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  5. getKMSCryptoKeyVersion
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Provides access to a Google Cloud Platform KMS CryptoKeyVersion. For more information see the official documentation and API.

    A CryptoKeyVersion represents an individual cryptographic key, and the associated key material.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const myKeyRing = gcp.kms.getKMSKeyRing({
        name: "my-key-ring",
        location: "us-central1",
    const myCryptoKey = myKeyRing.then(myKeyRing => gcp.kms.getKMSCryptoKey({
        name: "my-crypto-key",
        keyRing: myKeyRing.id,
    const myCryptoKeyVersion = gcp.kms.getKMSCryptoKeyVersion({
        cryptoKey: myKey.id,
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    my_key_ring = gcp.kms.get_kms_key_ring(name="my-key-ring",
    my_crypto_key = gcp.kms.get_kms_crypto_key(name="my-crypto-key",
    my_crypto_key_version = gcp.kms.get_kms_crypto_key_version(crypto_key=my_key["id"])
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		myKeyRing, err := kms.GetKMSKeyRing(ctx, &kms.GetKMSKeyRingArgs{
    			Name:     "my-key-ring",
    			Location: "us-central1",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = kms.GetKMSCryptoKey(ctx, &kms.GetKMSCryptoKeyArgs{
    			Name:    "my-crypto-key",
    			KeyRing: myKeyRing.Id,
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = kms.GetKMSCryptoKeyVersion(ctx, &kms.GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionArgs{
    			CryptoKey: myKey.Id,
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var myKeyRing = Gcp.Kms.GetKMSKeyRing.Invoke(new()
            Name = "my-key-ring",
            Location = "us-central1",
        var myCryptoKey = Gcp.Kms.GetKMSCryptoKey.Invoke(new()
            Name = "my-crypto-key",
            KeyRing = myKeyRing.Apply(getKMSKeyRingResult => getKMSKeyRingResult.Id),
        var myCryptoKeyVersion = Gcp.Kms.GetKMSCryptoKeyVersion.Invoke(new()
            CryptoKey = myKey.Id,
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.kms.KmsFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.kms.inputs.GetKMSKeyRingArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.kms.inputs.GetKMSCryptoKeyArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.kms.inputs.GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var myKeyRing = KmsFunctions.getKMSKeyRing(GetKMSKeyRingArgs.builder()
            final var myCryptoKey = KmsFunctions.getKMSCryptoKey(GetKMSCryptoKeyArgs.builder()
                .keyRing(myKeyRing.applyValue(getKMSKeyRingResult -> getKMSKeyRingResult.id()))
            final var myCryptoKeyVersion = KmsFunctions.getKMSCryptoKeyVersion(GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionArgs.builder()
          Function: gcp:kms:getKMSKeyRing
            name: my-key-ring
            location: us-central1
          Function: gcp:kms:getKMSCryptoKey
            name: my-crypto-key
            keyRing: ${myKeyRing.id}
          Function: gcp:kms:getKMSCryptoKeyVersion
            cryptoKey: ${myKey.id}

    Using getKMSCryptoKeyVersion

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getKMSCryptoKeyVersion(args: GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionResult>
    function getKMSCryptoKeyVersionOutput(args: GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionResult>
    def get_kms_crypto_key_version(crypto_key: Optional[str] = None,
                                   version: Optional[int] = None,
                                   opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionResult
    def get_kms_crypto_key_version_output(crypto_key: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                   version: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None,
                                   opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionResult]
    func GetKMSCryptoKeyVersion(ctx *Context, args *GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionResult, error)
    func GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionOutput(ctx *Context, args *GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named GetKMSCryptoKeyVersion in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetKMSCryptoKeyVersion 
        public static Task<GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionResult> InvokeAsync(GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionResult> Invoke(GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionResult> getKMSCryptoKeyVersion(GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: gcp:kms/getKMSCryptoKeyVersion:getKMSCryptoKeyVersion
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    CryptoKey string
    The id of the Google Cloud Platform CryptoKey to which the key version belongs. This is also the id field of the gcp.kms.CryptoKey resource/datasource.
    Version int
    The version number for this CryptoKeyVersion. Defaults to 1.
    CryptoKey string
    The id of the Google Cloud Platform CryptoKey to which the key version belongs. This is also the id field of the gcp.kms.CryptoKey resource/datasource.
    Version int
    The version number for this CryptoKeyVersion. Defaults to 1.
    cryptoKey String
    The id of the Google Cloud Platform CryptoKey to which the key version belongs. This is also the id field of the gcp.kms.CryptoKey resource/datasource.
    version Integer
    The version number for this CryptoKeyVersion. Defaults to 1.
    cryptoKey string
    The id of the Google Cloud Platform CryptoKey to which the key version belongs. This is also the id field of the gcp.kms.CryptoKey resource/datasource.
    version number
    The version number for this CryptoKeyVersion. Defaults to 1.
    crypto_key str
    The id of the Google Cloud Platform CryptoKey to which the key version belongs. This is also the id field of the gcp.kms.CryptoKey resource/datasource.
    version int
    The version number for this CryptoKeyVersion. Defaults to 1.
    cryptoKey String
    The id of the Google Cloud Platform CryptoKey to which the key version belongs. This is also the id field of the gcp.kms.CryptoKey resource/datasource.
    version Number
    The version number for this CryptoKeyVersion. Defaults to 1.

    getKMSCryptoKeyVersion Result

    The following output properties are available:

    Algorithm string
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    CryptoKey string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    The resource name for this CryptoKeyVersion in the format projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*/cryptoKeyVersions/*
    ProtectionLevel string
    The ProtectionLevel describing how crypto operations are performed with this CryptoKeyVersion. See the protection_level reference for possible outputs.
    PublicKeys List<GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionPublicKey>
    If the enclosing CryptoKey has purpose ASYMMETRIC_SIGN or ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT, this block contains details about the public key associated to this CryptoKeyVersion. Structure is documented below.
    State string
    The current state of the CryptoKeyVersion. See the state reference for possible outputs.
    Version int
    Algorithm string
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    CryptoKey string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    The resource name for this CryptoKeyVersion in the format projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*/cryptoKeyVersions/*
    ProtectionLevel string
    The ProtectionLevel describing how crypto operations are performed with this CryptoKeyVersion. See the protection_level reference for possible outputs.
    PublicKeys []GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionPublicKey
    If the enclosing CryptoKey has purpose ASYMMETRIC_SIGN or ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT, this block contains details about the public key associated to this CryptoKeyVersion. Structure is documented below.
    State string
    The current state of the CryptoKeyVersion. See the state reference for possible outputs.
    Version int
    algorithm String
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    cryptoKey String
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    The resource name for this CryptoKeyVersion in the format projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*/cryptoKeyVersions/*
    protectionLevel String
    The ProtectionLevel describing how crypto operations are performed with this CryptoKeyVersion. See the protection_level reference for possible outputs.
    publicKeys List<GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionPublicKey>
    If the enclosing CryptoKey has purpose ASYMMETRIC_SIGN or ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT, this block contains details about the public key associated to this CryptoKeyVersion. Structure is documented below.
    state String
    The current state of the CryptoKeyVersion. See the state reference for possible outputs.
    version Integer
    algorithm string
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    cryptoKey string
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name string
    The resource name for this CryptoKeyVersion in the format projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*/cryptoKeyVersions/*
    protectionLevel string
    The ProtectionLevel describing how crypto operations are performed with this CryptoKeyVersion. See the protection_level reference for possible outputs.
    publicKeys GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionPublicKey[]
    If the enclosing CryptoKey has purpose ASYMMETRIC_SIGN or ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT, this block contains details about the public key associated to this CryptoKeyVersion. Structure is documented below.
    state string
    The current state of the CryptoKeyVersion. See the state reference for possible outputs.
    version number
    algorithm str
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    crypto_key str
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name str
    The resource name for this CryptoKeyVersion in the format projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*/cryptoKeyVersions/*
    protection_level str
    The ProtectionLevel describing how crypto operations are performed with this CryptoKeyVersion. See the protection_level reference for possible outputs.
    public_keys Sequence[GetKMSCryptoKeyVersionPublicKey]
    If the enclosing CryptoKey has purpose ASYMMETRIC_SIGN or ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT, this block contains details about the public key associated to this CryptoKeyVersion. Structure is documented below.
    state str
    The current state of the CryptoKeyVersion. See the state reference for possible outputs.
    version int
    algorithm String
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    cryptoKey String
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    The resource name for this CryptoKeyVersion in the format projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*/cryptoKeyVersions/*
    protectionLevel String
    The ProtectionLevel describing how crypto operations are performed with this CryptoKeyVersion. See the protection_level reference for possible outputs.
    publicKeys List<Property Map>
    If the enclosing CryptoKey has purpose ASYMMETRIC_SIGN or ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT, this block contains details about the public key associated to this CryptoKeyVersion. Structure is documented below.
    state String
    The current state of the CryptoKeyVersion. See the state reference for possible outputs.
    version Number

    Supporting Types


    Algorithm string
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    Pem string
    The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.
    Algorithm string
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    Pem string
    The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.
    algorithm String
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    pem String
    The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.
    algorithm string
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    pem string
    The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.
    algorithm str
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    pem str
    The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.
    algorithm String
    The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
    pem String
    The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi