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  5. KeyRingImportJob
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    A KeyRingImportJob can be used to create CryptoKeys and CryptoKeyVersions using pre-existing key material, generated outside of Cloud KMS. A KeyRingImportJob expires 3 days after it is created. Once expired, Cloud KMS will no longer be able to import or unwrap any key material that was wrapped with the KeyRingImportJob’s public key.

    Note: KeyRingImportJobs cannot be deleted from Google Cloud Platform. Destroying a provider-managed KeyRingImportJob will remove it from state but will not delete the resource from the project.

    To get more information about KeyRingImportJob, see:

    Example Usage

    Create KeyRingImportJob Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new KeyRingImportJob(name: string, args: KeyRingImportJobArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def KeyRingImportJob(resource_name: str,
                         args: KeyRingImportJobArgs,
                         opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def KeyRingImportJob(resource_name: str,
                         opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                         import_job_id: Optional[str] = None,
                         import_method: Optional[str] = None,
                         key_ring: Optional[str] = None,
                         protection_level: Optional[str] = None)
    func NewKeyRingImportJob(ctx *Context, name string, args KeyRingImportJobArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*KeyRingImportJob, error)
    public KeyRingImportJob(string name, KeyRingImportJobArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public KeyRingImportJob(String name, KeyRingImportJobArgs args)
    public KeyRingImportJob(String name, KeyRingImportJobArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: gcp:kms:KeyRingImportJob
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args KeyRingImportJobArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args KeyRingImportJobArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args KeyRingImportJobArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args KeyRingImportJobArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args KeyRingImportJobArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var keyRingImportJobResource = new Gcp.Kms.KeyRingImportJob("keyRingImportJobResource", new()
        ImportJobId = "string",
        ImportMethod = "string",
        KeyRing = "string",
        ProtectionLevel = "string",
    example, err := kms.NewKeyRingImportJob(ctx, "keyRingImportJobResource", &kms.KeyRingImportJobArgs{
    	ImportJobId:     pulumi.String("string"),
    	ImportMethod:    pulumi.String("string"),
    	KeyRing:         pulumi.String("string"),
    	ProtectionLevel: pulumi.String("string"),
    var keyRingImportJobResource = new KeyRingImportJob("keyRingImportJobResource", KeyRingImportJobArgs.builder()
    key_ring_import_job_resource = gcp.kms.KeyRingImportJob("keyRingImportJobResource",
    const keyRingImportJobResource = new gcp.kms.KeyRingImportJob("keyRingImportJobResource", {
        importJobId: "string",
        importMethod: "string",
        keyRing: "string",
        protectionLevel: "string",
    type: gcp:kms:KeyRingImportJob
        importJobId: string
        importMethod: string
        keyRing: string
        protectionLevel: string

    KeyRingImportJob Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The KeyRingImportJob resource accepts the following input properties:

    ImportJobId string
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    ImportMethod string
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    KeyRing string
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    ProtectionLevel string
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    ImportJobId string
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    ImportMethod string
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    KeyRing string
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    ProtectionLevel string
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    importJobId String
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    importMethod String
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    keyRing String
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    protectionLevel String
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    importJobId string
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    importMethod string
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    keyRing string
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    protectionLevel string
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    import_job_id str
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    import_method str
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    key_ring str
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    protection_level str
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    importJobId String
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    importMethod String
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    keyRing String
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    protectionLevel String
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the KeyRingImportJob resource produces the following output properties:

    Attestations List<KeyRingImportJobAttestation>
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    ExpireTime string
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    PublicKeys List<KeyRingImportJobPublicKey>
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    State string
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.
    Attestations []KeyRingImportJobAttestation
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    ExpireTime string
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    PublicKeys []KeyRingImportJobPublicKey
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    State string
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.
    attestations List<KeyRingImportJobAttestation>
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    expireTime String
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    publicKeys List<KeyRingImportJobPublicKey>
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    state String
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.
    attestations KeyRingImportJobAttestation[]
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    expireTime string
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name string
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    publicKeys KeyRingImportJobPublicKey[]
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    state string
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.
    attestations Sequence[KeyRingImportJobAttestation]
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    expire_time str
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name str
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    public_keys Sequence[KeyRingImportJobPublicKey]
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    state str
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.
    attestations List<Property Map>
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    expireTime String
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    publicKeys List<Property Map>
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    state String
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.

    Look up Existing KeyRingImportJob Resource

    Get an existing KeyRingImportJob resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: KeyRingImportJobState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): KeyRingImportJob
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            attestations: Optional[Sequence[KeyRingImportJobAttestationArgs]] = None,
            expire_time: Optional[str] = None,
            import_job_id: Optional[str] = None,
            import_method: Optional[str] = None,
            key_ring: Optional[str] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            protection_level: Optional[str] = None,
            public_keys: Optional[Sequence[KeyRingImportJobPublicKeyArgs]] = None,
            state: Optional[str] = None) -> KeyRingImportJob
    func GetKeyRingImportJob(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *KeyRingImportJobState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*KeyRingImportJob, error)
    public static KeyRingImportJob Get(string name, Input<string> id, KeyRingImportJobState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static KeyRingImportJob get(String name, Output<String> id, KeyRingImportJobState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    Attestations List<KeyRingImportJobAttestation>
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    ExpireTime string
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    ImportJobId string
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    ImportMethod string
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    KeyRing string
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    Name string
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    ProtectionLevel string
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    PublicKeys List<KeyRingImportJobPublicKey>
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    State string
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.
    Attestations []KeyRingImportJobAttestationArgs
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    ExpireTime string
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    ImportJobId string
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    ImportMethod string
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    KeyRing string
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    Name string
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    ProtectionLevel string
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    PublicKeys []KeyRingImportJobPublicKeyArgs
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    State string
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.
    attestations List<KeyRingImportJobAttestation>
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    expireTime String
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    importJobId String
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    importMethod String
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    keyRing String
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    name String
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    protectionLevel String
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    publicKeys List<KeyRingImportJobPublicKey>
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    state String
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.
    attestations KeyRingImportJobAttestation[]
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    expireTime string
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    importJobId string
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    importMethod string
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    keyRing string
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    name string
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    protectionLevel string
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    publicKeys KeyRingImportJobPublicKey[]
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    state string
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.
    attestations Sequence[KeyRingImportJobAttestationArgs]
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    expire_time str
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    import_job_id str
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    import_method str
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    key_ring str
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    name str
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    protection_level str
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    public_keys Sequence[KeyRingImportJobPublicKeyArgs]
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    state str
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.
    attestations List<Property Map>
    Statement that was generated and signed by the key creator (for example, an HSM) at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only present if the chosen ImportMethod is one with a protection level of HSM. Structure is documented below.
    expireTime String
    The time at which this resource is scheduled for expiration and can no longer be used. This is in RFC3339 text format.
    importJobId String
    It must be unique within a KeyRing and match the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,63}

    importMethod String
    The wrapping method to be used for incoming key material. Possible values are: RSA_OAEP_3072_SHA1_AES_256, RSA_OAEP_4096_SHA1_AES_256.
    keyRing String
    The KeyRing that this import job belongs to. Format: 'projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/keyRings/{{keyRing}}'.
    name String
    The resource name for this ImportJob in the format projects//locations//keyRings//importJobs/.
    protectionLevel String
    The protection level of the ImportJob. This must match the protectionLevel of the versionTemplate on the CryptoKey you attempt to import into. Possible values are: SOFTWARE, HSM, EXTERNAL.
    publicKeys List<Property Map>
    The public key with which to wrap key material prior to import. Only returned if state is ACTIVE. Structure is documented below.
    state String
    The current state of the ImportJob, indicating if it can be used.

    Supporting Types

    KeyRingImportJobAttestation, KeyRingImportJobAttestationArgs

    Content string
    (Output) The attestation data provided by the HSM when the key operation was performed. A base64-encoded string.
    Format string
    (Output) The format of the attestation data.
    Content string
    (Output) The attestation data provided by the HSM when the key operation was performed. A base64-encoded string.
    Format string
    (Output) The format of the attestation data.
    content String
    (Output) The attestation data provided by the HSM when the key operation was performed. A base64-encoded string.
    format String
    (Output) The format of the attestation data.
    content string
    (Output) The attestation data provided by the HSM when the key operation was performed. A base64-encoded string.
    format string
    (Output) The format of the attestation data.
    content str
    (Output) The attestation data provided by the HSM when the key operation was performed. A base64-encoded string.
    format str
    (Output) The format of the attestation data.
    content String
    (Output) The attestation data provided by the HSM when the key operation was performed. A base64-encoded string.
    format String
    (Output) The format of the attestation data.

    KeyRingImportJobPublicKey, KeyRingImportJobPublicKeyArgs

    Pem string
    (Output) The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.
    Pem string
    (Output) The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.
    pem String
    (Output) The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.
    pem string
    (Output) The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.
    pem str
    (Output) The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.
    pem String
    (Output) The public key, encoded in PEM format. For more information, see the RFC 7468 sections for General Considerations and Textual Encoding of Subject Public Key Info.


    KeyRingImportJob can be imported using any of these accepted formats:

    • {{name}}

    When using the pulumi import command, KeyRingImportJob can be imported using one of the formats above. For example:

    $ pulumi import gcp:kms/keyRingImportJob:KeyRingImportJob default {{name}}

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi