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  5. getInstallationTemplate
OVHCloud v0.45.0 published on Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024 by OVHcloud


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OVHCloud v0.45.0 published on Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024 by OVHcloud

    Use this data source to get a custom installation template available for dedicated servers.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as ovh from "@pulumi/ovh";
    const mytemplate = ovh.Me.getInstallationTemplate({
        templateName: "mytemplate",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_ovh as ovh
    mytemplate = ovh.Me.get_installation_template(template_name="mytemplate")
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := Me.GetInstallationTemplate(ctx, &me.GetInstallationTemplateArgs{
    			TemplateName: "mytemplate",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Ovh = Pulumi.Ovh;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var mytemplate = Ovh.Me.GetInstallationTemplate.Invoke(new()
            TemplateName = "mytemplate",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.ovh.Me.MeFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.ovh.Me.inputs.GetInstallationTemplateArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var mytemplate = MeFunctions.getInstallationTemplate(GetInstallationTemplateArgs.builder()
          Function: ovh:Me:getInstallationTemplate
            templateName: mytemplate

    Using getInstallationTemplate

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getInstallationTemplate(args: GetInstallationTemplateArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetInstallationTemplateResult>
    function getInstallationTemplateOutput(args: GetInstallationTemplateOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetInstallationTemplateResult>
    def get_installation_template(template_name: Optional[str] = None,
                                  opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetInstallationTemplateResult
    def get_installation_template_output(template_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                  opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetInstallationTemplateResult]
    func GetInstallationTemplate(ctx *Context, args *GetInstallationTemplateArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*GetInstallationTemplateResult, error)
    func GetInstallationTemplateOutput(ctx *Context, args *GetInstallationTemplateOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) GetInstallationTemplateResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named GetInstallationTemplate in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetInstallationTemplate 
        public static Task<GetInstallationTemplateResult> InvokeAsync(GetInstallationTemplateArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetInstallationTemplateResult> Invoke(GetInstallationTemplateInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetInstallationTemplateResult> getInstallationTemplate(GetInstallationTemplateArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: ovh:Me/getInstallationTemplate:getInstallationTemplate
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    TemplateName string
    Template name.
    TemplateName string
    Template name.
    templateName String
    Template name.
    templateName string
    Template name.
    template_name str
    Template name.
    templateName String
    Template name.

    getInstallationTemplate Result

    The following output properties are available:

    BitFormat int
    Template bit format (32 or 64).
    Category string
    Category of this template (informative only).
    Customizations List<GetInstallationTemplateCustomization>
    Description string
    Information about this template.
    Distribution string
    Distribution this template is based on.
    EndOfInstall string
    End of install date of the template.
    Family string
    Template family type (bsd,linux,solaris,windows).
    Filesystems List<string>
    Filesystems available.
    HardRaidConfiguration bool
    Distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Inputs List<GetInstallationTemplateInput>
    Represents the questions of the expected answers in the userMetadata field.
    LvmReady bool
    Whether this template supports LVM.
    NoPartitioning bool
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template.
    PartitionSchemes List<GetInstallationTemplatePartitionScheme>
    SoftRaidOnlyMirroring bool
    Template supports RAID0 and RAID1 on 2 disks.
    Subfamily string
    Subfamily of the template.
    TemplateName string
    BitFormat int
    Template bit format (32 or 64).
    Category string
    Category of this template (informative only).
    Customizations []GetInstallationTemplateCustomization
    Description string
    Information about this template.
    Distribution string
    Distribution this template is based on.
    EndOfInstall string
    End of install date of the template.
    Family string
    Template family type (bsd,linux,solaris,windows).
    Filesystems []string
    Filesystems available.
    HardRaidConfiguration bool
    Distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Inputs []GetInstallationTemplateInput
    Represents the questions of the expected answers in the userMetadata field.
    LvmReady bool
    Whether this template supports LVM.
    NoPartitioning bool
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template.
    PartitionSchemes []GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemeType
    SoftRaidOnlyMirroring bool
    Template supports RAID0 and RAID1 on 2 disks.
    Subfamily string
    Subfamily of the template.
    TemplateName string
    bitFormat Integer
    Template bit format (32 or 64).
    category String
    Category of this template (informative only).
    customizations List<GetInstallationTemplateCustomization>
    description String
    Information about this template.
    distribution String
    Distribution this template is based on.
    endOfInstall String
    End of install date of the template.
    family String
    Template family type (bsd,linux,solaris,windows).
    filesystems List<String>
    Filesystems available.
    hardRaidConfiguration Boolean
    Distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    inputs List<GetInstallationTemplateInput>
    Represents the questions of the expected answers in the userMetadata field.
    lvmReady Boolean
    Whether this template supports LVM.
    noPartitioning Boolean
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template.
    partitionSchemes List<GetInstallationTemplatePartitionScheme>
    softRaidOnlyMirroring Boolean
    Template supports RAID0 and RAID1 on 2 disks.
    subfamily String
    Subfamily of the template.
    templateName String
    bitFormat number
    Template bit format (32 or 64).
    category string
    Category of this template (informative only).
    customizations GetInstallationTemplateCustomization[]
    description string
    Information about this template.
    distribution string
    Distribution this template is based on.
    endOfInstall string
    End of install date of the template.
    family string
    Template family type (bsd,linux,solaris,windows).
    filesystems string[]
    Filesystems available.
    hardRaidConfiguration boolean
    Distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    inputs GetInstallationTemplateInput[]
    Represents the questions of the expected answers in the userMetadata field.
    lvmReady boolean
    Whether this template supports LVM.
    noPartitioning boolean
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template.
    partitionSchemes GetInstallationTemplatePartitionScheme[]
    softRaidOnlyMirroring boolean
    Template supports RAID0 and RAID1 on 2 disks.
    subfamily string
    Subfamily of the template.
    templateName string
    bit_format int
    Template bit format (32 or 64).
    category str
    Category of this template (informative only).
    customizations Sequence[me.GetInstallationTemplateCustomization]
    description str
    Information about this template.
    distribution str
    Distribution this template is based on.
    end_of_install str
    End of install date of the template.
    family str
    Template family type (bsd,linux,solaris,windows).
    filesystems Sequence[str]
    Filesystems available.
    hard_raid_configuration bool
    Distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    inputs Sequence[me.GetInstallationTemplateInput]
    Represents the questions of the expected answers in the userMetadata field.
    lvm_ready bool
    Whether this template supports LVM.
    no_partitioning bool
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template.
    partition_schemes Sequence[me.GetInstallationTemplatePartitionScheme]
    soft_raid_only_mirroring bool
    Template supports RAID0 and RAID1 on 2 disks.
    subfamily str
    Subfamily of the template.
    template_name str
    bitFormat Number
    Template bit format (32 or 64).
    category String
    Category of this template (informative only).
    customizations List<Property Map>
    description String
    Information about this template.
    distribution String
    Distribution this template is based on.
    endOfInstall String
    End of install date of the template.
    family String
    Template family type (bsd,linux,solaris,windows).
    filesystems List<String>
    Filesystems available.
    hardRaidConfiguration Boolean
    Distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    inputs List<Property Map>
    Represents the questions of the expected answers in the userMetadata field.
    lvmReady Boolean
    Whether this template supports LVM.
    noPartitioning Boolean
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template.
    partitionSchemes List<Property Map>
    softRaidOnlyMirroring Boolean
    Template supports RAID0 and RAID1 on 2 disks.
    subfamily String
    Subfamily of the template.
    templateName String

    Supporting Types


    CustomHostname string
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    PostInstallationScriptLink string
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    PostInstallationScriptReturn string
    Indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.
    CustomHostname string
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    PostInstallationScriptLink string
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    PostInstallationScriptReturn string
    Indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.
    customHostname String
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    postInstallationScriptLink String
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    postInstallationScriptReturn String
    Indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.
    customHostname string
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    postInstallationScriptLink string
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    postInstallationScriptReturn string
    Indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.
    custom_hostname str
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    post_installation_script_link str
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    post_installation_script_return str
    Indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.
    customHostname String
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    postInstallationScriptLink String
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    postInstallationScriptReturn String
    Indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.


    Default string
    Description string
    Information about this template.
    Enums List<string>
    Mandatory bool
    Name string
    Hardware RAID name.
    Type string
    Partition type.
    Default string
    Description string
    Information about this template.
    Enums []string
    Mandatory bool
    Name string
    Hardware RAID name.
    Type string
    Partition type.
    default_ String
    description String
    Information about this template.
    enums List<String>
    mandatory Boolean
    name String
    Hardware RAID name.
    type String
    Partition type.
    default string
    description string
    Information about this template.
    enums string[]
    mandatory boolean
    name string
    Hardware RAID name.
    type string
    Partition type.
    default str
    description str
    Information about this template.
    enums Sequence[str]
    mandatory bool
    name str
    Hardware RAID name.
    type str
    Partition type.
    default String
    description String
    Information about this template.
    enums List<String>
    mandatory Boolean
    name String
    Hardware RAID name.
    type String
    Partition type.


    HardwareRaids List<GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemeHardwareRaid>
    Name string
    Hardware RAID name.
    Partitions List<GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemePartition>
    Priority int
    On a reinstall, if a partitioning scheme is not specified, the one with the higher priority will be used by default, among all the compatible partitioning schemes (given the underlying hardware specifications).
    HardwareRaids []GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemeHardwareRaidType
    Name string
    Hardware RAID name.
    Partitions []GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemePartitionType
    Priority int
    On a reinstall, if a partitioning scheme is not specified, the one with the higher priority will be used by default, among all the compatible partitioning schemes (given the underlying hardware specifications).
    hardwareRaids List<GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemeHardwareRaid>
    name String
    Hardware RAID name.
    partitions List<GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemePartition>
    priority Integer
    On a reinstall, if a partitioning scheme is not specified, the one with the higher priority will be used by default, among all the compatible partitioning schemes (given the underlying hardware specifications).
    hardwareRaids GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemeHardwareRaid[]
    name string
    Hardware RAID name.
    partitions GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemePartition[]
    priority number
    On a reinstall, if a partitioning scheme is not specified, the one with the higher priority will be used by default, among all the compatible partitioning schemes (given the underlying hardware specifications).
    hardware_raids Sequence[me.GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemeHardwareRaid]
    name str
    Hardware RAID name.
    partitions Sequence[me.GetInstallationTemplatePartitionSchemePartition]
    priority int
    On a reinstall, if a partitioning scheme is not specified, the one with the higher priority will be used by default, among all the compatible partitioning schemes (given the underlying hardware specifications).
    hardwareRaids List<Property Map>
    name String
    Hardware RAID name.
    partitions List<Property Map>
    priority Number
    On a reinstall, if a partitioning scheme is not specified, the one with the higher priority will be used by default, among all the compatible partitioning schemes (given the underlying hardware specifications).


    Disks List<string>
    Disk List. Syntax is cX:dY for disks and [cX:dY,cX:dY] for groups. With X and Y resp. the controller id and the disk id.
    Mode string
    RAID mode (raid0, raid1, raid10, raid5, raid50, raid6, raid60).
    Name string
    Hardware RAID name.
    Step int
    Specifies the creation order of the hardware RAID.
    Disks []string
    Disk List. Syntax is cX:dY for disks and [cX:dY,cX:dY] for groups. With X and Y resp. the controller id and the disk id.
    Mode string
    RAID mode (raid0, raid1, raid10, raid5, raid50, raid6, raid60).
    Name string
    Hardware RAID name.
    Step int
    Specifies the creation order of the hardware RAID.
    disks List<String>
    Disk List. Syntax is cX:dY for disks and [cX:dY,cX:dY] for groups. With X and Y resp. the controller id and the disk id.
    mode String
    RAID mode (raid0, raid1, raid10, raid5, raid50, raid6, raid60).
    name String
    Hardware RAID name.
    step Integer
    Specifies the creation order of the hardware RAID.
    disks string[]
    Disk List. Syntax is cX:dY for disks and [cX:dY,cX:dY] for groups. With X and Y resp. the controller id and the disk id.
    mode string
    RAID mode (raid0, raid1, raid10, raid5, raid50, raid6, raid60).
    name string
    Hardware RAID name.
    step number
    Specifies the creation order of the hardware RAID.
    disks Sequence[str]
    Disk List. Syntax is cX:dY for disks and [cX:dY,cX:dY] for groups. With X and Y resp. the controller id and the disk id.
    mode str
    RAID mode (raid0, raid1, raid10, raid5, raid50, raid6, raid60).
    name str
    Hardware RAID name.
    step int
    Specifies the creation order of the hardware RAID.
    disks List<String>
    Disk List. Syntax is cX:dY for disks and [cX:dY,cX:dY] for groups. With X and Y resp. the controller id and the disk id.
    mode String
    RAID mode (raid0, raid1, raid10, raid5, raid50, raid6, raid60).
    name String
    Hardware RAID name.
    step Number
    Specifies the creation order of the hardware RAID.


    Filesystem string
    Partition filesystem.
    Mountpoint string
    Partition mount point.
    Order int
    Step or order. Specifies the creation order of the partition on the disk.
    Raid string
    Raid partition type.
    Size int
    Size of partition in MB, 0 => rest of the space.
    Type string
    Partition type.
    VolumeName string
    Volume name needed for proxmox distribution.
    Filesystem string
    Partition filesystem.
    Mountpoint string
    Partition mount point.
    Order int
    Step or order. Specifies the creation order of the partition on the disk.
    Raid string
    Raid partition type.
    Size int
    Size of partition in MB, 0 => rest of the space.
    Type string
    Partition type.
    VolumeName string
    Volume name needed for proxmox distribution.
    filesystem String
    Partition filesystem.
    mountpoint String
    Partition mount point.
    order Integer
    Step or order. Specifies the creation order of the partition on the disk.
    raid String
    Raid partition type.
    size Integer
    Size of partition in MB, 0 => rest of the space.
    type String
    Partition type.
    volumeName String
    Volume name needed for proxmox distribution.
    filesystem string
    Partition filesystem.
    mountpoint string
    Partition mount point.
    order number
    Step or order. Specifies the creation order of the partition on the disk.
    raid string
    Raid partition type.
    size number
    Size of partition in MB, 0 => rest of the space.
    type string
    Partition type.
    volumeName string
    Volume name needed for proxmox distribution.
    filesystem str
    Partition filesystem.
    mountpoint str
    Partition mount point.
    order int
    Step or order. Specifies the creation order of the partition on the disk.
    raid str
    Raid partition type.
    size int
    Size of partition in MB, 0 => rest of the space.
    type str
    Partition type.
    volume_name str
    Volume name needed for proxmox distribution.
    filesystem String
    Partition filesystem.
    mountpoint String
    Partition mount point.
    order Number
    Step or order. Specifies the creation order of the partition on the disk.
    raid String
    Raid partition type.
    size Number
    Size of partition in MB, 0 => rest of the space.
    type String
    Partition type.
    volumeName String
    Volume name needed for proxmox distribution.

    Package Details

    ovh ovh/pulumi-ovh
    This Pulumi package is based on the ovh Terraform Provider.
    ovh logo
    OVHCloud v0.45.0 published on Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024 by OVHcloud