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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    A Google Cloud Redis Cluster instance.

    To get more information about Cluster, see:

    Example Usage

    Redis Cluster Ha

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const producerNet = new gcp.compute.Network("producer_net", {
        name: "mynetwork",
        autoCreateSubnetworks: false,
    const producerSubnet = new gcp.compute.Subnetwork("producer_subnet", {
        name: "mysubnet",
        ipCidrRange: "",
        region: "us-central1",
        network: producerNet.id,
    const _default = new gcp.networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicy("default", {
        name: "mypolicy",
        location: "us-central1",
        serviceClass: "gcp-memorystore-redis",
        description: "my basic service connection policy",
        network: producerNet.id,
        pscConfig: {
            subnetworks: [producerSubnet.id],
    const cluster_ha = new gcp.redis.Cluster("cluster-ha", {
        name: "ha-cluster",
        shardCount: 3,
        pscConfigs: [{
            network: producerNet.id,
        region: "us-central1",
        replicaCount: 1,
        nodeType: "REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO",
        transitEncryptionMode: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED",
        authorizationMode: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED",
        redisConfigs: {
            "maxmemory-policy": "volatile-ttl",
        zoneDistributionConfig: {
            mode: "MULTI_ZONE",
    }, {
        dependsOn: [_default],
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    producer_net = gcp.compute.Network("producer_net",
    producer_subnet = gcp.compute.Subnetwork("producer_subnet",
    default = gcp.networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicy("default",
        description="my basic service connection policy",
    cluster_ha = gcp.redis.Cluster("cluster-ha",
            "maxmemory-policy": "volatile-ttl",
        opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(depends_on=[default]))
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		producerNet, err := compute.NewNetwork(ctx, "producer_net", &compute.NetworkArgs{
    			Name:                  pulumi.String("mynetwork"),
    			AutoCreateSubnetworks: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		producerSubnet, err := compute.NewSubnetwork(ctx, "producer_subnet", &compute.SubnetworkArgs{
    			Name:        pulumi.String("mysubnet"),
    			IpCidrRange: pulumi.String(""),
    			Region:      pulumi.String("us-central1"),
    			Network:     producerNet.ID(),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = networkconnectivity.NewServiceConnectionPolicy(ctx, "default", &networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicyArgs{
    			Name:         pulumi.String("mypolicy"),
    			Location:     pulumi.String("us-central1"),
    			ServiceClass: pulumi.String("gcp-memorystore-redis"),
    			Description:  pulumi.String("my basic service connection policy"),
    			Network:      producerNet.ID(),
    			PscConfig: &networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicyPscConfigArgs{
    				Subnetworks: pulumi.StringArray{
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = redis.NewCluster(ctx, "cluster-ha", &redis.ClusterArgs{
    			Name:       pulumi.String("ha-cluster"),
    			ShardCount: pulumi.Int(3),
    			PscConfigs: redis.ClusterPscConfigArray{
    					Network: producerNet.ID(),
    			Region:                pulumi.String("us-central1"),
    			ReplicaCount:          pulumi.Int(1),
    			NodeType:              pulumi.String("REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO"),
    			TransitEncryptionMode: pulumi.String("TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED"),
    			AuthorizationMode:     pulumi.String("AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"),
    			RedisConfigs: pulumi.StringMap{
    				"maxmemory-policy": pulumi.String("volatile-ttl"),
    			ZoneDistributionConfig: &redis.ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs{
    				Mode: pulumi.String("MULTI_ZONE"),
    		}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var producerNet = new Gcp.Compute.Network("producer_net", new()
            Name = "mynetwork",
            AutoCreateSubnetworks = false,
        var producerSubnet = new Gcp.Compute.Subnetwork("producer_subnet", new()
            Name = "mysubnet",
            IpCidrRange = "",
            Region = "us-central1",
            Network = producerNet.Id,
        var @default = new Gcp.NetworkConnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicy("default", new()
            Name = "mypolicy",
            Location = "us-central1",
            ServiceClass = "gcp-memorystore-redis",
            Description = "my basic service connection policy",
            Network = producerNet.Id,
            PscConfig = new Gcp.NetworkConnectivity.Inputs.ServiceConnectionPolicyPscConfigArgs
                Subnetworks = new[]
        var cluster_ha = new Gcp.Redis.Cluster("cluster-ha", new()
            Name = "ha-cluster",
            ShardCount = 3,
            PscConfigs = new[]
                new Gcp.Redis.Inputs.ClusterPscConfigArgs
                    Network = producerNet.Id,
            Region = "us-central1",
            ReplicaCount = 1,
            NodeType = "REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO",
            TransitEncryptionMode = "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED",
            AuthorizationMode = "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED",
            RedisConfigs = 
                { "maxmemory-policy", "volatile-ttl" },
            ZoneDistributionConfig = new Gcp.Redis.Inputs.ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs
                Mode = "MULTI_ZONE",
        }, new CustomResourceOptions
            DependsOn =
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.Network;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.NetworkArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.Subnetwork;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.SubnetworkArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicy;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicyArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.networkconnectivity.inputs.ServiceConnectionPolicyPscConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.redis.Cluster;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.redis.ClusterArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.redis.inputs.ClusterPscConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.redis.inputs.ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var producerNet = new Network("producerNet", NetworkArgs.builder()
            var producerSubnet = new Subnetwork("producerSubnet", SubnetworkArgs.builder()
            var default_ = new ServiceConnectionPolicy("default", ServiceConnectionPolicyArgs.builder()
                .description("my basic service connection policy")
            var cluster_ha = new Cluster("cluster-ha", ClusterArgs.builder()
                .redisConfigs(Map.of("maxmemory-policy", "volatile-ttl"))
                .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
        type: gcp:redis:Cluster
          name: ha-cluster
          shardCount: 3
            - network: ${producerNet.id}
          region: us-central1
          replicaCount: 1
          nodeType: REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO
          transitEncryptionMode: TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED
          authorizationMode: AUTH_MODE_DISABLED
            maxmemory-policy: volatile-ttl
            mode: MULTI_ZONE
            - ${default}
        type: gcp:networkconnectivity:ServiceConnectionPolicy
          name: mypolicy
          location: us-central1
          serviceClass: gcp-memorystore-redis
          description: my basic service connection policy
          network: ${producerNet.id}
              - ${producerSubnet.id}
        type: gcp:compute:Subnetwork
        name: producer_subnet
          name: mysubnet
          region: us-central1
          network: ${producerNet.id}
        type: gcp:compute:Network
        name: producer_net
          name: mynetwork
          autoCreateSubnetworks: false

    Redis Cluster Ha Single Zone

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const producerNet = new gcp.compute.Network("producer_net", {
        name: "mynetwork",
        autoCreateSubnetworks: false,
    const producerSubnet = new gcp.compute.Subnetwork("producer_subnet", {
        name: "mysubnet",
        ipCidrRange: "",
        region: "us-central1",
        network: producerNet.id,
    const _default = new gcp.networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicy("default", {
        name: "mypolicy",
        location: "us-central1",
        serviceClass: "gcp-memorystore-redis",
        description: "my basic service connection policy",
        network: producerNet.id,
        pscConfig: {
            subnetworks: [producerSubnet.id],
    const cluster_ha_single_zone = new gcp.redis.Cluster("cluster-ha-single-zone", {
        name: "ha-cluster-single-zone",
        shardCount: 3,
        pscConfigs: [{
            network: producerNet.id,
        region: "us-central1",
        zoneDistributionConfig: {
            mode: "SINGLE_ZONE",
            zone: "us-central1-f",
    }, {
        dependsOn: [_default],
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    producer_net = gcp.compute.Network("producer_net",
    producer_subnet = gcp.compute.Subnetwork("producer_subnet",
    default = gcp.networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicy("default",
        description="my basic service connection policy",
    cluster_ha_single_zone = gcp.redis.Cluster("cluster-ha-single-zone",
        opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(depends_on=[default]))
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		producerNet, err := compute.NewNetwork(ctx, "producer_net", &compute.NetworkArgs{
    			Name:                  pulumi.String("mynetwork"),
    			AutoCreateSubnetworks: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		producerSubnet, err := compute.NewSubnetwork(ctx, "producer_subnet", &compute.SubnetworkArgs{
    			Name:        pulumi.String("mysubnet"),
    			IpCidrRange: pulumi.String(""),
    			Region:      pulumi.String("us-central1"),
    			Network:     producerNet.ID(),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = networkconnectivity.NewServiceConnectionPolicy(ctx, "default", &networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicyArgs{
    			Name:         pulumi.String("mypolicy"),
    			Location:     pulumi.String("us-central1"),
    			ServiceClass: pulumi.String("gcp-memorystore-redis"),
    			Description:  pulumi.String("my basic service connection policy"),
    			Network:      producerNet.ID(),
    			PscConfig: &networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicyPscConfigArgs{
    				Subnetworks: pulumi.StringArray{
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = redis.NewCluster(ctx, "cluster-ha-single-zone", &redis.ClusterArgs{
    			Name:       pulumi.String("ha-cluster-single-zone"),
    			ShardCount: pulumi.Int(3),
    			PscConfigs: redis.ClusterPscConfigArray{
    					Network: producerNet.ID(),
    			Region: pulumi.String("us-central1"),
    			ZoneDistributionConfig: &redis.ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs{
    				Mode: pulumi.String("SINGLE_ZONE"),
    				Zone: pulumi.String("us-central1-f"),
    		}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var producerNet = new Gcp.Compute.Network("producer_net", new()
            Name = "mynetwork",
            AutoCreateSubnetworks = false,
        var producerSubnet = new Gcp.Compute.Subnetwork("producer_subnet", new()
            Name = "mysubnet",
            IpCidrRange = "",
            Region = "us-central1",
            Network = producerNet.Id,
        var @default = new Gcp.NetworkConnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicy("default", new()
            Name = "mypolicy",
            Location = "us-central1",
            ServiceClass = "gcp-memorystore-redis",
            Description = "my basic service connection policy",
            Network = producerNet.Id,
            PscConfig = new Gcp.NetworkConnectivity.Inputs.ServiceConnectionPolicyPscConfigArgs
                Subnetworks = new[]
        var cluster_ha_single_zone = new Gcp.Redis.Cluster("cluster-ha-single-zone", new()
            Name = "ha-cluster-single-zone",
            ShardCount = 3,
            PscConfigs = new[]
                new Gcp.Redis.Inputs.ClusterPscConfigArgs
                    Network = producerNet.Id,
            Region = "us-central1",
            ZoneDistributionConfig = new Gcp.Redis.Inputs.ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs
                Mode = "SINGLE_ZONE",
                Zone = "us-central1-f",
        }, new CustomResourceOptions
            DependsOn =
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.Network;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.NetworkArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.Subnetwork;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.SubnetworkArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicy;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.networkconnectivity.ServiceConnectionPolicyArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.networkconnectivity.inputs.ServiceConnectionPolicyPscConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.redis.Cluster;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.redis.ClusterArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.redis.inputs.ClusterPscConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.redis.inputs.ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var producerNet = new Network("producerNet", NetworkArgs.builder()
            var producerSubnet = new Subnetwork("producerSubnet", SubnetworkArgs.builder()
            var default_ = new ServiceConnectionPolicy("default", ServiceConnectionPolicyArgs.builder()
                .description("my basic service connection policy")
            var cluster_ha_single_zone = new Cluster("cluster-ha-single-zone", ClusterArgs.builder()
                .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
        type: gcp:redis:Cluster
          name: ha-cluster-single-zone
          shardCount: 3
            - network: ${producerNet.id}
          region: us-central1
            mode: SINGLE_ZONE
            zone: us-central1-f
            - ${default}
        type: gcp:networkconnectivity:ServiceConnectionPolicy
          name: mypolicy
          location: us-central1
          serviceClass: gcp-memorystore-redis
          description: my basic service connection policy
          network: ${producerNet.id}
              - ${producerSubnet.id}
        type: gcp:compute:Subnetwork
        name: producer_subnet
          name: mysubnet
          region: us-central1
          network: ${producerNet.id}
        type: gcp:compute:Network
        name: producer_net
          name: mynetwork
          autoCreateSubnetworks: false

    Create Cluster Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new Cluster(name: string, args: ClusterArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def Cluster(resource_name: str,
                args: ClusterArgs,
                opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def Cluster(resource_name: str,
                opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                psc_configs: Optional[Sequence[ClusterPscConfigArgs]] = None,
                shard_count: Optional[int] = None,
                authorization_mode: Optional[str] = None,
                name: Optional[str] = None,
                node_type: Optional[str] = None,
                project: Optional[str] = None,
                redis_configs: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                region: Optional[str] = None,
                replica_count: Optional[int] = None,
                transit_encryption_mode: Optional[str] = None,
                zone_distribution_config: Optional[ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs] = None)
    func NewCluster(ctx *Context, name string, args ClusterArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Cluster, error)
    public Cluster(string name, ClusterArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public Cluster(String name, ClusterArgs args)
    public Cluster(String name, ClusterArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: gcp:redis:Cluster
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var exampleclusterResourceResourceFromRediscluster = new Gcp.Redis.Cluster("exampleclusterResourceResourceFromRediscluster", new()
        PscConfigs = new[]
            new Gcp.Redis.Inputs.ClusterPscConfigArgs
                Network = "string",
        ShardCount = 0,
        AuthorizationMode = "string",
        Name = "string",
        NodeType = "string",
        Project = "string",
        RedisConfigs = 
            { "string", "string" },
        Region = "string",
        ReplicaCount = 0,
        TransitEncryptionMode = "string",
        ZoneDistributionConfig = new Gcp.Redis.Inputs.ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs
            Mode = "string",
            Zone = "string",
    example, err := redis.NewCluster(ctx, "exampleclusterResourceResourceFromRediscluster", &redis.ClusterArgs{
    	PscConfigs: redis.ClusterPscConfigArray{
    			Network: pulumi.String("string"),
    	ShardCount:        pulumi.Int(0),
    	AuthorizationMode: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Name:              pulumi.String("string"),
    	NodeType:          pulumi.String("string"),
    	Project:           pulumi.String("string"),
    	RedisConfigs: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	Region:                pulumi.String("string"),
    	ReplicaCount:          pulumi.Int(0),
    	TransitEncryptionMode: pulumi.String("string"),
    	ZoneDistributionConfig: &redis.ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs{
    		Mode: pulumi.String("string"),
    		Zone: pulumi.String("string"),
    var exampleclusterResourceResourceFromRediscluster = new Cluster("exampleclusterResourceResourceFromRediscluster", ClusterArgs.builder()
        .redisConfigs(Map.of("string", "string"))
    examplecluster_resource_resource_from_rediscluster = gcp.redis.Cluster("exampleclusterResourceResourceFromRediscluster",
            "string": "string",
    const exampleclusterResourceResourceFromRediscluster = new gcp.redis.Cluster("exampleclusterResourceResourceFromRediscluster", {
        pscConfigs: [{
            network: "string",
        shardCount: 0,
        authorizationMode: "string",
        name: "string",
        nodeType: "string",
        project: "string",
        redisConfigs: {
            string: "string",
        region: "string",
        replicaCount: 0,
        transitEncryptionMode: "string",
        zoneDistributionConfig: {
            mode: "string",
            zone: "string",
    type: gcp:redis:Cluster
        authorizationMode: string
        name: string
        nodeType: string
        project: string
            - network: string
            string: string
        region: string
        replicaCount: 0
        shardCount: 0
        transitEncryptionMode: string
            mode: string
            zone: string

    Cluster Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The Cluster resource accepts the following input properties:

    PscConfigs List<ClusterPscConfig>
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    ShardCount int
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    AuthorizationMode string
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    Name string
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    NodeType string
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    Project string
    RedisConfigs Dictionary<string, string>
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    Region string
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    ReplicaCount int
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    TransitEncryptionMode string
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    ZoneDistributionConfig ClusterZoneDistributionConfig
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.
    PscConfigs []ClusterPscConfigArgs
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    ShardCount int
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    AuthorizationMode string
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    Name string
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    NodeType string
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    Project string
    RedisConfigs map[string]string
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    Region string
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    ReplicaCount int
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    TransitEncryptionMode string
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    ZoneDistributionConfig ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.
    pscConfigs List<ClusterPscConfig>
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    shardCount Integer
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    authorizationMode String
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    name String
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    nodeType String
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    project String
    redisConfigs Map<String,String>
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    region String
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    replicaCount Integer
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    transitEncryptionMode String
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    zoneDistributionConfig ClusterZoneDistributionConfig
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.
    pscConfigs ClusterPscConfig[]
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    shardCount number
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    authorizationMode string
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    name string
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    nodeType string
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    project string
    redisConfigs {[key: string]: string}
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    region string
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    replicaCount number
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    transitEncryptionMode string
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    zoneDistributionConfig ClusterZoneDistributionConfig
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.
    psc_configs Sequence[ClusterPscConfigArgs]
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    shard_count int
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    authorization_mode str
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    name str
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    node_type str
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    project str
    redis_configs Mapping[str, str]
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    region str
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    replica_count int
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    transit_encryption_mode str
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    zone_distribution_config ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.
    pscConfigs List<Property Map>
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    shardCount Number
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    authorizationMode String
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    name String
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    nodeType String
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    project String
    redisConfigs Map<String>
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    region String
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    replicaCount Number
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    transitEncryptionMode String
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    zoneDistributionConfig Property Map
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the Cluster resource produces the following output properties:

    CreateTime string
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    DiscoveryEndpoints List<ClusterDiscoveryEndpoint>
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    PreciseSizeGb double
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    PscConnections List<ClusterPscConnection>
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    SizeGb int
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    State string
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    StateInfos List<ClusterStateInfo>
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    Uid string
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    CreateTime string
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    DiscoveryEndpoints []ClusterDiscoveryEndpoint
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    PreciseSizeGb float64
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    PscConnections []ClusterPscConnection
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    SizeGb int
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    State string
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    StateInfos []ClusterStateInfo
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    Uid string
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    createTime String
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    discoveryEndpoints List<ClusterDiscoveryEndpoint>
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    preciseSizeGb Double
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    pscConnections List<ClusterPscConnection>
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    sizeGb Integer
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state String
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    stateInfos List<ClusterStateInfo>
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    uid String
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    createTime string
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    discoveryEndpoints ClusterDiscoveryEndpoint[]
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    preciseSizeGb number
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    pscConnections ClusterPscConnection[]
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    sizeGb number
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state string
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    stateInfos ClusterStateInfo[]
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    uid string
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    create_time str
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    discovery_endpoints Sequence[ClusterDiscoveryEndpoint]
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    precise_size_gb float
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    psc_connections Sequence[ClusterPscConnection]
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    size_gb int
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state str
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    state_infos Sequence[ClusterStateInfo]
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    uid str
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    createTime String
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    discoveryEndpoints List<Property Map>
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    preciseSizeGb Number
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    pscConnections List<Property Map>
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    sizeGb Number
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state String
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    stateInfos List<Property Map>
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    uid String
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.

    Look up Existing Cluster Resource

    Get an existing Cluster resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: ClusterState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): Cluster
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            authorization_mode: Optional[str] = None,
            create_time: Optional[str] = None,
            discovery_endpoints: Optional[Sequence[ClusterDiscoveryEndpointArgs]] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            node_type: Optional[str] = None,
            precise_size_gb: Optional[float] = None,
            project: Optional[str] = None,
            psc_configs: Optional[Sequence[ClusterPscConfigArgs]] = None,
            psc_connections: Optional[Sequence[ClusterPscConnectionArgs]] = None,
            redis_configs: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            region: Optional[str] = None,
            replica_count: Optional[int] = None,
            shard_count: Optional[int] = None,
            size_gb: Optional[int] = None,
            state: Optional[str] = None,
            state_infos: Optional[Sequence[ClusterStateInfoArgs]] = None,
            transit_encryption_mode: Optional[str] = None,
            uid: Optional[str] = None,
            zone_distribution_config: Optional[ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs] = None) -> Cluster
    func GetCluster(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *ClusterState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Cluster, error)
    public static Cluster Get(string name, Input<string> id, ClusterState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static Cluster get(String name, Output<String> id, ClusterState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    AuthorizationMode string
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    CreateTime string
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    DiscoveryEndpoints List<ClusterDiscoveryEndpoint>
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    Name string
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    NodeType string
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    PreciseSizeGb double
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    Project string
    PscConfigs List<ClusterPscConfig>
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    PscConnections List<ClusterPscConnection>
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    RedisConfigs Dictionary<string, string>
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    Region string
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    ReplicaCount int
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    ShardCount int
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    SizeGb int
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    State string
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    StateInfos List<ClusterStateInfo>
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    TransitEncryptionMode string
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    Uid string
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    ZoneDistributionConfig ClusterZoneDistributionConfig
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.
    AuthorizationMode string
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    CreateTime string
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    DiscoveryEndpoints []ClusterDiscoveryEndpointArgs
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    Name string
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    NodeType string
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    PreciseSizeGb float64
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    Project string
    PscConfigs []ClusterPscConfigArgs
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    PscConnections []ClusterPscConnectionArgs
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    RedisConfigs map[string]string
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    Region string
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    ReplicaCount int
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    ShardCount int
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    SizeGb int
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    State string
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    StateInfos []ClusterStateInfoArgs
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    TransitEncryptionMode string
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    Uid string
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    ZoneDistributionConfig ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.
    authorizationMode String
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    createTime String
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    discoveryEndpoints List<ClusterDiscoveryEndpoint>
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    name String
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    nodeType String
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    preciseSizeGb Double
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    project String
    pscConfigs List<ClusterPscConfig>
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    pscConnections List<ClusterPscConnection>
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    redisConfigs Map<String,String>
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    region String
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    replicaCount Integer
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    shardCount Integer
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    sizeGb Integer
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state String
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    stateInfos List<ClusterStateInfo>
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    transitEncryptionMode String
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    uid String
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    zoneDistributionConfig ClusterZoneDistributionConfig
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.
    authorizationMode string
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    createTime string
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    discoveryEndpoints ClusterDiscoveryEndpoint[]
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    name string
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    nodeType string
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    preciseSizeGb number
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    project string
    pscConfigs ClusterPscConfig[]
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    pscConnections ClusterPscConnection[]
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    redisConfigs {[key: string]: string}
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    region string
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    replicaCount number
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    shardCount number
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    sizeGb number
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state string
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    stateInfos ClusterStateInfo[]
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    transitEncryptionMode string
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    uid string
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    zoneDistributionConfig ClusterZoneDistributionConfig
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.
    authorization_mode str
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    create_time str
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    discovery_endpoints Sequence[ClusterDiscoveryEndpointArgs]
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    name str
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    node_type str
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    precise_size_gb float
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    project str
    psc_configs Sequence[ClusterPscConfigArgs]
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    psc_connections Sequence[ClusterPscConnectionArgs]
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    redis_configs Mapping[str, str]
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    region str
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    replica_count int
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    shard_count int
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    size_gb int
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state str
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    state_infos Sequence[ClusterStateInfoArgs]
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    transit_encryption_mode str
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    uid str
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    zone_distribution_config ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.
    authorizationMode String
    Optional. The authorization mode of the Redis cluster. If not provided, auth feature is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["AUTH_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "AUTH_MODE_IAM_AUTH", "AUTH_MODE_DISABLED"]
    createTime String
    The timestamp associated with the cluster creation request. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    discoveryEndpoints List<Property Map>
    Output only. Endpoints created on each given network, for Redis clients to connect to the cluster. Currently only one endpoint is supported. Structure is documented below.
    name String
    Unique name of the resource in this scope including project and location using the form: projects/{projectId}/locations/{locationId}/clusters/{clusterId}
    nodeType String
    The nodeType for the Redis cluster. If not provided, REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM will be used as default Possible values: ["REDIS_SHARED_CORE_NANO", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_MEDIUM", "REDIS_HIGHMEM_XLARGE", "REDIS_STANDARD_SMALL"]
    preciseSizeGb Number
    Output only. Redis memory precise size in GB for the entire cluster.
    project String
    pscConfigs List<Property Map>
    Required. Each PscConfig configures the consumer network where two network addresses will be designated to the cluster for client access. Currently, only one PscConfig is supported. Structure is documented below.
    pscConnections List<Property Map>
    Output only. PSC connections for discovery of the cluster topology and accessing the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    redisConfigs Map<String>
    Configure Redis Cluster behavior using a subset of native Redis configuration parameters. Please check Memorystore documentation for the list of supported parameters: https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/cluster/supported-instance-configurations
    region String
    The name of the region of the Redis cluster.
    replicaCount Number
    Optional. The number of replica nodes per shard.
    shardCount Number
    Required. Number of shards for the Redis cluster.
    sizeGb Number
    Output only. Redis memory size in GB for the entire cluster.
    state String
    The current state of this cluster. Can be CREATING, READY, UPDATING, DELETING and SUSPENDED
    stateInfos List<Property Map>
    Output only. Additional information about the current state of the cluster. Structure is documented below.
    transitEncryptionMode String
    Optional. The in-transit encryption for the Redis cluster. If not provided, encryption is disabled for the cluster. Default value: "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED" Possible values: ["TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_DISABLED", "TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION_MODE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION"]
    uid String
    System assigned, unique identifier for the cluster.
    zoneDistributionConfig Property Map
    Immutable. Zone distribution config for Memorystore Redis cluster.

    Supporting Types

    ClusterDiscoveryEndpoint, ClusterDiscoveryEndpointArgs

    Address string
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    Port int
    Output only. The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    PscConfig ClusterDiscoveryEndpointPscConfig
    Output only. Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from. Structure is documented below.
    Address string
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    Port int
    Output only. The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    PscConfig ClusterDiscoveryEndpointPscConfig
    Output only. Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from. Structure is documented below.
    address String
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    port Integer
    Output only. The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    pscConfig ClusterDiscoveryEndpointPscConfig
    Output only. Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from. Structure is documented below.
    address string
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    port number
    Output only. The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    pscConfig ClusterDiscoveryEndpointPscConfig
    Output only. Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from. Structure is documented below.
    address str
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    port int
    Output only. The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    psc_config ClusterDiscoveryEndpointPscConfig
    Output only. Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from. Structure is documented below.
    address String
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    port Number
    Output only. The port number of the exposed Redis endpoint.
    pscConfig Property Map
    Output only. Customer configuration for where the endpoint is created and accessed from. Structure is documented below.

    ClusterDiscoveryEndpointPscConfig, ClusterDiscoveryEndpointPscConfigArgs

    Network string
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    Network string
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    network String
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    network string
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    network str
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    network String
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.

    ClusterPscConfig, ClusterPscConfigArgs

    Network string
    Required. The consumer network where the network address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project_id_or_number}/global/networks/{network_id}.

    Network string
    Required. The consumer network where the network address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project_id_or_number}/global/networks/{network_id}.

    network String
    Required. The consumer network where the network address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project_id_or_number}/global/networks/{network_id}.

    network string
    Required. The consumer network where the network address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project_id_or_number}/global/networks/{network_id}.

    network str
    Required. The consumer network where the network address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project_id_or_number}/global/networks/{network_id}.

    network String
    Required. The consumer network where the network address of the discovery endpoint will be reserved, in the form of projects/{network_project_id_or_number}/global/networks/{network_id}.

    ClusterPscConnection, ClusterPscConnectionArgs

    Address string
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    ForwardingRule string
    Output only. The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    Network string
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    ProjectId string
    Output only. The consumer projectId where the forwarding rule is created from.
    PscConnectionId string
    Output only. The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.
    Address string
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    ForwardingRule string
    Output only. The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    Network string
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    ProjectId string
    Output only. The consumer projectId where the forwarding rule is created from.
    PscConnectionId string
    Output only. The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.
    address String
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    forwardingRule String
    Output only. The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    network String
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    projectId String
    Output only. The consumer projectId where the forwarding rule is created from.
    pscConnectionId String
    Output only. The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.
    address string
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    forwardingRule string
    Output only. The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    network string
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    projectId string
    Output only. The consumer projectId where the forwarding rule is created from.
    pscConnectionId string
    Output only. The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.
    address str
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    forwarding_rule str
    Output only. The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    network str
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    project_id str
    Output only. The consumer projectId where the forwarding rule is created from.
    psc_connection_id str
    Output only. The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.
    address String
    Output only. The IP allocated on the consumer network for the PSC forwarding rule.
    forwardingRule String
    Output only. The URI of the consumer side forwarding rule. Example: projects/{projectNumOrId}/regions/us-east1/forwardingRules/{resourceId}.
    network String
    The consumer network where the IP address resides, in the form of projects/{projectId}/global/networks/{network_id}.
    projectId String
    Output only. The consumer projectId where the forwarding rule is created from.
    pscConnectionId String
    Output only. The PSC connection id of the forwarding rule connected to the service attachment.

    ClusterStateInfo, ClusterStateInfoArgs

    UpdateInfo ClusterStateInfoUpdateInfo
    A nested object resource Structure is documented below.
    UpdateInfo ClusterStateInfoUpdateInfo
    A nested object resource Structure is documented below.
    updateInfo ClusterStateInfoUpdateInfo
    A nested object resource Structure is documented below.
    updateInfo ClusterStateInfoUpdateInfo
    A nested object resource Structure is documented below.
    update_info ClusterStateInfoUpdateInfo
    A nested object resource Structure is documented below.
    updateInfo Property Map
    A nested object resource Structure is documented below.

    ClusterStateInfoUpdateInfo, ClusterStateInfoUpdateInfoArgs

    TargetReplicaCount int
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    TargetShardCount int
    Target number of shards for redis cluster.
    TargetReplicaCount int
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    TargetShardCount int
    Target number of shards for redis cluster.
    targetReplicaCount Integer
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    targetShardCount Integer
    Target number of shards for redis cluster.
    targetReplicaCount number
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    targetShardCount number
    Target number of shards for redis cluster.
    target_replica_count int
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    target_shard_count int
    Target number of shards for redis cluster.
    targetReplicaCount Number
    Target number of replica nodes per shard.
    targetShardCount Number
    Target number of shards for redis cluster.

    ClusterZoneDistributionConfig, ClusterZoneDistributionConfigArgs

    Mode string
    Immutable. The mode for zone distribution for Memorystore Redis cluster. If not provided, MULTI_ZONE will be used as default Possible values are: MULTI_ZONE, SINGLE_ZONE.
    Zone string
    Immutable. The zone for single zone Memorystore Redis cluster.
    Mode string
    Immutable. The mode for zone distribution for Memorystore Redis cluster. If not provided, MULTI_ZONE will be used as default Possible values are: MULTI_ZONE, SINGLE_ZONE.
    Zone string
    Immutable. The zone for single zone Memorystore Redis cluster.
    mode String
    Immutable. The mode for zone distribution for Memorystore Redis cluster. If not provided, MULTI_ZONE will be used as default Possible values are: MULTI_ZONE, SINGLE_ZONE.
    zone String
    Immutable. The zone for single zone Memorystore Redis cluster.
    mode string
    Immutable. The mode for zone distribution for Memorystore Redis cluster. If not provided, MULTI_ZONE will be used as default Possible values are: MULTI_ZONE, SINGLE_ZONE.
    zone string
    Immutable. The zone for single zone Memorystore Redis cluster.
    mode str
    Immutable. The mode for zone distribution for Memorystore Redis cluster. If not provided, MULTI_ZONE will be used as default Possible values are: MULTI_ZONE, SINGLE_ZONE.
    zone str
    Immutable. The zone for single zone Memorystore Redis cluster.
    mode String
    Immutable. The mode for zone distribution for Memorystore Redis cluster. If not provided, MULTI_ZONE will be used as default Possible values are: MULTI_ZONE, SINGLE_ZONE.
    zone String
    Immutable. The zone for single zone Memorystore Redis cluster.


    Cluster can be imported using any of these accepted formats:

    • projects/{{project}}/locations/{{region}}/clusters/{{name}}

    • {{project}}/{{region}}/{{name}}

    • {{region}}/{{name}}

    • {{name}}

    When using the pulumi import command, Cluster can be imported using one of the formats above. For example:

    $ pulumi import gcp:redis/cluster:Cluster default projects/{{project}}/locations/{{region}}/clusters/{{name}}
    $ pulumi import gcp:redis/cluster:Cluster default {{project}}/{{region}}/{{name}}
    $ pulumi import gcp:redis/cluster:Cluster default {{region}}/{{name}}
    $ pulumi import gcp:redis/cluster:Cluster default {{name}}

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi