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  5. Volume
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    A volume is a file system container in a storage pool that stores application, database, and user data.

    You can create a volume’s capacity using the available capacity in the storage pool and you can define and resize the capacity without disruption to any processes.

    Storage pool settings apply to the volumes contained within them automatically.

    To get more information about Volume, see:

    Example Usage

    Netapp Volume Basic

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const default = gcp.compute.getNetwork({
        name: "test-network",
    const defaultStoragePool = new gcp.netapp.StoragePool("default", {
        name: "test-pool",
        location: "us-west2",
        serviceLevel: "PREMIUM",
        capacityGib: "2048",
        network: _default.then(_default => _default.id),
    const testVolume = new gcp.netapp.Volume("test_volume", {
        location: "us-west2",
        name: "test-volume",
        capacityGib: "100",
        shareName: "test-volume",
        storagePool: defaultStoragePool.name,
        protocols: ["NFSV3"],
        deletionPolicy: "DEFAULT",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    default = gcp.compute.get_network(name="test-network")
    default_storage_pool = gcp.netapp.StoragePool("default",
    test_volume = gcp.netapp.Volume("test_volume",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_default, err := compute.LookupNetwork(ctx, &compute.LookupNetworkArgs{
    			Name: "test-network",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		defaultStoragePool, err := netapp.NewStoragePool(ctx, "default", &netapp.StoragePoolArgs{
    			Name:         pulumi.String("test-pool"),
    			Location:     pulumi.String("us-west2"),
    			ServiceLevel: pulumi.String("PREMIUM"),
    			CapacityGib:  pulumi.String("2048"),
    			Network:      pulumi.String(_default.Id),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = netapp.NewVolume(ctx, "test_volume", &netapp.VolumeArgs{
    			Location:    pulumi.String("us-west2"),
    			Name:        pulumi.String("test-volume"),
    			CapacityGib: pulumi.String("100"),
    			ShareName:   pulumi.String("test-volume"),
    			StoragePool: defaultStoragePool.Name,
    			Protocols: pulumi.StringArray{
    			DeletionPolicy: pulumi.String("DEFAULT"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var @default = Gcp.Compute.GetNetwork.Invoke(new()
            Name = "test-network",
        var defaultStoragePool = new Gcp.Netapp.StoragePool("default", new()
            Name = "test-pool",
            Location = "us-west2",
            ServiceLevel = "PREMIUM",
            CapacityGib = "2048",
            Network = @default.Apply(@default => @default.Apply(getNetworkResult => getNetworkResult.Id)),
        var testVolume = new Gcp.Netapp.Volume("test_volume", new()
            Location = "us-west2",
            Name = "test-volume",
            CapacityGib = "100",
            ShareName = "test-volume",
            StoragePool = defaultStoragePool.Name,
            Protocols = new[]
            DeletionPolicy = "DEFAULT",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.ComputeFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.inputs.GetNetworkArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.netapp.StoragePool;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.netapp.StoragePoolArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.netapp.Volume;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.netapp.VolumeArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var default = ComputeFunctions.getNetwork(GetNetworkArgs.builder()
            var defaultStoragePool = new StoragePool("defaultStoragePool", StoragePoolArgs.builder()
            var testVolume = new Volume("testVolume", VolumeArgs.builder()
        type: gcp:netapp:StoragePool
        name: default
          name: test-pool
          location: us-west2
          serviceLevel: PREMIUM
          capacityGib: '2048'
          network: ${default.id}
        type: gcp:netapp:Volume
        name: test_volume
          location: us-west2
          name: test-volume
          capacityGib: '100'
          shareName: test-volume
          storagePool: ${defaultStoragePool.name}
            - NFSV3
          deletionPolicy: DEFAULT
          Function: gcp:compute:getNetwork
            name: test-network

    Create Volume Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new Volume(name: string, args: VolumeArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def Volume(resource_name: str,
               args: VolumeArgs,
               opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def Volume(resource_name: str,
               opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
               location: Optional[str] = None,
               capacity_gib: Optional[str] = None,
               storage_pool: Optional[str] = None,
               share_name: Optional[str] = None,
               protocols: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
               kerberos_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
               restricted_actions: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
               backup_config: Optional[VolumeBackupConfigArgs] = None,
               name: Optional[str] = None,
               project: Optional[str] = None,
               export_policy: Optional[VolumeExportPolicyArgs] = None,
               restore_parameters: Optional[VolumeRestoreParametersArgs] = None,
               labels: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
               security_style: Optional[str] = None,
               description: Optional[str] = None,
               smb_settings: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
               snapshot_directory: Optional[bool] = None,
               snapshot_policy: Optional[VolumeSnapshotPolicyArgs] = None,
               deletion_policy: Optional[str] = None,
               unix_permissions: Optional[str] = None)
    func NewVolume(ctx *Context, name string, args VolumeArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Volume, error)
    public Volume(string name, VolumeArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public Volume(String name, VolumeArgs args)
    public Volume(String name, VolumeArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: gcp:netapp:Volume
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args VolumeArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args VolumeArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args VolumeArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args VolumeArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args VolumeArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var volumeResource = new Gcp.Netapp.Volume("volumeResource", new()
        Location = "string",
        CapacityGib = "string",
        StoragePool = "string",
        ShareName = "string",
        Protocols = new[]
        KerberosEnabled = false,
        RestrictedActions = new[]
        BackupConfig = new Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeBackupConfigArgs
            BackupPolicies = new[]
            BackupVault = "string",
            ScheduledBackupEnabled = false,
        Name = "string",
        Project = "string",
        ExportPolicy = new Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeExportPolicyArgs
            Rules = new[]
                new Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeExportPolicyRuleArgs
                    AccessType = "string",
                    AllowedClients = "string",
                    HasRootAccess = "string",
                    Kerberos5ReadOnly = false,
                    Kerberos5ReadWrite = false,
                    Kerberos5iReadOnly = false,
                    Kerberos5iReadWrite = false,
                    Kerberos5pReadOnly = false,
                    Kerberos5pReadWrite = false,
                    Nfsv3 = false,
                    Nfsv4 = false,
        RestoreParameters = new Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeRestoreParametersArgs
            SourceBackup = "string",
            SourceSnapshot = "string",
        Labels = 
            { "string", "string" },
        SecurityStyle = "string",
        Description = "string",
        SmbSettings = new[]
        SnapshotDirectory = false,
        SnapshotPolicy = new Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicyArgs
            DailySchedule = new Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicyDailyScheduleArgs
                SnapshotsToKeep = 0,
                Hour = 0,
                Minute = 0,
            Enabled = false,
            HourlySchedule = new Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicyHourlyScheduleArgs
                SnapshotsToKeep = 0,
                Minute = 0,
            MonthlySchedule = new Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicyMonthlyScheduleArgs
                SnapshotsToKeep = 0,
                DaysOfMonth = "string",
                Hour = 0,
                Minute = 0,
            WeeklySchedule = new Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicyWeeklyScheduleArgs
                SnapshotsToKeep = 0,
                Day = "string",
                Hour = 0,
                Minute = 0,
        DeletionPolicy = "string",
        UnixPermissions = "string",
    example, err := netapp.NewVolume(ctx, "volumeResource", &netapp.VolumeArgs{
    	Location:    pulumi.String("string"),
    	CapacityGib: pulumi.String("string"),
    	StoragePool: pulumi.String("string"),
    	ShareName:   pulumi.String("string"),
    	Protocols: pulumi.StringArray{
    	KerberosEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	RestrictedActions: pulumi.StringArray{
    	BackupConfig: &netapp.VolumeBackupConfigArgs{
    		BackupPolicies: pulumi.StringArray{
    		BackupVault:            pulumi.String("string"),
    		ScheduledBackupEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Name:    pulumi.String("string"),
    	Project: pulumi.String("string"),
    	ExportPolicy: &netapp.VolumeExportPolicyArgs{
    		Rules: netapp.VolumeExportPolicyRuleArray{
    				AccessType:          pulumi.String("string"),
    				AllowedClients:      pulumi.String("string"),
    				HasRootAccess:       pulumi.String("string"),
    				Kerberos5ReadOnly:   pulumi.Bool(false),
    				Kerberos5ReadWrite:  pulumi.Bool(false),
    				Kerberos5iReadOnly:  pulumi.Bool(false),
    				Kerberos5iReadWrite: pulumi.Bool(false),
    				Kerberos5pReadOnly:  pulumi.Bool(false),
    				Kerberos5pReadWrite: pulumi.Bool(false),
    				Nfsv3:               pulumi.Bool(false),
    				Nfsv4:               pulumi.Bool(false),
    	RestoreParameters: &netapp.VolumeRestoreParametersArgs{
    		SourceBackup:   pulumi.String("string"),
    		SourceSnapshot: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Labels: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	SecurityStyle: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Description:   pulumi.String("string"),
    	SmbSettings: pulumi.StringArray{
    	SnapshotDirectory: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	SnapshotPolicy: &netapp.VolumeSnapshotPolicyArgs{
    		DailySchedule: &netapp.VolumeSnapshotPolicyDailyScheduleArgs{
    			SnapshotsToKeep: pulumi.Int(0),
    			Hour:            pulumi.Int(0),
    			Minute:          pulumi.Int(0),
    		Enabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		HourlySchedule: &netapp.VolumeSnapshotPolicyHourlyScheduleArgs{
    			SnapshotsToKeep: pulumi.Int(0),
    			Minute:          pulumi.Int(0),
    		MonthlySchedule: &netapp.VolumeSnapshotPolicyMonthlyScheduleArgs{
    			SnapshotsToKeep: pulumi.Int(0),
    			DaysOfMonth:     pulumi.String("string"),
    			Hour:            pulumi.Int(0),
    			Minute:          pulumi.Int(0),
    		WeeklySchedule: &netapp.VolumeSnapshotPolicyWeeklyScheduleArgs{
    			SnapshotsToKeep: pulumi.Int(0),
    			Day:             pulumi.String("string"),
    			Hour:            pulumi.Int(0),
    			Minute:          pulumi.Int(0),
    	DeletionPolicy:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	UnixPermissions: pulumi.String("string"),
    var volumeResource = new Volume("volumeResource", VolumeArgs.builder()
        .labels(Map.of("string", "string"))
    volume_resource = gcp.netapp.Volume("volumeResource",
            "string": "string",
    const volumeResource = new gcp.netapp.Volume("volumeResource", {
        location: "string",
        capacityGib: "string",
        storagePool: "string",
        shareName: "string",
        protocols: ["string"],
        kerberosEnabled: false,
        restrictedActions: ["string"],
        backupConfig: {
            backupPolicies: ["string"],
            backupVault: "string",
            scheduledBackupEnabled: false,
        name: "string",
        project: "string",
        exportPolicy: {
            rules: [{
                accessType: "string",
                allowedClients: "string",
                hasRootAccess: "string",
                kerberos5ReadOnly: false,
                kerberos5ReadWrite: false,
                kerberos5iReadOnly: false,
                kerberos5iReadWrite: false,
                kerberos5pReadOnly: false,
                kerberos5pReadWrite: false,
                nfsv3: false,
                nfsv4: false,
        restoreParameters: {
            sourceBackup: "string",
            sourceSnapshot: "string",
        labels: {
            string: "string",
        securityStyle: "string",
        description: "string",
        smbSettings: ["string"],
        snapshotDirectory: false,
        snapshotPolicy: {
            dailySchedule: {
                snapshotsToKeep: 0,
                hour: 0,
                minute: 0,
            enabled: false,
            hourlySchedule: {
                snapshotsToKeep: 0,
                minute: 0,
            monthlySchedule: {
                snapshotsToKeep: 0,
                daysOfMonth: "string",
                hour: 0,
                minute: 0,
            weeklySchedule: {
                snapshotsToKeep: 0,
                day: "string",
                hour: 0,
                minute: 0,
        deletionPolicy: "string",
        unixPermissions: "string",
    type: gcp:netapp:Volume
                - string
            backupVault: string
            scheduledBackupEnabled: false
        capacityGib: string
        deletionPolicy: string
        description: string
                - accessType: string
                  allowedClients: string
                  hasRootAccess: string
                  kerberos5ReadOnly: false
                  kerberos5ReadWrite: false
                  kerberos5iReadOnly: false
                  kerberos5iReadWrite: false
                  kerberos5pReadOnly: false
                  kerberos5pReadWrite: false
                  nfsv3: false
                  nfsv4: false
        kerberosEnabled: false
            string: string
        location: string
        name: string
        project: string
            - string
            sourceBackup: string
            sourceSnapshot: string
            - string
        securityStyle: string
        shareName: string
            - string
        snapshotDirectory: false
                hour: 0
                minute: 0
                snapshotsToKeep: 0
            enabled: false
                minute: 0
                snapshotsToKeep: 0
                daysOfMonth: string
                hour: 0
                minute: 0
                snapshotsToKeep: 0
                day: string
                hour: 0
                minute: 0
                snapshotsToKeep: 0
        storagePool: string
        unixPermissions: string

    Volume Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The Volume resource accepts the following input properties:

    CapacityGib string
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    Location string
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    Protocols List<string>
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    ShareName string
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    StoragePool string
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    BackupConfig Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeBackupConfig
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    DeletionPolicy string
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    Description string
    An optional description of this resource.
    ExportPolicy Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeExportPolicy
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    KerberosEnabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    Labels Dictionary<string, string>

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    Name string
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    RestoreParameters Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeRestoreParameters
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    RestrictedActions List<string>
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    SecurityStyle string
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    SmbSettings List<string>
    SnapshotDirectory bool
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    SnapshotPolicy Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicy
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    UnixPermissions string
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    CapacityGib string
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    Location string
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    Protocols []string
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    ShareName string
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    StoragePool string
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    BackupConfig VolumeBackupConfigArgs
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    DeletionPolicy string
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    Description string
    An optional description of this resource.
    ExportPolicy VolumeExportPolicyArgs
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    KerberosEnabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    Labels map[string]string

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    Name string
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    RestoreParameters VolumeRestoreParametersArgs
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    RestrictedActions []string
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    SecurityStyle string
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    SmbSettings []string
    SnapshotDirectory bool
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    SnapshotPolicy VolumeSnapshotPolicyArgs
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    UnixPermissions string
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    capacityGib String
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    location String
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    protocols List<String>
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    shareName String
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    storagePool String
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    backupConfig VolumeBackupConfig
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    deletionPolicy String
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    description String
    An optional description of this resource.
    exportPolicy VolumeExportPolicy
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    kerberosEnabled Boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    labels Map<String,String>

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    name String
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    restoreParameters VolumeRestoreParameters
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    restrictedActions List<String>
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    securityStyle String
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    smbSettings List<String>
    snapshotDirectory Boolean
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    snapshotPolicy VolumeSnapshotPolicy
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    unixPermissions String
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    capacityGib string
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    location string
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    protocols string[]
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    shareName string
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    storagePool string
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    backupConfig VolumeBackupConfig
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    deletionPolicy string
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    description string
    An optional description of this resource.
    exportPolicy VolumeExportPolicy
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    kerberosEnabled boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    labels {[key: string]: string}

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    name string
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    restoreParameters VolumeRestoreParameters
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    restrictedActions string[]
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    securityStyle string
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    smbSettings string[]
    snapshotDirectory boolean
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    snapshotPolicy VolumeSnapshotPolicy
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    unixPermissions string
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    capacity_gib str
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    location str
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    protocols Sequence[str]
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    share_name str
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    storage_pool str
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    backup_config VolumeBackupConfigArgs
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    deletion_policy str
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    description str
    An optional description of this resource.
    export_policy VolumeExportPolicyArgs
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    kerberos_enabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    labels Mapping[str, str]

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    name str
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    project str
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    restore_parameters VolumeRestoreParametersArgs
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    restricted_actions Sequence[str]
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    security_style str
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    smb_settings Sequence[str]
    snapshot_directory bool
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    snapshot_policy VolumeSnapshotPolicyArgs
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    unix_permissions str
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    capacityGib String
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    location String
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    protocols List<String>
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    shareName String
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    storagePool String
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    backupConfig Property Map
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    deletionPolicy String
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    description String
    An optional description of this resource.
    exportPolicy Property Map
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    kerberosEnabled Boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    labels Map<String>

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    name String
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    restoreParameters Property Map
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    restrictedActions List<String>
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    securityStyle String
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    smbSettings List<String>
    snapshotDirectory Boolean
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    snapshotPolicy Property Map
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    unixPermissions String
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the Volume resource produces the following output properties:

    ActiveDirectory string
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    CreateTime string
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    EffectiveLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    EncryptionType string
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    HasReplication bool
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    KmsConfig string
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    LdapEnabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    MountOptions List<Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Outputs.VolumeMountOption>
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    Network string
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    PsaRange string
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    PulumiLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    ServiceLevel string
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    State string
    State of the volume.
    StateDetails string
    State details of the volume.
    UsedGib string
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.
    ActiveDirectory string
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    CreateTime string
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    EffectiveLabels map[string]string
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    EncryptionType string
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    HasReplication bool
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    KmsConfig string
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    LdapEnabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    MountOptions []VolumeMountOption
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    Network string
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    PsaRange string
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    PulumiLabels map[string]string
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    ServiceLevel string
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    State string
    State of the volume.
    StateDetails string
    State details of the volume.
    UsedGib string
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.
    activeDirectory String
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    createTime String
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    effectiveLabels Map<String,String>
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    encryptionType String
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    hasReplication Boolean
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    kmsConfig String
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    ldapEnabled Boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    mountOptions List<VolumeMountOption>
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    network String
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    psaRange String
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    pulumiLabels Map<String,String>
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    serviceLevel String
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    state String
    State of the volume.
    stateDetails String
    State details of the volume.
    usedGib String
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.
    activeDirectory string
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    createTime string
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    effectiveLabels {[key: string]: string}
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    encryptionType string
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    hasReplication boolean
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    kmsConfig string
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    ldapEnabled boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    mountOptions VolumeMountOption[]
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    network string
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    psaRange string
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    pulumiLabels {[key: string]: string}
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    serviceLevel string
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    state string
    State of the volume.
    stateDetails string
    State details of the volume.
    usedGib string
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.
    active_directory str
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    create_time str
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    effective_labels Mapping[str, str]
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    encryption_type str
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    has_replication bool
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    kms_config str
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    ldap_enabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    mount_options Sequence[VolumeMountOption]
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    network str
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    psa_range str
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    pulumi_labels Mapping[str, str]
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    service_level str
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    state str
    State of the volume.
    state_details str
    State details of the volume.
    used_gib str
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.
    activeDirectory String
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    createTime String
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    effectiveLabels Map<String>
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    encryptionType String
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    hasReplication Boolean
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    kmsConfig String
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    ldapEnabled Boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    mountOptions List<Property Map>
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    network String
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    psaRange String
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    pulumiLabels Map<String>
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    serviceLevel String
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    state String
    State of the volume.
    stateDetails String
    State details of the volume.
    usedGib String
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.

    Look up Existing Volume Resource

    Get an existing Volume resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: VolumeState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): Volume
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            active_directory: Optional[str] = None,
            backup_config: Optional[VolumeBackupConfigArgs] = None,
            capacity_gib: Optional[str] = None,
            create_time: Optional[str] = None,
            deletion_policy: Optional[str] = None,
            description: Optional[str] = None,
            effective_labels: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            encryption_type: Optional[str] = None,
            export_policy: Optional[VolumeExportPolicyArgs] = None,
            has_replication: Optional[bool] = None,
            kerberos_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
            kms_config: Optional[str] = None,
            labels: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            ldap_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
            location: Optional[str] = None,
            mount_options: Optional[Sequence[VolumeMountOptionArgs]] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            network: Optional[str] = None,
            project: Optional[str] = None,
            protocols: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            psa_range: Optional[str] = None,
            pulumi_labels: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            restore_parameters: Optional[VolumeRestoreParametersArgs] = None,
            restricted_actions: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            security_style: Optional[str] = None,
            service_level: Optional[str] = None,
            share_name: Optional[str] = None,
            smb_settings: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            snapshot_directory: Optional[bool] = None,
            snapshot_policy: Optional[VolumeSnapshotPolicyArgs] = None,
            state: Optional[str] = None,
            state_details: Optional[str] = None,
            storage_pool: Optional[str] = None,
            unix_permissions: Optional[str] = None,
            used_gib: Optional[str] = None) -> Volume
    func GetVolume(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *VolumeState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Volume, error)
    public static Volume Get(string name, Input<string> id, VolumeState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static Volume get(String name, Output<String> id, VolumeState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    ActiveDirectory string
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    BackupConfig Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeBackupConfig
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    CapacityGib string
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    CreateTime string
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    DeletionPolicy string
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    Description string
    An optional description of this resource.
    EffectiveLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    EncryptionType string
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    ExportPolicy Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeExportPolicy
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    HasReplication bool
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    KerberosEnabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    KmsConfig string
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    Labels Dictionary<string, string>

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    LdapEnabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    Location string
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    MountOptions List<Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeMountOption>
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    Name string
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    Network string
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Protocols List<string>
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    PsaRange string
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    PulumiLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    RestoreParameters Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeRestoreParameters
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    RestrictedActions List<string>
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    SecurityStyle string
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    ServiceLevel string
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    ShareName string
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    SmbSettings List<string>
    SnapshotDirectory bool
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    SnapshotPolicy Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicy
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    State string
    State of the volume.
    StateDetails string
    State details of the volume.
    StoragePool string
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    UnixPermissions string
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    UsedGib string
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.
    ActiveDirectory string
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    BackupConfig VolumeBackupConfigArgs
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    CapacityGib string
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    CreateTime string
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    DeletionPolicy string
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    Description string
    An optional description of this resource.
    EffectiveLabels map[string]string
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    EncryptionType string
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    ExportPolicy VolumeExportPolicyArgs
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    HasReplication bool
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    KerberosEnabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    KmsConfig string
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    Labels map[string]string

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    LdapEnabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    Location string
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    MountOptions []VolumeMountOptionArgs
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    Name string
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    Network string
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Protocols []string
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    PsaRange string
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    PulumiLabels map[string]string
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    RestoreParameters VolumeRestoreParametersArgs
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    RestrictedActions []string
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    SecurityStyle string
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    ServiceLevel string
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    ShareName string
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    SmbSettings []string
    SnapshotDirectory bool
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    SnapshotPolicy VolumeSnapshotPolicyArgs
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    State string
    State of the volume.
    StateDetails string
    State details of the volume.
    StoragePool string
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    UnixPermissions string
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    UsedGib string
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.
    activeDirectory String
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    backupConfig VolumeBackupConfig
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    capacityGib String
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    createTime String
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    deletionPolicy String
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    description String
    An optional description of this resource.
    effectiveLabels Map<String,String>
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    encryptionType String
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    exportPolicy VolumeExportPolicy
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    hasReplication Boolean
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    kerberosEnabled Boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    kmsConfig String
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    labels Map<String,String>

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    ldapEnabled Boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    location String
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    mountOptions List<VolumeMountOption>
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    name String
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    network String
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    protocols List<String>
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    psaRange String
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    pulumiLabels Map<String,String>
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    restoreParameters VolumeRestoreParameters
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    restrictedActions List<String>
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    securityStyle String
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    serviceLevel String
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    shareName String
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    smbSettings List<String>
    snapshotDirectory Boolean
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    snapshotPolicy VolumeSnapshotPolicy
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    state String
    State of the volume.
    stateDetails String
    State details of the volume.
    storagePool String
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    unixPermissions String
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    usedGib String
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.
    activeDirectory string
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    backupConfig VolumeBackupConfig
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    capacityGib string
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    createTime string
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    deletionPolicy string
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    description string
    An optional description of this resource.
    effectiveLabels {[key: string]: string}
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    encryptionType string
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    exportPolicy VolumeExportPolicy
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    hasReplication boolean
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    kerberosEnabled boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    kmsConfig string
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    labels {[key: string]: string}

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    ldapEnabled boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    location string
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    mountOptions VolumeMountOption[]
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    name string
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    network string
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    protocols string[]
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    psaRange string
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    pulumiLabels {[key: string]: string}
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    restoreParameters VolumeRestoreParameters
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    restrictedActions string[]
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    securityStyle string
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    serviceLevel string
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    shareName string
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    smbSettings string[]
    snapshotDirectory boolean
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    snapshotPolicy VolumeSnapshotPolicy
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    state string
    State of the volume.
    stateDetails string
    State details of the volume.
    storagePool string
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    unixPermissions string
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    usedGib string
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.
    active_directory str
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    backup_config VolumeBackupConfigArgs
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    capacity_gib str
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    create_time str
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    deletion_policy str
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    description str
    An optional description of this resource.
    effective_labels Mapping[str, str]
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    encryption_type str
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    export_policy VolumeExportPolicyArgs
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    has_replication bool
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    kerberos_enabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    kms_config str
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    labels Mapping[str, str]

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    ldap_enabled bool
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    location str
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    mount_options Sequence[VolumeMountOptionArgs]
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    name str
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    network str
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    project str
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    protocols Sequence[str]
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    psa_range str
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    pulumi_labels Mapping[str, str]
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    restore_parameters VolumeRestoreParametersArgs
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    restricted_actions Sequence[str]
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    security_style str
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    service_level str
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    share_name str
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    smb_settings Sequence[str]
    snapshot_directory bool
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    snapshot_policy VolumeSnapshotPolicyArgs
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    state str
    State of the volume.
    state_details str
    State details of the volume.
    storage_pool str
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    unix_permissions str
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    used_gib str
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.
    activeDirectory String
    Reports the resource name of the Active Directory policy being used. Inherited from storage pool.
    backupConfig Property Map
    Backup configuration for the volume. Structure is documented below.
    capacityGib String
    Capacity of the volume (in GiB).
    createTime String
    Create time of the volume. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format. Examples: "2023-06-22T09:13:01.617Z".
    deletionPolicy String
    Policy to determine if the volume should be deleted forcefully. Volumes may have nested snapshot resources. Deleting such a volume will fail. Setting this parameter to FORCE will delete volumes including nested snapshots.
    description String
    An optional description of this resource.
    effectiveLabels Map<String>
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    encryptionType String
    Reports the data-at-rest encryption type of the volume. Inherited from storage pool.
    exportPolicy Property Map
    Export policy of the volume for NFSV3 and/or NFSV4.1 access. Structure is documented below.
    hasReplication Boolean
    Indicates whether the volume is part of a volume replication relationship.
    kerberosEnabled Boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is a kerberos volume or not, export policy rules control kerberos security modes (krb5, krb5i, krb5p).
    kmsConfig String
    Reports the CMEK policy resurce name being used for volume encryption. Inherited from storage pool.
    labels Map<String>

    Labels as key value pairs. Example: { "owner": "Bob", "department": "finance", "purpose": "testing" }.

    Note: This field is non-authoritative, and will only manage the labels present in your configuration. Please refer to the field effective_labels for all of the labels present on the resource.

    ldapEnabled Boolean
    Flag indicating if the volume is NFS LDAP enabled or not. Inherited from storage pool.
    location String
    Name of the pool location. Usually a region name, expect for some STANDARD service level pools which require a zone name.
    mountOptions List<Property Map>
    Reports mount instructions for this volume. Structure is documented below.
    name String
    The name of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.

    network String
    VPC network name with format: projects/{{project}}/global/networks/{{network}}. Inherited from storage pool.
    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    protocols List<String>
    The protocol of the volume. Allowed combinations are ['NFSV3'], ['NFSV4'], ['SMB'], ['NFSV3', 'NFSV4'], ['SMB', 'NFSV3'] and ['SMB', 'NFSV4']. Each value may be one of: NFSV3, NFSV4, SMB.
    psaRange String
    Name of the Private Service Access allocated range. Inherited from storage pool.
    pulumiLabels Map<String>
    The combination of labels configured directly on the resource and default labels configured on the provider.
    restoreParameters Property Map
    Used to create this volume from a snapshot (= cloning) or an backup. Structure is documented below.
    restrictedActions List<String>
    List of actions that are restricted on this volume. Each value may be one of: DELETE.
    securityStyle String
    Security Style of the Volume. Use UNIX to use UNIX or NFSV4 ACLs for file permissions. Use NTFS to use NTFS ACLs for file permissions. Can only be set for volumes which use SMB together with NFS as protocol. Possible values are: NTFS, UNIX.
    serviceLevel String
    Service level of the volume. Inherited from storage pool. Supported values are : PREMIUM, EXTERME, STANDARD, FLEX.
    shareName String
    Share name (SMB) or export path (NFS) of the volume. Needs to be unique per location.
    smbSettings List<String>
    snapshotDirectory Boolean
    If enabled, a NFS volume will contain a read-only .snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots. Will enable "Previous Versions" support for SMB.
    snapshotPolicy Property Map
    Snapshot policy defines the schedule for automatic snapshot creation. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block. Structure is documented below.
    state String
    State of the volume.
    stateDetails String
    State details of the volume.
    storagePool String
    Name of the storage pool to create the volume in. Pool needs enough spare capacity to accomodate the volume.
    unixPermissions String
    Unix permission the mount point will be created with. Default is 0770. Applicable for UNIX security style volumes only.
    usedGib String
    Used capacity of the volume (in GiB). This is computed periodically and it does not represent the realtime usage.

    Supporting Types

    VolumeBackupConfig, VolumeBackupConfigArgs

    BackupPolicies List<string>
    Specify a single backup policy ID for scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupPolicies/{{backupPolicyName}}
    BackupVault string
    ID of the backup vault to use. A backup vault is reqired to create manual or scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultName}}
    ScheduledBackupEnabled bool
    When set to true, scheduled backup is enabled on the volume. Omit if no backup_policy is specified.
    BackupPolicies []string
    Specify a single backup policy ID for scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupPolicies/{{backupPolicyName}}
    BackupVault string
    ID of the backup vault to use. A backup vault is reqired to create manual or scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultName}}
    ScheduledBackupEnabled bool
    When set to true, scheduled backup is enabled on the volume. Omit if no backup_policy is specified.
    backupPolicies List<String>
    Specify a single backup policy ID for scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupPolicies/{{backupPolicyName}}
    backupVault String
    ID of the backup vault to use. A backup vault is reqired to create manual or scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultName}}
    scheduledBackupEnabled Boolean
    When set to true, scheduled backup is enabled on the volume. Omit if no backup_policy is specified.
    backupPolicies string[]
    Specify a single backup policy ID for scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupPolicies/{{backupPolicyName}}
    backupVault string
    ID of the backup vault to use. A backup vault is reqired to create manual or scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultName}}
    scheduledBackupEnabled boolean
    When set to true, scheduled backup is enabled on the volume. Omit if no backup_policy is specified.
    backup_policies Sequence[str]
    Specify a single backup policy ID for scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupPolicies/{{backupPolicyName}}
    backup_vault str
    ID of the backup vault to use. A backup vault is reqired to create manual or scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultName}}
    scheduled_backup_enabled bool
    When set to true, scheduled backup is enabled on the volume. Omit if no backup_policy is specified.
    backupPolicies List<String>
    Specify a single backup policy ID for scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupPolicies/{{backupPolicyName}}
    backupVault String
    ID of the backup vault to use. A backup vault is reqired to create manual or scheduled backups. Format: projects/{{projectId}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultName}}
    scheduledBackupEnabled Boolean
    When set to true, scheduled backup is enabled on the volume. Omit if no backup_policy is specified.

    VolumeExportPolicy, VolumeExportPolicyArgs

    Rules List<Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeExportPolicyRule>
    Export rules (up to 5) control NFS volume access. Structure is documented below.
    Rules []VolumeExportPolicyRule
    Export rules (up to 5) control NFS volume access. Structure is documented below.
    rules List<VolumeExportPolicyRule>
    Export rules (up to 5) control NFS volume access. Structure is documented below.
    rules VolumeExportPolicyRule[]
    Export rules (up to 5) control NFS volume access. Structure is documented below.
    rules Sequence[VolumeExportPolicyRule]
    Export rules (up to 5) control NFS volume access. Structure is documented below.
    rules List<Property Map>
    Export rules (up to 5) control NFS volume access. Structure is documented below.

    VolumeExportPolicyRule, VolumeExportPolicyRuleArgs

    AccessType string
    Defines the access type for clients matching the allowedClients specification. Possible values are: READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, READ_NONE.
    AllowedClients string
    Defines the client ingress specification (allowed clients) as a comma seperated list with IPv4 CIDRs or IPv4 host addresses.
    HasRootAccess string
    If enabled, the root user (UID = 0) of the specified clients doesn't get mapped to nobody (UID = 65534). This is also known as no_root_squash.
    Kerberos5ReadOnly bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode.
    Kerberos5ReadWrite bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5ReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    Kerberos5iReadOnly bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode.
    Kerberos5iReadWrite bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5iReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    Kerberos5pReadOnly bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode.
    Kerberos5pReadWrite bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5pReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    Nfsv3 bool
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV3 clients.
    Nfsv4 bool
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV4.1 clients.
    AccessType string
    Defines the access type for clients matching the allowedClients specification. Possible values are: READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, READ_NONE.
    AllowedClients string
    Defines the client ingress specification (allowed clients) as a comma seperated list with IPv4 CIDRs or IPv4 host addresses.
    HasRootAccess string
    If enabled, the root user (UID = 0) of the specified clients doesn't get mapped to nobody (UID = 65534). This is also known as no_root_squash.
    Kerberos5ReadOnly bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode.
    Kerberos5ReadWrite bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5ReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    Kerberos5iReadOnly bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode.
    Kerberos5iReadWrite bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5iReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    Kerberos5pReadOnly bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode.
    Kerberos5pReadWrite bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5pReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    Nfsv3 bool
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV3 clients.
    Nfsv4 bool
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV4.1 clients.
    accessType String
    Defines the access type for clients matching the allowedClients specification. Possible values are: READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, READ_NONE.
    allowedClients String
    Defines the client ingress specification (allowed clients) as a comma seperated list with IPv4 CIDRs or IPv4 host addresses.
    hasRootAccess String
    If enabled, the root user (UID = 0) of the specified clients doesn't get mapped to nobody (UID = 65534). This is also known as no_root_squash.
    kerberos5ReadOnly Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5ReadWrite Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5ReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    kerberos5iReadOnly Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5iReadWrite Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5iReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    kerberos5pReadOnly Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5pReadWrite Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5pReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    nfsv3 Boolean
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV3 clients.
    nfsv4 Boolean
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV4.1 clients.
    accessType string
    Defines the access type for clients matching the allowedClients specification. Possible values are: READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, READ_NONE.
    allowedClients string
    Defines the client ingress specification (allowed clients) as a comma seperated list with IPv4 CIDRs or IPv4 host addresses.
    hasRootAccess string
    If enabled, the root user (UID = 0) of the specified clients doesn't get mapped to nobody (UID = 65534). This is also known as no_root_squash.
    kerberos5ReadOnly boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5ReadWrite boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5ReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    kerberos5iReadOnly boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5iReadWrite boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5iReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    kerberos5pReadOnly boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5pReadWrite boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5pReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    nfsv3 boolean
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV3 clients.
    nfsv4 boolean
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV4.1 clients.
    access_type str
    Defines the access type for clients matching the allowedClients specification. Possible values are: READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, READ_NONE.
    allowed_clients str
    Defines the client ingress specification (allowed clients) as a comma seperated list with IPv4 CIDRs or IPv4 host addresses.
    has_root_access str
    If enabled, the root user (UID = 0) of the specified clients doesn't get mapped to nobody (UID = 65534). This is also known as no_root_squash.
    kerberos5_read_only bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5_read_write bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5ReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    kerberos5i_read_only bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5i_read_write bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5iReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    kerberos5p_read_only bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5p_read_write bool
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5pReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    nfsv3 bool
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV3 clients.
    nfsv4 bool
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV4.1 clients.
    accessType String
    Defines the access type for clients matching the allowedClients specification. Possible values are: READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, READ_NONE.
    allowedClients String
    Defines the client ingress specification (allowed clients) as a comma seperated list with IPv4 CIDRs or IPv4 host addresses.
    hasRootAccess String
    If enabled, the root user (UID = 0) of the specified clients doesn't get mapped to nobody (UID = 65534). This is also known as no_root_squash.
    kerberos5ReadOnly Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5ReadWrite Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'authentication' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5ReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    kerberos5iReadOnly Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5iReadWrite Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'integrity' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5iReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    kerberos5pReadOnly Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines a read only access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode.
    kerberos5pReadWrite Boolean
    If enabled (true) the rule defines read and write access for clients matching the 'allowedClients' specification. It enables nfs clients to mount using 'privacy' kerberos security mode. The 'kerberos5pReadOnly' value is ignored if this is enabled.
    nfsv3 Boolean
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV3 clients.
    nfsv4 Boolean
    Enable to apply the export rule to NFSV4.1 clients.

    VolumeMountOption, VolumeMountOptionArgs

    Export string
    (Output) Export path of the volume.
    ExportFull string
    (Output) Full export path of the volume. Format for NFS volumes: <export_ip>:/<shareName> Format for SMB volumes: \\\\netbios_prefix-four_random_hex_letters.domain_name\\shareName
    Instructions string
    (Output) Human-readable mount instructions.
    Protocol string
    (Output) Protocol to mount with.
    Export string
    (Output) Export path of the volume.
    ExportFull string
    (Output) Full export path of the volume. Format for NFS volumes: <export_ip>:/<shareName> Format for SMB volumes: \\\\netbios_prefix-four_random_hex_letters.domain_name\\shareName
    Instructions string
    (Output) Human-readable mount instructions.
    Protocol string
    (Output) Protocol to mount with.
    export String
    (Output) Export path of the volume.
    exportFull String
    (Output) Full export path of the volume. Format for NFS volumes: <export_ip>:/<shareName> Format for SMB volumes: \\\\netbios_prefix-four_random_hex_letters.domain_name\\shareName
    instructions String
    (Output) Human-readable mount instructions.
    protocol String
    (Output) Protocol to mount with.
    export string
    (Output) Export path of the volume.
    exportFull string
    (Output) Full export path of the volume. Format for NFS volumes: <export_ip>:/<shareName> Format for SMB volumes: \\\\netbios_prefix-four_random_hex_letters.domain_name\\shareName
    instructions string
    (Output) Human-readable mount instructions.
    protocol string
    (Output) Protocol to mount with.
    export str
    (Output) Export path of the volume.
    export_full str
    (Output) Full export path of the volume. Format for NFS volumes: <export_ip>:/<shareName> Format for SMB volumes: \\\\netbios_prefix-four_random_hex_letters.domain_name\\shareName
    instructions str
    (Output) Human-readable mount instructions.
    protocol str
    (Output) Protocol to mount with.
    export String
    (Output) Export path of the volume.
    exportFull String
    (Output) Full export path of the volume. Format for NFS volumes: <export_ip>:/<shareName> Format for SMB volumes: \\\\netbios_prefix-four_random_hex_letters.domain_name\\shareName
    instructions String
    (Output) Human-readable mount instructions.
    protocol String
    (Output) Protocol to mount with.

    VolumeRestoreParameters, VolumeRestoreParametersArgs

    SourceBackup string
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultId}}/backups/{{backup}}.
    SourceSnapshot string
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/volumes/{{volume}}/snapshots/{{snapshot}}.
    SourceBackup string
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultId}}/backups/{{backup}}.
    SourceSnapshot string
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/volumes/{{volume}}/snapshots/{{snapshot}}.
    sourceBackup String
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultId}}/backups/{{backup}}.
    sourceSnapshot String
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/volumes/{{volume}}/snapshots/{{snapshot}}.
    sourceBackup string
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultId}}/backups/{{backup}}.
    sourceSnapshot string
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/volumes/{{volume}}/snapshots/{{snapshot}}.
    source_backup str
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultId}}/backups/{{backup}}.
    source_snapshot str
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/volumes/{{volume}}/snapshots/{{snapshot}}.
    sourceBackup String
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/backupVaults/{{backupVaultId}}/backups/{{backup}}.
    sourceSnapshot String
    Full name of the snapshot to use for creating this volume. source_snapshot and source_backup cannot be used simultaneously. Format: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/volumes/{{volume}}/snapshots/{{snapshot}}.

    VolumeSnapshotPolicy, VolumeSnapshotPolicyArgs

    DailySchedule Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicyDailySchedule
    Daily schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    Enabled bool
    Enables automated snapshot creation according to defined schedule. Default is false. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block.
    HourlySchedule Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicyHourlySchedule
    Hourly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    MonthlySchedule Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicyMonthlySchedule
    Monthly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    WeeklySchedule Pulumi.Gcp.Netapp.Inputs.VolumeSnapshotPolicyWeeklySchedule
    Weekly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    DailySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyDailySchedule
    Daily schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    Enabled bool
    Enables automated snapshot creation according to defined schedule. Default is false. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block.
    HourlySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyHourlySchedule
    Hourly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    MonthlySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyMonthlySchedule
    Monthly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    WeeklySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyWeeklySchedule
    Weekly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    dailySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyDailySchedule
    Daily schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    enabled Boolean
    Enables automated snapshot creation according to defined schedule. Default is false. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block.
    hourlySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyHourlySchedule
    Hourly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    monthlySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyMonthlySchedule
    Monthly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    weeklySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyWeeklySchedule
    Weekly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    dailySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyDailySchedule
    Daily schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    enabled boolean
    Enables automated snapshot creation according to defined schedule. Default is false. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block.
    hourlySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyHourlySchedule
    Hourly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    monthlySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyMonthlySchedule
    Monthly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    weeklySchedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyWeeklySchedule
    Weekly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    daily_schedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyDailySchedule
    Daily schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    enabled bool
    Enables automated snapshot creation according to defined schedule. Default is false. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block.
    hourly_schedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyHourlySchedule
    Hourly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    monthly_schedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyMonthlySchedule
    Monthly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    weekly_schedule VolumeSnapshotPolicyWeeklySchedule
    Weekly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    dailySchedule Property Map
    Daily schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    enabled Boolean
    Enables automated snapshot creation according to defined schedule. Default is false. To disable automatic snapshot creation you have to remove the whole snapshot_policy block.
    hourlySchedule Property Map
    Hourly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    monthlySchedule Property Map
    Monthly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.
    weeklySchedule Property Map
    Weekly schedule policy. Structure is documented below.

    VolumeSnapshotPolicyDailySchedule, VolumeSnapshotPolicyDailyScheduleArgs

    SnapshotsToKeep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the daily schedule.
    Hour int
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    Minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    SnapshotsToKeep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the daily schedule.
    Hour int
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    Minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep Integer
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the daily schedule.
    hour Integer
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute Integer
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep number
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the daily schedule.
    hour number
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute number
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshots_to_keep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the daily schedule.
    hour int
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep Number
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the daily schedule.
    hour Number
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute Number
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).

    VolumeSnapshotPolicyHourlySchedule, VolumeSnapshotPolicyHourlyScheduleArgs

    SnapshotsToKeep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the hourly schedule.
    Minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    SnapshotsToKeep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the hourly schedule.
    Minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep Integer
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the hourly schedule.
    minute Integer
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep number
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the hourly schedule.
    minute number
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshots_to_keep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the hourly schedule.
    minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep Number
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the hourly schedule.
    minute Number
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).

    VolumeSnapshotPolicyMonthlySchedule, VolumeSnapshotPolicyMonthlyScheduleArgs

    SnapshotsToKeep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the monthly schedule
    DaysOfMonth string
    Set the day or days of the month to make a snapshot (1-31). Accepts a comma separated number of days. Defaults to '1'.
    Hour int
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    Minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    SnapshotsToKeep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the monthly schedule
    DaysOfMonth string
    Set the day or days of the month to make a snapshot (1-31). Accepts a comma separated number of days. Defaults to '1'.
    Hour int
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    Minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep Integer
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the monthly schedule
    daysOfMonth String
    Set the day or days of the month to make a snapshot (1-31). Accepts a comma separated number of days. Defaults to '1'.
    hour Integer
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute Integer
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep number
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the monthly schedule
    daysOfMonth string
    Set the day or days of the month to make a snapshot (1-31). Accepts a comma separated number of days. Defaults to '1'.
    hour number
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute number
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshots_to_keep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the monthly schedule
    days_of_month str
    Set the day or days of the month to make a snapshot (1-31). Accepts a comma separated number of days. Defaults to '1'.
    hour int
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep Number
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the monthly schedule
    daysOfMonth String
    Set the day or days of the month to make a snapshot (1-31). Accepts a comma separated number of days. Defaults to '1'.
    hour Number
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute Number
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).

    VolumeSnapshotPolicyWeeklySchedule, VolumeSnapshotPolicyWeeklyScheduleArgs

    SnapshotsToKeep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the weekly schedule.
    Day string
    Set the day or days of the week to make a snapshot. Accepts a comma separated days of the week. Defaults to 'Sunday'.
    Hour int
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    Minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    SnapshotsToKeep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the weekly schedule.
    Day string
    Set the day or days of the week to make a snapshot. Accepts a comma separated days of the week. Defaults to 'Sunday'.
    Hour int
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    Minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep Integer
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the weekly schedule.
    day String
    Set the day or days of the week to make a snapshot. Accepts a comma separated days of the week. Defaults to 'Sunday'.
    hour Integer
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute Integer
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep number
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the weekly schedule.
    day string
    Set the day or days of the week to make a snapshot. Accepts a comma separated days of the week. Defaults to 'Sunday'.
    hour number
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute number
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshots_to_keep int
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the weekly schedule.
    day str
    Set the day or days of the week to make a snapshot. Accepts a comma separated days of the week. Defaults to 'Sunday'.
    hour int
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute int
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).
    snapshotsToKeep Number
    The maximum number of snapshots to keep for the weekly schedule.
    day String
    Set the day or days of the week to make a snapshot. Accepts a comma separated days of the week. Defaults to 'Sunday'.
    hour Number
    Set the hour to create the snapshot (0-23), defaults to midnight (0).
    minute Number
    Set the minute of the hour to create the snapshot (0-59), defaults to the top of the hour (0).


    Volume can be imported using any of these accepted formats:

    • projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/volumes/{{name}}

    • {{project}}/{{location}}/{{name}}

    • {{location}}/{{name}}

    When using the pulumi import command, Volume can be imported using one of the formats above. For example:

    $ pulumi import gcp:netapp/volume:Volume default projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/volumes/{{name}}
    $ pulumi import gcp:netapp/volume:Volume default {{project}}/{{location}}/{{name}}
    $ pulumi import gcp:netapp/volume:Volume default {{location}}/{{name}}

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi