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  4. getDatabase
Vultr v2.21.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 19, 2024 by dirien


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Vultr v2.21.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 19, 2024 by dirien

    Get information about a Vultr database.

    Example Usage

    Get the information for a database by label:

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as vultr from "@pulumi/vultr";
    const myDatabase = vultr.getDatabase({
        filters: [{
            name: "label",
            values: ["my-database-label"],
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_vultr as vultr
    my_database = vultr.get_database(filters=[vultr.GetDatabaseFilterArgs(
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := vultr.LookupDatabase(ctx, &vultr.LookupDatabaseArgs{
    			Filters: []vultr.GetDatabaseFilter{
    					Name: "label",
    					Values: []string{
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Vultr = Pulumi.Vultr;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var myDatabase = Vultr.GetDatabase.Invoke(new()
            Filters = new[]
                new Vultr.Inputs.GetDatabaseFilterInputArgs
                    Name = "label",
                    Values = new[]
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.vultr.VultrFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.vultr.inputs.GetDatabaseArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var myDatabase = VultrFunctions.getDatabase(GetDatabaseArgs.builder()
          Function: vultr:getDatabase
              - name: label
                  - my-database-label

    Using getDatabase

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getDatabase(args: GetDatabaseArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetDatabaseResult>
    function getDatabaseOutput(args: GetDatabaseOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetDatabaseResult>
    def get_database(filters: Optional[Sequence[GetDatabaseFilter]] = None,
                     opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetDatabaseResult
    def get_database_output(filters: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[GetDatabaseFilterArgs]]]] = None,
                     opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetDatabaseResult]
    func LookupDatabase(ctx *Context, args *LookupDatabaseArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupDatabaseResult, error)
    func LookupDatabaseOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupDatabaseOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupDatabaseResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupDatabase in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetDatabase 
        public static Task<GetDatabaseResult> InvokeAsync(GetDatabaseArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetDatabaseResult> Invoke(GetDatabaseInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetDatabaseResult> getDatabase(GetDatabaseArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: vultr:index/getDatabase:getDatabase
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Filters List<ediri.Vultr.Inputs.GetDatabaseFilter>
    Query parameters for finding databases.
    Filters []GetDatabaseFilter
    Query parameters for finding databases.
    filters List<GetDatabaseFilter>
    Query parameters for finding databases.
    filters GetDatabaseFilter[]
    Query parameters for finding databases.
    filters Sequence[GetDatabaseFilter]
    Query parameters for finding databases.
    filters List<Property Map>
    Query parameters for finding databases.

    getDatabase Result

    The following output properties are available:

    ClusterTimeZone string
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    DatabaseEngine string
    The database engine of the managed database.
    DatabaseEngineVersion string
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    DateCreated string
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    Dbname string
    The managed database's default logical database.
    FerretdbCredentials Dictionary<string, object>
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    Host string
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Label string
    The managed database's label.
    LatestBackup string
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    MaintenanceDow string
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    MaintenanceTime string
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    MysqlLongQueryTime int
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlRequirePrimaryKey bool
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlSlowQueryLog bool
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlSqlModes List<string>
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    Password string
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    Plan string
    The managed database's plan ID.
    PlanDisk int
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    PlanRam int
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    PlanReplicas int
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    PlanVcpus int
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    Port string
    The connection port for the managed database.
    PublicHost string
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    ReadReplicas List<ediri.Vultr.Outputs.GetDatabaseReadReplica>
    A list of read replicas attached to the managed database.
    RedisEvictionPolicy string
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    Region string
    The region ID of the managed database.
    Status string
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    Tag string
    The managed database's tag.
    TrustedIps List<string>
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    User string
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    VpcId string
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    Filters List<ediri.Vultr.Outputs.GetDatabaseFilter>
    ClusterTimeZone string
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    DatabaseEngine string
    The database engine of the managed database.
    DatabaseEngineVersion string
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    DateCreated string
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    Dbname string
    The managed database's default logical database.
    FerretdbCredentials map[string]interface{}
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    Host string
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Label string
    The managed database's label.
    LatestBackup string
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    MaintenanceDow string
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    MaintenanceTime string
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    MysqlLongQueryTime int
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlRequirePrimaryKey bool
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlSlowQueryLog bool
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlSqlModes []string
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    Password string
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    Plan string
    The managed database's plan ID.
    PlanDisk int
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    PlanRam int
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    PlanReplicas int
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    PlanVcpus int
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    Port string
    The connection port for the managed database.
    PublicHost string
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    ReadReplicas []GetDatabaseReadReplica
    A list of read replicas attached to the managed database.
    RedisEvictionPolicy string
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    Region string
    The region ID of the managed database.
    Status string
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    Tag string
    The managed database's tag.
    TrustedIps []string
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    User string
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    VpcId string
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    Filters []GetDatabaseFilter
    clusterTimeZone String
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    databaseEngine String
    The database engine of the managed database.
    databaseEngineVersion String
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    dateCreated String
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    dbname String
    The managed database's default logical database.
    ferretdbCredentials Map<String,Object>
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    host String
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    label String
    The managed database's label.
    latestBackup String
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    maintenanceDow String
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    maintenanceTime String
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    mysqlLongQueryTime Integer
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlRequirePrimaryKey Boolean
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSlowQueryLog Boolean
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSqlModes List<String>
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    password String
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    plan String
    The managed database's plan ID.
    planDisk Integer
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    planRam Integer
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    planReplicas Integer
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    planVcpus Integer
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    port String
    The connection port for the managed database.
    publicHost String
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    readReplicas List<GetDatabaseReadReplica>
    A list of read replicas attached to the managed database.
    redisEvictionPolicy String
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    region String
    The region ID of the managed database.
    status String
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    tag String
    The managed database's tag.
    trustedIps List<String>
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    user String
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    vpcId String
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    filters List<GetDatabaseFilter>
    clusterTimeZone string
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    databaseEngine string
    The database engine of the managed database.
    databaseEngineVersion string
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    dateCreated string
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    dbname string
    The managed database's default logical database.
    ferretdbCredentials {[key: string]: any}
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    host string
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    label string
    The managed database's label.
    latestBackup string
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    maintenanceDow string
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    maintenanceTime string
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    mysqlLongQueryTime number
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlRequirePrimaryKey boolean
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSlowQueryLog boolean
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSqlModes string[]
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    password string
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    plan string
    The managed database's plan ID.
    planDisk number
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    planRam number
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    planReplicas number
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    planVcpus number
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    port string
    The connection port for the managed database.
    publicHost string
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    readReplicas GetDatabaseReadReplica[]
    A list of read replicas attached to the managed database.
    redisEvictionPolicy string
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    region string
    The region ID of the managed database.
    status string
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    tag string
    The managed database's tag.
    trustedIps string[]
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    user string
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    vpcId string
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    filters GetDatabaseFilter[]
    cluster_time_zone str
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    database_engine str
    The database engine of the managed database.
    database_engine_version str
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    date_created str
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    dbname str
    The managed database's default logical database.
    ferretdb_credentials Mapping[str, Any]
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    host str
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    label str
    The managed database's label.
    latest_backup str
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    maintenance_dow str
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    maintenance_time str
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    mysql_long_query_time int
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysql_require_primary_key bool
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysql_slow_query_log bool
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysql_sql_modes Sequence[str]
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    password str
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    plan str
    The managed database's plan ID.
    plan_disk int
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    plan_ram int
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    plan_replicas int
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    plan_vcpus int
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    port str
    The connection port for the managed database.
    public_host str
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    read_replicas Sequence[GetDatabaseReadReplica]
    A list of read replicas attached to the managed database.
    redis_eviction_policy str
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    region str
    The region ID of the managed database.
    status str
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    tag str
    The managed database's tag.
    trusted_ips Sequence[str]
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    user str
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    vpc_id str
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    filters Sequence[GetDatabaseFilter]
    clusterTimeZone String
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    databaseEngine String
    The database engine of the managed database.
    databaseEngineVersion String
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    dateCreated String
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    dbname String
    The managed database's default logical database.
    ferretdbCredentials Map<Any>
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    host String
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    label String
    The managed database's label.
    latestBackup String
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    maintenanceDow String
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    maintenanceTime String
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    mysqlLongQueryTime Number
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlRequirePrimaryKey Boolean
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSlowQueryLog Boolean
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSqlModes List<String>
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    password String
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    plan String
    The managed database's plan ID.
    planDisk Number
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    planRam Number
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    planReplicas Number
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    planVcpus Number
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    port String
    The connection port for the managed database.
    publicHost String
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    readReplicas List<Property Map>
    A list of read replicas attached to the managed database.
    redisEvictionPolicy String
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    region String
    The region ID of the managed database.
    status String
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    tag String
    The managed database's tag.
    trustedIps List<String>
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    user String
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    vpcId String
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    filters List<Property Map>

    Supporting Types


    Name string
    Attribute name to filter with.
    Values List<string>
    One or more values filter with.
    Name string
    Attribute name to filter with.
    Values []string
    One or more values filter with.
    name String
    Attribute name to filter with.
    values List<String>
    One or more values filter with.
    name string
    Attribute name to filter with.
    values string[]
    One or more values filter with.
    name str
    Attribute name to filter with.
    values Sequence[str]
    One or more values filter with.
    name String
    Attribute name to filter with.
    values List<String>
    One or more values filter with.


    ClusterTimeZone string
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    DatabaseEngine string
    The database engine of the managed database.
    DatabaseEngineVersion string
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    DateCreated string
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    Dbname string
    The managed database's default logical database.
    FerretdbCredentials Dictionary<string, object>
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    Host string
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    Id string
    Label string
    The managed database's label.
    LatestBackup string
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    MaintenanceDow string
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    MaintenanceTime string
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    MysqlLongQueryTime int
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlRequirePrimaryKey bool
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlSlowQueryLog bool
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlSqlModes List<string>
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    Password string
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    Plan string
    The managed database's plan ID.
    PlanDisk int
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    PlanRam int
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    PlanReplicas int
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    PlanVcpus int
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    Port string
    The connection port for the managed database.
    PublicHost string
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    RedisEvictionPolicy string
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    Region string
    The region ID of the managed database.
    Status string
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    Tag string
    The managed database's tag.
    TrustedIps List<string>
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    User string
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    VpcId string
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    ClusterTimeZone string
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    DatabaseEngine string
    The database engine of the managed database.
    DatabaseEngineVersion string
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    DateCreated string
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    Dbname string
    The managed database's default logical database.
    FerretdbCredentials map[string]interface{}
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    Host string
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    Id string
    Label string
    The managed database's label.
    LatestBackup string
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    MaintenanceDow string
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    MaintenanceTime string
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    MysqlLongQueryTime int
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlRequirePrimaryKey bool
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlSlowQueryLog bool
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    MysqlSqlModes []string
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    Password string
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    Plan string
    The managed database's plan ID.
    PlanDisk int
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    PlanRam int
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    PlanReplicas int
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    PlanVcpus int
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    Port string
    The connection port for the managed database.
    PublicHost string
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    RedisEvictionPolicy string
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    Region string
    The region ID of the managed database.
    Status string
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    Tag string
    The managed database's tag.
    TrustedIps []string
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    User string
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    VpcId string
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    clusterTimeZone String
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    databaseEngine String
    The database engine of the managed database.
    databaseEngineVersion String
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    dateCreated String
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    dbname String
    The managed database's default logical database.
    ferretdbCredentials Map<String,Object>
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    host String
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    id String
    label String
    The managed database's label.
    latestBackup String
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    maintenanceDow String
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    maintenanceTime String
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    mysqlLongQueryTime Integer
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlRequirePrimaryKey Boolean
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSlowQueryLog Boolean
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSqlModes List<String>
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    password String
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    plan String
    The managed database's plan ID.
    planDisk Integer
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    planRam Integer
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    planReplicas Integer
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    planVcpus Integer
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    port String
    The connection port for the managed database.
    publicHost String
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    redisEvictionPolicy String
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    region String
    The region ID of the managed database.
    status String
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    tag String
    The managed database's tag.
    trustedIps List<String>
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    user String
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    vpcId String
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    clusterTimeZone string
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    databaseEngine string
    The database engine of the managed database.
    databaseEngineVersion string
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    dateCreated string
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    dbname string
    The managed database's default logical database.
    ferretdbCredentials {[key: string]: any}
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    host string
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    id string
    label string
    The managed database's label.
    latestBackup string
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    maintenanceDow string
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    maintenanceTime string
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    mysqlLongQueryTime number
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlRequirePrimaryKey boolean
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSlowQueryLog boolean
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSqlModes string[]
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    password string
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    plan string
    The managed database's plan ID.
    planDisk number
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    planRam number
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    planReplicas number
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    planVcpus number
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    port string
    The connection port for the managed database.
    publicHost string
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    redisEvictionPolicy string
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    region string
    The region ID of the managed database.
    status string
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    tag string
    The managed database's tag.
    trustedIps string[]
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    user string
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    vpcId string
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    cluster_time_zone str
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    database_engine str
    The database engine of the managed database.
    database_engine_version str
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    date_created str
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    dbname str
    The managed database's default logical database.
    ferretdb_credentials Mapping[str, Any]
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    host str
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    id str
    label str
    The managed database's label.
    latest_backup str
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    maintenance_dow str
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    maintenance_time str
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    mysql_long_query_time int
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysql_require_primary_key bool
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysql_slow_query_log bool
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysql_sql_modes Sequence[str]
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    password str
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    plan str
    The managed database's plan ID.
    plan_disk int
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    plan_ram int
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    plan_replicas int
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    plan_vcpus int
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    port str
    The connection port for the managed database.
    public_host str
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    redis_eviction_policy str
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    region str
    The region ID of the managed database.
    status str
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    tag str
    The managed database's tag.
    trusted_ips Sequence[str]
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    user str
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    vpc_id str
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.
    clusterTimeZone String
    The configured time zone for the Managed Database in TZ database format.
    databaseEngine String
    The database engine of the managed database.
    databaseEngineVersion String
    The database engine version of the managed database.
    dateCreated String
    The date the managed database was added to your Vultr account.
    dbname String
    The managed database's default logical database.
    ferretdbCredentials Map<Any>
    An associated list of FerretDB connection credentials (FerretDB + PostgreSQL engine types only).
    host String
    The hostname assigned to the managed database.
    id String
    label String
    The managed database's label.
    latestBackup String
    The date of the latest backup available on the managed database.
    maintenanceDow String
    The preferred maintenance day of week for the managed database.
    maintenanceTime String
    The preferred maintenance time for the managed database.
    mysqlLongQueryTime Number
    The configuration value for the long query time (in seconds) on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlRequirePrimaryKey Boolean
    The configuration value for whether primary keys are required on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSlowQueryLog Boolean
    The configuration value for slow query logging on the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    mysqlSqlModes List<String>
    A list of SQL modes currently configured for the managed database (MySQL engine types only).
    password String
    The password for the managed database's primary admin user.
    plan String
    The managed database's plan ID.
    planDisk Number
    The description of the disk(s) on the managed database.
    planRam Number
    The amount of memory available on the managed database in MB.
    planReplicas Number
    The number of standby nodes available on the managed database.
    planVcpus Number
    The number of virtual CPUs available on the managed database.
    port String
    The connection port for the managed database.
    publicHost String
    The public hostname assigned to the managed database (VPC-attached only).
    redisEvictionPolicy String
    The configuration value for the data eviction policy on the managed database (Redis engine types only).
    region String
    The region ID of the managed database.
    status String
    The current status of the managed database (poweroff, rebuilding, rebalancing, configuring, running).
    tag String
    The managed database's tag.
    trustedIps List<String>
    A list of allowed IP addresses for the managed database.
    user String
    The primary admin user for the managed database.
    vpcId String
    The ID of the VPC Network attached to the Managed Database.

    Package Details

    vultr dirien/pulumi-vultr
    This Pulumi package is based on the vultr Terraform Provider.
    vultr logo
    Vultr v2.21.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 19, 2024 by dirien