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  5. InstallationTemplate
OVHCloud v0.45.0 published on Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024 by OVHcloud


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OVHCloud v0.45.0 published on Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024 by OVHcloud

    Use this resource to create a custom installation template available for dedicated servers.

    Example Usage

    Coming soon!
    Coming soon!
    Coming soon!
    Coming soon!
    Coming soon!
        type: ovh:Me:InstallationTemplate
          baseTemplateName: debian12_64
          customHostname: mytest
          templateName: mytemplate

    Create InstallationTemplate Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new InstallationTemplate(name: string, args: InstallationTemplateArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def InstallationTemplate(resource_name: str,
                             args: InstallationTemplateArgs,
                             opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def InstallationTemplate(resource_name: str,
                             opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                             base_template_name: Optional[str] = None,
                             template_name: Optional[str] = None,
                             customization: Optional[_me.InstallationTemplateCustomizationArgs] = None,
                             remove_default_partition_schemes: Optional[bool] = None)
    func NewInstallationTemplate(ctx *Context, name string, args InstallationTemplateArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*InstallationTemplate, error)
    public InstallationTemplate(string name, InstallationTemplateArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public InstallationTemplate(String name, InstallationTemplateArgs args)
    public InstallationTemplate(String name, InstallationTemplateArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: ovh:Me:InstallationTemplate
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstallationTemplateArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstallationTemplateArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstallationTemplateArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstallationTemplateArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstallationTemplateArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var installationTemplateResource = new Ovh.Me.InstallationTemplate("installationTemplateResource", new()
        BaseTemplateName = "string",
        TemplateName = "string",
        Customization = new Ovh.Me.Inputs.InstallationTemplateCustomizationArgs
            CustomHostname = "string",
            PostInstallationScriptLink = "string",
            PostInstallationScriptReturn = "string",
        RemoveDefaultPartitionSchemes = false,
    example, err := Me.NewInstallationTemplate(ctx, "installationTemplateResource", &Me.InstallationTemplateArgs{
    	BaseTemplateName: pulumi.String("string"),
    	TemplateName:     pulumi.String("string"),
    	Customization: &me.InstallationTemplateCustomizationArgs{
    		CustomHostname:               pulumi.String("string"),
    		PostInstallationScriptLink:   pulumi.String("string"),
    		PostInstallationScriptReturn: pulumi.String("string"),
    	RemoveDefaultPartitionSchemes: pulumi.Bool(false),
    var installationTemplateResource = new InstallationTemplate("installationTemplateResource", InstallationTemplateArgs.builder()
    installation_template_resource = ovh.me.InstallationTemplate("installationTemplateResource",
    const installationTemplateResource = new ovh.me.InstallationTemplate("installationTemplateResource", {
        baseTemplateName: "string",
        templateName: "string",
        customization: {
            customHostname: "string",
            postInstallationScriptLink: "string",
            postInstallationScriptReturn: "string",
        removeDefaultPartitionSchemes: false,
    type: ovh:Me:InstallationTemplate
        baseTemplateName: string
            customHostname: string
            postInstallationScriptLink: string
            postInstallationScriptReturn: string
        removeDefaultPartitionSchemes: false
        templateName: string

    InstallationTemplate Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The InstallationTemplate resource accepts the following input properties:

    BaseTemplateName string
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    TemplateName string
    This template name.
    Customization InstallationTemplateCustomization
    RemoveDefaultPartitionSchemes bool
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    BaseTemplateName string
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    TemplateName string
    This template name.
    Customization InstallationTemplateCustomizationArgs
    RemoveDefaultPartitionSchemes bool
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    baseTemplateName String
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    templateName String
    This template name.
    customization InstallationTemplateCustomization
    removeDefaultPartitionSchemes Boolean
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    baseTemplateName string
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    templateName string
    This template name.
    customization InstallationTemplateCustomization
    removeDefaultPartitionSchemes boolean
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    base_template_name str
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    template_name str
    This template name.
    customization me.InstallationTemplateCustomizationArgs
    remove_default_partition_schemes bool
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    baseTemplateName String
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    templateName String
    This template name.
    customization Property Map
    removeDefaultPartitionSchemes Boolean
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the InstallationTemplate resource produces the following output properties:

    BitFormat int
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    Category string
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    Description string
    information about this template.
    Distribution string
    the distribution this template is based on.
    EndOfInstall string
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    Family string
    this template family type.
    Filesystems List<string>
    Filesystems available.
    HardRaidConfiguration bool
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Inputs List<InstallationTemplateInput>
    LvmReady bool
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    NoPartitioning bool
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    SoftRaidOnlyMirroring bool
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    Subfamily string
    this template subfamily type
    BitFormat int
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    Category string
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    Description string
    information about this template.
    Distribution string
    the distribution this template is based on.
    EndOfInstall string
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    Family string
    this template family type.
    Filesystems []string
    Filesystems available.
    HardRaidConfiguration bool
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Inputs []InstallationTemplateInputType
    LvmReady bool
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    NoPartitioning bool
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    SoftRaidOnlyMirroring bool
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    Subfamily string
    this template subfamily type
    bitFormat Integer
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    category String
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    description String
    information about this template.
    distribution String
    the distribution this template is based on.
    endOfInstall String
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    family String
    this template family type.
    filesystems List<String>
    Filesystems available.
    hardRaidConfiguration Boolean
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    inputs List<InstallationTemplateInput>
    lvmReady Boolean
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    noPartitioning Boolean
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    softRaidOnlyMirroring Boolean
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    subfamily String
    this template subfamily type
    bitFormat number
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    category string
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    description string
    information about this template.
    distribution string
    the distribution this template is based on.
    endOfInstall string
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    family string
    this template family type.
    filesystems string[]
    Filesystems available.
    hardRaidConfiguration boolean
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    inputs InstallationTemplateInput[]
    lvmReady boolean
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    noPartitioning boolean
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    softRaidOnlyMirroring boolean
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    subfamily string
    this template subfamily type
    bit_format int
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    category str
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    description str
    information about this template.
    distribution str
    the distribution this template is based on.
    end_of_install str
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    family str
    this template family type.
    filesystems Sequence[str]
    Filesystems available.
    hard_raid_configuration bool
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    inputs Sequence[me.InstallationTemplateInput]
    lvm_ready bool
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    no_partitioning bool
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    soft_raid_only_mirroring bool
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    subfamily str
    this template subfamily type
    bitFormat Number
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    category String
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    description String
    information about this template.
    distribution String
    the distribution this template is based on.
    endOfInstall String
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    family String
    this template family type.
    filesystems List<String>
    Filesystems available.
    hardRaidConfiguration Boolean
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    inputs List<Property Map>
    lvmReady Boolean
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    noPartitioning Boolean
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    softRaidOnlyMirroring Boolean
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    subfamily String
    this template subfamily type

    Look up Existing InstallationTemplate Resource

    Get an existing InstallationTemplate resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: InstallationTemplateState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): InstallationTemplate
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            base_template_name: Optional[str] = None,
            bit_format: Optional[int] = None,
            category: Optional[str] = None,
            customization: Optional[_me.InstallationTemplateCustomizationArgs] = None,
            description: Optional[str] = None,
            distribution: Optional[str] = None,
            end_of_install: Optional[str] = None,
            family: Optional[str] = None,
            filesystems: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            hard_raid_configuration: Optional[bool] = None,
            inputs: Optional[Sequence[_me.InstallationTemplateInputArgs]] = None,
            lvm_ready: Optional[bool] = None,
            no_partitioning: Optional[bool] = None,
            remove_default_partition_schemes: Optional[bool] = None,
            soft_raid_only_mirroring: Optional[bool] = None,
            subfamily: Optional[str] = None,
            template_name: Optional[str] = None) -> InstallationTemplate
    func GetInstallationTemplate(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *InstallationTemplateState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*InstallationTemplate, error)
    public static InstallationTemplate Get(string name, Input<string> id, InstallationTemplateState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static InstallationTemplate get(String name, Output<String> id, InstallationTemplateState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    BaseTemplateName string
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    BitFormat int
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    Category string
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    Customization InstallationTemplateCustomization
    Description string
    information about this template.
    Distribution string
    the distribution this template is based on.
    EndOfInstall string
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    Family string
    this template family type.
    Filesystems List<string>
    Filesystems available.
    HardRaidConfiguration bool
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    Inputs List<InstallationTemplateInput>
    LvmReady bool
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    NoPartitioning bool
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    RemoveDefaultPartitionSchemes bool
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    SoftRaidOnlyMirroring bool
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    Subfamily string
    this template subfamily type
    TemplateName string
    This template name.
    BaseTemplateName string
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    BitFormat int
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    Category string
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    Customization InstallationTemplateCustomizationArgs
    Description string
    information about this template.
    Distribution string
    the distribution this template is based on.
    EndOfInstall string
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    Family string
    this template family type.
    Filesystems []string
    Filesystems available.
    HardRaidConfiguration bool
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    Inputs []InstallationTemplateInputTypeArgs
    LvmReady bool
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    NoPartitioning bool
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    RemoveDefaultPartitionSchemes bool
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    SoftRaidOnlyMirroring bool
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    Subfamily string
    this template subfamily type
    TemplateName string
    This template name.
    baseTemplateName String
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    bitFormat Integer
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    category String
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    customization InstallationTemplateCustomization
    description String
    information about this template.
    distribution String
    the distribution this template is based on.
    endOfInstall String
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    family String
    this template family type.
    filesystems List<String>
    Filesystems available.
    hardRaidConfiguration Boolean
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    inputs List<InstallationTemplateInput>
    lvmReady Boolean
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    noPartitioning Boolean
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    removeDefaultPartitionSchemes Boolean
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    softRaidOnlyMirroring Boolean
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    subfamily String
    this template subfamily type
    templateName String
    This template name.
    baseTemplateName string
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    bitFormat number
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    category string
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    customization InstallationTemplateCustomization
    description string
    information about this template.
    distribution string
    the distribution this template is based on.
    endOfInstall string
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    family string
    this template family type.
    filesystems string[]
    Filesystems available.
    hardRaidConfiguration boolean
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    inputs InstallationTemplateInput[]
    lvmReady boolean
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    noPartitioning boolean
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    removeDefaultPartitionSchemes boolean
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    softRaidOnlyMirroring boolean
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    subfamily string
    this template subfamily type
    templateName string
    This template name.
    base_template_name str
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    bit_format int
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    category str
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    customization me.InstallationTemplateCustomizationArgs
    description str
    information about this template.
    distribution str
    the distribution this template is based on.
    end_of_install str
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    family str
    this template family type.
    filesystems Sequence[str]
    Filesystems available.
    hard_raid_configuration bool
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    inputs Sequence[me.InstallationTemplateInputArgs]
    lvm_ready bool
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    no_partitioning bool
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    remove_default_partition_schemes bool
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    soft_raid_only_mirroring bool
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    subfamily str
    this template subfamily type
    template_name str
    This template name.
    baseTemplateName String
    The name of an existing installation template, choose one among the list given by ovh.getInstallationTemplates datasource.
    bitFormat Number
    This template bit format (32 or 64).
    category String
    Category of this template (informative only). (basic, customer, hosting, other, readyToUse, virtualisation).
    customization Property Map
    description String
    information about this template.
    distribution String
    the distribution this template is based on.
    endOfInstall String
    after this date, install of this template will not be possible at OVH
    family String
    this template family type.
    filesystems List<String>
    Filesystems available.
    hardRaidConfiguration Boolean
    This distribution supports hardware raid configuration through the OVHcloud API. Deprecated, will be removed in next release.

    Deprecated: This will be deprecated in the next release

    inputs List<Property Map>
    lvmReady Boolean
    Whether this distribution supports Logical Volumes (Linux LVM)
    noPartitioning Boolean
    Partitioning customization is not available for this OS template
    removeDefaultPartitionSchemes Boolean
    Remove default partition schemes at creation.
    softRaidOnlyMirroring Boolean
    Partitioning customization is available but limited to mirroring for this OS template
    subfamily String
    this template subfamily type
    templateName String
    This template name.

    Supporting Types

    InstallationTemplateCustomization, InstallationTemplateCustomizationArgs

    CustomHostname string
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    PostInstallationScriptLink string
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    PostInstallationScriptReturn string
    indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.
    CustomHostname string
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    PostInstallationScriptLink string
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    PostInstallationScriptReturn string
    indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.
    customHostname String
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    postInstallationScriptLink String
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    postInstallationScriptReturn String
    indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.
    customHostname string
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    postInstallationScriptLink string
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    postInstallationScriptReturn string
    indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.
    custom_hostname str
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    post_installation_script_link str
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    post_installation_script_return str
    indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.
    customHostname String
    Set up the server using the provided hostname instead of the default hostname.
    postInstallationScriptLink String
    Indicate the URL where your postinstall customisation script is located.
    postInstallationScriptReturn String
    indicate the string returned by your postinstall customisation script on successful execution. Advice: your script should return a unique validation string in case of succes. A good example is 'loh1Xee7eo OK OK OK UGh8Ang1Gu'.

    InstallationTemplateInput, InstallationTemplateInputArgs

    Default string
    Description string
    information about this template.
    Enums List<string>
    Mandatory bool
    Name string
    Type string
    Default string
    Description string
    information about this template.
    Enums []string
    Mandatory bool
    Name string
    Type string
    default_ String
    description String
    information about this template.
    enums List<String>
    mandatory Boolean
    name String
    type String
    default string
    description string
    information about this template.
    enums string[]
    mandatory boolean
    name string
    type string
    default str
    description str
    information about this template.
    enums Sequence[str]
    mandatory bool
    name str
    type str
    default String
    description String
    information about this template.
    enums List<String>
    mandatory Boolean
    name String
    type String


    Custom installation template available for dedicated servers can be imported using the base_template_name, template_name of the cluster, separated by “/” E.g.,


    $ pulumi import ovh:Me/installationTemplate:InstallationTemplate mytemplate base_template_name/template_name

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    ovh ovh/pulumi-ovh
    This Pulumi package is based on the ovh Terraform Provider.
    ovh logo
    OVHCloud v0.45.0 published on Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024 by OVHcloud