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  2. Cisco Meraki
  3. API Docs
  4. organizations
  5. getLicensingCotermLicenses
Cisco Meraki v0.2.4 published on Friday, Jun 14, 2024 by Pulumi


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Cisco Meraki v0.2.4 published on Friday, Jun 14, 2024 by Pulumi

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as meraki from "@pulumi/meraki";
    const example = meraki.organizations.getLicensingCotermLicenses({
        endingBefore: "string",
        expired: false,
        invalidated: false,
        organizationId: "string",
        perPage: 1,
        startingAfter: "string",
    export const merakiOrganizationsLicensingCotermLicensesExample = example.then(example => example.items);
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_meraki as meraki
    example = meraki.organizations.get_licensing_coterm_licenses(ending_before="string",
    pulumi.export("merakiOrganizationsLicensingCotermLicensesExample", example.items)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		example, err := organizations.GetLicensingCotermLicenses(ctx, &organizations.GetLicensingCotermLicensesArgs{
    			EndingBefore:   pulumi.StringRef("string"),
    			Expired:        pulumi.BoolRef(false),
    			Invalidated:    pulumi.BoolRef(false),
    			OrganizationId: "string",
    			PerPage:        pulumi.IntRef(1),
    			StartingAfter:  pulumi.StringRef("string"),
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		ctx.Export("merakiOrganizationsLicensingCotermLicensesExample", example.Items)
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Meraki = Pulumi.Meraki;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = Meraki.Organizations.GetLicensingCotermLicenses.Invoke(new()
            EndingBefore = "string",
            Expired = false,
            Invalidated = false,
            OrganizationId = "string",
            PerPage = 1,
            StartingAfter = "string",
        return new Dictionary<string, object?>
            ["merakiOrganizationsLicensingCotermLicensesExample"] = example.Apply(getLicensingCotermLicensesResult => getLicensingCotermLicensesResult.Items),
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.organizations.OrganizationsFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.organizations.inputs.GetLicensingCotermLicensesArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var example = OrganizationsFunctions.getLicensingCotermLicenses(GetLicensingCotermLicensesArgs.builder()
            ctx.export("merakiOrganizationsLicensingCotermLicensesExample", example.applyValue(getLicensingCotermLicensesResult -> getLicensingCotermLicensesResult.items()));
          Function: meraki:organizations:getLicensingCotermLicenses
            endingBefore: string
            expired: false
            invalidated: false
            organizationId: string
            perPage: 1
            startingAfter: string
      merakiOrganizationsLicensingCotermLicensesExample: ${example.items}

    Using getLicensingCotermLicenses

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getLicensingCotermLicenses(args: GetLicensingCotermLicensesArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetLicensingCotermLicensesResult>
    function getLicensingCotermLicensesOutput(args: GetLicensingCotermLicensesOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetLicensingCotermLicensesResult>
    def get_licensing_coterm_licenses(ending_before: Optional[str] = None,
                                      expired: Optional[bool] = None,
                                      invalidated: Optional[bool] = None,
                                      organization_id: Optional[str] = None,
                                      per_page: Optional[int] = None,
                                      starting_after: Optional[str] = None,
                                      opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetLicensingCotermLicensesResult
    def get_licensing_coterm_licenses_output(ending_before: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                      expired: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                      invalidated: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                      organization_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                      per_page: Optional[pulumi.Input[int]] = None,
                                      starting_after: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                      opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetLicensingCotermLicensesResult]
    func GetLicensingCotermLicenses(ctx *Context, args *GetLicensingCotermLicensesArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*GetLicensingCotermLicensesResult, error)
    func GetLicensingCotermLicensesOutput(ctx *Context, args *GetLicensingCotermLicensesOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) GetLicensingCotermLicensesResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named GetLicensingCotermLicenses in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetLicensingCotermLicenses 
        public static Task<GetLicensingCotermLicensesResult> InvokeAsync(GetLicensingCotermLicensesArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetLicensingCotermLicensesResult> Invoke(GetLicensingCotermLicensesInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetLicensingCotermLicensesResult> getLicensingCotermLicenses(GetLicensingCotermLicensesArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: meraki:organizations/getLicensingCotermLicenses:getLicensingCotermLicenses
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    OrganizationId string
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    EndingBefore string
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    Expired bool
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    Invalidated bool
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    PerPage int
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    StartingAfter string
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    OrganizationId string
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    EndingBefore string
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    Expired bool
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    Invalidated bool
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    PerPage int
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    StartingAfter string
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    organizationId String
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    endingBefore String
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    expired Boolean
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    invalidated Boolean
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    perPage Integer
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    startingAfter String
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    organizationId string
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    endingBefore string
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    expired boolean
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    invalidated boolean
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    perPage number
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    startingAfter string
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    organization_id str
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    ending_before str
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    expired bool
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    invalidated bool
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    per_page int
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    starting_after str
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    organizationId String
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    endingBefore String
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    expired Boolean
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    invalidated Boolean
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    perPage Number
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    startingAfter String
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.

    getLicensingCotermLicenses Result

    The following output properties are available:

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Items List<GetLicensingCotermLicensesItem>
    Array of ResponseLicensingGetOrganizationLicensingCotermLicenses
    OrganizationId string
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    EndingBefore string
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    Expired bool
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    Invalidated bool
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    PerPage int
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    StartingAfter string
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Items []GetLicensingCotermLicensesItem
    Array of ResponseLicensingGetOrganizationLicensingCotermLicenses
    OrganizationId string
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    EndingBefore string
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    Expired bool
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    Invalidated bool
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    PerPage int
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    StartingAfter string
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    items List<GetLicensingCotermLicensesItem>
    Array of ResponseLicensingGetOrganizationLicensingCotermLicenses
    organizationId String
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    endingBefore String
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    expired Boolean
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    invalidated Boolean
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    perPage Integer
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    startingAfter String
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    items GetLicensingCotermLicensesItem[]
    Array of ResponseLicensingGetOrganizationLicensingCotermLicenses
    organizationId string
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    endingBefore string
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    expired boolean
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    invalidated boolean
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    perPage number
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    startingAfter string
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    items Sequence[GetLicensingCotermLicensesItem]
    Array of ResponseLicensingGetOrganizationLicensingCotermLicenses
    organization_id str
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    ending_before str
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    expired bool
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    invalidated bool
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    per_page int
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    starting_after str
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    items List<Property Map>
    Array of ResponseLicensingGetOrganizationLicensingCotermLicenses
    organizationId String
    organizationId path parameter. Organization ID
    endingBefore String
    endingBefore query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.
    expired Boolean
    expired query parameter. Filter for licenses that are expired
    invalidated Boolean
    invalidated query parameter. Filter for licenses that are invalidated
    perPage Number
    perPage query parameter. The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 1000. Default is 1000.
    startingAfter String
    startingAfter query parameter. A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it.

    Supporting Types


    ClaimedAt string
    When the license was claimed into the organization
    Counts List<GetLicensingCotermLicensesItemCount>
    The counts of the license by model type
    Duration int
    The duration (term length) of the license, measured in days
    Editions List<GetLicensingCotermLicensesItemEdition>
    The editions of the license for each relevant product type
    Expired bool
    Flag to indicate if the license is expired
    Invalidated bool
    Flag to indicated that the license is invalidated
    InvalidatedAt string
    When the license was invalidated. Will be null for active licenses
    Key string
    The key of the license
    Mode string
    The operation mode of the license when it was claimed
    OrganizationId string
    The ID of the organization that the license is claimed in
    StartedAt string
    When the license's term began (approximately the date when the license was created)
    ClaimedAt string
    When the license was claimed into the organization
    Counts []GetLicensingCotermLicensesItemCount
    The counts of the license by model type
    Duration int
    The duration (term length) of the license, measured in days
    Editions []GetLicensingCotermLicensesItemEdition
    The editions of the license for each relevant product type
    Expired bool
    Flag to indicate if the license is expired
    Invalidated bool
    Flag to indicated that the license is invalidated
    InvalidatedAt string
    When the license was invalidated. Will be null for active licenses
    Key string
    The key of the license
    Mode string
    The operation mode of the license when it was claimed
    OrganizationId string
    The ID of the organization that the license is claimed in
    StartedAt string
    When the license's term began (approximately the date when the license was created)
    claimedAt String
    When the license was claimed into the organization
    counts List<GetLicensingCotermLicensesItemCount>
    The counts of the license by model type
    duration Integer
    The duration (term length) of the license, measured in days
    editions List<GetLicensingCotermLicensesItemEdition>
    The editions of the license for each relevant product type
    expired Boolean
    Flag to indicate if the license is expired
    invalidated Boolean
    Flag to indicated that the license is invalidated
    invalidatedAt String
    When the license was invalidated. Will be null for active licenses
    key String
    The key of the license
    mode String
    The operation mode of the license when it was claimed
    organizationId String
    The ID of the organization that the license is claimed in
    startedAt String
    When the license's term began (approximately the date when the license was created)
    claimedAt string
    When the license was claimed into the organization
    counts GetLicensingCotermLicensesItemCount[]
    The counts of the license by model type
    duration number
    The duration (term length) of the license, measured in days
    editions GetLicensingCotermLicensesItemEdition[]
    The editions of the license for each relevant product type
    expired boolean
    Flag to indicate if the license is expired
    invalidated boolean
    Flag to indicated that the license is invalidated
    invalidatedAt string
    When the license was invalidated. Will be null for active licenses
    key string
    The key of the license
    mode string
    The operation mode of the license when it was claimed
    organizationId string
    The ID of the organization that the license is claimed in
    startedAt string
    When the license's term began (approximately the date when the license was created)
    claimed_at str
    When the license was claimed into the organization
    counts Sequence[GetLicensingCotermLicensesItemCount]
    The counts of the license by model type
    duration int
    The duration (term length) of the license, measured in days
    editions Sequence[GetLicensingCotermLicensesItemEdition]
    The editions of the license for each relevant product type
    expired bool
    Flag to indicate if the license is expired
    invalidated bool
    Flag to indicated that the license is invalidated
    invalidated_at str
    When the license was invalidated. Will be null for active licenses
    key str
    The key of the license
    mode str
    The operation mode of the license when it was claimed
    organization_id str
    The ID of the organization that the license is claimed in
    started_at str
    When the license's term began (approximately the date when the license was created)
    claimedAt String
    When the license was claimed into the organization
    counts List<Property Map>
    The counts of the license by model type
    duration Number
    The duration (term length) of the license, measured in days
    editions List<Property Map>
    The editions of the license for each relevant product type
    expired Boolean
    Flag to indicate if the license is expired
    invalidated Boolean
    Flag to indicated that the license is invalidated
    invalidatedAt String
    When the license was invalidated. Will be null for active licenses
    key String
    The key of the license
    mode String
    The operation mode of the license when it was claimed
    organizationId String
    The ID of the organization that the license is claimed in
    startedAt String
    When the license's term began (approximately the date when the license was created)


    Count int
    The number of counts the license contains of this model
    Model string
    The license model type
    Count int
    The number of counts the license contains of this model
    Model string
    The license model type
    count Integer
    The number of counts the license contains of this model
    model String
    The license model type
    count number
    The number of counts the license contains of this model
    model string
    The license model type
    count int
    The number of counts the license contains of this model
    model str
    The license model type
    count Number
    The number of counts the license contains of this model
    model String
    The license model type


    Edition string
    The name of the license edition
    ProductType string
    The product type of the license edition
    Edition string
    The name of the license edition
    ProductType string
    The product type of the license edition
    edition String
    The name of the license edition
    productType String
    The product type of the license edition
    edition string
    The name of the license edition
    productType string
    The product type of the license edition
    edition str
    The name of the license edition
    product_type str
    The product type of the license edition
    edition String
    The name of the license edition
    productType String
    The product type of the license edition

    Package Details

    meraki pulumi/pulumi-meraki
    This Pulumi package is based on the meraki Terraform Provider.
    meraki logo
    Cisco Meraki v0.2.4 published on Friday, Jun 14, 2024 by Pulumi