
    autoscaling_profile str
    Configuration options for the Autoscaling profile feature, which lets you choose whether the cluster autoscaler should optimize for resource utilization or resource availability when deciding to remove nodes from a cluster. Can be BALANCED or OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION. Defaults to BALANCED.
    enabled bool
    Whether node auto-provisioning is enabled. Resource limits for cpu and memory must be defined to enable node auto-provisioning.
    resource_limits Sequence[GetClusterClusterAutoscalingResourceLimit]
    Global constraints for machine resources in the cluster. Configuring the cpu and memory types is required if node auto-provisioning is enabled. These limits will apply to node pool autoscaling in addition to node auto-provisioning.
    autoProvisioningDefaults List<Property Map>
    Contains defaults for a node pool created by NAP.
    autoscalingProfile String
    Configuration options for the Autoscaling profile feature, which lets you choose whether the cluster autoscaler should optimize for resource utilization or resource availability when deciding to remove nodes from a cluster. Can be BALANCED or OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION. Defaults to BALANCED.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether node auto-provisioning is enabled. Resource limits for cpu and memory must be defined to enable node auto-provisioning.
    resourceLimits List<Property Map>
    Global constraints for machine resources in the cluster. Configuring the cpu and memory types is required if node auto-provisioning is enabled. These limits will apply to node pool autoscaling in addition to node auto-provisioning.


    BootDiskKmsKey string
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    DiskSize int
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    DiskType string
    Type of the disk attached to each node.
    ImageType string
    The default image type used by NAP once a new node pool is being created.
    Managements List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultManagement>
    NodeManagement configuration for this NodePool.
    MinCpuPlatform string
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as Intel Haswell.
    OauthScopes List<string>
    Scopes that are used by NAP when creating node pools.
    ServiceAccount string
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    ShieldedInstanceConfigs List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultShieldedInstanceConfig>
    Shielded Instance options.
    UpgradeSettings List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSetting>
    Specifies the upgrade settings for NAP created node pools
    BootDiskKmsKey string
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    DiskSize int
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    DiskType string
    Type of the disk attached to each node.
    ImageType string
    The default image type used by NAP once a new node pool is being created.
    Managements []GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultManagement
    NodeManagement configuration for this NodePool.
    MinCpuPlatform string
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as Intel Haswell.
    OauthScopes []string
    Scopes that are used by NAP when creating node pools.
    ServiceAccount string
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    ShieldedInstanceConfigs []GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultShieldedInstanceConfig
    Shielded Instance options.
    UpgradeSettings []GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSetting
    Specifies the upgrade settings for NAP created node pools
    bootDiskKmsKey String
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    diskSize Integer
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    diskType String
    Type of the disk attached to each node.
    imageType String
    The default image type used by NAP once a new node pool is being created.
    managements List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultManagement>
    NodeManagement configuration for this NodePool.
    minCpuPlatform String
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as Intel Haswell.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    Scopes that are used by NAP when creating node pools.
    serviceAccount String
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shieldedInstanceConfigs List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultShieldedInstanceConfig>
    Shielded Instance options.
    upgradeSettings List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSetting>
    Specifies the upgrade settings for NAP created node pools
    bootDiskKmsKey string
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    diskSize number
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    diskType string
    Type of the disk attached to each node.
    imageType string
    The default image type used by NAP once a new node pool is being created.
    managements GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultManagement[]
    NodeManagement configuration for this NodePool.
    minCpuPlatform string
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as Intel Haswell.
    oauthScopes string[]
    Scopes that are used by NAP when creating node pools.
    serviceAccount string
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shieldedInstanceConfigs GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultShieldedInstanceConfig[]
    Shielded Instance options.
    upgradeSettings GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSetting[]
    Specifies the upgrade settings for NAP created node pools
    boot_disk_kms_key str
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    disk_size int
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    disk_type str
    Type of the disk attached to each node.
    image_type str
    The default image type used by NAP once a new node pool is being created.
    managements Sequence[GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultManagement]
    NodeManagement configuration for this NodePool.
    min_cpu_platform str
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as Intel Haswell.
    oauth_scopes Sequence[str]
    Scopes that are used by NAP when creating node pools.
    service_account str
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shielded_instance_configs Sequence[GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultShieldedInstanceConfig]
    Shielded Instance options.
    upgrade_settings Sequence[GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSetting]
    Specifies the upgrade settings for NAP created node pools
    bootDiskKmsKey String
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    diskSize Number
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    diskType String
    Type of the disk attached to each node.
    imageType String
    The default image type used by NAP once a new node pool is being created.
    managements List<Property Map>
    NodeManagement configuration for this NodePool.
    minCpuPlatform String
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU platforms, such as Intel Haswell.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    Scopes that are used by NAP when creating node pools.
    serviceAccount String
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shieldedInstanceConfigs List<Property Map>
    Shielded Instance options.
    upgradeSettings List<Property Map>
    Specifies the upgrade settings for NAP created node pools


    AutoRepair bool
    Specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, the nodes in this node pool will be monitored and, if they fail health checks too many times, an automatic repair action will be triggered.
    AutoUpgrade bool
    Specifies whether node auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, node auto-upgrade helps keep the nodes in your node pool up to date with the latest release version of Kubernetes.
    UpgradeOptions List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultManagementUpgradeOption>
    Specifies the Auto Upgrade knobs for the node pool.
    AutoRepair bool
    Specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, the nodes in this node pool will be monitored and, if they fail health checks too many times, an automatic repair action will be triggered.
    AutoUpgrade bool
    Specifies whether node auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, node auto-upgrade helps keep the nodes in your node pool up to date with the latest release version of Kubernetes.
    UpgradeOptions []GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultManagementUpgradeOption
    Specifies the Auto Upgrade knobs for the node pool.
    autoRepair Boolean
    Specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, the nodes in this node pool will be monitored and, if they fail health checks too many times, an automatic repair action will be triggered.
    autoUpgrade Boolean
    Specifies whether node auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, node auto-upgrade helps keep the nodes in your node pool up to date with the latest release version of Kubernetes.
    upgradeOptions List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultManagementUpgradeOption>
    Specifies the Auto Upgrade knobs for the node pool.
    autoRepair boolean
    Specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, the nodes in this node pool will be monitored and, if they fail health checks too many times, an automatic repair action will be triggered.
    autoUpgrade boolean
    Specifies whether node auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, node auto-upgrade helps keep the nodes in your node pool up to date with the latest release version of Kubernetes.
    upgradeOptions GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultManagementUpgradeOption[]
    Specifies the Auto Upgrade knobs for the node pool.
    auto_repair bool
    Specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, the nodes in this node pool will be monitored and, if they fail health checks too many times, an automatic repair action will be triggered.
    auto_upgrade bool
    Specifies whether node auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, node auto-upgrade helps keep the nodes in your node pool up to date with the latest release version of Kubernetes.
    upgrade_options Sequence[GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultManagementUpgradeOption]
    Specifies the Auto Upgrade knobs for the node pool.
    autoRepair Boolean
    Specifies whether the node auto-repair is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, the nodes in this node pool will be monitored and, if they fail health checks too many times, an automatic repair action will be triggered.
    autoUpgrade Boolean
    Specifies whether node auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool. If enabled, node auto-upgrade helps keep the nodes in your node pool up to date with the latest release version of Kubernetes.
    upgradeOptions List<Property Map>
    Specifies the Auto Upgrade knobs for the node pool.


    AutoUpgradeStartTime string
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades, in RFC3339 text format.
    Description string
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the description of the upgrade.
    AutoUpgradeStartTime string
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades, in RFC3339 text format.
    Description string
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the description of the upgrade.
    autoUpgradeStartTime String
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades, in RFC3339 text format.
    description String
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the description of the upgrade.
    autoUpgradeStartTime string
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades, in RFC3339 text format.
    description string
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the description of the upgrade.
    auto_upgrade_start_time str
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades, in RFC3339 text format.
    description str
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the description of the upgrade.
    autoUpgradeStartTime String
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades, in RFC3339 text format.
    description String
    This field is set when upgrades are about to commence with the description of the upgrade.


    EnableIntegrityMonitoring bool
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    EnableSecureBoot bool
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    EnableIntegrityMonitoring bool
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    EnableSecureBoot bool
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enableIntegrityMonitoring Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enableSecureBoot Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enableIntegrityMonitoring boolean
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enableSecureBoot boolean
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enable_integrity_monitoring bool
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enable_secure_boot bool
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enableIntegrityMonitoring Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enableSecureBoot Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.


    BlueGreenSettings List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSetting>
    Settings for blue-green upgrade strategy.
    MaxSurge int
    The maximum number of nodes that can be created beyond the current size of the node pool during the upgrade process.
    MaxUnavailable int
    The maximum number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during the upgrade process.
    Strategy string
    Update strategy of the node pool.
    BlueGreenSettings []GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSetting
    Settings for blue-green upgrade strategy.
    MaxSurge int
    The maximum number of nodes that can be created beyond the current size of the node pool during the upgrade process.
    MaxUnavailable int
    The maximum number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during the upgrade process.
    Strategy string
    Update strategy of the node pool.
    blueGreenSettings List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSetting>
    Settings for blue-green upgrade strategy.
    maxSurge Integer
    The maximum number of nodes that can be created beyond the current size of the node pool during the upgrade process.
    maxUnavailable Integer
    The maximum number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during the upgrade process.
    strategy String
    Update strategy of the node pool.
    blueGreenSettings GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSetting[]
    Settings for blue-green upgrade strategy.
    maxSurge number
    The maximum number of nodes that can be created beyond the current size of the node pool during the upgrade process.
    maxUnavailable number
    The maximum number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during the upgrade process.
    strategy string
    Update strategy of the node pool.
    blue_green_settings Sequence[GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSetting]
    Settings for blue-green upgrade strategy.
    max_surge int
    The maximum number of nodes that can be created beyond the current size of the node pool during the upgrade process.
    max_unavailable int
    The maximum number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during the upgrade process.
    strategy str
    Update strategy of the node pool.
    blueGreenSettings List<Property Map>
    Settings for blue-green upgrade strategy.
    maxSurge Number
    The maximum number of nodes that can be created beyond the current size of the node pool during the upgrade process.
    maxUnavailable Number
    The maximum number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during the upgrade process.
    strategy String
    Update strategy of the node pool.


    NodePoolSoakDuration string
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.

                                                                A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    StandardRolloutPolicies List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSettingStandardRolloutPolicy>
    Standard policy for the blue-green upgrade.
    NodePoolSoakDuration string
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.

                                                                A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    StandardRolloutPolicies []GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSettingStandardRolloutPolicy
    Standard policy for the blue-green upgrade.
    nodePoolSoakDuration String
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.

                                                                A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    standardRolloutPolicies List<GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSettingStandardRolloutPolicy>
    Standard policy for the blue-green upgrade.
    nodePoolSoakDuration string
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.

                                                                A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    standardRolloutPolicies GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSettingStandardRolloutPolicy[]
    Standard policy for the blue-green upgrade.
    node_pool_soak_duration str
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.

                                                                A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    standard_rollout_policies Sequence[GetClusterClusterAutoscalingAutoProvisioningDefaultUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSettingStandardRolloutPolicy]
    Standard policy for the blue-green upgrade.
    nodePoolSoakDuration String
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.

                                                                A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    standardRolloutPolicies List<Property Map>
    Standard policy for the blue-green upgrade.


    BatchNodeCount int
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    BatchPercentage double
    Percentage of the bool pool nodes to drain in a batch. The range of this field should be (0.0, 1.0].
    BatchSoakDuration string
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.

                                                                            A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    BatchNodeCount int
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    BatchPercentage float64
    Percentage of the bool pool nodes to drain in a batch. The range of this field should be (0.0, 1.0].
    BatchSoakDuration string
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.

                                                                            A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    batchNodeCount Integer
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    batchPercentage Double
    Percentage of the bool pool nodes to drain in a batch. The range of this field should be (0.0, 1.0].
    batchSoakDuration String
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.

                                                                            A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    batchNodeCount number
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    batchPercentage number
    Percentage of the bool pool nodes to drain in a batch. The range of this field should be (0.0, 1.0].
    batchSoakDuration string
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.

                                                                            A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    batch_node_count int
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    batch_percentage float
    Percentage of the bool pool nodes to drain in a batch. The range of this field should be (0.0, 1.0].
    batch_soak_duration str
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.

                                                                            A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    batchNodeCount Number
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    batchPercentage Number
    Percentage of the bool pool nodes to drain in a batch. The range of this field should be (0.0, 1.0].
    batchSoakDuration String
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.

                                                                            A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, ending with 's'. Example: "3.5s".


    Maximum int
    Maximum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    Minimum int
    Minimum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    ResourceType string
    The type of the resource. For example, cpu and memory. See the guide to using Node Auto-Provisioning for a list of types.
    Maximum int
    Maximum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    Minimum int
    Minimum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    ResourceType string
    The type of the resource. For example, cpu and memory. See the guide to using Node Auto-Provisioning for a list of types.
    maximum Integer
    Maximum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    minimum Integer
    Minimum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    resourceType String
    The type of the resource. For example, cpu and memory. See the guide to using Node Auto-Provisioning for a list of types.
    maximum number
    Maximum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    minimum number
    Minimum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    resourceType string
    The type of the resource. For example, cpu and memory. See the guide to using Node Auto-Provisioning for a list of types.
    maximum int
    Maximum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    minimum int
    Minimum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    resource_type str
    The type of the resource. For example, cpu and memory. See the guide to using Node Auto-Provisioning for a list of types.
    maximum Number
    Maximum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    minimum Number
    Minimum amount of the resource in the cluster.
    resourceType String
    The type of the resource. For example, cpu and memory. See the guide to using Node Auto-Provisioning for a list of types.


    Type string
    Type of the integration.
    Type string
    Type of the integration.
    type String
    Type of the integration.
    type string
    Type of the integration.
    type str
    Type of the integration.
    type String
    Type of the integration.


    Enabled bool
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this cluster.
    Enabled bool
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this cluster.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this cluster.
    enabled boolean
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this cluster.
    enabled bool
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this cluster.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this cluster.


    Enabled bool
    Whether to enable GKE cost allocation. When you enable GKE cost allocation, the cluster name and namespace of your GKE workloads appear in the labels field of the billing export to BigQuery. Defaults to false.
    Enabled bool
    Whether to enable GKE cost allocation. When you enable GKE cost allocation, the cluster name and namespace of your GKE workloads appear in the labels field of the billing export to BigQuery. Defaults to false.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether to enable GKE cost allocation. When you enable GKE cost allocation, the cluster name and namespace of your GKE workloads appear in the labels field of the billing export to BigQuery. Defaults to false.
    enabled boolean
    Whether to enable GKE cost allocation. When you enable GKE cost allocation, the cluster name and namespace of your GKE workloads appear in the labels field of the billing export to BigQuery. Defaults to false.
    enabled bool
    Whether to enable GKE cost allocation. When you enable GKE cost allocation, the cluster name and namespace of your GKE workloads appear in the labels field of the billing export to BigQuery. Defaults to false.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether to enable GKE cost allocation. When you enable GKE cost allocation, the cluster name and namespace of your GKE workloads appear in the labels field of the billing export to BigQuery. Defaults to false.


    KeyName string
    The key to use to encrypt/decrypt secrets.
    State string
    KeyName string
    The key to use to encrypt/decrypt secrets.
    State string
    keyName String
    The key to use to encrypt/decrypt secrets.
    state String
    keyName string
    The key to use to encrypt/decrypt secrets.
    state string
    key_name str
    The key to use to encrypt/decrypt secrets.
    state str
    keyName String
    The key to use to encrypt/decrypt secrets.
    state String


    Disabled bool
    When disabled is set to false, default IP masquerade rules will be applied to the nodes to prevent sNAT on cluster internal traffic.
    Disabled bool
    When disabled is set to false, default IP masquerade rules will be applied to the nodes to prevent sNAT on cluster internal traffic.
    disabled Boolean
    When disabled is set to false, default IP masquerade rules will be applied to the nodes to prevent sNAT on cluster internal traffic.
    disabled boolean
    When disabled is set to false, default IP masquerade rules will be applied to the nodes to prevent sNAT on cluster internal traffic.
    disabled bool
    When disabled is set to false, default IP masquerade rules will be applied to the nodes to prevent sNAT on cluster internal traffic.
    disabled Boolean
    When disabled is set to false, default IP masquerade rules will be applied to the nodes to prevent sNAT on cluster internal traffic.


    AdditiveVpcScopeDnsDomain string
    Enable additive VPC scope DNS in a GKE cluster.
    ClusterDns string
    Which in-cluster DNS provider should be used.
    ClusterDnsDomain string
    The suffix used for all cluster service records.
    ClusterDnsScope string
    The scope of access to cluster DNS records.
    AdditiveVpcScopeDnsDomain string
    Enable additive VPC scope DNS in a GKE cluster.
    ClusterDns string
    Which in-cluster DNS provider should be used.
    ClusterDnsDomain string
    The suffix used for all cluster service records.
    ClusterDnsScope string
    The scope of access to cluster DNS records.
    additiveVpcScopeDnsDomain String
    Enable additive VPC scope DNS in a GKE cluster.
    clusterDns String
    Which in-cluster DNS provider should be used.
    clusterDnsDomain String
    The suffix used for all cluster service records.
    clusterDnsScope String
    The scope of access to cluster DNS records.
    additiveVpcScopeDnsDomain string
    Enable additive VPC scope DNS in a GKE cluster.
    clusterDns string
    Which in-cluster DNS provider should be used.
    clusterDnsDomain string
    The suffix used for all cluster service records.
    clusterDnsScope string
    The scope of access to cluster DNS records.
    additive_vpc_scope_dns_domain str
    Enable additive VPC scope DNS in a GKE cluster.
    cluster_dns str
    Which in-cluster DNS provider should be used.
    cluster_dns_domain str
    The suffix used for all cluster service records.
    cluster_dns_scope str
    The scope of access to cluster DNS records.
    additiveVpcScopeDnsDomain String
    Enable additive VPC scope DNS in a GKE cluster.
    clusterDns String
    Which in-cluster DNS provider should be used.
    clusterDnsDomain String
    The suffix used for all cluster service records.
    clusterDnsScope String
    The scope of access to cluster DNS records.


    EnabledApis List<string>
    Enabled Kubernetes Beta APIs.
    EnabledApis []string
    Enabled Kubernetes Beta APIs.
    enabledApis List<String>
    Enabled Kubernetes Beta APIs.
    enabledApis string[]
    Enabled Kubernetes Beta APIs.
    enabled_apis Sequence[str]
    Enabled Kubernetes Beta APIs.
    enabledApis List<String>
    Enabled Kubernetes Beta APIs.


    Membership string
    Full resource name of the registered fleet membership of the cluster.
    MembershipId string
    Short name of the fleet membership, for example "member-1".
    MembershipLocation string
    Location of the fleet membership, for example "us-central1".
    PreRegistered bool
    Whether the cluster has been registered via the fleet API.
    Project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Membership string
    Full resource name of the registered fleet membership of the cluster.
    MembershipId string
    Short name of the fleet membership, for example "member-1".
    MembershipLocation string
    Location of the fleet membership, for example "us-central1".
    PreRegistered bool
    Whether the cluster has been registered via the fleet API.
    Project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    membership String
    Full resource name of the registered fleet membership of the cluster.
    membershipId String
    Short name of the fleet membership, for example "member-1".
    membershipLocation String
    Location of the fleet membership, for example "us-central1".
    preRegistered Boolean
    Whether the cluster has been registered via the fleet API.
    project String
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    membership string
    Full resource name of the registered fleet membership of the cluster.
    membershipId string
    Short name of the fleet membership, for example "member-1".
    membershipLocation string
    Location of the fleet membership, for example "us-central1".
    preRegistered boolean
    Whether the cluster has been registered via the fleet API.
    project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    membership str
    Full resource name of the registered fleet membership of the cluster.
    membership_id str
    Short name of the fleet membership, for example "member-1".
    membership_location str
    Location of the fleet membership, for example "us-central1".
    pre_registered bool
    Whether the cluster has been registered via the fleet API.
    project str
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    membership String
    Full resource name of the registered fleet membership of the cluster.
    membershipId String
    Short name of the fleet membership, for example "member-1".
    membershipLocation String
    Location of the fleet membership, for example "us-central1".
    preRegistered Boolean
    Whether the cluster has been registered via the fleet API.
    project String
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.


    Channel string
    The Gateway API release channel to use for Gateway API.
    Channel string
    The Gateway API release channel to use for Gateway API.
    channel String
    The Gateway API release channel to use for Gateway API.
    channel string
    The Gateway API release channel to use for Gateway API.
    channel str
    The Gateway API release channel to use for Gateway API.
    channel String
    The Gateway API release channel to use for Gateway API.


    Enabled bool
    Whether to enable the Identity Service component.
    Enabled bool
    Whether to enable the Identity Service component.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether to enable the Identity Service component.
    enabled boolean
    Whether to enable the Identity Service component.
    enabled bool
    Whether to enable the Identity Service component.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether to enable the Identity Service component.


    AdditionalPodRangesConfigs List<GetClusterIpAllocationPolicyAdditionalPodRangesConfig>
    AdditionalPodRangesConfig is the configuration for additional pod secondary ranges supporting the ClusterUpdate message.
    ClusterIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    ClusterSecondaryRangeName string
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for pod IP addresses. Alternatively, cluster_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    PodCidrOverprovisionConfigs List<GetClusterIpAllocationPolicyPodCidrOverprovisionConfig>
    Configuration for cluster level pod cidr overprovision. Default is disabled=false.
    ServicesIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    ServicesSecondaryRangeName string
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for service ClusterIPs. Alternatively, services_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    StackType string
    The IP Stack type of the cluster. Choose between IPV4 and IPV4_IPV6. Default type is IPV4 Only if not set
    AdditionalPodRangesConfigs []GetClusterIpAllocationPolicyAdditionalPodRangesConfig
    AdditionalPodRangesConfig is the configuration for additional pod secondary ranges supporting the ClusterUpdate message.
    ClusterIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    ClusterSecondaryRangeName string
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for pod IP addresses. Alternatively, cluster_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    PodCidrOverprovisionConfigs []GetClusterIpAllocationPolicyPodCidrOverprovisionConfig
    Configuration for cluster level pod cidr overprovision. Default is disabled=false.
    ServicesIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    ServicesSecondaryRangeName string
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for service ClusterIPs. Alternatively, services_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    StackType string
    The IP Stack type of the cluster. Choose between IPV4 and IPV4_IPV6. Default type is IPV4 Only if not set
    additionalPodRangesConfigs List<GetClusterIpAllocationPolicyAdditionalPodRangesConfig>
    AdditionalPodRangesConfig is the configuration for additional pod secondary ranges supporting the ClusterUpdate message.
    clusterIpv4CidrBlock String
    The IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    clusterSecondaryRangeName String
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for pod IP addresses. Alternatively, cluster_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    podCidrOverprovisionConfigs List<GetClusterIpAllocationPolicyPodCidrOverprovisionConfig>
    Configuration for cluster level pod cidr overprovision. Default is disabled=false.
    servicesIpv4CidrBlock String
    The IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    servicesSecondaryRangeName String
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for service ClusterIPs. Alternatively, services_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    stackType String
    The IP Stack type of the cluster. Choose between IPV4 and IPV4_IPV6. Default type is IPV4 Only if not set
    additionalPodRangesConfigs GetClusterIpAllocationPolicyAdditionalPodRangesConfig[]
    AdditionalPodRangesConfig is the configuration for additional pod secondary ranges supporting the ClusterUpdate message.
    clusterIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    clusterSecondaryRangeName string
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for pod IP addresses. Alternatively, cluster_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    podCidrOverprovisionConfigs GetClusterIpAllocationPolicyPodCidrOverprovisionConfig[]
    Configuration for cluster level pod cidr overprovision. Default is disabled=false.
    servicesIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    servicesSecondaryRangeName string
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for service ClusterIPs. Alternatively, services_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    stackType string
    The IP Stack type of the cluster. Choose between IPV4 and IPV4_IPV6. Default type is IPV4 Only if not set
    additional_pod_ranges_configs Sequence[GetClusterIpAllocationPolicyAdditionalPodRangesConfig]
    AdditionalPodRangesConfig is the configuration for additional pod secondary ranges supporting the ClusterUpdate message.
    cluster_ipv4_cidr_block str
    The IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    cluster_secondary_range_name str
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for pod IP addresses. Alternatively, cluster_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    pod_cidr_overprovision_configs Sequence[GetClusterIpAllocationPolicyPodCidrOverprovisionConfig]
    Configuration for cluster level pod cidr overprovision. Default is disabled=false.
    services_ipv4_cidr_block str
    The IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    services_secondary_range_name str
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for service ClusterIPs. Alternatively, services_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    stack_type str
    The IP Stack type of the cluster. Choose between IPV4 and IPV4_IPV6. Default type is IPV4 Only if not set
    additionalPodRangesConfigs List<Property Map>
    AdditionalPodRangesConfig is the configuration for additional pod secondary ranges supporting the ClusterUpdate message.
    clusterIpv4CidrBlock String
    The IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    clusterSecondaryRangeName String
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for pod IP addresses. Alternatively, cluster_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    podCidrOverprovisionConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration for cluster level pod cidr overprovision. Default is disabled=false.
    servicesIpv4CidrBlock String
    The IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. from the RFC-1918 private networks (e.g.,, to pick a specific range to use.
    servicesSecondaryRangeName String
    The name of the existing secondary range in the cluster's subnetwork to use for service ClusterIPs. Alternatively, services_ipv4_cidr_block can be used to automatically create a GKE-managed one.
    stackType String
    The IP Stack type of the cluster. Choose between IPV4 and IPV4_IPV6. Default type is IPV4 Only if not set


    PodRangeNames List<string>
    Name for pod secondary ipv4 range which has the actual range defined ahead.
    PodRangeNames []string
    Name for pod secondary ipv4 range which has the actual range defined ahead.
    podRangeNames List<String>
    Name for pod secondary ipv4 range which has the actual range defined ahead.
    podRangeNames string[]
    Name for pod secondary ipv4 range which has the actual range defined ahead.
    pod_range_names Sequence[str]
    Name for pod secondary ipv4 range which has the actual range defined ahead.
    podRangeNames List<String>
    Name for pod secondary ipv4 range which has the actual range defined ahead.


    disabled Boolean
    disabled boolean
    disabled Boolean


    EnableComponents List<string>
    GKE components exposing logs. Valid values include SYSTEM_COMPONENTS, APISERVER, CONTROLLER_MANAGER, SCHEDULER, and WORKLOADS.
    EnableComponents []string
    GKE components exposing logs. Valid values include SYSTEM_COMPONENTS, APISERVER, CONTROLLER_MANAGER, SCHEDULER, and WORKLOADS.
    enableComponents List<String>
    GKE components exposing logs. Valid values include SYSTEM_COMPONENTS, APISERVER, CONTROLLER_MANAGER, SCHEDULER, and WORKLOADS.
    enableComponents string[]
    GKE components exposing logs. Valid values include SYSTEM_COMPONENTS, APISERVER, CONTROLLER_MANAGER, SCHEDULER, and WORKLOADS.
    enable_components Sequence[str]
    GKE components exposing logs. Valid values include SYSTEM_COMPONENTS, APISERVER, CONTROLLER_MANAGER, SCHEDULER, and WORKLOADS.
    enableComponents List<String>
    GKE components exposing logs. Valid values include SYSTEM_COMPONENTS, APISERVER, CONTROLLER_MANAGER, SCHEDULER, and WORKLOADS.


    DailyMaintenanceWindows List<GetClusterMaintenancePolicyDailyMaintenanceWindow>
    Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. Specify start_time in RFC3339 format "HH:MM”, where HH : [00-23] and MM : [00-59] GMT.
    MaintenanceExclusions List<GetClusterMaintenancePolicyMaintenanceExclusion>
    Exceptions to maintenance window. Non-emergency maintenance should not occur in these windows.
    RecurringWindows List<GetClusterMaintenancePolicyRecurringWindow>
    Time window for recurring maintenance operations.
    DailyMaintenanceWindows []GetClusterMaintenancePolicyDailyMaintenanceWindow
    Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. Specify start_time in RFC3339 format "HH:MM”, where HH : [00-23] and MM : [00-59] GMT.
    MaintenanceExclusions []GetClusterMaintenancePolicyMaintenanceExclusion
    Exceptions to maintenance window. Non-emergency maintenance should not occur in these windows.
    RecurringWindows []GetClusterMaintenancePolicyRecurringWindow
    Time window for recurring maintenance operations.
    dailyMaintenanceWindows List<GetClusterMaintenancePolicyDailyMaintenanceWindow>
    Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. Specify start_time in RFC3339 format "HH:MM”, where HH : [00-23] and MM : [00-59] GMT.
    maintenanceExclusions List<GetClusterMaintenancePolicyMaintenanceExclusion>
    Exceptions to maintenance window. Non-emergency maintenance should not occur in these windows.
    recurringWindows List<GetClusterMaintenancePolicyRecurringWindow>
    Time window for recurring maintenance operations.
    dailyMaintenanceWindows GetClusterMaintenancePolicyDailyMaintenanceWindow[]
    Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. Specify start_time in RFC3339 format "HH:MM”, where HH : [00-23] and MM : [00-59] GMT.
    maintenanceExclusions GetClusterMaintenancePolicyMaintenanceExclusion[]
    Exceptions to maintenance window. Non-emergency maintenance should not occur in these windows.
    recurringWindows GetClusterMaintenancePolicyRecurringWindow[]
    Time window for recurring maintenance operations.
    daily_maintenance_windows Sequence[GetClusterMaintenancePolicyDailyMaintenanceWindow]
    Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. Specify start_time in RFC3339 format "HH:MM”, where HH : [00-23] and MM : [00-59] GMT.
    maintenance_exclusions Sequence[GetClusterMaintenancePolicyMaintenanceExclusion]
    Exceptions to maintenance window. Non-emergency maintenance should not occur in these windows.
    recurring_windows Sequence[GetClusterMaintenancePolicyRecurringWindow]
    Time window for recurring maintenance operations.
    dailyMaintenanceWindows List<Property Map>
    Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. Specify start_time in RFC3339 format "HH:MM”, where HH : [00-23] and MM : [00-59] GMT.
    maintenanceExclusions List<Property Map>
    Exceptions to maintenance window. Non-emergency maintenance should not occur in these windows.
    recurringWindows List<Property Map>
    Time window for recurring maintenance operations.


    Duration string
    StartTime string
    Duration string
    StartTime string
    duration String
    startTime String
    duration string
    startTime string
    duration String
    startTime String


    endTime String
    exclusionName String
    exclusionOptions List<Property Map>
    Maintenance exclusion related options.
    startTime String


    Scope string
    The scope of automatic upgrades to restrict in the exclusion window.
    Scope string
    The scope of automatic upgrades to restrict in the exclusion window.
    scope String
    The scope of automatic upgrades to restrict in the exclusion window.
    scope string
    The scope of automatic upgrades to restrict in the exclusion window.
    scope str
    The scope of automatic upgrades to restrict in the exclusion window.
    scope String
    The scope of automatic upgrades to restrict in the exclusion window.


    EndTime string
    Recurrence string
    StartTime string
    EndTime string
    Recurrence string
    StartTime string
    endTime String
    recurrence String
    startTime String
    endTime string
    recurrence string
    startTime string
    endTime String
    recurrence String
    startTime String


    ClientCertificate string
    Base64 encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    ClientCertificateConfigs List<GetClusterMasterAuthClientCertificateConfig>
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    ClientKey string
    Base64 encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    ClusterCaCertificate string
    Base64 encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for the cluster.
    ClientCertificate string
    Base64 encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    ClientCertificateConfigs []GetClusterMasterAuthClientCertificateConfig
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    ClientKey string
    Base64 encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    ClusterCaCertificate string
    Base64 encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for the cluster.
    clientCertificate String
    Base64 encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    clientCertificateConfigs List<GetClusterMasterAuthClientCertificateConfig>
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    clientKey String
    Base64 encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    clusterCaCertificate String
    Base64 encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for the cluster.
    clientCertificate string
    Base64 encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    clientCertificateConfigs GetClusterMasterAuthClientCertificateConfig[]
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    clientKey string
    Base64 encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    clusterCaCertificate string
    Base64 encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for the cluster.
    client_certificate str
    Base64 encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    client_certificate_configs Sequence[GetClusterMasterAuthClientCertificateConfig]
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    client_key str
    Base64 encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    cluster_ca_certificate str
    Base64 encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for the cluster.
    clientCertificate String
    Base64 encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    clientCertificateConfigs List<Property Map>
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    clientKey String
    Base64 encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint.
    clusterCaCertificate String
    Base64 encoded public certificate that is the root of trust for the cluster.


    IssueClientCertificate bool
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    IssueClientCertificate bool
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    issueClientCertificate Boolean
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    issueClientCertificate boolean
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    issue_client_certificate bool
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.
    issueClientCertificate Boolean
    Whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster.


    CidrBlocks List<GetClusterMasterAuthorizedNetworksConfigCidrBlock>
    External networks that can access the Kubernetes cluster master through HTTPS.
    GcpPublicCidrsAccessEnabled bool
    Whether Kubernetes master is accessible via Google Compute Engine Public IPs.
    CidrBlocks []GetClusterMasterAuthorizedNetworksConfigCidrBlock
    External networks that can access the Kubernetes cluster master through HTTPS.
    GcpPublicCidrsAccessEnabled bool
    Whether Kubernetes master is accessible via Google Compute Engine Public IPs.
    cidrBlocks List<GetClusterMasterAuthorizedNetworksConfigCidrBlock>
    External networks that can access the Kubernetes cluster master through HTTPS.
    gcpPublicCidrsAccessEnabled Boolean
    Whether Kubernetes master is accessible via Google Compute Engine Public IPs.
    cidrBlocks GetClusterMasterAuthorizedNetworksConfigCidrBlock[]
    External networks that can access the Kubernetes cluster master through HTTPS.
    gcpPublicCidrsAccessEnabled boolean
    Whether Kubernetes master is accessible via Google Compute Engine Public IPs.
    cidr_blocks Sequence[GetClusterMasterAuthorizedNetworksConfigCidrBlock]
    External networks that can access the Kubernetes cluster master through HTTPS.
    gcp_public_cidrs_access_enabled bool
    Whether Kubernetes master is accessible via Google Compute Engine Public IPs.
    cidrBlocks List<Property Map>
    External networks that can access the Kubernetes cluster master through HTTPS.
    gcpPublicCidrsAccessEnabled Boolean
    Whether Kubernetes master is accessible via Google Compute Engine Public IPs.


    CidrBlock string
    External network that can access Kubernetes master through HTTPS. Must be specified in CIDR notation.
    DisplayName string
    Field for users to identify CIDR blocks.
    CidrBlock string
    External network that can access Kubernetes master through HTTPS. Must be specified in CIDR notation.
    DisplayName string
    Field for users to identify CIDR blocks.
    cidrBlock String
    External network that can access Kubernetes master through HTTPS. Must be specified in CIDR notation.
    displayName String
    Field for users to identify CIDR blocks.
    cidrBlock string
    External network that can access Kubernetes master through HTTPS. Must be specified in CIDR notation.
    displayName string
    Field for users to identify CIDR blocks.
    cidr_block str
    External network that can access Kubernetes master through HTTPS. Must be specified in CIDR notation.
    display_name str
    Field for users to identify CIDR blocks.
    cidrBlock String
    External network that can access Kubernetes master through HTTPS. Must be specified in CIDR notation.
    displayName String
    Field for users to identify CIDR blocks.


    EnableCertificates bool
    When enabled the GKE Workload Identity Certificates controller and node agent will be deployed in the cluster.
    EnableCertificates bool
    When enabled the GKE Workload Identity Certificates controller and node agent will be deployed in the cluster.
    enableCertificates Boolean
    When enabled the GKE Workload Identity Certificates controller and node agent will be deployed in the cluster.
    enableCertificates boolean
    When enabled the GKE Workload Identity Certificates controller and node agent will be deployed in the cluster.
    enable_certificates bool
    When enabled the GKE Workload Identity Certificates controller and node agent will be deployed in the cluster.
    enableCertificates Boolean
    When enabled the GKE Workload Identity Certificates controller and node agent will be deployed in the cluster.


    AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfigs List<GetClusterMonitoringConfigAdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig>
    Configuration of Advanced Datapath Observability features.
    EnableComponents List<string>
    ManagedPrometheuses List<GetClusterMonitoringConfigManagedPrometheus>
    Configuration for Google Cloud Managed Services for Prometheus.
    AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfigs []GetClusterMonitoringConfigAdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig
    Configuration of Advanced Datapath Observability features.
    EnableComponents []string
    ManagedPrometheuses []GetClusterMonitoringConfigManagedPrometheus
    Configuration for Google Cloud Managed Services for Prometheus.
    advancedDatapathObservabilityConfigs List<GetClusterMonitoringConfigAdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig>
    Configuration of Advanced Datapath Observability features.
    enableComponents List<String>
    managedPrometheuses List<GetClusterMonitoringConfigManagedPrometheus>
    Configuration for Google Cloud Managed Services for Prometheus.
    advancedDatapathObservabilityConfigs GetClusterMonitoringConfigAdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig[]
    Configuration of Advanced Datapath Observability features.
    enableComponents string[]
    managedPrometheuses GetClusterMonitoringConfigManagedPrometheus[]
    Configuration for Google Cloud Managed Services for Prometheus.
    advanced_datapath_observability_configs Sequence[GetClusterMonitoringConfigAdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig]
    Configuration of Advanced Datapath Observability features.
    enable_components Sequence[str]
    managed_prometheuses Sequence[GetClusterMonitoringConfigManagedPrometheus]
    Configuration for Google Cloud Managed Services for Prometheus.
    advancedDatapathObservabilityConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration of Advanced Datapath Observability features.
    enableComponents List<String>
    managedPrometheuses List<Property Map>
    Configuration for Google Cloud Managed Services for Prometheus.


    EnableMetrics bool
    Whether or not the advanced datapath metrics are enabled.
    EnableRelay bool
    Whether or not Relay is enabled.
    RelayMode string
    Mode used to make Relay available.
    EnableMetrics bool
    Whether or not the advanced datapath metrics are enabled.
    EnableRelay bool
    Whether or not Relay is enabled.
    RelayMode string
    Mode used to make Relay available.
    enableMetrics Boolean
    Whether or not the advanced datapath metrics are enabled.
    enableRelay Boolean
    Whether or not Relay is enabled.
    relayMode String
    Mode used to make Relay available.
    enableMetrics boolean
    Whether or not the advanced datapath metrics are enabled.
    enableRelay boolean
    Whether or not Relay is enabled.
    relayMode string
    Mode used to make Relay available.
    enable_metrics bool
    Whether or not the advanced datapath metrics are enabled.
    enable_relay bool
    Whether or not Relay is enabled.
    relay_mode str
    Mode used to make Relay available.
    enableMetrics Boolean
    Whether or not the advanced datapath metrics are enabled.
    enableRelay Boolean
    Whether or not Relay is enabled.
    relayMode String
    Mode used to make Relay available.


    Enabled bool
    Whether or not the managed collection is enabled.
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not the managed collection is enabled.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not the managed collection is enabled.
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not the managed collection is enabled.
    enabled bool
    Whether or not the managed collection is enabled.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not the managed collection is enabled.


    Enabled bool
    Whether network policy is enabled on the cluster.
    Provider string
    The selected network policy provider.
    Enabled bool
    Whether network policy is enabled on the cluster.
    Provider string
    The selected network policy provider.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether network policy is enabled on the cluster.
    provider String
    The selected network policy provider.
    enabled boolean
    Whether network policy is enabled on the cluster.
    provider string
    The selected network policy provider.
    enabled bool
    Whether network policy is enabled on the cluster.
    provider str
    The selected network policy provider.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether network policy is enabled on the cluster.
    provider String
    The selected network policy provider.


    AdvancedMachineFeatures List<GetClusterNodeConfigAdvancedMachineFeature>
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    BootDiskKmsKey string
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    ConfidentialNodes List<GetClusterNodeConfigConfidentialNode>
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    ContainerdConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfig>
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    DiskSizeGb int
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    DiskType string
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    EffectiveTaints List<GetClusterNodeConfigEffectiveTaint>
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    EnableConfidentialStorage bool
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    EphemeralStorageConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigEphemeralStorageConfig>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigEphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    FastSockets List<GetClusterNodeConfigFastSocket>
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    GcfsConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigGcfsConfig>
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    GuestAccelerators List<GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAccelerator>
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    Gvnics List<GetClusterNodeConfigGvnic>
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    HostMaintenancePolicies List<GetClusterNodeConfigHostMaintenancePolicy>
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    ImageType string
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    KubeletConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigKubeletConfig>
    Node kubelet configs.
    Labels Dictionary<string, string>
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    LinuxNodeConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigLinuxNodeConfig>
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigLocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig>
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    LocalSsdCount int
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    LoggingVariant string
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    MachineType string
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    Metadata Dictionary<string, string>
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    MinCpuPlatform string
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    NodeGroup string
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    OauthScopes List<string>
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    Preemptible bool
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    ReservationAffinities List<GetClusterNodeConfigReservationAffinity>
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    ResourceLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    ResourceManagerTags Dictionary<string, object>
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    SandboxConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigSandboxConfig>
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    SecondaryBootDisks List<GetClusterNodeConfigSecondaryBootDisk>
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    ServiceAccount string
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    ShieldedInstanceConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigShieldedInstanceConfig>
    Shielded Instance options.
    SoleTenantConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigSoleTenantConfig>
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    Spot bool
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    Tags List<string>
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    Taints List<GetClusterNodeConfigTaint>
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    WorkloadMetadataConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfig>
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.
    AdvancedMachineFeatures []GetClusterNodeConfigAdvancedMachineFeature
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    BootDiskKmsKey string
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    ConfidentialNodes []GetClusterNodeConfigConfidentialNode
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    ContainerdConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfig
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    DiskSizeGb int
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    DiskType string
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    EffectiveTaints []GetClusterNodeConfigEffectiveTaint
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    EnableConfidentialStorage bool
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    EphemeralStorageConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigEphemeralStorageConfig
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigEphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    FastSockets []GetClusterNodeConfigFastSocket
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    GcfsConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigGcfsConfig
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    GuestAccelerators []GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAccelerator
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    Gvnics []GetClusterNodeConfigGvnic
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    HostMaintenancePolicies []GetClusterNodeConfigHostMaintenancePolicy
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    ImageType string
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    KubeletConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigKubeletConfig
    Node kubelet configs.
    Labels map[string]string
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    LinuxNodeConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigLinuxNodeConfig
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigLocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    LocalSsdCount int
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    LoggingVariant string
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    MachineType string
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    Metadata map[string]string
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    MinCpuPlatform string
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    NodeGroup string
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    OauthScopes []string
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    Preemptible bool
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    ReservationAffinities []GetClusterNodeConfigReservationAffinity
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    ResourceLabels map[string]string
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    ResourceManagerTags map[string]interface{}
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    SandboxConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigSandboxConfig
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    SecondaryBootDisks []GetClusterNodeConfigSecondaryBootDisk
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    ServiceAccount string
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    ShieldedInstanceConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigShieldedInstanceConfig
    Shielded Instance options.
    SoleTenantConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigSoleTenantConfig
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    Spot bool
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    Tags []string
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    Taints []GetClusterNodeConfigTaint
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    WorkloadMetadataConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfig
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.
    advancedMachineFeatures List<GetClusterNodeConfigAdvancedMachineFeature>
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    bootDiskKmsKey String
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    confidentialNodes List<GetClusterNodeConfigConfidentialNode>
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    containerdConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfig>
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    diskSizeGb Integer
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    diskType String
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    effectiveTaints List<GetClusterNodeConfigEffectiveTaint>
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    enableConfidentialStorage Boolean
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    ephemeralStorageConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigEphemeralStorageConfig>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    ephemeralStorageLocalSsdConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigEphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    fastSockets List<GetClusterNodeConfigFastSocket>
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    gcfsConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigGcfsConfig>
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    guestAccelerators List<GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAccelerator>
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    gvnics List<GetClusterNodeConfigGvnic>
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    hostMaintenancePolicies List<GetClusterNodeConfigHostMaintenancePolicy>
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    imageType String
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    kubeletConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigKubeletConfig>
    Node kubelet configs.
    labels Map<String,String>
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    linuxNodeConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigLinuxNodeConfig>
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    localNvmeSsdBlockConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigLocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig>
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    localSsdCount Integer
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    loggingVariant String
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    machineType String
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    metadata Map<String,String>
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    minCpuPlatform String
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    nodeGroup String
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    preemptible Boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    reservationAffinities List<GetClusterNodeConfigReservationAffinity>
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    resourceLabels Map<String,String>
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    resourceManagerTags Map<String,Object>
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    sandboxConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigSandboxConfig>
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    secondaryBootDisks List<GetClusterNodeConfigSecondaryBootDisk>
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    serviceAccount String
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shieldedInstanceConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigShieldedInstanceConfig>
    Shielded Instance options.
    soleTenantConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigSoleTenantConfig>
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    spot Boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    tags List<String>
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    taints List<GetClusterNodeConfigTaint>
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    workloadMetadataConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfig>
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.
    advancedMachineFeatures GetClusterNodeConfigAdvancedMachineFeature[]
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    bootDiskKmsKey string
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    confidentialNodes GetClusterNodeConfigConfidentialNode[]
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    containerdConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfig[]
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    diskSizeGb number
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    diskType string
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    effectiveTaints GetClusterNodeConfigEffectiveTaint[]
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    enableConfidentialStorage boolean
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    ephemeralStorageConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigEphemeralStorageConfig[]
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    ephemeralStorageLocalSsdConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigEphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig[]
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    fastSockets GetClusterNodeConfigFastSocket[]
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    gcfsConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigGcfsConfig[]
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    guestAccelerators GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAccelerator[]
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    gvnics GetClusterNodeConfigGvnic[]
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    hostMaintenancePolicies GetClusterNodeConfigHostMaintenancePolicy[]
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    imageType string
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    kubeletConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigKubeletConfig[]
    Node kubelet configs.
    labels {[key: string]: string}
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    linuxNodeConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigLinuxNodeConfig[]
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    localNvmeSsdBlockConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigLocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig[]
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    localSsdCount number
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    loggingVariant string
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    machineType string
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    metadata {[key: string]: string}
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    minCpuPlatform string
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    nodeGroup string
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    oauthScopes string[]
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    preemptible boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    reservationAffinities GetClusterNodeConfigReservationAffinity[]
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    resourceLabels {[key: string]: string}
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    resourceManagerTags {[key: string]: any}
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    sandboxConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigSandboxConfig[]
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    secondaryBootDisks GetClusterNodeConfigSecondaryBootDisk[]
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    serviceAccount string
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shieldedInstanceConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigShieldedInstanceConfig[]
    Shielded Instance options.
    soleTenantConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigSoleTenantConfig[]
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    spot boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    tags string[]
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    taints GetClusterNodeConfigTaint[]
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    workloadMetadataConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfig[]
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.
    advanced_machine_features Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigAdvancedMachineFeature]
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    boot_disk_kms_key str
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    confidential_nodes Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigConfidentialNode]
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    containerd_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfig]
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    disk_size_gb int
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    disk_type str
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    effective_taints Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigEffectiveTaint]
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    enable_confidential_storage bool
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    ephemeral_storage_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigEphemeralStorageConfig]
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    ephemeral_storage_local_ssd_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigEphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig]
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    fast_sockets Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigFastSocket]
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    gcfs_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigGcfsConfig]
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    guest_accelerators Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAccelerator]
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    gvnics Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigGvnic]
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    host_maintenance_policies Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigHostMaintenancePolicy]
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    image_type str
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    kubelet_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigKubeletConfig]
    Node kubelet configs.
    labels Mapping[str, str]
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    linux_node_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigLinuxNodeConfig]
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    local_nvme_ssd_block_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigLocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig]
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    local_ssd_count int
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    logging_variant str
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    machine_type str
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    metadata Mapping[str, str]
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    min_cpu_platform str
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    node_group str
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    oauth_scopes Sequence[str]
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    preemptible bool
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    reservation_affinities Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigReservationAffinity]
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    resource_labels Mapping[str, str]
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    resource_manager_tags Mapping[str, Any]
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    sandbox_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigSandboxConfig]
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    secondary_boot_disks Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigSecondaryBootDisk]
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    service_account str
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shielded_instance_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigShieldedInstanceConfig]
    Shielded Instance options.
    sole_tenant_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigSoleTenantConfig]
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    spot bool
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    tags Sequence[str]
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    taints Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigTaint]
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    workload_metadata_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfig]
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.
    advancedMachineFeatures List<Property Map>
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    bootDiskKmsKey String
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    confidentialNodes List<Property Map>
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    containerdConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    diskSizeGb Number
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    diskType String
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    effectiveTaints List<Property Map>
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    enableConfidentialStorage Boolean
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    ephemeralStorageConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    ephemeralStorageLocalSsdConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    fastSockets List<Property Map>
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    gcfsConfigs List<Property Map>
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    guestAccelerators List<Property Map>
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    gvnics List<Property Map>
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    hostMaintenancePolicies List<Property Map>
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    imageType String
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    kubeletConfigs List<Property Map>
    Node kubelet configs.
    labels Map<String>
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    linuxNodeConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    localNvmeSsdBlockConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    localSsdCount Number
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    loggingVariant String
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    machineType String
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    metadata Map<String>
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    minCpuPlatform String
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    nodeGroup String
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    preemptible Boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    reservationAffinities List<Property Map>
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    resourceLabels Map<String>
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    resourceManagerTags Map<Any>
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    sandboxConfigs List<Property Map>
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    secondaryBootDisks List<Property Map>
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    serviceAccount String
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shieldedInstanceConfigs List<Property Map>
    Shielded Instance options.
    soleTenantConfigs List<Property Map>
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    spot Boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    tags List<String>
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    taints List<Property Map>
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    workloadMetadataConfigs List<Property Map>
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.


    EnableNestedVirtualization bool
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    ThreadsPerCore int
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    EnableNestedVirtualization bool
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    ThreadsPerCore int
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    enableNestedVirtualization Boolean
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    threadsPerCore Integer
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    enableNestedVirtualization boolean
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    threadsPerCore number
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    enable_nested_virtualization bool
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    threads_per_core int
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    enableNestedVirtualization Boolean
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    threadsPerCore Number
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.


    Enabled bool
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.
    Enabled bool
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.
    enabled boolean
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.
    enabled bool
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.


    privateRegistryAccessConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for private container registries configuration.


    CertificateAuthorityDomainConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig>
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    CertificateAuthorityDomainConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificateAuthorityDomainConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig>
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificateAuthorityDomainConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig[]
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificate_authority_domain_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig]
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled bool
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificateAuthorityDomainConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not private registries are configured.


    Fqdns List<string>
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    GcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig>
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    Fqdns []string
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    GcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns List<String>
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig>
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns string[]
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig[]
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns Sequence[str]
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcp_secret_manager_certificate_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig]
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns List<String>
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.


    SecretUri string
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    SecretUri string
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secretUri String
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secretUri string
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secret_uri str
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secretUri String
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.


    Effect string
    Effect for taint.
    Key string
    Key for taint.
    Value string
    Value for taint.
    Effect string
    Effect for taint.
    Key string
    Key for taint.
    Value string
    Value for taint.
    effect String
    Effect for taint.
    key String
    Key for taint.
    value String
    Value for taint.
    effect string
    Effect for taint.
    key string
    Key for taint.
    value string
    Value for taint.
    effect str
    Effect for taint.
    key str
    Key for taint.
    value str
    Value for taint.
    effect String
    Effect for taint.
    key String
    Key for taint.
    value String
    Value for taint.


    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount Integer
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount number
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    local_ssd_count int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount Number
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.


    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount Integer
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount number
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    local_ssd_count int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount Number
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.


    Enabled bool
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled
    enabled bool
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled


    Enabled bool
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled bool
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled


    Count int
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    GpuDriverInstallationConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuDriverInstallationConfig>
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    GpuPartitionSize string
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    GpuSharingConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuSharingConfig>
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    Type string
    The accelerator type resource name.
    Count int
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    GpuDriverInstallationConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuDriverInstallationConfig
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    GpuPartitionSize string
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    GpuSharingConfigs []GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuSharingConfig
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    Type string
    The accelerator type resource name.
    count Integer
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    gpuDriverInstallationConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuDriverInstallationConfig>
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    gpuPartitionSize String
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    gpuSharingConfigs List<GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuSharingConfig>
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    type String
    The accelerator type resource name.
    count number
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    gpuDriverInstallationConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuDriverInstallationConfig[]
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    gpuPartitionSize string
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    gpuSharingConfigs GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuSharingConfig[]
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    type string
    The accelerator type resource name.
    count int
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    gpu_driver_installation_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuDriverInstallationConfig]
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    gpu_partition_size str
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    gpu_sharing_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuSharingConfig]
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    type str
    The accelerator type resource name.
    count Number
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    gpuDriverInstallationConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    gpuPartitionSize String
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    gpuSharingConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    type String
    The accelerator type resource name.


    GpuDriverVersion string
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.
    GpuDriverVersion string
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.
    gpuDriverVersion String
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.
    gpuDriverVersion string
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.
    gpu_driver_version str
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.
    gpuDriverVersion String
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.


    GpuSharingStrategy string
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    MaxSharedClientsPerGpu int
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.
    GpuSharingStrategy string
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    MaxSharedClientsPerGpu int
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.
    gpuSharingStrategy String
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    maxSharedClientsPerGpu Integer
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.
    gpuSharingStrategy string
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    maxSharedClientsPerGpu number
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.
    gpu_sharing_strategy str
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    max_shared_clients_per_gpu int
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.
    gpuSharingStrategy String
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    maxSharedClientsPerGpu Number
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.


    Enabled bool
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled
    enabled bool
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled



    CpuCfsQuota bool
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    CpuCfsQuotaPeriod string
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    CpuManagerPolicy string
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    PodPidsLimit int
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.
    CpuCfsQuota bool
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    CpuCfsQuotaPeriod string
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    CpuManagerPolicy string
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    PodPidsLimit int
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.
    cpuCfsQuota Boolean
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    cpuCfsQuotaPeriod String
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    cpuManagerPolicy String
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    podPidsLimit Integer
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.
    cpuCfsQuota boolean
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    cpuCfsQuotaPeriod string
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    cpuManagerPolicy string
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    podPidsLimit number
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.
    cpu_cfs_quota bool
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    cpu_cfs_quota_period str
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    cpu_manager_policy str
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    pod_pids_limit int
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.
    cpuCfsQuota Boolean
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    cpuCfsQuotaPeriod String
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    cpuManagerPolicy String
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    podPidsLimit Number
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.


    CgroupMode string
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    Sysctls Dictionary<string, string>
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.
    CgroupMode string
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    Sysctls map[string]string
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.
    cgroupMode String
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    sysctls Map<String,String>
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.
    cgroupMode string
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    sysctls {[key: string]: string}
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.
    cgroup_mode str
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    sysctls Mapping[str, str]
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.
    cgroupMode String
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    sysctls Map<String>
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.


    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.
    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.
    localSsdCount Integer
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.
    localSsdCount number
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.
    local_ssd_count int
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.
    localSsdCount Number
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.


    ConsumeReservationType string
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    Key string
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    Values List<string>
    The label values of the reservation resource.
    ConsumeReservationType string
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    Key string
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    Values []string
    The label values of the reservation resource.
    consumeReservationType String
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    key String
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    values List<String>
    The label values of the reservation resource.
    consumeReservationType string
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    key string
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    values string[]
    The label values of the reservation resource.
    consume_reservation_type str
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    key str
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    values Sequence[str]
    The label values of the reservation resource.
    consumeReservationType String
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    key String
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    values List<String>
    The label values of the reservation resource.


    SandboxType string
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
    SandboxType string
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
    sandboxType String
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
    sandboxType string
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
    sandbox_type str
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
    sandboxType String
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')


    DiskImage string
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    Mode string
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.
    DiskImage string
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    Mode string
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.
    diskImage String
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    mode String
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.
    diskImage string
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    mode string
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.
    disk_image str
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    mode str
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.
    diskImage String
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    mode String
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.


    EnableIntegrityMonitoring bool
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    EnableSecureBoot bool
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    EnableIntegrityMonitoring bool
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    EnableSecureBoot bool
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enableIntegrityMonitoring Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enableSecureBoot Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enableIntegrityMonitoring boolean
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enableSecureBoot boolean
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enable_integrity_monitoring bool
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enable_secure_boot bool
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enableIntegrityMonitoring Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enableSecureBoot Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.



    Key string
    Operator string
    Values List<string>
    Key string
    Operator string
    Values []string
    key String
    operator String
    values List<String>
    key string
    operator string
    values string[]
    key str
    operator str
    values Sequence[str]
    key String
    operator String
    values List<String>


    Effect string
    Effect for taint.
    Key string
    Key for taint.
    Value string
    Value for taint.
    Effect string
    Effect for taint.
    Key string
    Key for taint.
    Value string
    Value for taint.
    effect String
    Effect for taint.
    key String
    Key for taint.
    value String
    Value for taint.
    effect string
    Effect for taint.
    key string
    Key for taint.
    value string
    Value for taint.
    effect str
    Effect for taint.
    key str
    Key for taint.
    value str
    Value for taint.
    effect String
    Effect for taint.
    key String
    Key for taint.
    value String
    Value for taint.


    Mode string
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.
    Mode string
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.
    mode String
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.
    mode string
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.
    mode str
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.
    mode String
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.


    Autoscalings List<GetClusterNodePoolAutoscaling>
    Configuration required by cluster autoscaler to adjust the size of the node pool to the current cluster usage.
    InitialNodeCount int
    The initial number of nodes for the pool. In regional or multi-zonal clusters, this is the number of nodes per zone. Changing this will force recreation of the resource.
    InstanceGroupUrls List<string>
    The resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
    ManagedInstanceGroupUrls List<string>
    List of instance group URLs which have been assigned to this node pool.
    Managements List<GetClusterNodePoolManagement>
    Node management configuration, wherein auto-repair and auto-upgrade is configured.
    MaxPodsPerNode int
    The maximum number of pods per node in this node pool. Note that this does not work on node pools which are "route-based" - that is, node pools belonging to clusters that do not have IP Aliasing enabled.
    Name string
    The name of the cluster.
    NamePrefix string
    Creates a unique name for the node pool beginning with the specified prefix. Conflicts with name.
    NetworkConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfig>
    Networking configuration for this NodePool. If specified, it overrides the cluster-level defaults.
    NodeConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfig>
    The configuration of the nodepool
    NodeCount int
    The number of nodes per instance group. This field can be used to update the number of nodes per instance group but should not be used alongside autoscaling.
    NodeLocations List<string>
    The list of zones in which the node pool's nodes should be located. Nodes must be in the region of their regional cluster or in the same region as their cluster's zone for zonal clusters. If unspecified, the cluster-level node_locations will be used.
    PlacementPolicies List<GetClusterNodePoolPlacementPolicy>
    Specifies the node placement policy
    QueuedProvisionings List<GetClusterNodePoolQueuedProvisioning>
    Specifies the configuration of queued provisioning
    UpgradeSettings List<GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSetting>
    Specify node upgrade settings to change how many nodes GKE attempts to upgrade at once. The number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is the sum of max_surge and max_unavailable. The maximum number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is limited to 20.
    Version string
    Autoscalings []GetClusterNodePoolAutoscaling
    Configuration required by cluster autoscaler to adjust the size of the node pool to the current cluster usage.
    InitialNodeCount int
    The initial number of nodes for the pool. In regional or multi-zonal clusters, this is the number of nodes per zone. Changing this will force recreation of the resource.
    InstanceGroupUrls []string
    The resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
    ManagedInstanceGroupUrls []string
    List of instance group URLs which have been assigned to this node pool.
    Managements []GetClusterNodePoolManagement
    Node management configuration, wherein auto-repair and auto-upgrade is configured.
    MaxPodsPerNode int
    The maximum number of pods per node in this node pool. Note that this does not work on node pools which are "route-based" - that is, node pools belonging to clusters that do not have IP Aliasing enabled.
    Name string
    The name of the cluster.
    NamePrefix string
    Creates a unique name for the node pool beginning with the specified prefix. Conflicts with name.
    NetworkConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfig
    Networking configuration for this NodePool. If specified, it overrides the cluster-level defaults.
    NodeConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfig
    The configuration of the nodepool
    NodeCount int
    The number of nodes per instance group. This field can be used to update the number of nodes per instance group but should not be used alongside autoscaling.
    NodeLocations []string
    The list of zones in which the node pool's nodes should be located. Nodes must be in the region of their regional cluster or in the same region as their cluster's zone for zonal clusters. If unspecified, the cluster-level node_locations will be used.
    PlacementPolicies []GetClusterNodePoolPlacementPolicy
    Specifies the node placement policy
    QueuedProvisionings []GetClusterNodePoolQueuedProvisioning
    Specifies the configuration of queued provisioning
    UpgradeSettings []GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSetting
    Specify node upgrade settings to change how many nodes GKE attempts to upgrade at once. The number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is the sum of max_surge and max_unavailable. The maximum number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is limited to 20.
    Version string
    autoscalings List<GetClusterNodePoolAutoscaling>
    Configuration required by cluster autoscaler to adjust the size of the node pool to the current cluster usage.
    initialNodeCount Integer
    The initial number of nodes for the pool. In regional or multi-zonal clusters, this is the number of nodes per zone. Changing this will force recreation of the resource.
    instanceGroupUrls List<String>
    The resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
    managedInstanceGroupUrls List<String>
    List of instance group URLs which have been assigned to this node pool.
    managements List<GetClusterNodePoolManagement>
    Node management configuration, wherein auto-repair and auto-upgrade is configured.
    maxPodsPerNode Integer
    The maximum number of pods per node in this node pool. Note that this does not work on node pools which are "route-based" - that is, node pools belonging to clusters that do not have IP Aliasing enabled.
    name String
    The name of the cluster.
    namePrefix String
    Creates a unique name for the node pool beginning with the specified prefix. Conflicts with name.
    networkConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfig>
    Networking configuration for this NodePool. If specified, it overrides the cluster-level defaults.
    nodeConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfig>
    The configuration of the nodepool
    nodeCount Integer
    The number of nodes per instance group. This field can be used to update the number of nodes per instance group but should not be used alongside autoscaling.
    nodeLocations List<String>
    The list of zones in which the node pool's nodes should be located. Nodes must be in the region of their regional cluster or in the same region as their cluster's zone for zonal clusters. If unspecified, the cluster-level node_locations will be used.
    placementPolicies List<GetClusterNodePoolPlacementPolicy>
    Specifies the node placement policy
    queuedProvisionings List<GetClusterNodePoolQueuedProvisioning>
    Specifies the configuration of queued provisioning
    upgradeSettings List<GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSetting>
    Specify node upgrade settings to change how many nodes GKE attempts to upgrade at once. The number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is the sum of max_surge and max_unavailable. The maximum number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is limited to 20.
    version String
    autoscalings GetClusterNodePoolAutoscaling[]
    Configuration required by cluster autoscaler to adjust the size of the node pool to the current cluster usage.
    initialNodeCount number
    The initial number of nodes for the pool. In regional or multi-zonal clusters, this is the number of nodes per zone. Changing this will force recreation of the resource.
    instanceGroupUrls string[]
    The resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
    managedInstanceGroupUrls string[]
    List of instance group URLs which have been assigned to this node pool.
    managements GetClusterNodePoolManagement[]
    Node management configuration, wherein auto-repair and auto-upgrade is configured.
    maxPodsPerNode number
    The maximum number of pods per node in this node pool. Note that this does not work on node pools which are "route-based" - that is, node pools belonging to clusters that do not have IP Aliasing enabled.
    name string
    The name of the cluster.
    namePrefix string
    Creates a unique name for the node pool beginning with the specified prefix. Conflicts with name.
    networkConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfig[]
    Networking configuration for this NodePool. If specified, it overrides the cluster-level defaults.
    nodeConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfig[]
    The configuration of the nodepool
    nodeCount number
    The number of nodes per instance group. This field can be used to update the number of nodes per instance group but should not be used alongside autoscaling.
    nodeLocations string[]
    The list of zones in which the node pool's nodes should be located. Nodes must be in the region of their regional cluster or in the same region as their cluster's zone for zonal clusters. If unspecified, the cluster-level node_locations will be used.
    placementPolicies GetClusterNodePoolPlacementPolicy[]
    Specifies the node placement policy
    queuedProvisionings GetClusterNodePoolQueuedProvisioning[]
    Specifies the configuration of queued provisioning
    upgradeSettings GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSetting[]
    Specify node upgrade settings to change how many nodes GKE attempts to upgrade at once. The number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is the sum of max_surge and max_unavailable. The maximum number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is limited to 20.
    version string
    autoscalings Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolAutoscaling]
    Configuration required by cluster autoscaler to adjust the size of the node pool to the current cluster usage.
    initial_node_count int
    The initial number of nodes for the pool. In regional or multi-zonal clusters, this is the number of nodes per zone. Changing this will force recreation of the resource.
    instance_group_urls Sequence[str]
    The resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
    managed_instance_group_urls Sequence[str]
    List of instance group URLs which have been assigned to this node pool.
    managements Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolManagement]
    Node management configuration, wherein auto-repair and auto-upgrade is configured.
    max_pods_per_node int
    The maximum number of pods per node in this node pool. Note that this does not work on node pools which are "route-based" - that is, node pools belonging to clusters that do not have IP Aliasing enabled.
    name str
    The name of the cluster.
    name_prefix str
    Creates a unique name for the node pool beginning with the specified prefix. Conflicts with name.
    network_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfig]
    Networking configuration for this NodePool. If specified, it overrides the cluster-level defaults.
    node_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfig]
    The configuration of the nodepool
    node_count int
    The number of nodes per instance group. This field can be used to update the number of nodes per instance group but should not be used alongside autoscaling.
    node_locations Sequence[str]
    The list of zones in which the node pool's nodes should be located. Nodes must be in the region of their regional cluster or in the same region as their cluster's zone for zonal clusters. If unspecified, the cluster-level node_locations will be used.
    placement_policies Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolPlacementPolicy]
    Specifies the node placement policy
    queued_provisionings Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolQueuedProvisioning]
    Specifies the configuration of queued provisioning
    upgrade_settings Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSetting]
    Specify node upgrade settings to change how many nodes GKE attempts to upgrade at once. The number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is the sum of max_surge and max_unavailable. The maximum number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is limited to 20.
    version str
    autoscalings List<Property Map>
    Configuration required by cluster autoscaler to adjust the size of the node pool to the current cluster usage.
    initialNodeCount Number
    The initial number of nodes for the pool. In regional or multi-zonal clusters, this is the number of nodes per zone. Changing this will force recreation of the resource.
    instanceGroupUrls List<String>
    The resource URLs of the managed instance groups associated with this node pool.
    managedInstanceGroupUrls List<String>
    List of instance group URLs which have been assigned to this node pool.
    managements List<Property Map>
    Node management configuration, wherein auto-repair and auto-upgrade is configured.
    maxPodsPerNode Number
    The maximum number of pods per node in this node pool. Note that this does not work on node pools which are "route-based" - that is, node pools belonging to clusters that do not have IP Aliasing enabled.
    name String
    The name of the cluster.
    namePrefix String
    Creates a unique name for the node pool beginning with the specified prefix. Conflicts with name.
    networkConfigs List<Property Map>
    Networking configuration for this NodePool. If specified, it overrides the cluster-level defaults.
    nodeConfigs List<Property Map>
    The configuration of the nodepool
    nodeCount Number
    The number of nodes per instance group. This field can be used to update the number of nodes per instance group but should not be used alongside autoscaling.
    nodeLocations List<String>
    The list of zones in which the node pool's nodes should be located. Nodes must be in the region of their regional cluster or in the same region as their cluster's zone for zonal clusters. If unspecified, the cluster-level node_locations will be used.
    placementPolicies List<Property Map>
    Specifies the node placement policy
    queuedProvisionings List<Property Map>
    Specifies the configuration of queued provisioning
    upgradeSettings List<Property Map>
    Specify node upgrade settings to change how many nodes GKE attempts to upgrade at once. The number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is the sum of max_surge and max_unavailable. The maximum number of nodes upgraded simultaneously is limited to 20.
    version String


    NetworkTags List<GetClusterNodePoolAutoConfigNetworkTag>
    Collection of Compute Engine network tags that can be applied to a node's underlying VM instance.
    ResourceManagerTags Dictionary<string, object>
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    NetworkTags []GetClusterNodePoolAutoConfigNetworkTag
    Collection of Compute Engine network tags that can be applied to a node's underlying VM instance.
    ResourceManagerTags map[string]interface{}
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    networkTags List<GetClusterNodePoolAutoConfigNetworkTag>
    Collection of Compute Engine network tags that can be applied to a node's underlying VM instance.
    resourceManagerTags Map<String,Object>
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    networkTags GetClusterNodePoolAutoConfigNetworkTag[]
    Collection of Compute Engine network tags that can be applied to a node's underlying VM instance.
    resourceManagerTags {[key: string]: any}
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    network_tags Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolAutoConfigNetworkTag]
    Collection of Compute Engine network tags that can be applied to a node's underlying VM instance.
    resource_manager_tags Mapping[str, Any]
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    networkTags List<Property Map>
    Collection of Compute Engine network tags that can be applied to a node's underlying VM instance.
    resourceManagerTags Map<Any>
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.


    Tags List<string>
    List of network tags applied to auto-provisioned node pools.
    Tags []string
    List of network tags applied to auto-provisioned node pools.
    tags List<String>
    List of network tags applied to auto-provisioned node pools.
    tags string[]
    List of network tags applied to auto-provisioned node pools.
    tags Sequence[str]
    List of network tags applied to auto-provisioned node pools.
    tags List<String>
    List of network tags applied to auto-provisioned node pools.


    LocationPolicy string
    Location policy specifies the algorithm used when scaling-up the node pool. "BALANCED" - Is a best effort policy that aims to balance the sizes of available zones. "ANY" - Instructs the cluster autoscaler to prioritize utilization of unused reservations, and reduces preemption risk for Spot VMs.
    MaxNodeCount int
    Maximum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >= min_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    MinNodeCount int
    Minimum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= max_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    TotalMaxNodeCount int
    Maximum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >= total_min_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    TotalMinNodeCount int
    Minimum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= total_max_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    LocationPolicy string
    Location policy specifies the algorithm used when scaling-up the node pool. "BALANCED" - Is a best effort policy that aims to balance the sizes of available zones. "ANY" - Instructs the cluster autoscaler to prioritize utilization of unused reservations, and reduces preemption risk for Spot VMs.
    MaxNodeCount int
    Maximum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >= min_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    MinNodeCount int
    Minimum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= max_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    TotalMaxNodeCount int
    Maximum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >= total_min_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    TotalMinNodeCount int
    Minimum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= total_max_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    locationPolicy String
    Location policy specifies the algorithm used when scaling-up the node pool. "BALANCED" - Is a best effort policy that aims to balance the sizes of available zones. "ANY" - Instructs the cluster autoscaler to prioritize utilization of unused reservations, and reduces preemption risk for Spot VMs.
    maxNodeCount Integer
    Maximum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >= min_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    minNodeCount Integer
    Minimum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= max_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    totalMaxNodeCount Integer
    Maximum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >= total_min_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    totalMinNodeCount Integer
    Minimum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= total_max_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    locationPolicy string
    Location policy specifies the algorithm used when scaling-up the node pool. "BALANCED" - Is a best effort policy that aims to balance the sizes of available zones. "ANY" - Instructs the cluster autoscaler to prioritize utilization of unused reservations, and reduces preemption risk for Spot VMs.
    maxNodeCount number
    Maximum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >= min_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    minNodeCount number
    Minimum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= max_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    totalMaxNodeCount number
    Maximum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >= total_min_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    totalMinNodeCount number
    Minimum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= total_max_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    location_policy str
    Location policy specifies the algorithm used when scaling-up the node pool. "BALANCED" - Is a best effort policy that aims to balance the sizes of available zones. "ANY" - Instructs the cluster autoscaler to prioritize utilization of unused reservations, and reduces preemption risk for Spot VMs.
    max_node_count int
    Maximum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >= min_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    min_node_count int
    Minimum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= max_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    total_max_node_count int
    Maximum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >= total_min_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    total_min_node_count int
    Minimum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= total_max_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    locationPolicy String
    Location policy specifies the algorithm used when scaling-up the node pool. "BALANCED" - Is a best effort policy that aims to balance the sizes of available zones. "ANY" - Instructs the cluster autoscaler to prioritize utilization of unused reservations, and reduces preemption risk for Spot VMs.
    maxNodeCount Number
    Maximum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >= min_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    minNodeCount Number
    Minimum number of nodes per zone in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= max_node_count. Cannot be used with total limits.
    totalMaxNodeCount Number
    Maximum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >= total_min_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.
    totalMinNodeCount Number
    Minimum number of all nodes in the node pool. Must be >=0 and <= total_max_node_count. Cannot be used with per zone limits.


    NodeConfigDefaults List<GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefault>
    Subset of NodeConfig message that has defaults.
    NodeConfigDefaults []GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefault
    Subset of NodeConfig message that has defaults.
    nodeConfigDefaults List<GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefault>
    Subset of NodeConfig message that has defaults.
    nodeConfigDefaults GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefault[]
    Subset of NodeConfig message that has defaults.
    node_config_defaults Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefault]
    Subset of NodeConfig message that has defaults.
    nodeConfigDefaults List<Property Map>
    Subset of NodeConfig message that has defaults.


    ContainerdConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfig>
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    GcfsConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultGcfsConfig>
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    LoggingVariant string
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    ContainerdConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfig
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    GcfsConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultGcfsConfig
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    LoggingVariant string
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    containerdConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfig>
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    gcfsConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultGcfsConfig>
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    loggingVariant String
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    containerdConfigs GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfig[]
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    gcfsConfigs GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultGcfsConfig[]
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    loggingVariant string
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    containerd_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfig]
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    gcfs_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultGcfsConfig]
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    logging_variant str
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    containerdConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    gcfsConfigs List<Property Map>
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    loggingVariant String
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.


    privateRegistryAccessConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for private container registries configuration.


    CertificateAuthorityDomainConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig>
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    CertificateAuthorityDomainConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificateAuthorityDomainConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig>
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificateAuthorityDomainConfigs GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig[]
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificateAuthorityDomainConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not private registries are configured.


    Fqdns List<string>
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    GcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig>
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    Fqdns []string
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    GcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns List<String>
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig>
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns string[]
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig[]
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns Sequence[str]
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcp_secret_manager_certificate_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolDefaultNodeConfigDefaultContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig]
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns List<String>
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.


    SecretUri string
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    SecretUri string
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secretUri String
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secretUri string
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secret_uri str
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secretUri String
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.


    Enabled bool
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled bool
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled


    AutoRepair bool
    Whether the nodes will be automatically repaired. Enabled by default.
    AutoUpgrade bool
    Whether the nodes will be automatically upgraded. Enabled by default.
    AutoRepair bool
    Whether the nodes will be automatically repaired. Enabled by default.
    AutoUpgrade bool
    Whether the nodes will be automatically upgraded. Enabled by default.
    autoRepair Boolean
    Whether the nodes will be automatically repaired. Enabled by default.
    autoUpgrade Boolean
    Whether the nodes will be automatically upgraded. Enabled by default.
    autoRepair boolean
    Whether the nodes will be automatically repaired. Enabled by default.
    autoUpgrade boolean
    Whether the nodes will be automatically upgraded. Enabled by default.
    auto_repair bool
    Whether the nodes will be automatically repaired. Enabled by default.
    auto_upgrade bool
    Whether the nodes will be automatically upgraded. Enabled by default.
    autoRepair Boolean
    Whether the nodes will be automatically repaired. Enabled by default.
    autoUpgrade Boolean
    Whether the nodes will be automatically upgraded. Enabled by default.


    AdditionalNodeNetworkConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigAdditionalNodeNetworkConfig>
    We specify the additional node networks for this node pool using this list. Each node network corresponds to an additional interface
    AdditionalPodNetworkConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigAdditionalPodNetworkConfig>
    We specify the additional pod networks for this node pool using this list. Each pod network corresponds to an additional alias IP range for the node
    CreatePodRange bool
    Whether to create a new range for pod IPs in this node pool. Defaults are provided for pod_range and pod_ipv4_cidr_block if they are not specified.
    EnablePrivateNodes bool
    Whether nodes have internal IP addresses only.
    NetworkPerformanceConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigNetworkPerformanceConfig>
    Network bandwidth tier configuration.
    PodCidrOverprovisionConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigPodCidrOverprovisionConfig>
    Configuration for node-pool level pod cidr overprovision. If not set, the cluster level setting will be inherited
    PodIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP address range for pod IPs in this node pool. Only applicable if create_pod_range is true. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. to pick a specific range to use.
    PodRange string
    The ID of the secondary range for pod IPs. If create_pod_range is true, this ID is used for the new range. If create_pod_range is false, uses an existing secondary range with this ID.
    AdditionalNodeNetworkConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigAdditionalNodeNetworkConfig
    We specify the additional node networks for this node pool using this list. Each node network corresponds to an additional interface
    AdditionalPodNetworkConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigAdditionalPodNetworkConfig
    We specify the additional pod networks for this node pool using this list. Each pod network corresponds to an additional alias IP range for the node
    CreatePodRange bool
    Whether to create a new range for pod IPs in this node pool. Defaults are provided for pod_range and pod_ipv4_cidr_block if they are not specified.
    EnablePrivateNodes bool
    Whether nodes have internal IP addresses only.
    NetworkPerformanceConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigNetworkPerformanceConfig
    Network bandwidth tier configuration.
    PodCidrOverprovisionConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigPodCidrOverprovisionConfig
    Configuration for node-pool level pod cidr overprovision. If not set, the cluster level setting will be inherited
    PodIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP address range for pod IPs in this node pool. Only applicable if create_pod_range is true. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. to pick a specific range to use.
    PodRange string
    The ID of the secondary range for pod IPs. If create_pod_range is true, this ID is used for the new range. If create_pod_range is false, uses an existing secondary range with this ID.
    additionalNodeNetworkConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigAdditionalNodeNetworkConfig>
    We specify the additional node networks for this node pool using this list. Each node network corresponds to an additional interface
    additionalPodNetworkConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigAdditionalPodNetworkConfig>
    We specify the additional pod networks for this node pool using this list. Each pod network corresponds to an additional alias IP range for the node
    createPodRange Boolean
    Whether to create a new range for pod IPs in this node pool. Defaults are provided for pod_range and pod_ipv4_cidr_block if they are not specified.
    enablePrivateNodes Boolean
    Whether nodes have internal IP addresses only.
    networkPerformanceConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigNetworkPerformanceConfig>
    Network bandwidth tier configuration.
    podCidrOverprovisionConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigPodCidrOverprovisionConfig>
    Configuration for node-pool level pod cidr overprovision. If not set, the cluster level setting will be inherited
    podIpv4CidrBlock String
    The IP address range for pod IPs in this node pool. Only applicable if create_pod_range is true. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. to pick a specific range to use.
    podRange String
    The ID of the secondary range for pod IPs. If create_pod_range is true, this ID is used for the new range. If create_pod_range is false, uses an existing secondary range with this ID.
    additionalNodeNetworkConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigAdditionalNodeNetworkConfig[]
    We specify the additional node networks for this node pool using this list. Each node network corresponds to an additional interface
    additionalPodNetworkConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigAdditionalPodNetworkConfig[]
    We specify the additional pod networks for this node pool using this list. Each pod network corresponds to an additional alias IP range for the node
    createPodRange boolean
    Whether to create a new range for pod IPs in this node pool. Defaults are provided for pod_range and pod_ipv4_cidr_block if they are not specified.
    enablePrivateNodes boolean
    Whether nodes have internal IP addresses only.
    networkPerformanceConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigNetworkPerformanceConfig[]
    Network bandwidth tier configuration.
    podCidrOverprovisionConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigPodCidrOverprovisionConfig[]
    Configuration for node-pool level pod cidr overprovision. If not set, the cluster level setting will be inherited
    podIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP address range for pod IPs in this node pool. Only applicable if create_pod_range is true. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. to pick a specific range to use.
    podRange string
    The ID of the secondary range for pod IPs. If create_pod_range is true, this ID is used for the new range. If create_pod_range is false, uses an existing secondary range with this ID.
    additional_node_network_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigAdditionalNodeNetworkConfig]
    We specify the additional node networks for this node pool using this list. Each node network corresponds to an additional interface
    additional_pod_network_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigAdditionalPodNetworkConfig]
    We specify the additional pod networks for this node pool using this list. Each pod network corresponds to an additional alias IP range for the node
    create_pod_range bool
    Whether to create a new range for pod IPs in this node pool. Defaults are provided for pod_range and pod_ipv4_cidr_block if they are not specified.
    enable_private_nodes bool
    Whether nodes have internal IP addresses only.
    network_performance_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigNetworkPerformanceConfig]
    Network bandwidth tier configuration.
    pod_cidr_overprovision_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNetworkConfigPodCidrOverprovisionConfig]
    Configuration for node-pool level pod cidr overprovision. If not set, the cluster level setting will be inherited
    pod_ipv4_cidr_block str
    The IP address range for pod IPs in this node pool. Only applicable if create_pod_range is true. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. to pick a specific range to use.
    pod_range str
    The ID of the secondary range for pod IPs. If create_pod_range is true, this ID is used for the new range. If create_pod_range is false, uses an existing secondary range with this ID.
    additionalNodeNetworkConfigs List<Property Map>
    We specify the additional node networks for this node pool using this list. Each node network corresponds to an additional interface
    additionalPodNetworkConfigs List<Property Map>
    We specify the additional pod networks for this node pool using this list. Each pod network corresponds to an additional alias IP range for the node
    createPodRange Boolean
    Whether to create a new range for pod IPs in this node pool. Defaults are provided for pod_range and pod_ipv4_cidr_block if they are not specified.
    enablePrivateNodes Boolean
    Whether nodes have internal IP addresses only.
    networkPerformanceConfigs List<Property Map>
    Network bandwidth tier configuration.
    podCidrOverprovisionConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration for node-pool level pod cidr overprovision. If not set, the cluster level setting will be inherited
    podIpv4CidrBlock String
    The IP address range for pod IPs in this node pool. Only applicable if create_pod_range is true. Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. Set to /netmask (e.g. /14) to have a range chosen with a specific netmask. Set to a CIDR notation (e.g. to pick a specific range to use.
    podRange String
    The ID of the secondary range for pod IPs. If create_pod_range is true, this ID is used for the new range. If create_pod_range is false, uses an existing secondary range with this ID.


    Network string
    Name of the VPC where the additional interface belongs.
    Subnetwork string
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional interface belongs.
    Network string
    Name of the VPC where the additional interface belongs.
    Subnetwork string
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional interface belongs.
    network String
    Name of the VPC where the additional interface belongs.
    subnetwork String
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional interface belongs.
    network string
    Name of the VPC where the additional interface belongs.
    subnetwork string
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional interface belongs.
    network str
    Name of the VPC where the additional interface belongs.
    subnetwork str
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional interface belongs.
    network String
    Name of the VPC where the additional interface belongs.
    subnetwork String
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional interface belongs.


    MaxPodsPerNode int
    The maximum number of pods per node which use this pod network.
    SecondaryPodRange string
    The name of the secondary range on the subnet which provides IP address for this pod range.
    Subnetwork string
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional pod network belongs.
    MaxPodsPerNode int
    The maximum number of pods per node which use this pod network.
    SecondaryPodRange string
    The name of the secondary range on the subnet which provides IP address for this pod range.
    Subnetwork string
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional pod network belongs.
    maxPodsPerNode Integer
    The maximum number of pods per node which use this pod network.
    secondaryPodRange String
    The name of the secondary range on the subnet which provides IP address for this pod range.
    subnetwork String
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional pod network belongs.
    maxPodsPerNode number
    The maximum number of pods per node which use this pod network.
    secondaryPodRange string
    The name of the secondary range on the subnet which provides IP address for this pod range.
    subnetwork string
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional pod network belongs.
    max_pods_per_node int
    The maximum number of pods per node which use this pod network.
    secondary_pod_range str
    The name of the secondary range on the subnet which provides IP address for this pod range.
    subnetwork str
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional pod network belongs.
    maxPodsPerNode Number
    The maximum number of pods per node which use this pod network.
    secondaryPodRange String
    The name of the secondary range on the subnet which provides IP address for this pod range.
    subnetwork String
    Name of the subnetwork where the additional pod network belongs.


    TotalEgressBandwidthTier string
    Specifies the total network bandwidth tier for the NodePool.
    TotalEgressBandwidthTier string
    Specifies the total network bandwidth tier for the NodePool.
    totalEgressBandwidthTier String
    Specifies the total network bandwidth tier for the NodePool.
    totalEgressBandwidthTier string
    Specifies the total network bandwidth tier for the NodePool.
    total_egress_bandwidth_tier str
    Specifies the total network bandwidth tier for the NodePool.
    totalEgressBandwidthTier String
    Specifies the total network bandwidth tier for the NodePool.


    disabled Boolean
    disabled boolean
    disabled Boolean


    AdvancedMachineFeatures List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigAdvancedMachineFeature>
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    BootDiskKmsKey string
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    ConfidentialNodes List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigConfidentialNode>
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    ContainerdConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfig>
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    DiskSizeGb int
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    DiskType string
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    EffectiveTaints List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEffectiveTaint>
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    EnableConfidentialStorage bool
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    EphemeralStorageConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEphemeralStorageConfig>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    FastSockets List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigFastSocket>
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    GcfsConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGcfsConfig>
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    GuestAccelerators List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAccelerator>
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    Gvnics List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGvnic>
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    HostMaintenancePolicies List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigHostMaintenancePolicy>
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    ImageType string
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    KubeletConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigKubeletConfig>
    Node kubelet configs.
    Labels Dictionary<string, string>
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    LinuxNodeConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigLinuxNodeConfig>
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigLocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig>
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    LocalSsdCount int
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    LoggingVariant string
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    MachineType string
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    Metadata Dictionary<string, string>
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    MinCpuPlatform string
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    NodeGroup string
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    OauthScopes List<string>
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    Preemptible bool
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    ReservationAffinities List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigReservationAffinity>
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    ResourceLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    ResourceManagerTags Dictionary<string, object>
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    SandboxConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSandboxConfig>
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    SecondaryBootDisks List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSecondaryBootDisk>
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    ServiceAccount string
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    ShieldedInstanceConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigShieldedInstanceConfig>
    Shielded Instance options.
    SoleTenantConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSoleTenantConfig>
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    Spot bool
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    Tags List<string>
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    Taints List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigTaint>
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    WorkloadMetadataConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfig>
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.
    AdvancedMachineFeatures []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigAdvancedMachineFeature
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    BootDiskKmsKey string
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    ConfidentialNodes []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigConfidentialNode
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    ContainerdConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfig
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    DiskSizeGb int
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    DiskType string
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    EffectiveTaints []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEffectiveTaint
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    EnableConfidentialStorage bool
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    EphemeralStorageConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEphemeralStorageConfig
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    FastSockets []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigFastSocket
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    GcfsConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGcfsConfig
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    GuestAccelerators []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAccelerator
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    Gvnics []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGvnic
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    HostMaintenancePolicies []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigHostMaintenancePolicy
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    ImageType string
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    KubeletConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigKubeletConfig
    Node kubelet configs.
    Labels map[string]string
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    LinuxNodeConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigLinuxNodeConfig
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigLocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    LocalSsdCount int
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    LoggingVariant string
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    MachineType string
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    Metadata map[string]string
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    MinCpuPlatform string
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    NodeGroup string
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    OauthScopes []string
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    Preemptible bool
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    ReservationAffinities []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigReservationAffinity
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    ResourceLabels map[string]string
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    ResourceManagerTags map[string]interface{}
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    SandboxConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSandboxConfig
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    SecondaryBootDisks []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSecondaryBootDisk
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    ServiceAccount string
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    ShieldedInstanceConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigShieldedInstanceConfig
    Shielded Instance options.
    SoleTenantConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSoleTenantConfig
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    Spot bool
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    Tags []string
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    Taints []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigTaint
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    WorkloadMetadataConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfig
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.
    advancedMachineFeatures List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigAdvancedMachineFeature>
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    bootDiskKmsKey String
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    confidentialNodes List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigConfidentialNode>
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    containerdConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfig>
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    diskSizeGb Integer
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    diskType String
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    effectiveTaints List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEffectiveTaint>
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    enableConfidentialStorage Boolean
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    ephemeralStorageConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEphemeralStorageConfig>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    ephemeralStorageLocalSsdConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    fastSockets List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigFastSocket>
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    gcfsConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGcfsConfig>
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    guestAccelerators List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAccelerator>
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    gvnics List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGvnic>
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    hostMaintenancePolicies List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigHostMaintenancePolicy>
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    imageType String
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    kubeletConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigKubeletConfig>
    Node kubelet configs.
    labels Map<String,String>
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    linuxNodeConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigLinuxNodeConfig>
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    localNvmeSsdBlockConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigLocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig>
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    localSsdCount Integer
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    loggingVariant String
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    machineType String
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    metadata Map<String,String>
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    minCpuPlatform String
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    nodeGroup String
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    preemptible Boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    reservationAffinities List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigReservationAffinity>
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    resourceLabels Map<String,String>
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    resourceManagerTags Map<String,Object>
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    sandboxConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSandboxConfig>
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    secondaryBootDisks List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSecondaryBootDisk>
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    serviceAccount String
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shieldedInstanceConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigShieldedInstanceConfig>
    Shielded Instance options.
    soleTenantConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSoleTenantConfig>
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    spot Boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    tags List<String>
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    taints List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigTaint>
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    workloadMetadataConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfig>
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.
    advancedMachineFeatures GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigAdvancedMachineFeature[]
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    bootDiskKmsKey string
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    confidentialNodes GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigConfidentialNode[]
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    containerdConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfig[]
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    diskSizeGb number
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    diskType string
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    effectiveTaints GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEffectiveTaint[]
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    enableConfidentialStorage boolean
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    ephemeralStorageConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEphemeralStorageConfig[]
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    ephemeralStorageLocalSsdConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig[]
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    fastSockets GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigFastSocket[]
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    gcfsConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGcfsConfig[]
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    guestAccelerators GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAccelerator[]
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    gvnics GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGvnic[]
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    hostMaintenancePolicies GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigHostMaintenancePolicy[]
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    imageType string
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    kubeletConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigKubeletConfig[]
    Node kubelet configs.
    labels {[key: string]: string}
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    linuxNodeConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigLinuxNodeConfig[]
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    localNvmeSsdBlockConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigLocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig[]
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    localSsdCount number
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    loggingVariant string
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    machineType string
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    metadata {[key: string]: string}
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    minCpuPlatform string
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    nodeGroup string
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    oauthScopes string[]
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    preemptible boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    reservationAffinities GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigReservationAffinity[]
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    resourceLabels {[key: string]: string}
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    resourceManagerTags {[key: string]: any}
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    sandboxConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSandboxConfig[]
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    secondaryBootDisks GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSecondaryBootDisk[]
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    serviceAccount string
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shieldedInstanceConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigShieldedInstanceConfig[]
    Shielded Instance options.
    soleTenantConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSoleTenantConfig[]
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    spot boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    tags string[]
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    taints GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigTaint[]
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    workloadMetadataConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfig[]
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.
    advanced_machine_features Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigAdvancedMachineFeature]
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    boot_disk_kms_key str
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    confidential_nodes Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigConfidentialNode]
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    containerd_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfig]
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    disk_size_gb int
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    disk_type str
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    effective_taints Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEffectiveTaint]
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    enable_confidential_storage bool
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    ephemeral_storage_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEphemeralStorageConfig]
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    ephemeral_storage_local_ssd_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigEphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig]
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    fast_sockets Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigFastSocket]
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    gcfs_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGcfsConfig]
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    guest_accelerators Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAccelerator]
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    gvnics Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGvnic]
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    host_maintenance_policies Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigHostMaintenancePolicy]
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    image_type str
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    kubelet_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigKubeletConfig]
    Node kubelet configs.
    labels Mapping[str, str]
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    linux_node_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigLinuxNodeConfig]
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    local_nvme_ssd_block_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigLocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig]
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    local_ssd_count int
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    logging_variant str
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    machine_type str
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    metadata Mapping[str, str]
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    min_cpu_platform str
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    node_group str
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    oauth_scopes Sequence[str]
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    preemptible bool
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    reservation_affinities Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigReservationAffinity]
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    resource_labels Mapping[str, str]
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    resource_manager_tags Mapping[str, Any]
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    sandbox_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSandboxConfig]
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    secondary_boot_disks Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSecondaryBootDisk]
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    service_account str
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shielded_instance_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigShieldedInstanceConfig]
    Shielded Instance options.
    sole_tenant_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigSoleTenantConfig]
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    spot bool
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    tags Sequence[str]
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    taints Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigTaint]
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    workload_metadata_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfig]
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.
    advancedMachineFeatures List<Property Map>
    Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
    bootDiskKmsKey String
    The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot disk attached to each node in the node pool.
    confidentialNodes List<Property Map>
    Configuration for the confidential nodes feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. Warning: This configuration can't be changed (or added/removed) after pool creation without deleting and recreating the entire pool.
    containerdConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for containerd configuration.
    diskSizeGb Number
    Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size is 10GB.
    diskType String
    Type of the disk attached to each node. Such as pd-standard, pd-balanced or pd-ssd
    effectiveTaints List<Property Map>
    List of kubernetes taints applied to each node.
    enableConfidentialStorage Boolean
    If enabled boot disks are configured with confidential mode.
    ephemeralStorageConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    ephemeralStorageLocalSsdConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for the ephemeral storage filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot disk.
    fastSockets List<Property Map>
    Enable or disable NCCL Fast Socket in the node pool.
    gcfsConfigs List<Property Map>
    GCFS configuration for this node.
    guestAccelerators List<Property Map>
    List of the type and count of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
    gvnics List<Property Map>
    Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool.
    hostMaintenancePolicies List<Property Map>
    The maintenance policy for the hosts on which the GKE VMs run on.
    imageType String
    The image type to use for this node. Note that for a given image type, the latest version of it will be used.
    kubeletConfigs List<Property Map>
    Node kubelet configs.
    labels Map<String>
    The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value pairs) to be applied to each node. These will added in addition to any default label(s) that Kubernetes may apply to the node.
    linuxNodeConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes.
    localNvmeSsdBlockConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for raw-block local NVMe SSDs.
    localSsdCount Number
    The number of local SSD disks to be attached to the node.
    loggingVariant String
    Type of logging agent that is used as the default value for node pools in the cluster. Valid values include DEFAULT and MAX_THROUGHPUT.
    machineType String
    The name of a Google Compute Engine machine type.
    metadata Map<String>
    The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the cluster.
    minCpuPlatform String
    Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU platform.
    nodeGroup String
    Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run on the specified node group. This is useful for running workloads on sole tenant nodes.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs.
    preemptible Boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as preemptible VM instances.
    reservationAffinities List<Property Map>
    The reservation affinity configuration for the node pool.
    resourceLabels Map<String>
    The GCE resource labels (a map of key/value pairs) to be applied to the node pool.
    resourceManagerTags Map<Any>
    A map of resource manager tags. Resource manager tag keys and values have the same definition as resource manager tags. Keys must be in the format tagKeys/{tag_key_id}, and values are in the format tagValues/456. The field is ignored (both PUT & PATCH) when empty.
    sandboxConfigs List<Property Map>
    Sandbox configuration for this node.
    secondaryBootDisks List<Property Map>
    Secondary boot disks for preloading data or container images.
    serviceAccount String
    The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to be used by the node VMs.
    shieldedInstanceConfigs List<Property Map>
    Shielded Instance options.
    soleTenantConfigs List<Property Map>
    Node affinity options for sole tenant node pools.
    spot Boolean
    Whether the nodes are created as spot VM instances.
    tags List<String>
    The list of instance tags applied to all nodes.
    taints List<Property Map>
    List of Kubernetes taints to be applied to each node.
    workloadMetadataConfigs List<Property Map>
    The workload metadata configuration for this node.


    EnableNestedVirtualization bool
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    ThreadsPerCore int
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    EnableNestedVirtualization bool
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    ThreadsPerCore int
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    enableNestedVirtualization Boolean
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    threadsPerCore Integer
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    enableNestedVirtualization boolean
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    threadsPerCore number
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    enable_nested_virtualization bool
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    threads_per_core int
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.
    enableNestedVirtualization Boolean
    Whether the node should have nested virtualization enabled.
    threadsPerCore Number
    The number of threads per physical core. To disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of threads supported per core by the underlying processor is assumed.


    Enabled bool
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.
    Enabled bool
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.
    enabled boolean
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.
    enabled bool
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether Confidential Nodes feature is enabled for all nodes in this pool.


    privateRegistryAccessConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for private container registries configuration.


    CertificateAuthorityDomainConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig>
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    CertificateAuthorityDomainConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificateAuthorityDomainConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig>
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificateAuthorityDomainConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig[]
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificate_authority_domain_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfig]
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled bool
    Whether or not private registries are configured.
    certificateAuthorityDomainConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for configuring CA certificate and domains.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not private registries are configured.


    Fqdns List<string>
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    GcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig>
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    Fqdns []string
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    GcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns List<String>
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig>
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns string[]
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig[]
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns Sequence[str]
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcp_secret_manager_certificate_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigContainerdConfigPrivateRegistryAccessConfigCertificateAuthorityDomainConfigGcpSecretManagerCertificateConfig]
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.
    fqdns List<String>
    List of fully-qualified-domain-names. IPv4s and port specification are supported.
    gcpSecretManagerCertificateConfigs List<Property Map>
    Parameters for configuring a certificate hosted in GCP SecretManager.


    SecretUri string
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    SecretUri string
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secretUri String
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secretUri string
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secret_uri str
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.
    secretUri String
    URI for the secret that hosts a certificate. Must be in the format 'projects/PROJECT_NUM/secrets/SECRET_NAME/versions/VERSION_OR_LATEST'.


    Effect string
    Effect for taint.
    Key string
    Key for taint.
    Value string
    Value for taint.
    Effect string
    Effect for taint.
    Key string
    Key for taint.
    Value string
    Value for taint.
    effect String
    Effect for taint.
    key String
    Key for taint.
    value String
    Value for taint.
    effect string
    Effect for taint.
    key string
    Key for taint.
    value string
    Value for taint.
    effect str
    Effect for taint.
    key str
    Key for taint.
    value str
    Value for taint.
    effect String
    Effect for taint.
    key String
    Key for taint.
    value String
    Value for taint.


    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount Integer
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount number
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    local_ssd_count int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount Number
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.


    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount Integer
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount number
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    local_ssd_count int
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.
    localSsdCount Number
    Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD must be 375 or 3000 GB in size, and all local SSDs must share the same size.


    Enabled bool
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled
    enabled bool
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not NCCL Fast Socket is enabled


    Enabled bool
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled bool
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not GCFS is enabled


    Count int
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    GpuDriverInstallationConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuDriverInstallationConfig>
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    GpuPartitionSize string
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    GpuSharingConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuSharingConfig>
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    Type string
    The accelerator type resource name.
    Count int
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    GpuDriverInstallationConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuDriverInstallationConfig
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    GpuPartitionSize string
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    GpuSharingConfigs []GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuSharingConfig
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    Type string
    The accelerator type resource name.
    count Integer
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    gpuDriverInstallationConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuDriverInstallationConfig>
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    gpuPartitionSize String
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    gpuSharingConfigs List<GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuSharingConfig>
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    type String
    The accelerator type resource name.
    count number
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    gpuDriverInstallationConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuDriverInstallationConfig[]
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    gpuPartitionSize string
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    gpuSharingConfigs GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuSharingConfig[]
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    type string
    The accelerator type resource name.
    count int
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    gpu_driver_installation_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuDriverInstallationConfig]
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    gpu_partition_size str
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    gpu_sharing_configs Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolNodeConfigGuestAcceleratorGpuSharingConfig]
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    type str
    The accelerator type resource name.
    count Number
    The number of the accelerator cards exposed to an instance.
    gpuDriverInstallationConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration for auto installation of GPU driver.
    gpuPartitionSize String
    Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are described in the NVIDIA mig user guide (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/tesla/mig-user-guide/#partitioning)
    gpuSharingConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration for GPU sharing.
    type String
    The accelerator type resource name.


    GpuDriverVersion string
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.
    GpuDriverVersion string
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.
    gpuDriverVersion String
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.
    gpuDriverVersion string
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.
    gpu_driver_version str
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.
    gpuDriverVersion String
    Mode for how the GPU driver is installed.


    GpuSharingStrategy string
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    MaxSharedClientsPerGpu int
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.
    GpuSharingStrategy string
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    MaxSharedClientsPerGpu int
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.
    gpuSharingStrategy String
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    maxSharedClientsPerGpu Integer
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.
    gpuSharingStrategy string
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    maxSharedClientsPerGpu number
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.
    gpu_sharing_strategy str
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    max_shared_clients_per_gpu int
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.
    gpuSharingStrategy String
    The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on the GPU node. Possible values are described in the API package (https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/api/container/v1#GPUSharingConfig)
    maxSharedClientsPerGpu Number
    The maximum number of containers that can share a GPU.


    Enabled bool
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled
    enabled bool
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not gvnic is enabled



    CpuCfsQuota bool
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    CpuCfsQuotaPeriod string
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    CpuManagerPolicy string
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    PodPidsLimit int
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.
    CpuCfsQuota bool
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    CpuCfsQuotaPeriod string
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    CpuManagerPolicy string
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    PodPidsLimit int
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.
    cpuCfsQuota Boolean
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    cpuCfsQuotaPeriod String
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    cpuManagerPolicy String
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    podPidsLimit Integer
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.
    cpuCfsQuota boolean
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    cpuCfsQuotaPeriod string
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    cpuManagerPolicy string
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    podPidsLimit number
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.
    cpu_cfs_quota bool
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    cpu_cfs_quota_period str
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    cpu_manager_policy str
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    pod_pids_limit int
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.
    cpuCfsQuota Boolean
    Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
    cpuCfsQuotaPeriod String
    Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'.
    cpuManagerPolicy String
    Control the CPU management policy on the node.
    podPidsLimit Number
    Controls the maximum number of processes allowed to run in a pod.


    CgroupMode string
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    Sysctls Dictionary<string, string>
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.
    CgroupMode string
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    Sysctls map[string]string
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.
    cgroupMode String
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    sysctls Map<String,String>
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.
    cgroupMode string
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    sysctls {[key: string]: string}
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.
    cgroup_mode str
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    sysctls Mapping[str, str]
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.
    cgroupMode String
    cgroupMode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the node.
    sysctls Map<String>
    The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and all pods running on the nodes.


    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.
    LocalSsdCount int
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.
    localSsdCount Integer
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.
    localSsdCount number
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.
    local_ssd_count int
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.
    localSsdCount Number
    Number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is 375 GB in size.


    ConsumeReservationType string
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    Key string
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    Values List<string>
    The label values of the reservation resource.
    ConsumeReservationType string
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    Key string
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    Values []string
    The label values of the reservation resource.
    consumeReservationType String
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    key String
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    values List<String>
    The label values of the reservation resource.
    consumeReservationType string
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    key string
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    values string[]
    The label values of the reservation resource.
    consume_reservation_type str
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    key str
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    values Sequence[str]
    The label values of the reservation resource.
    consumeReservationType String
    Corresponds to the type of reservation consumption.
    key String
    The label key of a reservation resource.
    values List<String>
    The label values of the reservation resource.


    SandboxType string
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
    SandboxType string
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
    sandboxType String
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
    sandboxType string
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
    sandbox_type str
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')
    sandboxType String
    Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. 'gvisor')


    DiskImage string
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    Mode string
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.
    DiskImage string
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    Mode string
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.
    diskImage String
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    mode String
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.
    diskImage string
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    mode string
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.
    disk_image str
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    mode str
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.
    diskImage String
    Disk image to create the secondary boot disk from
    mode String
    Mode for how the secondary boot disk is used.


    EnableIntegrityMonitoring bool
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    EnableSecureBoot bool
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    EnableIntegrityMonitoring bool
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    EnableSecureBoot bool
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enableIntegrityMonitoring Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enableSecureBoot Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enableIntegrityMonitoring boolean
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enableSecureBoot boolean
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enable_integrity_monitoring bool
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enable_secure_boot bool
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.
    enableIntegrityMonitoring Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has integrity monitoring enabled.
    enableSecureBoot Boolean
    Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot enabled.



    Key string
    Operator string
    Values List<string>
    Key string
    Operator string
    Values []string
    key String
    operator String
    values List<String>
    key string
    operator string
    values string[]
    key str
    operator str
    values Sequence[str]
    key String
    operator String
    values List<String>


    Effect string
    Effect for taint.
    Key string
    Key for taint.
    Value string
    Value for taint.
    Effect string
    Effect for taint.
    Key string
    Key for taint.
    Value string
    Value for taint.
    effect String
    Effect for taint.
    key String
    Key for taint.
    value String
    Value for taint.
    effect string
    Effect for taint.
    key string
    Key for taint.
    value string
    Value for taint.
    effect str
    Effect for taint.
    key str
    Key for taint.
    value str
    Value for taint.
    effect String
    Effect for taint.
    key String
    Key for taint.
    value String
    Value for taint.


    Mode string
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.
    Mode string
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.
    mode String
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.
    mode string
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.
    mode str
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.
    mode String
    Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to workloads running on the node.


    PolicyName string
    If set, refers to the name of a custom resource policy supplied by the user. The resource policy must be in the same project and region as the node pool. If not found, InvalidArgument error is returned.
    TpuTopology string
    TPU placement topology for pod slice node pool. https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/types-topologies#tpu_topologies
    Type string
    Type defines the type of placement policy
    PolicyName string
    If set, refers to the name of a custom resource policy supplied by the user. The resource policy must be in the same project and region as the node pool. If not found, InvalidArgument error is returned.
    TpuTopology string
    TPU placement topology for pod slice node pool. https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/types-topologies#tpu_topologies
    Type string
    Type defines the type of placement policy
    policyName String
    If set, refers to the name of a custom resource policy supplied by the user. The resource policy must be in the same project and region as the node pool. If not found, InvalidArgument error is returned.
    tpuTopology String
    TPU placement topology for pod slice node pool. https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/types-topologies#tpu_topologies
    type String
    Type defines the type of placement policy
    policyName string
    If set, refers to the name of a custom resource policy supplied by the user. The resource policy must be in the same project and region as the node pool. If not found, InvalidArgument error is returned.
    tpuTopology string
    TPU placement topology for pod slice node pool. https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/types-topologies#tpu_topologies
    type string
    Type defines the type of placement policy
    policy_name str
    If set, refers to the name of a custom resource policy supplied by the user. The resource policy must be in the same project and region as the node pool. If not found, InvalidArgument error is returned.
    tpu_topology str
    TPU placement topology for pod slice node pool. https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/types-topologies#tpu_topologies
    type str
    Type defines the type of placement policy
    policyName String
    If set, refers to the name of a custom resource policy supplied by the user. The resource policy must be in the same project and region as the node pool. If not found, InvalidArgument error is returned.
    tpuTopology String
    TPU placement topology for pod slice node pool. https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/types-topologies#tpu_topologies
    type String
    Type defines the type of placement policy


    Enabled bool
    Whether nodes in this node pool are obtainable solely through the ProvisioningRequest API
    Enabled bool
    Whether nodes in this node pool are obtainable solely through the ProvisioningRequest API
    enabled Boolean
    Whether nodes in this node pool are obtainable solely through the ProvisioningRequest API
    enabled boolean
    Whether nodes in this node pool are obtainable solely through the ProvisioningRequest API
    enabled bool
    Whether nodes in this node pool are obtainable solely through the ProvisioningRequest API
    enabled Boolean
    Whether nodes in this node pool are obtainable solely through the ProvisioningRequest API


    BlueGreenSettings List<GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSetting>
    Settings for BlueGreen node pool upgrade.
    MaxSurge int
    The number of additional nodes that can be added to the node pool during an upgrade. Increasing max_surge raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded simultaneously. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    MaxUnavailable int
    The number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during an upgrade. Increasing max_unavailable raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded in parallel. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    Strategy string
    Update strategy for the given nodepool.
    BlueGreenSettings []GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSetting
    Settings for BlueGreen node pool upgrade.
    MaxSurge int
    The number of additional nodes that can be added to the node pool during an upgrade. Increasing max_surge raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded simultaneously. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    MaxUnavailable int
    The number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during an upgrade. Increasing max_unavailable raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded in parallel. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    Strategy string
    Update strategy for the given nodepool.
    blueGreenSettings List<GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSetting>
    Settings for BlueGreen node pool upgrade.
    maxSurge Integer
    The number of additional nodes that can be added to the node pool during an upgrade. Increasing max_surge raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded simultaneously. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    maxUnavailable Integer
    The number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during an upgrade. Increasing max_unavailable raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded in parallel. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    strategy String
    Update strategy for the given nodepool.
    blueGreenSettings GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSetting[]
    Settings for BlueGreen node pool upgrade.
    maxSurge number
    The number of additional nodes that can be added to the node pool during an upgrade. Increasing max_surge raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded simultaneously. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    maxUnavailable number
    The number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during an upgrade. Increasing max_unavailable raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded in parallel. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    strategy string
    Update strategy for the given nodepool.
    blue_green_settings Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSetting]
    Settings for BlueGreen node pool upgrade.
    max_surge int
    The number of additional nodes that can be added to the node pool during an upgrade. Increasing max_surge raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded simultaneously. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    max_unavailable int
    The number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during an upgrade. Increasing max_unavailable raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded in parallel. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    strategy str
    Update strategy for the given nodepool.
    blueGreenSettings List<Property Map>
    Settings for BlueGreen node pool upgrade.
    maxSurge Number
    The number of additional nodes that can be added to the node pool during an upgrade. Increasing max_surge raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded simultaneously. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    maxUnavailable Number
    The number of nodes that can be simultaneously unavailable during an upgrade. Increasing max_unavailable raises the number of nodes that can be upgraded in parallel. Can be set to 0 or greater.
    strategy String
    Update strategy for the given nodepool.


    NodePoolSoakDuration string
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.
    StandardRolloutPolicies List<GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSettingStandardRolloutPolicy>
    Standard rollout policy is the default policy for blue-green.
    NodePoolSoakDuration string
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.
    StandardRolloutPolicies []GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSettingStandardRolloutPolicy
    Standard rollout policy is the default policy for blue-green.
    nodePoolSoakDuration String
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.
    standardRolloutPolicies List<GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSettingStandardRolloutPolicy>
    Standard rollout policy is the default policy for blue-green.
    nodePoolSoakDuration string
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.
    standardRolloutPolicies GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSettingStandardRolloutPolicy[]
    Standard rollout policy is the default policy for blue-green.
    node_pool_soak_duration str
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.
    standard_rollout_policies Sequence[GetClusterNodePoolUpgradeSettingBlueGreenSettingStandardRolloutPolicy]
    Standard rollout policy is the default policy for blue-green.
    nodePoolSoakDuration String
    Time needed after draining entire blue pool. After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up.
    standardRolloutPolicies List<Property Map>
    Standard rollout policy is the default policy for blue-green.


    BatchNodeCount int
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    BatchPercentage double
    Percentage of the blue pool nodes to drain in a batch.
    BatchSoakDuration string
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.
    BatchNodeCount int
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    BatchPercentage float64
    Percentage of the blue pool nodes to drain in a batch.
    BatchSoakDuration string
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.
    batchNodeCount Integer
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    batchPercentage Double
    Percentage of the blue pool nodes to drain in a batch.
    batchSoakDuration String
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.
    batchNodeCount number
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    batchPercentage number
    Percentage of the blue pool nodes to drain in a batch.
    batchSoakDuration string
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.
    batch_node_count int
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    batch_percentage float
    Percentage of the blue pool nodes to drain in a batch.
    batch_soak_duration str
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.
    batchNodeCount Number
    Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch.
    batchPercentage Number
    Percentage of the blue pool nodes to drain in a batch.
    batchSoakDuration String
    Soak time after each batch gets drained.


    Pubsubs List<GetClusterNotificationConfigPubsub>
    Notification config for Cloud Pub/Sub
    Pubsubs []GetClusterNotificationConfigPubsub
    Notification config for Cloud Pub/Sub
    pubsubs List<GetClusterNotificationConfigPubsub>
    Notification config for Cloud Pub/Sub
    pubsubs GetClusterNotificationConfigPubsub[]
    Notification config for Cloud Pub/Sub
    pubsubs Sequence[GetClusterNotificationConfigPubsub]
    Notification config for Cloud Pub/Sub
    pubsubs List<Property Map>
    Notification config for Cloud Pub/Sub


    Enabled bool
    Whether or not the notification config is enabled
    Filters List<GetClusterNotificationConfigPubsubFilter>
    Allows filtering to one or more specific event types. If event types are present, those and only those event types will be transmitted to the cluster. Other types will be skipped. If no filter is specified, or no event types are present, all event types will be sent
    Topic string
    The pubsub topic to push upgrade notifications to. Must be in the same project as the cluster. Must be in the format: projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.
    Enabled bool
    Whether or not the notification config is enabled
    Filters []GetClusterNotificationConfigPubsubFilter
    Allows filtering to one or more specific event types. If event types are present, those and only those event types will be transmitted to the cluster. Other types will be skipped. If no filter is specified, or no event types are present, all event types will be sent
    Topic string
    The pubsub topic to push upgrade notifications to. Must be in the same project as the cluster. Must be in the format: projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not the notification config is enabled
    filters List<GetClusterNotificationConfigPubsubFilter>
    Allows filtering to one or more specific event types. If event types are present, those and only those event types will be transmitted to the cluster. Other types will be skipped. If no filter is specified, or no event types are present, all event types will be sent
    topic String
    The pubsub topic to push upgrade notifications to. Must be in the same project as the cluster. Must be in the format: projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.
    enabled boolean
    Whether or not the notification config is enabled
    filters GetClusterNotificationConfigPubsubFilter[]
    Allows filtering to one or more specific event types. If event types are present, those and only those event types will be transmitted to the cluster. Other types will be skipped. If no filter is specified, or no event types are present, all event types will be sent
    topic string
    The pubsub topic to push upgrade notifications to. Must be in the same project as the cluster. Must be in the format: projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.
    enabled bool
    Whether or not the notification config is enabled
    filters Sequence[GetClusterNotificationConfigPubsubFilter]
    Allows filtering to one or more specific event types. If event types are present, those and only those event types will be transmitted to the cluster. Other types will be skipped. If no filter is specified, or no event types are present, all event types will be sent
    topic str
    The pubsub topic to push upgrade notifications to. Must be in the same project as the cluster. Must be in the format: projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether or not the notification config is enabled
    filters List<Property Map>
    Allows filtering to one or more specific event types. If event types are present, those and only those event types will be transmitted to the cluster. Other types will be skipped. If no filter is specified, or no event types are present, all event types will be sent
    topic String
    The pubsub topic to push upgrade notifications to. Must be in the same project as the cluster. Must be in the format: projects/{project}/topics/{topic}.


    EventTypes List<string>
    Can be used to filter what notifications are sent. Valid values include include UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_EVENT, UPGRADE_EVENT and SECURITY_BULLETIN_EVENT
    EventTypes []string
    Can be used to filter what notifications are sent. Valid values include include UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_EVENT, UPGRADE_EVENT and SECURITY_BULLETIN_EVENT
    eventTypes List<String>
    Can be used to filter what notifications are sent. Valid values include include UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_EVENT, UPGRADE_EVENT and SECURITY_BULLETIN_EVENT
    eventTypes string[]
    Can be used to filter what notifications are sent. Valid values include include UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_EVENT, UPGRADE_EVENT and SECURITY_BULLETIN_EVENT
    event_types Sequence[str]
    Can be used to filter what notifications are sent. Valid values include include UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_EVENT, UPGRADE_EVENT and SECURITY_BULLETIN_EVENT
    eventTypes List<String>
    Can be used to filter what notifications are sent. Valid values include include UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_EVENT, UPGRADE_EVENT and SECURITY_BULLETIN_EVENT


    Enabled bool
    Enable the PodSecurityPolicy controller for this cluster. If enabled, pods must be valid under a PodSecurityPolicy to be created.
    Enabled bool
    Enable the PodSecurityPolicy controller for this cluster. If enabled, pods must be valid under a PodSecurityPolicy to be created.
    enabled Boolean
    Enable the PodSecurityPolicy controller for this cluster. If enabled, pods must be valid under a PodSecurityPolicy to be created.
    enabled boolean
    Enable the PodSecurityPolicy controller for this cluster. If enabled, pods must be valid under a PodSecurityPolicy to be created.
    enabled bool
    Enable the PodSecurityPolicy controller for this cluster. If enabled, pods must be valid under a PodSecurityPolicy to be created.
    enabled Boolean
    Enable the PodSecurityPolicy controller for this cluster. If enabled, pods must be valid under a PodSecurityPolicy to be created.


    EnablePrivateEndpoint bool
    When true, the cluster's private endpoint is used as the cluster endpoint and access through the public endpoint is disabled. When false, either endpoint can be used.
    EnablePrivateNodes bool
    Enables the private cluster feature, creating a private endpoint on the cluster. In a private cluster, nodes only have RFC 1918 private addresses and communicate with the master's private endpoint via private networking.
    MasterGlobalAccessConfigs List<GetClusterPrivateClusterConfigMasterGlobalAccessConfig>
    Controls cluster master global access settings.
    MasterIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master network. This range will be used for assigning private IP addresses to the cluster master(s) and the ILB VIP. This range must not overlap with any other ranges in use within the cluster's network, and it must be a /28 subnet. See Private Cluster Limitations for more details. This field only applies to private clusters, when enable_private_nodes is true.
    PeeringName string
    The name of the peering between this cluster and the Google owned VPC.
    PrivateEndpoint string
    The internal IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    PrivateEndpointSubnetwork string
    Subnetwork in cluster's network where master's endpoint will be provisioned.
    PublicEndpoint string
    The external IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    EnablePrivateEndpoint bool
    When true, the cluster's private endpoint is used as the cluster endpoint and access through the public endpoint is disabled. When false, either endpoint can be used.
    EnablePrivateNodes bool
    Enables the private cluster feature, creating a private endpoint on the cluster. In a private cluster, nodes only have RFC 1918 private addresses and communicate with the master's private endpoint via private networking.
    MasterGlobalAccessConfigs []GetClusterPrivateClusterConfigMasterGlobalAccessConfig
    Controls cluster master global access settings.
    MasterIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master network. This range will be used for assigning private IP addresses to the cluster master(s) and the ILB VIP. This range must not overlap with any other ranges in use within the cluster's network, and it must be a /28 subnet. See Private Cluster Limitations for more details. This field only applies to private clusters, when enable_private_nodes is true.
    PeeringName string
    The name of the peering between this cluster and the Google owned VPC.
    PrivateEndpoint string
    The internal IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    PrivateEndpointSubnetwork string
    Subnetwork in cluster's network where master's endpoint will be provisioned.
    PublicEndpoint string
    The external IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    enablePrivateEndpoint Boolean
    When true, the cluster's private endpoint is used as the cluster endpoint and access through the public endpoint is disabled. When false, either endpoint can be used.
    enablePrivateNodes Boolean
    Enables the private cluster feature, creating a private endpoint on the cluster. In a private cluster, nodes only have RFC 1918 private addresses and communicate with the master's private endpoint via private networking.
    masterGlobalAccessConfigs List<GetClusterPrivateClusterConfigMasterGlobalAccessConfig>
    Controls cluster master global access settings.
    masterIpv4CidrBlock String
    The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master network. This range will be used for assigning private IP addresses to the cluster master(s) and the ILB VIP. This range must not overlap with any other ranges in use within the cluster's network, and it must be a /28 subnet. See Private Cluster Limitations for more details. This field only applies to private clusters, when enable_private_nodes is true.
    peeringName String
    The name of the peering between this cluster and the Google owned VPC.
    privateEndpoint String
    The internal IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    privateEndpointSubnetwork String
    Subnetwork in cluster's network where master's endpoint will be provisioned.
    publicEndpoint String
    The external IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    enablePrivateEndpoint boolean
    When true, the cluster's private endpoint is used as the cluster endpoint and access through the public endpoint is disabled. When false, either endpoint can be used.
    enablePrivateNodes boolean
    Enables the private cluster feature, creating a private endpoint on the cluster. In a private cluster, nodes only have RFC 1918 private addresses and communicate with the master's private endpoint via private networking.
    masterGlobalAccessConfigs GetClusterPrivateClusterConfigMasterGlobalAccessConfig[]
    Controls cluster master global access settings.
    masterIpv4CidrBlock string
    The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master network. This range will be used for assigning private IP addresses to the cluster master(s) and the ILB VIP. This range must not overlap with any other ranges in use within the cluster's network, and it must be a /28 subnet. See Private Cluster Limitations for more details. This field only applies to private clusters, when enable_private_nodes is true.
    peeringName string
    The name of the peering between this cluster and the Google owned VPC.
    privateEndpoint string
    The internal IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    privateEndpointSubnetwork string
    Subnetwork in cluster's network where master's endpoint will be provisioned.
    publicEndpoint string
    The external IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    enable_private_endpoint bool
    When true, the cluster's private endpoint is used as the cluster endpoint and access through the public endpoint is disabled. When false, either endpoint can be used.
    enable_private_nodes bool
    Enables the private cluster feature, creating a private endpoint on the cluster. In a private cluster, nodes only have RFC 1918 private addresses and communicate with the master's private endpoint via private networking.
    master_global_access_configs Sequence[GetClusterPrivateClusterConfigMasterGlobalAccessConfig]
    Controls cluster master global access settings.
    master_ipv4_cidr_block str
    The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master network. This range will be used for assigning private IP addresses to the cluster master(s) and the ILB VIP. This range must not overlap with any other ranges in use within the cluster's network, and it must be a /28 subnet. See Private Cluster Limitations for more details. This field only applies to private clusters, when enable_private_nodes is true.
    peering_name str
    The name of the peering between this cluster and the Google owned VPC.
    private_endpoint str
    The internal IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    private_endpoint_subnetwork str
    Subnetwork in cluster's network where master's endpoint will be provisioned.
    public_endpoint str
    The external IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    enablePrivateEndpoint Boolean
    When true, the cluster's private endpoint is used as the cluster endpoint and access through the public endpoint is disabled. When false, either endpoint can be used.
    enablePrivateNodes Boolean
    Enables the private cluster feature, creating a private endpoint on the cluster. In a private cluster, nodes only have RFC 1918 private addresses and communicate with the master's private endpoint via private networking.
    masterGlobalAccessConfigs List<Property Map>
    Controls cluster master global access settings.
    masterIpv4CidrBlock String
    The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master network. This range will be used for assigning private IP addresses to the cluster master(s) and the ILB VIP. This range must not overlap with any other ranges in use within the cluster's network, and it must be a /28 subnet. See Private Cluster Limitations for more details. This field only applies to private clusters, when enable_private_nodes is true.
    peeringName String
    The name of the peering between this cluster and the Google owned VPC.
    privateEndpoint String
    The internal IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.
    privateEndpointSubnetwork String
    Subnetwork in cluster's network where master's endpoint will be provisioned.
    publicEndpoint String
    The external IP address of this cluster's master endpoint.


    Enabled bool
    Whether the cluster master is accessible globally or not.
    Enabled bool
    Whether the cluster master is accessible globally or not.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether the cluster master is accessible globally or not.
    enabled boolean
    Whether the cluster master is accessible globally or not.
    enabled bool
    Whether the cluster master is accessible globally or not.
    enabled Boolean
    Whether the cluster master is accessible globally or not.


    WorkloadConfigs List<GetClusterProtectConfigWorkloadConfig>
    WorkloadConfig defines which actions are enabled for a cluster's workload configurations.
    WorkloadVulnerabilityMode string
    Sets which mode to use for Protect workload vulnerability scanning feature. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.
    WorkloadConfigs []GetClusterProtectConfigWorkloadConfig
    WorkloadConfig defines which actions are enabled for a cluster's workload configurations.
    WorkloadVulnerabilityMode string
    Sets which mode to use for Protect workload vulnerability scanning feature. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.
    workloadConfigs List<GetClusterProtectConfigWorkloadConfig>
    WorkloadConfig defines which actions are enabled for a cluster's workload configurations.
    workloadVulnerabilityMode String
    Sets which mode to use for Protect workload vulnerability scanning feature. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.
    workloadConfigs GetClusterProtectConfigWorkloadConfig[]
    WorkloadConfig defines which actions are enabled for a cluster's workload configurations.
    workloadVulnerabilityMode string
    Sets which mode to use for Protect workload vulnerability scanning feature. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.
    workload_configs Sequence[GetClusterProtectConfigWorkloadConfig]
    WorkloadConfig defines which actions are enabled for a cluster's workload configurations.
    workload_vulnerability_mode str
    Sets which mode to use for Protect workload vulnerability scanning feature. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.
    workloadConfigs List<Property Map>
    WorkloadConfig defines which actions are enabled for a cluster's workload configurations.
    workloadVulnerabilityMode String
    Sets which mode to use for Protect workload vulnerability scanning feature. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.


    AuditMode string
    Sets which mode of auditing should be used for the cluster's workloads. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.
    AuditMode string
    Sets which mode of auditing should be used for the cluster's workloads. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.
    auditMode String
    Sets which mode of auditing should be used for the cluster's workloads. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.
    auditMode string
    Sets which mode of auditing should be used for the cluster's workloads. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.
    audit_mode str
    Sets which mode of auditing should be used for the cluster's workloads. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.
    auditMode String
    Sets which mode of auditing should be used for the cluster's workloads. Accepted values are DISABLED, BASIC.


    Channel string
    The selected release channel. Accepted values are:

    • UNSPECIFIED: Not set.
    • RAPID: Weekly upgrade cadence; Early testers and developers who requires new features.
    • REGULAR: Multiple per month upgrade cadence; Production users who need features not yet offered in the Stable channel.
    • STABLE: Every few months upgrade cadence; Production users who need stability above all else, and for whom frequent upgrades are too risky.
    Channel string
    The selected release channel. Accepted values are:

    • UNSPECIFIED: Not set.
    • RAPID: Weekly upgrade cadence; Early testers and developers who requires new features.
    • REGULAR: Multiple per month upgrade cadence; Production users who need features not yet offered in the Stable channel.
    • STABLE: Every few months upgrade cadence; Production users who need stability above all else, and for whom frequent upgrades are too risky.
    channel String
    The selected release channel. Accepted values are:

    • UNSPECIFIED: Not set.
    • RAPID: Weekly upgrade cadence; Early testers and developers who requires new features.
    • REGULAR: Multiple per month upgrade cadence; Production users who need features not yet offered in the Stable channel.
    • STABLE: Every few months upgrade cadence; Production users who need stability above all else, and for whom frequent upgrades are too risky.
    channel string
    The selected release channel. Accepted values are:

    • UNSPECIFIED: Not set.
    • RAPID: Weekly upgrade cadence; Early testers and developers who requires new features.
    • REGULAR: Multiple per month upgrade cadence; Production users who need features not yet offered in the Stable channel.
    • STABLE: Every few months upgrade cadence; Production users who need stability above all else, and for whom frequent upgrades are too risky.
    channel str
    The selected release channel. Accepted values are:

    • UNSPECIFIED: Not set.
    • RAPID: Weekly upgrade cadence; Early testers and developers who requires new features.
    • REGULAR: Multiple per month upgrade cadence; Production users who need features not yet offered in the Stable channel.
    • STABLE: Every few months upgrade cadence; Production users who need stability above all else, and for whom frequent upgrades are too risky.
    channel String
    The selected release channel. Accepted values are:

    • UNSPECIFIED: Not set.
    • RAPID: Weekly upgrade cadence; Early testers and developers who requires new features.
    • REGULAR: Multiple per month upgrade cadence; Production users who need features not yet offered in the Stable channel.
    • STABLE: Every few months upgrade cadence; Production users who need stability above all else, and for whom frequent upgrades are too risky.


    BigqueryDestinations List<GetClusterResourceUsageExportConfigBigqueryDestination>
    Parameters for using BigQuery as the destination of resource usage export.
    EnableNetworkEgressMetering bool
    Whether to enable network egress metering for this cluster. If enabled, a daemonset will be created in the cluster to meter network egress traffic.
    EnableResourceConsumptionMetering bool
    Whether to enable resource consumption metering on this cluster. When enabled, a table will be created in the resource export BigQuery dataset to store resource consumption data. The resulting table can be joined with the resource usage table or with BigQuery billing export. Defaults to true.
    BigqueryDestinations []GetClusterResourceUsageExportConfigBigqueryDestination
    Parameters for using BigQuery as the destination of resource usage export.
    EnableNetworkEgressMetering bool
    Whether to enable network egress metering for this cluster. If enabled, a daemonset will be created in the cluster to meter network egress traffic.
    EnableResourceConsumptionMetering bool
    Whether to enable resource consumption metering on this cluster. When enabled, a table will be created in the resource export BigQuery dataset to store resource consumption data. The resulting table can be joined with the resource usage table or with BigQuery billing export. Defaults to true.
    bigqueryDestinations List<GetClusterResourceUsageExportConfigBigqueryDestination>
    Parameters for using BigQuery as the destination of resource usage export.
    enableNetworkEgressMetering Boolean
    Whether to enable network egress metering for this cluster. If enabled, a daemonset will be created in the cluster to meter network egress traffic.
    enableResourceConsumptionMetering Boolean
    Whether to enable resource consumption metering on this cluster. When enabled, a table will be created in the resource export BigQuery dataset to store resource consumption data. The resulting table can be joined with the resource usage table or with BigQuery billing export. Defaults to true.
    bigqueryDestinations GetClusterResourceUsageExportConfigBigqueryDestination[]
    Parameters for using BigQuery as the destination of resource usage export.
    enableNetworkEgressMetering boolean
    Whether to enable network egress metering for this cluster. If enabled, a daemonset will be created in the cluster to meter network egress traffic.
    enableResourceConsumptionMetering boolean
    Whether to enable resource consumption metering on this cluster. When enabled, a table will be created in the resource export BigQuery dataset to store resource consumption data. The resulting table can be joined with the resource usage table or with BigQuery billing export. Defaults to true.
    bigquery_destinations Sequence[GetClusterResourceUsageExportConfigBigqueryDestination]
    Parameters for using BigQuery as the destination of resource usage export.
    enable_network_egress_metering bool
    Whether to enable network egress metering for this cluster. If enabled, a daemonset will be created in the cluster to meter network egress traffic.
    enable_resource_consumption_metering bool
    Whether to enable resource consumption metering on this cluster. When enabled, a table will be created in the resource export BigQuery dataset to store resource consumption data. The resulting table can be joined with the resource usage table or with BigQuery billing export. Defaults to true.
    bigqueryDestinations List<Property Map>
    Parameters for using BigQuery as the destination of resource usage export.
    enableNetworkEgressMetering Boolean
    Whether to enable network egress metering for this cluster. If enabled, a daemonset will be created in the cluster to meter network egress traffic.
    enableResourceConsumptionMetering Boolean
    Whether to enable resource consumption metering on this cluster. When enabled, a table will be created in the resource export BigQuery dataset to store resource consumption data. The resulting table can be joined with the resource usage table or with BigQuery billing export. Defaults to true.


    DatasetId string
    The ID of a BigQuery Dataset.
    DatasetId string
    The ID of a BigQuery Dataset.
    datasetId String
    The ID of a BigQuery Dataset.
    datasetId string
    The ID of a BigQuery Dataset.
    dataset_id str
    The ID of a BigQuery Dataset.
    datasetId String
    The ID of a BigQuery Dataset.


    Enabled bool
    Enable the Secret manager csi component.
    Enabled bool
    Enable the Secret manager csi component.
    enabled Boolean
    Enable the Secret manager csi component.
    enabled boolean
    Enable the Secret manager csi component.
    enabled bool
    Enable the Secret manager csi component.
    enabled Boolean
    Enable the Secret manager csi component.


    Mode string
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's off-cluster features. Available options include DISABLED, BASIC, and ENTERPRISE.
    VulnerabilityMode string
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's workload vulnerability scanning. Available options include VULNERABILITY_DISABLED, VULNERABILITY_BASIC and VULNERABILITY_ENTERPRISE.
    Mode string
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's off-cluster features. Available options include DISABLED, BASIC, and ENTERPRISE.
    VulnerabilityMode string
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's workload vulnerability scanning. Available options include VULNERABILITY_DISABLED, VULNERABILITY_BASIC and VULNERABILITY_ENTERPRISE.
    mode String
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's off-cluster features. Available options include DISABLED, BASIC, and ENTERPRISE.
    vulnerabilityMode String
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's workload vulnerability scanning. Available options include VULNERABILITY_DISABLED, VULNERABILITY_BASIC and VULNERABILITY_ENTERPRISE.
    mode string
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's off-cluster features. Available options include DISABLED, BASIC, and ENTERPRISE.
    vulnerabilityMode string
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's workload vulnerability scanning. Available options include VULNERABILITY_DISABLED, VULNERABILITY_BASIC and VULNERABILITY_ENTERPRISE.
    mode str
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's off-cluster features. Available options include DISABLED, BASIC, and ENTERPRISE.
    vulnerability_mode str
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's workload vulnerability scanning. Available options include VULNERABILITY_DISABLED, VULNERABILITY_BASIC and VULNERABILITY_ENTERPRISE.
    mode String
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's off-cluster features. Available options include DISABLED, BASIC, and ENTERPRISE.
    vulnerabilityMode String
    Sets the mode of the Kubernetes security posture API's workload vulnerability scanning. Available options include VULNERABILITY_DISABLED, VULNERABILITY_BASIC and VULNERABILITY_ENTERPRISE.


    Enabled bool
    When enabled, services with external ips specified will be allowed.
    Enabled bool
    When enabled, services with external ips specified will be allowed.
    enabled Boolean
    When enabled, services with external ips specified will be allowed.
    enabled boolean
    When enabled, services with external ips specified will be allowed.
    enabled bool
    When enabled, services with external ips specified will be allowed.
    enabled Boolean
    When enabled, services with external ips specified will be allowed.


    Enabled bool
    Whether Cloud TPU integration is enabled or not
    Ipv4CidrBlock string
    IPv4 CIDR block reserved for Cloud TPU in the VPC.
    UseServiceNetworking bool
    Whether to use service networking for Cloud TPU or not
    Enabled bool
    Whether Cloud TPU integration is enabled or not
    Ipv4CidrBlock string
    IPv4 CIDR block reserved for Cloud TPU in the VPC.
    UseServiceNetworking bool
    Whether to use service networking for Cloud TPU or not
    enabled Boolean
    Whether Cloud TPU integration is enabled or not
    ipv4CidrBlock String
    IPv4 CIDR block reserved for Cloud TPU in the VPC.
    useServiceNetworking Boolean
    Whether to use service networking for Cloud TPU or not
    enabled boolean
    Whether Cloud TPU integration is enabled or not
    ipv4CidrBlock string
    IPv4 CIDR block reserved for Cloud TPU in the VPC.
    useServiceNetworking boolean
    Whether to use service networking for Cloud TPU or not
    enabled bool
    Whether Cloud TPU integration is enabled or not
    ipv4_cidr_block str
    IPv4 CIDR block reserved for Cloud TPU in the VPC.
    use_service_networking bool
    Whether to use service networking for Cloud TPU or not
    enabled Boolean
    Whether Cloud TPU integration is enabled or not
    ipv4CidrBlock String
    IPv4 CIDR block reserved for Cloud TPU in the VPC.
    useServiceNetworking Boolean
    Whether to use service networking for Cloud TPU or not


    Enabled bool
    Enables vertical pod autoscaling.
    Enabled bool
    Enables vertical pod autoscaling.
    enabled Boolean
    Enables vertical pod autoscaling.
    enabled boolean
    Enables vertical pod autoscaling.
    enabled bool
    Enables vertical pod autoscaling.
    enabled Boolean
    Enables vertical pod autoscaling.


    EnableAlts bool
    Whether the alts handshaker should be enabled or not for direct-path. Requires Workload Identity (workloadPool must be non-empty).
    EnableAlts bool
    Whether the alts handshaker should be enabled or not for direct-path. Requires Workload Identity (workloadPool must be non-empty).
    enableAlts Boolean
    Whether the alts handshaker should be enabled or not for direct-path. Requires Workload Identity (workloadPool must be non-empty).
    enableAlts boolean
    Whether the alts handshaker should be enabled or not for direct-path. Requires Workload Identity (workloadPool must be non-empty).
    enable_alts bool
    Whether the alts handshaker should be enabled or not for direct-path. Requires Workload Identity (workloadPool must be non-empty).
    enableAlts Boolean
    Whether the alts handshaker should be enabled or not for direct-path. Requires Workload Identity (workloadPool must be non-empty).


    WorkloadPool string
    The workload pool to attach all Kubernetes service accounts to.
    WorkloadPool string
    The workload pool to attach all Kubernetes service accounts to.
    workloadPool String
    The workload pool to attach all Kubernetes service accounts to.
    workloadPool string
    The workload pool to attach all Kubernetes service accounts to.
    workload_pool str
    The workload pool to attach all Kubernetes service accounts to.
    workloadPool String
    The workload pool to attach all Kubernetes service accounts to.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi