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  5. getSwitchRoutingInterfaces
Cisco Meraki v0.2.4 published on Friday, Jun 14, 2024 by Pulumi


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Cisco Meraki v0.2.4 published on Friday, Jun 14, 2024 by Pulumi

    Example Usage

    Using getSwitchRoutingInterfaces

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getSwitchRoutingInterfaces(args: GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesResult>
    function getSwitchRoutingInterfacesOutput(args: GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesResult>
    def get_switch_routing_interfaces(interface_id: Optional[str] = None,
                                      serial: Optional[str] = None,
                                      opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesResult
    def get_switch_routing_interfaces_output(interface_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                      serial: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                      opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesResult]
    func LookupSwitchRoutingInterfaces(ctx *Context, args *LookupSwitchRoutingInterfacesArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupSwitchRoutingInterfacesResult, error)
    func LookupSwitchRoutingInterfacesOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupSwitchRoutingInterfacesOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupSwitchRoutingInterfacesResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupSwitchRoutingInterfaces in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetSwitchRoutingInterfaces 
        public static Task<GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesResult> InvokeAsync(GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesResult> Invoke(GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesResult> getSwitchRoutingInterfaces(GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: meraki:devices/getSwitchRoutingInterfaces:getSwitchRoutingInterfaces
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    InterfaceId string
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    Serial string
    serial path parameter.
    InterfaceId string
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    Serial string
    serial path parameter.
    interfaceId String
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    serial String
    serial path parameter.
    interfaceId string
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    serial string
    serial path parameter.
    interface_id str
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    serial str
    serial path parameter.
    interfaceId String
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    serial String
    serial path parameter.

    getSwitchRoutingInterfaces Result

    The following output properties are available:

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Item GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItem
    Items List<GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItem>
    Array of ResponseSwitchGetDeviceSwitchRoutingInterfaces
    InterfaceId string
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    Serial string
    serial path parameter.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Item GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItem
    Items []GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItem
    Array of ResponseSwitchGetDeviceSwitchRoutingInterfaces
    InterfaceId string
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    Serial string
    serial path parameter.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    item GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItem
    items List<GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItem>
    Array of ResponseSwitchGetDeviceSwitchRoutingInterfaces
    interfaceId String
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    serial String
    serial path parameter.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    item GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItem
    items GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItem[]
    Array of ResponseSwitchGetDeviceSwitchRoutingInterfaces
    interfaceId string
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    serial string
    serial path parameter.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    item GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItem
    items Sequence[GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItem]
    Array of ResponseSwitchGetDeviceSwitchRoutingInterfaces
    interface_id str
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    serial str
    serial path parameter.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    item Property Map
    items List<Property Map>
    Array of ResponseSwitchGetDeviceSwitchRoutingInterfaces
    interfaceId String
    interfaceId path parameter. Interface ID
    serial String
    serial path parameter.

    Supporting Types


    DefaultGateway string
    IPv4 default gateway
    InterfaceId string
    The id
    InterfaceIp string
    IPv4 address
    Ipv6 GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemIpv6
    IPv6 addressing
    MulticastRouting string
    Multicast routing status
    Name string
    The name
    OspfSettings GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemOspfSettings
    IPv4 OSPF Settings
    OspfV3 GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemOspfV3
    IPv6 OSPF Settings
    Subnet string
    IPv4 subnet
    VlanId int
    VLAN id
    DefaultGateway string
    IPv4 default gateway
    InterfaceId string
    The id
    InterfaceIp string
    IPv4 address
    Ipv6 GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemIpv6
    IPv6 addressing
    MulticastRouting string
    Multicast routing status
    Name string
    The name
    OspfSettings GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemOspfSettings
    IPv4 OSPF Settings
    OspfV3 GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemOspfV3
    IPv6 OSPF Settings
    Subnet string
    IPv4 subnet
    VlanId int
    VLAN id
    defaultGateway String
    IPv4 default gateway
    interfaceId String
    The id
    interfaceIp String
    IPv4 address
    ipv6 GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemIpv6
    IPv6 addressing
    multicastRouting String
    Multicast routing status
    name String
    The name
    ospfSettings GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemOspfSettings
    IPv4 OSPF Settings
    ospfV3 GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemOspfV3
    IPv6 OSPF Settings
    subnet String
    IPv4 subnet
    vlanId Integer
    VLAN id
    defaultGateway string
    IPv4 default gateway
    interfaceId string
    The id
    interfaceIp string
    IPv4 address
    ipv6 GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemIpv6
    IPv6 addressing
    multicastRouting string
    Multicast routing status
    name string
    The name
    ospfSettings GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemOspfSettings
    IPv4 OSPF Settings
    ospfV3 GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemOspfV3
    IPv6 OSPF Settings
    subnet string
    IPv4 subnet
    vlanId number
    VLAN id
    default_gateway str
    IPv4 default gateway
    interface_id str
    The id
    interface_ip str
    IPv4 address
    ipv6 GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemIpv6
    IPv6 addressing
    multicast_routing str
    Multicast routing status
    name str
    The name
    ospf_settings GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemOspfSettings
    IPv4 OSPF Settings
    ospf_v3 GetSwitchRoutingInterfacesItemOspfV3
    IPv6 OSPF Settings
    subnet str
    IPv4 subnet
    vlan_id int
    VLAN id
    defaultGateway String
    IPv4 default gateway
    interfaceId String
    The id
    interfaceIp String
    IPv4 address
    ipv6 Property Map
    IPv6 addressing
    multicastRouting String
    Multicast routing status
    name String
    The name
    ospfSettings Property Map
    IPv4 OSPF Settings
    ospfV3 Property Map
    IPv6 OSPF Settings
    subnet String
    IPv4 subnet
    vlanId Number
    VLAN id


    Address string
    IPv6 address
    AssignmentMode string
    Assignment mode
    Gateway string
    IPv6 gateway
    Prefix string
    IPv6 subnet
    Address string
    IPv6 address
    AssignmentMode string
    Assignment mode
    Gateway string
    IPv6 gateway
    Prefix string
    IPv6 subnet
    address String
    IPv6 address
    assignmentMode String
    Assignment mode
    gateway String
    IPv6 gateway
    prefix String
    IPv6 subnet
    address string
    IPv6 address
    assignmentMode string
    Assignment mode
    gateway string
    IPv6 gateway
    prefix string
    IPv6 subnet
    address str
    IPv6 address
    assignment_mode str
    Assignment mode
    gateway str
    IPv6 gateway
    prefix str
    IPv6 subnet
    address String
    IPv6 address
    assignmentMode String
    Assignment mode
    gateway String
    IPv6 gateway
    prefix String
    IPv6 subnet


    Area string
    Area id
    Cost int
    OSPF Cost
    IsPassiveEnabled bool
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv4 area
    Area string
    Area id
    Cost int
    OSPF Cost
    IsPassiveEnabled bool
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv4 area
    area String
    Area id
    cost Integer
    OSPF Cost
    isPassiveEnabled Boolean
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv4 area
    area string
    Area id
    cost number
    OSPF Cost
    isPassiveEnabled boolean
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv4 area
    area str
    Area id
    cost int
    OSPF Cost
    is_passive_enabled bool
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv4 area
    area String
    Area id
    cost Number
    OSPF Cost
    isPassiveEnabled Boolean
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv4 area


    Area string
    Area id
    Cost int
    OSPF Cost
    IsPassiveEnabled bool
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv6 area
    Area string
    Area id
    Cost int
    OSPF Cost
    IsPassiveEnabled bool
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv6 area
    area String
    Area id
    cost Integer
    OSPF Cost
    isPassiveEnabled Boolean
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv6 area
    area string
    Area id
    cost number
    OSPF Cost
    isPassiveEnabled boolean
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv6 area
    area str
    Area id
    cost int
    OSPF Cost
    is_passive_enabled bool
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv6 area
    area String
    Area id
    cost Number
    OSPF Cost
    isPassiveEnabled Boolean
    Disable sending Hello packets on this interface's IPv6 area

    Package Details

    meraki pulumi/pulumi-meraki
    This Pulumi package is based on the meraki Terraform Provider.
    meraki logo
    Cisco Meraki v0.2.4 published on Friday, Jun 14, 2024 by Pulumi